Motorola Droid :: Takes Much Time To Charge
Dec 16, 2009Anyone notice it takes much longer to charge with PC/USB as opposed to AC?

Anyone notice it takes much longer to charge with PC/USB as opposed to AC?
Is it just me or does it take FOREVER to charge? I've tried USB and wall charger and I feel like it's like watching paint dry. I'm not hating on my phone or anything, just something I noticed.
View 17 Replies View RelatedI posted a thread about my battery life earlier this week, and I thank all the for the help! Here is another issue I am having that may be related. My phone takes forever to charge. Example: used my phone heavily this morning from 5:30 am till around 9am. Came home, battery was down to 15% or so. Plugged it into the AC charger around 10am, went outside and mowed the yard, etc. Finally checked the phone around 4pm, and it was still charging. Battery was showing 90% or so. Shouldn't it fully charge in around 2 hours or less? I did some research and found some people having charging issues after they upgraded to 2.1, which I did right after I got the phone. I did check with my local RS where I got the phone, and the guy I spoke with has a Hero, and his does not do this. He suggested I go to a Sprint store and have them look at it.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've noticed today that sending a picture messages takes a loong time on my Droid--considerably longer than on my old feature phone. Usually, it takes around 3-4 minutes. One picture took around 10 minutes to send. My apartment has bad reception, but when I sent these messages I had 3g and 3 reception bars. Is this normal?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis has been an issue since the first day after I installed all my apps via appbrain (roughly 300). It takes ~36 seconds for it to open. I am starting to think I am the only one experiencing this. Does anyone have any ideas?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI don't know if anyone had this issue, but it takes roughly an hour and a half to get 20% of my battery to charge, on the other hand I lose 50% of the battery life in One Hour. Is my battery Done? or is this a 2.1 v3 Leak? I've shut the phone of completely, and charged the phone. It still takes several hours to recharge. Anybody having this bad of battery with the Leak?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow much time does Battery Left say your stock batteries get when fully charged?Mine says 10:43. I'm curious if it is different for different people. (I've drained my battery a couple of times, so the widget says it's "accurate.")
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have been reading that when you first get your new phone you need to charge it but I was wondering can I use it while it charges or does the phone need to be off that first time.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi just got my Droid today so I decided to join this forum to keep up on the news on it. I was just wondering how long I'm supposed to charge it the first time before using it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow long have you needed to charge your Droid?I've been doing most of mine from he cradle (attached to my computer but unmounted) and it's taken about 3 hours each time.Three hours!Anyone else having the same problem?Would it be a lot faster if I just plugged it in directly?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHave any of you found that it takes a really long time to charge the phone to 100% battery? Maybe i'm coming from a sidekick and it was short to charge fully but is this true for you guys too or am i just not used to needing this long to charge a phone up?
View 2 Replies View RelatedEveryday this phone gets slower and slower...and it takes longer and longer for me to text someone..not only do i send them gibberish cause the phone lags SO sends them so many texts of the same thing. i cant do a darn thing with this. I'm about to throw it. nothing i seem to do is making this thing run faster less leggy.
View 42 Replies View RelatedVerizon just switched me this week to a refurb Ally from the Eris (after 4 defective handsets). It takes between 6-8 hours to charge the battery and then with light use it runs back down in 3 hours (by light use, maybe 2 short calls and 4-6 texts). I have checked and it is NOT the 50% signal bug, and I have turned off everything that could be draining the batter that fast. Is this a normal charge time for this device?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am a new comer, previous owner of the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3GS. I acquired an ADP1 through our research group at school since we were developing an application for Android (WifiMapper, helps you remember APs you've connected to by mapping them). Regardless, my iPhone 3GS from near battery death to full charge took maybe an hour and a half in USB, let alone a wall charger pushing a guaranteed hour and a half. However, I've found that my ADP1 takes at LEAST 6 hours to charge from around 5% charge. That seems like a long time to me... for instance, today it was at 12%, and I charged it for 3 and a half hours and it only went up to 52%.
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy phone reads: 5h 32m 55 s since unplugged. And its at 5% now. Isn't this abnormally low? I used it somewhat frequently but not all the time or heavily by anymeans. Also, GPS and wifi and bluetooth were all off using the android power control widget. My battery usage shows: 42% android system, 25% camera (i took like 10 pics, nothing crazy), 13% cell standby, 12% display, 6% phone idle, 2% robo defense. This is after charging overnight to 100% And I've had the phone since thursday, so its like the 4th charge cycle. Is my battery defective? I read the other threads about low battery life but this seems BEYOND low, this seems defective.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI know there are several posts about battery life this technically isn't one. I'm just curious how long a full battery charge takes?
My phone is currently "off" and plugged in. if i click the end button the little battery chart shows that it is charging because the meters are still climbing up. does it ever tell you that your battery is full?
I finally received my Eris today. So... I rushed home, plugged the phone into the wall, and did the activation. (This was about four hours ago.) My phone has yet to be charged. By far... this has taken way more than any of my other pones. (Then again, this is my first Smart phone.) So... how long does it usually take for the phone to charge?
View 16 Replies View RelatedThis has been an issue that's been bugging me the last few days now. The stock wall charger that came with my Droid X is the 5PN5504A, which has an output rating of 5.1V, 850mA. My understanding is that the mini-USB interface is an industry standard for power delivery to portable devices, which I take to mean that any charge source should work (wall charger, desktop PC, laptop) as long it has uses an USB interface. So any USB-->miniUSB cable can be used to charge any mini-usb device, regardless of power source, right?
I already have several other mini-usb devices, such as bluetooth headsets, which all came with their own wall chargers. However, I checked these chargers, and they all have different outputs: 5V @ 200mA, 5V @ 150mA, 5V @ 550mA. Because the default Droid X cable was so short, I was tempted to use these other chargers. I plugged in the 5V@150mA charger to my Droid X, and found that the phone does not show it's charging (the lighting bolt isn't there, there's no animation on the battery indicator). So then I switched to the 5V@550mA charger, and it DOES charge....................
For quite a while now, people have been saying how long it takes for me to answer my phone, even though it's usually on my desk and I get there after a couple of rings.
So today I tested it out. I rang my mobile number from my landline, it connected and started ringing, but it got to about six rings before the LED on my mobile started flashing and a further two rings until it started ringing!
I'm on T-Mobile, but it seems to connect OK, just take a while to register on my phone. Obviously this isn't the end of the world, but I use my mobile for business and it doesn't make me look very good!
I've been charging my phone on my laptop and it won't charge past 40%. Can someone please help me?
View 6 Replies View RelatedYouTube videos takes longer to load. My browser sometimes doesn't load web pages completely and the speeds are way slower then 3g... Well atleast on my end... I'm in Baltimore and 4g is very much up and running. Not ranting, its just that 4g was one of sprints selling points, jus think it could be a bit better.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a branded Desire, with Telstra software. These last few months have seen my desire constantly rebooting itself. This occurs 2-3 times a day without fail. It not only restarts itself, but takes a good 10-15 minutes to fully boot - constantly 're-rebooting'. I have removed ALL after-market applications, removed all data from the memory card, so it's back to how it was straight out the box (with the exception of user data - contacts, messages etc.). I don't feel comfortable with debranding / rooting the phone. Does anyone have any ideas as to what may be causing the restarts, and a possible way around it? There is no definitive process or application involved in the restarts, it is entirely random.
View 14 Replies View RelatedWhen I view videos it takes a very long time to buffer and when it does it gets about 5 seconds worth then has to buffer more. Is there away for it to download it better instead of stopping every few seconds to buffer more. This way it can be smoother. There has to be some way to do it my storm that didnt have no where near as much memory played them better.
View 8 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody else have a problem with the length of time GPS takes to lock onto the Satellites? I can be waiting for over 5 mins where my friends GPS will pick up instantly.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy Droid Eris will charge from about 20% to 100% in a matter of 1-3 hours- it's always quite fast! Last night, my phone was at 20% when I went to sleep at about 12am and when I woke up at 6am it was only at 40%. The phone felt very hot. I took it off the charger and put it in another plug. It is now 4pm and the phone is only at 80% and at times feels hot. I checked out the cord and there are no lesions or breaks or any visible problems w/ the cord. I'm not sure what's going on- any thoughts? I'm going to take it to the VZW store to obtain an understanding. It's only been 3-4 months that I obtained the phone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedTrying to run WIFI TETHERING, but SU just sits there and doesn't seem to do anything, but maybe force close. Running Smash rom. Honestly, I would probably switch roms, but I don't know how to do that. Someone else rooted my phone. Also, I'd love to get rid of stock apps.
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy thunderbolt is acting up. It keeps losing signal and takes a long time to boot up. Will Verizon allow me to upgrade early even though I'm not due til November? ADR6400L
View 5 Replies View RelatedI will be getting my new Desire while at work tomorrow, how long is it best to charge it for the first time. I don't want to only charge it for 4 hours there when it is best to do it for 12! Also can you use it during this first charge? Just asking as I want the best battery life and didn't know if HTC had already done the battery' first charge for you.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have now been using the samsung galaxy for a week now and there is only one factor that is letting down the phone for me and thats the lagging. I have no complaints about the camera even though its without the flash, the internet speed is top notch and the innovative swype makes life so much easier. However what irritates me is the time it takes to access an app or returning to the home page. It must take 30 seconds or more before the screen is loaded which is annoying when you want to do something in a hurry. This also occurs when someone is ringing me and I'm trying to answer, the phone freezes for 10 seconds. I,ve only downloaded around 10 apps so surely that cannot be the problem. I've got a week left before I have to come to a decision whether or not to keep the phone or return it back to vodafone and would like some advice or reassurance about this problem. Also out of interest I would like to know if anyone has encountered the same problem on the iphone 4. The one area in which the galaxy beats the iphone 4 is the price considering what you get with both however it may be worth it to use a phone that dosent lag.
View 34 Replies View RelatedI am wondering why now, all of the sudden my camera button is taking me to the messages app. It didn't used to be like. Is there some settings I might be able to change? I haven't messed with anything as far as I know but this is pretty annoying. By the way, the camera still makes its startup noise.
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