Samsung Behold 2 :: Recovery Not Working?
May 8, 2010I cant get the recovery img to work on my behold 2... its rooted and has the BH_MAN 1.6 stock with touchwiz, i went into recovery mode and it didnt work.

I cant get the recovery img to work on my behold 2... its rooted and has the BH_MAN 1.6 stock with touchwiz, i went into recovery mode and it didnt work.
After many attempts to try and use the terminal emulator that is already preloaded onto the behold 2 , and many failures..After trying out different Terminal Em.'s and always having my phone lag because they wernt made for it...i have finally found a way to get terminal emulator working with no lag or no slow down in performance... First you must have root,of course, Next, Use an app called root explorer or something similar and goto the folder /system/app/ and find the two files Term.apk and Term.odex, and MOVE them to your sd card from your phone,you want them gone from your system/app folder After that simply goto the market and search for Terminal Emulator , re-download and there you have it, Working term. em. on the behold 2.Peace Ladz.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have never flashed a phone before. I followed instructions for ODIN. I installed the ADB drivers as indicated. (I had them installed on my windows 7 laptop previously for use with PDA net.) I shut down my phone then enter recovery mode. I then plug my phone into the computer and it never shows up as connected. I have tried this on my new IBM Thinkpad R500 (windows 7 32 bit) and on an older IBM laptop running Windows XP. I have used these same computers and phone connection before when I added MP3's to the phone.
When I let the phone boot up normally, both computers then recognize it and I can transfer files and such. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the ADB drivers multiple times, when the phone boots up normally I can use PDANet just fine so I doubt it is the connection. Is there something special I need to change in the phone settings before I shut it down and enter recovery mode? It seems like the phone isn't loading something as it boots into recovery mode. That it loads when I let it boot normally.
Seems I can't boot to recovery mode on my BH2. I've been all over the place looking for the exact method for booting to recovery, and I've seen all sorts of variations. The most common methods are to hold BOTH the Home and Power/End keys at the same time and continue holding them until you reach recovery, or to hold ONLY the Home key and continue to hold it after you have pressed the Power/End key to power up the device. I've also seen a couple people suggest that you should hold the Camera key while powering up. Suffice it to say, NONE of the methods I've tried have worked. When holding the Home key during power up, my phone hangs at the Android boot screen for about 2 minutes, but then continues to boot normally. Every other attempt to boot to recovery have resulted in a normal boot.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the update, and I'm wondering if I use recovery mode if I will reset back to pre or post update.
I ask because I like to run factory stock and delete apps I do not use. And I would like to delete the Device management now, but would want to be able to go back at some point when another update comes down.
The trick to delete the data from the settings doesn't work, it reappears immediately.
I am looking to see if anyone (BH_MAN... ) has Alpha Recovery from the last BH_MAN ROMS dumped into an odin ready image. I am trying to get A2SD to work on the OTA, and I would like to be able to partition the SD card directly from the phone, which Alpha Recovery does...
View 2 Replies View Relatedin odin i got everything running fine then i power off my phone and enter download mode and then i press start in odin and it tells me to plugin phones!! so how do i plugin in my phone if it is already connected via usb? it even shows my device is plugged in when i first enter download mode but odin keeps saying plugin phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI followed the instructions from BH_MAN and everything worked normal. but now when i try to open an app that requires root, superuser wont show up.
View 1 Replies View RelatedEver since rooting my phone for the first time (and I have followed BH_MAN instructions to the last T) I have noticed one thing: I have root confirmed and it works great, but If i plug my phone to the laptop and use the SDCARD (transfer photos or music or etc...) after I unplugg (ejecting it properly first) and everything returns to normal in the phone, except that I loose root access. Better Terminal Says:
And until I reboot my phone root doesn't work again.
Sometimes I can get root explorer to work and sometimes not. Is there an option that needs to on or off on the phone for it to work? Does it need to be plugged into the comp, debugging on or off, storage mode or studio mode?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDiscovered that the lock button on the side of the phone and the red end call button does not themshelves! I have to push the home buttom and either one of the non-functioning buttons for it to work.
It's both a relief and pain to have figured this out. For the longest time, I thought the battery was horrid because when I would push the unlock button, the phone would not recognize it so the screen remains black making me think it off, out of battery. But then I noticed recently that the phone comes on when I hit the home button.
This is such a let down, you are never happy when your purchase breaks. Fortunitely I have the replacement insurance if it need be used. I was wondering if this is a known problem and can be fixed by me or if the phone need to be sent in for a replacement.
So I made my first attempt at rooting the phone and it did not go well to say the least. I ran the unroot, and then I did a factory reset on the phone. It starts up fine, screen works well, but no connection to T-mobile, and Wi-Fi won't work. I tried searching for a network through settings but it won't find anything. Does anyone now how to fix this?
Multiple users have confirmed it has successfully updated their phone (my self included). I will be testing whether it works after an ODIN back to Stock and will post back my results here.
as the title says superuser and root for apps is not working. i installed BH_MAN's stock update rom (which was supposed to have root for apps, as far as i know) and cannot use apps requiring root. also superuser doesn't seem to actually be working. Can someone please help? everything else works great! I just need to use apps that require root.
View 3 Replies View Relatedit looks like its an Android bug, but my alarm & my calendar alerts are not working correctly, as well as CalWidget. My Google Cal & the Cal on the phone are correct. I had to reboot to get the time updated to what it should be today.
View 5 Replies View Relatedmy galaxy s2,it is rooted,and i have another problem : the phone restarts by itself and gets stucked in the boot loop, i never flashed a new rom ,it is running the stock rom,Someday i needed to factory reset the phone so i rebooted into recovery mode (power + home button +vol up) ,. I booted into recovery mode but the power button does NOT react as 'select' button although it works just fine for power on and off. I select a function and press [power] an the first line becomes the selected. pushing it again just flashed the screen. But pressing it long turns the phone off,and even after the factory reset from phone directly(with out going to recovery mode)
View 5 Replies View RelatedFirst off, I want to say thanks to Kam187 & the Creators of asroot Okay, Below is the Method I used for getting Root working for my app's.even though Shell is running as Root, any Call's made to su trigger's the white List Superuser.apk, So don't think your phone is wide open. G1's & MT3G Setup's are the same regard sh.I'm not sure is the apk is counted as warez or not, if so I hope a Mod will remove the link to the Apk or let me know to Remove it Okay, File's Need to complete the Task is.Try3 Placed in C:SDK ols> found here > try3 SU for /system/bin found here > su Superuser app control for our App's found Here > Superuser.apk Next, Mount the SDCARD and place the SU file in the root of the sdcard like so ( /sdcard ). This is Important! From here we do the Following. ( Kam187 script the I edited ).
View 16 Replies View RelatedI take no responsibility for wasting your time or making you stupider.
View 13 Replies View RelatedAlright whats up people I was recently searching through and through for a way to get mobile internet without paying that ridiculous android price so as I was searching I stumbled across a regular behold forum at Samsung Behold Forum - New Proxy (TMobileX (Free Internet!)) - UPDATE: Analysis 01.07.10 -> 1500 Users because someone said free internet for it and I gave it a run to see if it would work with our behold 2 and surely enough it does.
Instructions on how to use proxy:
Open up the (default) browser on your Samsung Behold.
Type in the following address into the :
Type in the address you want to visit in the form on the page and select whether or not you want to use my HTML trick (free; allows you to see sites in full HTML not 'WAP-stripped').
I have just recently bought a Behold 2 with the price drop. I like the phone except that it is very slow.
So i would like to root it and run a factory1.6 no twiz rom on it, but I'm having issues while doing it!....
I was succesfully able to get adb to detect my phone serial. but whenever I type in: adb shell /data/local/try3 /system/bin/sh
in the CMD, it returns with "permission denied"
Does anyone know if you can use any multitouch because any app that says it has multitouch doesn't work
View 8 Replies View RelatedThis phone has the WORST idea for an sd slot.When trying to take out my sd card, i took off the cover that holds the sd card.I could use some pictures on how its supposed to look when connected. I have been trying to put it back on and all I ended up doing was bending it.I got my hands on an HTC Leo Windows mobile 6.5. Best implementation of an SD card slot ever.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLooks like samsung is getting tired of all the tweets asking about android updates for the behold 2 they just posted this on the samsung mobile twitter page:"Samsung Behold II users: At this time, we don't have information on an Android update for the Samsung Behold II.If we receive information on an update for the Behold II, we will be sure to keep everyone posted.
this was posted by samsung and is NOT in response to a question, they're just "keeping us posted." guess they are sick of us asking all the time, well...just give us a godd**n update then Sammy!!!!!
Sprint release the 2.1 update for the Samsung Moment today. Here is the link to the update on Sprint's website. Will this update work for our Behold II? I'm willing to try to install it on mine (I'm currently running 1.6 no twiz). What do you think guys?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there a good and comprehensive way of getting the Behold 2 recognized by Linux (ubuntu 9.10)? I have the SDK installed and everything works but I don't Know how to get Ubuntu to recognize my phone, when I do ./adb devices it comes up empty.
View 9 Replies View RelatedG1 and my Behold 2 her phone had good reception and the behold had nearly none. Half the time I don't get phone calls. They go straight to VM. My roommate's BB pearl gets double the reception mine does. My other roommate's Nokia gets even better reception. All on the T-mo network. Another friend who has a G1 same thing, he has reception I don't. Not to mention the other problems I have had. This is my 3rd Behold II by the way. Been replaced twice and back to Samsung for 3 weeks once.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to know if there is an app for my behold 2. The app in iphone is called dragon it is a speech to text app you say the message and it writes it and then you just send it.I looked in the forum but did not find anything for this phone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMade these earlier in Photoshop. Go ahead and use them if you'd like. I'll be updating this thread with all sorts of different wallpapers. You are more than welcome to request any certain kind of wallpaper.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAnyone try this ? Use rom of Samsung i5700 for Behold 2. I think they have the same rom.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor whatever reason my comp no longer recognizes my phone and i've tried everything i know to do like downloading new driver software and everything. a friend of mine said it may be my after market data cord thats not encoding things right, but there has to be some way to fix this problem. i can't download anything onto my phone.
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