Motorola Droid X :: What Would You Name OMAP Processor
Jun 23, 2010
Since a 1Ghz OMAP processor doesn't really have the zing that the Snapdragon and the Humminbird processors do... what would you name it?
My top 3 choices are:
1. 1Ghz Cheetah processor (for fastest land animal)
2. 1Ghz Falcon processor (for fastest diving bird in air)
3. 1Ghz Veyron processor (for fastest production car)
It doesn't have to deal with speed, it could deal with power or finesse. Whatever you'd like. hehe Lets see some creativitiy!
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Aug 6, 2010
So this article from Gizmodo (Motorola Droid 2 Photos and Specs Leaked) says that the Droid 2 has the 750mhz OMAP processor but most other sites say 1Ghz OMAP. Which is it? Girlfriend wants to go Android but I won't let her buy anything but a 1Ghz phone. What do you say?
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Nov 7, 2010
Im new here and just wanted an opinion on some info i just received about these 2 processors. I was originally under the impression that the hummingbird processor is faster but have been informed that infact the ti omap is actually a faster processor but lacks the better gpu. also was informed that the memory the droid x uses is faster than the Samsung galaxy s phones. Is this info correct and is this why froyo 2.2 is not giving me any kind of performance boost. the droid x my family has seems to of benefited greatly from the 2.2 update and is making my fascinate look like a out dated piece of equipment.
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May 28, 2010
I'm running BB1.1 at 1.2Ghz. Yes, my Droid gets hot, but it also got hot before I rooted. I work out of the office all day and rely on my Droid to stream Rhapsody, Air1 and DroidLive as well as some long phone calls. The heat generated has never caused a *problem*, but I sure don't want to create one either.
So, I'm wondering, how hot is too hot; and, what is the best way to keep an eye on it?
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Nov 22, 2010
Does anyone know if it's possible to put a faster processor in the motorola droid? ie: a snapdragon processor, a droid 2 chip, etc?...or maybe an amoled screen? or does it not work that way?
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May 28, 2010
I've heard that theae 2 processers are very similar but obviously there must be a few differences. Does anyone know where I can find a comparison between the 2 or can someone compare them for me here?I'm just curious really. Both are really good I hear.
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Oct 26, 2009
Do any of you have any idea how a 1GHz processor in the Dragon will compare with the type of processor in the Droid? If the Dragon/Passion is as fast or faster than the Droid then I think that's the one I'd get. I absolutely love the Sense UI. However, I kind of like the idea of a keyboard in landscape mode so I get to use the entire screen all the time. What do you all think? Do you have any insight on the overall speed differences between these processors/phones?
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Jun 21, 2010
This is the first time I have seen this. Look at the second search result. Google apparently cached specs which were posted on the Verizon Droid site at some point. It says that the Droid X will have a 1GHz processor: verizon droid x - Google Search
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Nov 9, 2010
The Droid 2 alone wasn't all that impressive to me. But the Droid 2 global looks like it could be pretty sweet. I'm liking the 1.2 ghz processor inside. I don't know if Ill need the global capabilities but it seems like a pretty good upgrade from the standard Droid 2. Just curious what your guys thought is on this? Don't get me wrong I love my Droid Incredible but I'm wondering if the Droid 2 global will be a little snapping with the better processor.
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Apr 8, 2010
I want to switch from Droid Mod to Cyanogen, but start on a clean slate. I want to be sure that SU, root, busy box, and everything else included with initial rooting will be completely gone from my phone. It's my understanding that doing a factory reset will not accomplish any of these for me. Any help would be great, also do I have to worry about my over clock settings. Ideally I would hope that the processor will return to a normal clock setting when root is removed. Is this true?
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Feb 18, 2010
Yesterday I rooted and installed the new Bugles Beast. While using the wifi tether app today, I noticed my processor getting fairly warm. Concerned, I downloaded TempMonitor. Without any overclocking at all, my processor was consistently running at around 44*C/111*F. The battery temperature hovers around 27-38*C.
Why does my phone run so hot? Should I be worried? Some people have said the processor in the droid can handle temps approaching 100*C (!!!), is this correct?
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Jun 8, 2010
I just got the Motorola Droid a month ago and I cant help but think that soon if not already the processor inside it will be obsolete and start to not be strong enough for future apps/games and/or Android updates. What do you guys think?
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Aug 23, 2010
Is it safe to do Menu>Device Selection>Show Other Frequency Sets on my Droid and run it like a Nexus One 1gHz processor? I have a stock kernel and am currently at 800mhz after the autodetect.
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Sep 10, 2009
I am working on android for omap zoom2 target. omapkernel - 2.6.27 android - RLS25.6
When try to do Audio play back from Android UI on zoom2 board, WAV & AMR-NB - default PV software codecs are selected and playback is fine. MP3- Hardware codec has been chosen by PV player, player does not come up and playback is not happening.
Enabled PV & OMX logs and collected logs while playing MP3 clip. From logs found that LCML Codec/DSP Bridge Initialization is failing. code...
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Jun 1, 2010
Is anyone here working on the TI Zoom 2 kit? I am building an application on Zoom 2 and had a couple of questions around it.
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Oct 5, 2010
Just wondered if the graphics processor on the milestone will help sat nav software to run smoother?
I'm thinking of getting the copilot 8 but have seen in reviews that its rescource hungry and wondered if the GP will make it run smooth?
If not then does anyone know what is the best sat nav for the milestone specifically? with maps on sd and not too expensive
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Jul 13, 2010
I am trying to port Android to omap 3530. The system is booting to Linux 2.6.20-rc3 plus some patches from TI. I am trying to find appropriate kenrel patches to patch the OS.
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Jan 3, 2010
The Moto Droid has a Arm Cortex A8 processor clocked at 550MHz and I have heard people say that this processor is so much better than the Omnia II's processor at 800mhz. Also that it could even match up with a 1ghz processor.
How is the above possible and what makes Droids processor so special?
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Mar 4, 2010
Just curious if there is an app on the android market that would allow me to do credit card processing thru my phone. I've seen the attachment hardware for the iphone and also the straight software where you enter in credit card information manual into the phone.
This would be a huge thing for me, as I currently do a lot of mobile credit card processing with a machine that costs me a lot of money would be great to get rid of it.
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Feb 27, 2010
Can I just order that famous 1GHz processor, bust open my Eris, and directly install it into my phone?
How about RAM? Can I do that too?
Just wondering as I've done it to my computer before, hehe.
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Jan 28, 2013
I can TRICK DROID ROM (linked below) to update my HTC ONE S as i m on OPTUS Network and i really hate that ROM so really want to change that ROM, I have already ROOTED my device
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Sep 18, 2009
I want to port Android on the device with ARM9 200Mhz and no-fpu support, Is this possible, Has google revealed all code of android or it is just available to partners?
Is there any tutorial available for porting?
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Feb 13, 2010
So the milestone and droid run a 550mhz processor, correct me if i am wrong, and that can be overclocked to run faster.
But with the new phones like the Supersonic, and the Scorpian from HTC running at the 1.5ghz does that mean those phones will stomp out the speed compared to the droid. Does that make them better phones?
Since the Nexus One runs a 1ghz as well, does that make it faster than the droid?
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Jan 30, 2010
This may be a completely asinine question, but I would LOVE this phone if the processor didn't completely suck and translate to near-constant lag. I don't want a Nexus One, I want a fast Eris.
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Oct 10, 2010
I'm planning on getting a motorola milestone and i heard its processor is only 550mhz but i heard some people have 1 ghz is tht possible? I'm really interested in the phone can someone help me out.
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Jun 7, 2010
I will hopefully be getting my Evo in a few days (supposed to have arrived today, but it's been backlogged )When I do, I'm downloading the Keypro and syncing it with a Freedom Pro folding bluetooth keyboard. I just got word that the Evo, the app, and the keyboard work together flawlessly! So, what word processing app should I chose to use with my Evo? I'm planning on blogging, writing emails, short stories, and yes... even working on a novel or two. I'm hoping to replace my laptop for any writing I do out of the house with my beautifully Evo. Ideally, I'd like to be able to save files on my phone and later transfer them to my computer and also upload them to google docs (depending on what I am writing/doing). I'd like a built in dictionary/spell check and thesaurus. Programmable shortcut keys would also be a wishlist feature. So what do you guys all recommend? Oh, and I'm not concerned about the cost. I'm willing to pay for a quality product.
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May 29, 2010
It seems that the new processor in the rumored Motorola Droid shadow will completely wipe the floor with the Snapdragon 1ghz and I've read that a 1.5Ghz Snapdragon will make its way into devices later this year and the double core Snapdragons early next year. Just wondering really since in the end i'm goign t obe tied down by Sprint so i really don't have a choice haha.
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Feb 19, 2010
I've only had my Hero for just over a week and am more convinced now that I made the right choice for my mobile upgrade. It's fantastic. I just thought I'd add my 2p worth to the posts about the Hero and my (relatively) short time with it.
My last two mobiles, both on contract, were Symbian. I had the E61 first and just upgraded to the Hero from a Nokia E71. The E71 was a great phone, but the OS is looking old and tired now. I like Symbian very much as a mobile OS, but it hasn't been updated enough to keep up with the times and it is increasingly becoming a frustration to use. After nearly three years, I really needed a change and Android was the obvious choice.
The biggest gripe almost all reviewers have with the Hero is the laggy performance. Well, yes it does start to stutter if you have a lot of apps running and I suspect this is as much to do with the processor as with Android. It's a relatively new OS and will take time to get things working properly. As for the frustration of the lag, I have to disagree with the reviewers, but for different reasons.
If you want to experience a slow OS with constant lag, no matter how many apps are running, you should spend some time with Symbian. It is painfully slow compared to the Hero, even on a bad day. There really is no contest. So, it really does depend on what you're used to and what you expect. I expected similar performance from the Hero, based on the complaints in many reviews, to my Symbian running E71. Yet, in reality, the two are poles apart! I'd never go back to the Symbian we currently have after spending eight days with Android on the Hero. Everything is much faster and looks absolutely amazing.
The features of the Hero as a mobile phone are astounding and I think Android does well in its current incarnation to take advantage of them. I am very, very happy with my choice of mobile. I spent a number of weeks deciding on which mobile to go with as I took out a new 18mth contract and knew I could be stuck with a poor choice for the duration. My fears about the poor OS performance weren't borne out because of what I'm used to using on the E71 and that was a relief.
Like or hate Google, they have a lot of resources to throw at their OS and that can only mean good things for us fans of innovation. I'm really looking forward to seeing how Symbian shapes up over the next few years and whether it can become a real contender for the open OS crown. In the meantime, I am having a blast with my new best friend. I also take my hat off to HTC, they certainly know how to produce excellent phones.
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Feb 4, 2010
I am a total noob to this. I have literally just started today. I know Java and have developed in Eclipse forever - I am just new to Android. So, I downloaded the SDK and ADT plugin. I even coded the Hello Android app with a simple textview and got it going. What I am surprised at is the amount of RAM and processing power that eclipse is hogging on 2 occasions: when running the AVD wizard when running the emulator In the first instance, eclipse just froze and ran out of heap space. I had to restart with a much higher -Xmx setting to let that thing run through. On 2) even when the emulator is just sitting and doing nothing, its taking up about 13% cpu power constantly. Even as I write, this, my emulator is running in the background and the windows task manager shows emulator.exe taking 13%. This is on my Core i7 laptop. So, I am pretty sure on my regular Core 2 computer, this thing will easily take upwards of 40% cpu. So that leads me to suspect: Have I done everything right? Is it like this for everyone?
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May 12, 2010
Is there an app that i can download that shows my processor speed? I have seen them on phones that have been rooted and overclocked, but never seen one for stock.I am on a Motorola Droid running stock 2.1-update 1. I dont want to hear "just root and overclock." If anyone knows of an app or tool that will show this.
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