Motorola CLIQ :: Delete Address History From Phone?
Sep 7, 2010How do I delete address from my google map search on my motorola cliq
with blur phone?

How do I delete address from my google map search on my motorola cliq
with blur phone?
Under the contacts menu where u can view HISTORY A-Z STATUS Anyone know how to clear history?Its pointless 2 clear recent calls and delete sms when its all under the history!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use the Google calendar on my Cliq, and what I want to be able to do is pull the address from an appointment in my calendar, and have it plug right into Google maps to show me the directions, rather than me having to retype it. Anyone know of an app that will let me do this? Either just click on the address and have it pop up in Google maps, or copy the address and paste it into Google maps?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI asked a question last night and haven't got any responses yet. Hopefully someone has an answer for this question. I want to delete some of the apps that came on the phone. I drag them to the trash can but they are still on my screen. Any ideas? Alot of the apps are lame and just taking up space.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm hoping someone can help me please I was chatting to someone yesterday and i told them that m trying to make some more room on my desire as my SD card is almost full and so is the phone and they said about deleting my Internet history but m not sure on how to do it.
View 14 Replies View RelatedIf you already know how to do this, I apologize. I just thought I'd let people know there's an app that actually successfully erases the market history! I found it last night when I was trying to find a way to delete my "Frequent Calls" list (Worst thing ever!). It's called HistoryEraser. It successfully erased my entire Market History. It also resets frequent calls, google maps searches, call logs, and browser history. Enjoy.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do you delete apps out of the Application Tray?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can I delete my map search history?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow I delete this history? I paired and transferred some files with my wife. She bought the Milstone yesterday BTW, and don�t know how to erase the connection history. Any way to do it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOnly way I can get it up is after a upload is completed.Is there another way to get it up? I want to clean my photos that ive uploaded..
View 2 Replies View RelatedDelete magnifying glass icons history?
View 10 Replies View RelatedHave a problem with the DX. Hopefully someone can help. I have deleted several of my text message threads but they show up in my contact history and I cant get rid of them how do I permanently get rid of them . where they show up in contact history is if you delete a text thread and then you go to that persons contact info and swipe left 3 times the text thread is there , how do you delete this from this location ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was having trouble seeing all my saved mail on my AOL email setup through the Mail App. I tried deleting my AOL Email address so I could reinstall it. I started the process to delete it but it lock up during the process. The phone wouldn't respond to anything so I had to turn it off. When I turned it back on the Mail App shows I have emails but when I tap on it, it comes up to a screen that says choose a mail provider. Choices are Exchange Activesync or Other (POP3/IMAP). I choose Other (POP/IMAP), entered email address & password. It came up to a warning screen (an account with the email address already exists. It doesn't allow me to complete the setup. It seems it deleted part of the email address setup but it still remembers the old setup. Is there anyway to totally delete this email address to start all over without resetting the phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan Someone recommended an unlocking site for Motorola Cliq (T-Mobile)? Would be highly appreciated.
Also can anyone vouch or confirm the legitimacy of the following sites?
3.Unlock Motorola
4. Unlock Cellphone Code
I was wondering if anyone was able to get their T-Mobile/Motorola Cliq to work on T-Mobile's basic data plan? They now have a specific Android data plan. I can't believe that they raised the data and unlimited text message plan to cost $45/mo. in total for Android phones! I'm using the $19.99 unlimited data/messaging plan now and would like to continue to use it. If anyone has successfully done this, please let me know how you did it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering what is the benefit of rooting a moto cliq. Will I be able to up grade to 2.2? A buddy of mine claims I could run other apps such as the sprint nascar app is this true?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am using an unlocked Cliq on AT&T network. All my data works fine, but I'm having trouble with text messages. Normal texts come and go fine it seems, but I'm unable to send picture messages. I assume I'm also unable to receive picture messages, though I haven't specifically tested that. The bigger problem is a random text I keep getting. It comes from 11-216-116-11, and always says the same thing, "error invalid number please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number or valid short code." They always come in threes, and I always get them when I reboot the phone or sometimes they come randomly. Can anybody help with these issues?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am trying to figure out how to delete the internet history completely on the HTC evo. I have the history eraser app, I do that and go to the internet and delete the history cache and cookies manualy but when you hit the back button on the browser it still goes through all of the pages I have been to. Is there some special thing I am missing?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have HTC Desire. Is there way I can delete individual call history instead of delete all?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAlright, so I'm having this problem since a few months on both of my devices (Nexus 7 and Galaxy S3). For some reason, chrome keeps on remembering entrys of my history. It doesnt matter how many times I clear the browsing data, even clearing the app data doesnt work.
Web history and predictive search are both turned off. I attached a screenshot as example.
Says the app is still on my phone, but I deleted it this morning. Is there a way to delete your download history? It's a free app and it says I have to pick another device.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've had my cliq about a month now, and I love the phone! it's perfect for my needs, but im having alot of issues with it.
1: Sometimes my phone will sometimes just ignore a phone call. I'll receive it, it will ring for literally half a second, then the call will stop and will show as a missed call. This used to happen on my RAZR, too, so I think it's more a T-mobile issue than the phone.
2: My CLIQ keeps combining, moving, or changing my contacts. For example: A few weeks ago, I added my new bosses' phone number, labeled him as my boss, and then went about my business. Later that day, I was texting a friend, only to find out that her Phonenumber/information had meen stored under my new boss' name!
Another similar Issue, I added 2 people: A new friend's cell, My boss' cell, and my boss' office (all under seperate contacts). Then later that day, suddenly my friend's contact information is merged in with another friend's, and my mom's text messages are coming in under my boss's office information! (Needless to say, I was VERY confused to receive a text saying that he loved me)
3: Sometimes the phone is super slow/crashy. I get a lot of "this program is taking too long. would you like to close it?" Messages. I make use of advanced task Killer to kill off apps i'm not using from the background (Games, Facebook, ect) Why is my phone always so slow?
Way i have my CLIQ set up and some things that I have and to me, this is the ultimate set up (with very simple tweaking).
For starters, we aren't able to root yet (maybe in a month or so?) so I need my phone to run as light and fast as possible.
The MotoBlur is a great feature to attract people, but the service isn't full Twitter, FaceBook, or Myspace. I personally think you'll get a much better experience from getting these applications separately.
I have MotoBlur still signed in (just so it can sync my contacts, settings, etc.) however, I did sign out of my facebook and twitter accounts (I dont ever use mysapce) and that meant no need for those stock widgets (the status, happenings, messages). You know what that means? Not so much data interaction even when I'm not using my phone aka longer lasting battery!
So I put the widgets in the trash and made my homescreen how I want it. My phone moves faster and lasts longer, as well as shows the freed up memory with those cancellations (about 8 to 10 MB).
Now, in my opinion, the facebook apps arent needed. The web browser on this thing brings out the website beautifully, especially in the touch interface of facebook.
Twitter does too, but it wont move as fast. So I would suggest going into the marketplace for your twitter apps. Also, I will list below the applications I have as well as why, and the amount of space they take up. Remember, the more memory used, the slower your phone performs.
Ready? Here we go...
1. "AppManager": simply manages your 3rd party applications. It enables you to install from the SD, or uninstall with ease. Also, it allows you to move and uninstalled app to the SD card, just in case you may want to re-install later on. This keeps you from having to search through the marketplace again.
Memory used = 99kb
2. "Nice Battery": One of many great battery managers out in the market. I like this for its simple battery status as well as 3G/2G shortcuts (some people don't realize you can turn 3G off to save on battery). I didn't know how to turn it off and use 2G (EDGE) until I got this app. Also, one touch bluetooth, wifi, GPS, and cell location switches are used. The application says it will notify you if you overcharge or leave services on (both optional).
Memory used = 24kb
3. "Swift Twitter": Great, light, twitter app. All the capabilities of the apps you want. If you use twitter then you know what I mean, you know what you need, and this does it. Done.
Memory used = 460 kb
4. "Rings Extended": this application allows you to use custom ringtones with much ease. If you, like myself, have downloaded ringtones from a website directly to your phone then you notice you can use them as ringtones. However, if you turn your phone off then back on, that ringtone is gone out of the phone memory. This application allows it to save the tones and directly pick them from anywhere on the SD card. Great stuff. One of my favorite apps.
Memory used = 75kb
5. "OI File Manager": OI manages your files on your SD and in the phone with simplicity and ease. There are also some great apps that do the same job, but to me, some of them have really unnecessary functions and can become confusing after a few clicks. Need to move, copy, delete? There's an app for that (suck it iPhone!)
Memory used = 149 kb
6. "TasKiller": this is the app I speak about most. This is my tiny terminator. It kills any application running in the background that you may be unaware of. You can go into the application and choose which functions to kill (and by "kill" I mean stop it from running, not eliminate it from your phone, as I think many people misinterpret). My favorite feature of this lies in the one touch killswitch widget. I have it on the 5th screen so I dont touch it by accident. It knocks everything out and you can just hit the home button and start off running only the necessary apps. Significant speed difference people! Like I said you can kill one or all functions, it's up to you.
Memory used = 171 kb
7. "SMS Backup": I haven't noticed a way to save SMS on this phone which is fine. SMS Backup does something very simple and unique. It backs all of your SMS to your Gmail folks. It creates a folder, SMS (rename it if you'd like) and stores them all conveniently in your google mail account where you can go in and view, delete, lick the screen at, etc.) Pretty sweet if you ask me. Once again, keeping internal memory free. Yes!
Memory used = 661 kb
Those are some of the great functioning apps I have running. And my phone moves very fast! I have no lag. Occasionally the accelorometer may take a half second longer, but that's about it.
As I'm sure most of u know the Motorola Cliq doesn't allow you to set individual text notificications.Like how you can set each contact with there own ringtone, you you can't give each contact there own text notification.Does anyone know of an App or anything that can rwmwdy that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted phone running the standard TMobile 1.4.8. I just checked for a system update and I selected to install the update that was available OTA
However, my phone is now stuck at the Android Recovery screen because the error message is saying something about how it can't mount the (not the full real filename) and installation was aborted. So when I choose to reboot the system and it loads up my phone... but only to have to self-reboot a few minutes later
pretty much, my phone is stuck in this endless loop of restarting because I choose to do the system update...
Is there a way to delete a single entry in your call history without deleting the rest of your call history? I've been going through all the menus but I can't seem to find a way to delete just one number.
Also, I used to own a Palm Treo 650 (Palm OS). With it, you could literally hide single contacts by setting a contact privacy password. This setting was deep in the settings and upon finishing setting it up, you could password lock that menu as well, the title of it and all. So this way, if you hand your phone to a colleague for them to make a quick call, they can't go through your phonebook or recents to try to get your numbers.
I bring this up because a few years ago, this lady I worked with let another co-worker use her phone to make a call and the lady ended up copying a specific number from the woman's recent list without her knowledge. She took the number and harassed the person so much they had to get a restraining order on her. And it was later found out the only way she could have gotten the number is the time she let the woman use her phone.
Call me paranoid but the Treo offered that security feature and I haven't seen it since. Is there any way to do this on the EVO that I just may be missing?
Also, does anyone know of something like a "guest mode" app on the marketplace where the guest can only use what you allow them to and not have access to recents or phonebook, like, just the core function, like sms/mms, net, phone, or calc, etc.
Any way to delete the previous search criteria it lists underneath the search bar. Seems to keep a log or history of previous searches. Curious if there a way to get rid of this. Tried hitting/holding menu to see if there was an option and haven't found anything.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo i asked this question before, but it was about the time everyone was getting their D-Inc's and it was chaos in this forum, and no one quite understood my question. How do we delete a mail address from history. For example, i emailed JoeSmith (who is not in my contact list), and realized that it should be JoeSmith, now everytime i go to send an email, starting with the letter J, i see both the yahoo and aol email addresses and it says "history" to the right. I tried the "history cleaner" app, and also looked everywhere, but i can't find out how to delete email history anywhere. This happened about 5 times so far, so each time i go to email one of these 5 people, both email addresses come up and 50% of the time i'm choosing the wrong address because i forget that it was input wrong the very first time. Since it says history on the right of the email address, i can only assume there is a history marker somewhere showing me all the emails i've sent, but i cant seem to find it. I want to get these email addresses out of there because i'm always choosing the wrong one, and because i have OCD and can't STAND the fact that there is a wrong email address there. I tried to LONG press, and thought maybe i can delete from there like long pressing a text, or a full conversation, but no luck. Anyone have any info on this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering how to delete my browsers internet history, for my moment.maybe uninstall and then reinstall my browser app.
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