Motorola Droid X :: Which WiFi Tether App
Jul 22, 2010I noticed there were a couple apps that offered wifi tethering and was curious about which one to pick. Which wifi tether app are you using? Are they set up to work with the Droid X?

I noticed there were a couple apps that offered wifi tethering and was curious about which one to pick. Which wifi tether app are you using? Are they set up to work with the Droid X?
wireless tether and barnacle wifi tether doesnt work after 2.2 leak.
View 4 Replies View Relatedwith Bugless Beast's 2.1 build? I'm running BB0.7, and downloaded the pre8.apk from Google. But it said that I don't have the right kernel to support it. It's experimental, I know, and based on Android 2.0. What .apk are you using with 2.1 and do you get any kernel errors with it?
View 13 Replies View Relatedi have been wanting it since its been released the instrustions i read are all cluttered and i dont understand my droid is rooted already i have 2.0.1 could someone make a tut or a youtube video?
View 13 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to force Barnacle or Wifi-Tether to not utilize ad-hoc for its network sharing ability? The 3G mobile hotspot app does not create an ad-hoc network and I have a system that I use on the road for business that will NOT connect to ad-hoc networks and there is no forseen capability for this system to connect to an ad-hoc network.
View 5 Replies View Relatedhow to connect my phone using the wifi tether app. My PS3 doesnt find it when I scan for networks. I am aware that the ps3 cant find ad hoc networks so what are some other steps I can do to get internet from my Droid x to ps3
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted Motorola Droid running the Barnacle WiFi tether app which has been working great. The problem I am having is trying to use a VPN connection over the Barnacle Wifi. Is this even possible ? Or maybe possible with a different wifi tethering app? I have tried connecting to my VPN first with the Droid and then turning on the Barnacle Wifi Tether which doesnt work. Then I have tried starting up the Wifi Tether and then trying to connect the VPN from the Droid and also tried connecting to the VPN using my iPad connected to the barnacle wifi, with no luck.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWiFi Tether available without Rooting?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi am using a smoked glass ROM on 2.0.1 droid. when i open the app everything is fine because im rooted but when i tap the wifi signal picture, it says please wait and then please check log for errors and when i do that it says
"Config WiFi Interface...
Error reading firmware image /system/
ect/wifi/Fw1251r1c.bin - Aborting...
Set property wlan.driver.status = failed -
ok Failed" and then this one too
"Loading wlan.ko module...
insmod: cant open'/system/lib/
Is there something I'm doing wrong because i think i might not have a compatible ROM or something, can you please help he out?
i just rooted but cant seem to understand how to wifi tether, i pointed my phone to Downloads - android-wifi-tether - Project Hosting on Google Code but when i downloaded it and started tethering it wouldnt let me online said nat rules failed
View 5 Replies View RelatedFinally going to make the root leap on my D1 today.
I have some pretty specific and limited needs and I have been reading EVERYTHING on rooting for the last two weeks and still don't have a clear idea on a few tidbits.
Here is what I hope to achieve by rooting:
1. Wireless wifi tether
2. Improved battery life
3. Eliminate my wifi problems that came with FRG01B OTA
4. Be AT LEAST as smooth and fast as my current setup
5. Be AT LEAST as reliable/bug-free as my current stock Froyo
I am entirely satisfied with the look and feel of my device so I don't NEED to have any themes etc...
I know through research that some ROM's provide easy wifi tethering and some do not. I need one that does since that is my prime requirement.
I am also concerned about the new OTA this week screwing up my root access before or after I root the device.
In reading a bazillion threads everyone keeps saying that each phone is unique in what ROMS/Kernels the phone will "like" which I find quite baffling honestly...but I guess you all know what you are talking about.
I would not even change ROM or kernel if I can achieve my 5 requirements, but from what I see, I do need to change my ROM at the least.
Any recommendations on which ROM's to try? Please note any ROM that does not allow easy wifi tethering is a waste of my time.
I already have ROM Manager, SetCPU and Titanium Backup all queued up on APPBrain for me and I will be pulling the trigger on this today.
I have read all the instructions on rooting the "hard way" and the "easy way" and my time is very valuable so I will use easyroot or the other one...Universal Androot.
I just installed the wifi tether. i opened the app up, changed my ssid, and pasephrase. I then went to my laptop to search for wireless networks and I can't find my droid. What could I have done wrong. also...i thought maybe I had to turn on wifi in the phone settings. when I went to turn on, it said it was unable to turn on wifi. I went back to the tether and turned it off but the phone settings still could not turn on wifi.
View 10 Replies View RelatedCan anyone else get barnacle to work after updating to 2.2? My computer was connecting fine before. It sees the barnacle in wireless network list but says it cannot connect to the wireless network. I already uninstalled barnacle and dl'ed again, but that didn't fix it.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI launch the wifi tether program, but my laptop (a whopping 6 inches away) finds NO SIGNAL. I am running Bugless Beast 0.1 Froyo with P3's 250-1000MHz kernel. Everything else works great, including Flash 10.1 but I can't seem to get wifi tethering working. Not a show-stopper, but a nuisance I would like to fix. Anyone else with this problem? And have any of you figured out a fix?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am rooted but still running 2.1. I have been using Barnacle for my WiFi tethering, but lately it has just stopped working altogether. Is this problem happening for anyone else? Can you guys recommend to me a different app for free WiFi tethering?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI rooted my droid x 2.2 and got wifi tether app from market. I connect to my windows 7 pc and it is fine for surfing the web but if i download torrents it works for a couple minutes then i can see the 3g icon go away and come back over and over. But i download torrents fine if i use pdanet to tether.
View 8 Replies View RelatedSholesMod Updater released | Sholes
Its on the market "sholesmod updater"
good app for those wanting to take the plunge and do not have time, or worried about messing up.
discussed heavily here:
App that roots/OCs/multi-touches and tethers for $5 - Page 18 - Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum
when u install be prepared to see a balnk screen and wait, but it works real good.
Do you enable WiFi and then begin tethering or do you just open the tether app? The reason I ask is because I enabled WiFi and then opened the tethering app and my phone froze.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have droid on latest froyo and i can't get access control in the wifi tether for root users to work, at all. if i turn it on no matter whether my pc is checked or unchecked on the list i can connect but it says no internet access on my pc.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a droid X I just got not very long ago at all and a friend told me how to use the rooted version to play xbox live and things like MW2 online using the I think I rooted my phone it says it is.
I used androot and it seems to have rooted my phone however it does not ask me permission(yet i literally just downloaded it) now my question is this:
I have downloaded wireless tether for root users version 2.0.1(I am running 2.1 update1) I am not sure if that was the correct version...but I am online so I assume so.
How do I open the NAT settings on the wifi however? that is the whole point of me doing this charade and I cannot figure it out. I try to play MW2 online and it says they are strict.
Wifi tether is now out on Droid. I saw this on DroidFourms. I haven't tried yet but will later today. Ill let everyone know how it works for me.
Why does it seem to me that using my 54mbps wireless adapter with WIFI tether on my fascinate seems faster (and gets better speed tests) over connecting to USB2.0 over PDAnet? shouldn't USB connection be faster?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am having issues getting the 2 wifi tethering programs to work correctly. I just rooted for the firstt time today. Both programs start up correctly and allow me to enable to wifi tethering but I can't get any device to see the wifi connection they are creating. I have tried both scanning for the network and trying to manually connect to it by typing in the SSID but I can't get any device to see the network. I am using a Droid X with the official 2.2 update rooted.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen connecting my Evo to a computer, there is an "Internet Sharing" option. I am curious to know, does this cost extra monthly? I know the wifi tether is the extra $30 a month, but will this charge me the same?
I only have interest in rooting my phone if it's the only way to share internet with my Netbook. Wifi isn't all that important to me, and seeing as I've completely and utterly failed at doing the Unrevoked method for rooting... I'm hoping I won't actually have to root my phone after all.
I have tried this many times and have just come to a stop and i am wondering if it is even possible? and if it is possible could somebody please help me out and tell me how.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have an evo4g and rooted it. I run 2.2 and a month old version of fresh or so.Anyway, just got a usb dongle at newegg for $7. I plugged it in and it connected my phone flawlessly for audio. Basically for audio all I do is toggle bluetooth on on the phone, then.. hit play and music is coming thru my computer speakers. That said - I can't seem to connect for bluetooth wifi. Is there a different driver for the phone that I need to d/l somewhere? Going to the windows 7 (I run win 7 ultimate) it says about my phone under the services tab:
BRCM Advanced Audio
Handsfree Telephony Gateway
Object Push (Obex)
This leads me to believe I need a different driver perhaps? When I go to "Join a Personal Area Network" there are no devices listed. I try to add device but it doesn't find my phone.I know this is kinda complicated so if you dont understand my problem please ask for a clarification.
I'm switching from iPhone to the EVO. Someone mentioned that free tethering can be enabled after rooting.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI am using WiFi tether on my myTouch 3g. Randomly my computer will just disconnect from the WiFi even with 99% signal strength. It doesn't do this with any other WiFi connections just the one from my phone. About the phone, its the original myTouch 3g, running Cyanogen 5.0.7-DS-test5. I tried to do some searching online about this problem but couldn't find any thing for recent versions of WiFi Tether.
View 17 Replies View RelatedLooks like a very neat (and free!) app. Requires root access, but that's not a huge deal. Barnacle Wifi Tether - Easiest Tethering for Motorola Droid. Barnacle Wifi Tether - Android app on AppBrain. Might be a good thing to try out.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've read a lot of posts about getting WiFi tether for a rooted phone, BUT not many talk about the newest version of a rooted froyo 2.2. The android-wifi-tether site shows only a "wireless_tether_2_0_5-pre9.apk" for the HTC Evo 4G Android 2.1 (Eclair) version. Some posts say it works for 2.2, but it clearly says *** EXPERIMENTAL ***, and that is for 2.1. SO given that many of us will now have a rooted 2.2, who is using what to get WiFi tether on our rooted 2.2 EVO?
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