Media :: MP3 Player With File Explorer?
Jan 5, 2010
I just got a Droid yesterday since I took advantage of dropping my Sprint contract without a ETF fee, gonna blow up my HTC Touch Pro later.Feels great, the grass is definitely greener and the abttery life is just BAMAZING.With that said, I was wondering. Isn't there ANY MP3 programs that have a file explorer so I can open certain songs and folders on my micro SD card? Or am I screwed till they release the Coreplayer for Android?
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Aug 15, 2010
What are the advantages of root explorer over estrongs file explorer?
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Nov 8, 2010
Do u know any music app which opening .wma files?
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Aug 31, 2010
Is there any way to get the details of media files that is executed in android(default) media player?
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Apr 14, 2010
I just started with creating my own media player application by looking at the code samples given in Android SDK. While I am trying to play a local media file (m.3gp), I am getting IOException error :: error(1,-4).
package com.mediaPlayer;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.os.Bundle;...........
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Feb 12, 2009
Is there any support for avi and other media formats except mp4 and 3gpp? If there is no support may I develop a support through correct the program? Will that be too difficult ?I don't know where to put my hands into first, should I correct programs in opencore first or should I just correct programs in directory frameworks/base/include/ media . I want to have a clear mind how I can achieve my goal, I need a roadmap to guide me how to do it.
I am trying to get familiar with the SDK 1.0 now. another question, my chip is from freescale and it supports hardware codecs of mpeg4, h.263 and h.264, I don't know whether I can change the program or the architecture of mediaplayer to utilize my hardware codecs instead of software codecs provided by android opencore. I once implement an mplayer to my platform, there is problems about sync of audio and video due to the quality of my chips(CPU can support software codecs but is not fast enough to make sure sync of audio and video), So I am worried about when the android is implemented, there would also be the same problem, and for this reason, I am thinking whether I can utilize my hardware codecs for mediaplayer.
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Aug 31, 2010
I want to play a alarm on my app so I need to know how to include it and to access the file with the media player?
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Mar 9, 2009
I am also getting the same error while playing the media file
E/MemoryHeapBase(31): mmap(fd=20, size=233472) failed (Invalid argument) E/VideoMIO( 31): Error creating frame buffer heap.
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Feb 15, 2010
We've a mpeg4 source that we would like to play in the media player. Our source is not in a file or on an rtsp server. It is hand coded to generate mpeg4 source on the fly. Imagine the data is coming from an unix pipe stream instead of rtsp or a file. How can I use that stream in media player?
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May 19, 2010
Every time someone leaves me a voicemail on my home phone number, VOIP home phone voice mail box sends me the voicemail as a .wav file attachment. When I try to play this .wav file the phone refuses, saying "Sorry, the player does not support this type of audio file".
So, I take it the .wav files cannot be played on Android phones. Has anyone found a workable and simple workaround to this yet?
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Aug 12, 2010
1. Is there anything like a file explorer on the wildfire so that I can browse folders and files on my cell phone? Or do I need to connect it via usb to my computer each time and then select to connect in disk drive mode and use the explorer on the computer to browse the folders on my htc?
2. Talking about the htc sync program, I couldn't connect to the computer via bluetooth and htc sync software. Is there a way to do this or can you only sync using usb cable?
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Nov 15, 2010
I installed ES File explorer v1.4.6 and I was able to add my freeNAS over wifi at home.I can access the folders and can list the thumbnails of the photos on the phone but when I try to view one all I get is a black screen with right and left arrows.If I copy and past the file onto the sdcard, EStrong can then view it from there.any ideas as to why it fails to view the files directly from the network server? It shows the loading process but no pic.
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Jan 10, 2010
Even registering the broadcast receiver at the highest priority still fails to receive the Bluetooth media button events on the HTC Hero phone. The Bluetooth media button registration code works fine on the other Android phones that I have tested. Apparently this isn't the first time HTC has done something like this, as I also found a report of a similar problem on one of the HTC Microsoft Mobile Devices reported here
It seems extremely short sighted of HTC to code their media player so that it grabs the Bluetooth AVRCP media button events in such a way that other applications are unable to work with the Bluetooth head phone buttons and Bluetooth in car stereo systems.................
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Nov 10, 2010
I use Windows Media Player to manage all my mp3s and playlists. I want my Samsung Galaxy S to be synchronized with my PC. I can connect my Galaxy S using "Media Player" mode and use the built-in sync with WMP, but there are issues:
1) Some mp3s get "corrupted" - how do I force WMP to "re-sync" them without losing my playlist association (if I manually add it as a file to sync, it is no longer associated with the playlist)
2) If I delete an mp3 from the device, WMP doesn't realize and won't re-sync the file again... is there a way to re-sync?
3) Sometimes WMP will re-sync playlists and each song shows up 3-4+ times when I load up a playlist on my device. I then have to wipe the Music and Playlist folder and re-sync from scratch any way around this?
4) Where are android playlists stored? The Playlists folder on the sd card can be wiped, but the playlists still show up in the music player?
5) If I make a change to a playlist on my PC, WMP will freeze and start skipping random files the playlists get corrupt and I see problem #3 occur. Essentially, if I change a playlist, I have to wipe the Music and Playlist folder and re-sync from scratch.
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Sep 1, 2010
Does anyone know where to find a media player that would allow you to play streaming videos on Android Browser?
I want to know if you can play streaming videos on your web browser on your android os phone.
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Apr 8, 2010
I want to be able to use/view the video's I record with my phone on my computer. (open from an email or use in window's movie maker)I have a new computer with Windows seven at work and a Vista laptop at home. I can send the video to myself and try to open in from my email or tether to the computer and transfer the file manually. Either way I can't open with windows media player. Video's taken with default "Camcorder" app on a myTough 3G running Android 1.6.I know it has something to do with the codec's the phone uses but wonder why they wouldn't use codec's that are compatible with the most commonly used pc's?Is there any way around this? Some kind of converter for the computer or for the phone?Is there another camcorder app that can record video with a different codec or is it phone hardware specific?So far have been able to use these forum's to sort out most of my Android problems but I'm stumped on this one. It doesn't seem like it should be this hard to do. Should be more user friendly.
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Jun 7, 2010
Sync Music to Nexus One using itunes and Windows Media Player. This process automatically creates a Music folder at the root level of the SD card. Hopefully some of you find this useful, especially coming from using iTunes Read more
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May 26, 2009
In the DDMS, I had used FileExplorer and visited /data/app folder to see the .apk files installed in the emulator. After that I had minimized the data folder and thus stopped that process.
But I am observing that this /data/app folder is opening again and again automatically. I dont know what is the reason and how to stop it.
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May 24, 2010
installed Estrong File explorer and I am able to connect to my PC (Windows 7 Pro 64bit) when i select a file to open-for example a mp3 file, i get a error "Do you forget to insert sdcard?" I do not have a SD card in my mobile. is it needed for opening files from the remote PC? I am assuming that Estrong looks for a temp folder for caching, is there a way that i can change this path to something like "emmcestrongcache" where can I find this option?
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Sep 13, 2010
I've had the E Strong File Explorer for some time but never really used it. So today I wanted to create a special folder for some pictures i downloaded off the web. All the ones I downloaded were put under sdcard/downloads. I created a folder and named it "Cars" and then went to the download folder, copied the pictures, went to the Cars folder and pasted them there. I then think I made a mistake and went to the original pictures in the download folder and deleted them. Now when I open my photo gallery and go to the download folder, i see frames for the pics but no picture. And when I try and open them I just get a black screen. When I go back in the file explorer, I'm able to go to the "cars" folder, click on a picture, choose image from the drop down menu, and then I can view it. So what did I do wrong and is it fixable?
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Nov 21, 2010
i had one that was very seemless and felt much like windows xp sort of. but i factory defaulted my device the other day and now it gone and oddly i don't remember the name of it.
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May 13, 2010
In preparation for an upcoming firmware update to my Eris, I processed an app backup to my device's sdcard. In doing this, Estrong's File Manager notified me that only 3 of my total applications failed to backup.Can anybody tell me why these apk files failed to backup to my sdcard? Is there anything that can be done about this?
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Aug 30, 2013
Here is my setup:
Nexus 7 2013 and Samsung Galaxy S4, both running ES File Explorer
Windows 7 x64 Pro (Hosting the files)
The system works just fine after a fresh reboot of my PC. After a few hours, I get the "Login Fails" error (plain text or SMB). The only way to fix it is to reboot my PC. I believe its a Windows 7 setting that causing this. I searched all over the net for a fix and none of them worked. I tried:
Enabling Guest Account
Changed Advanced Sharing Settings
Set "Everyone" as read in the File Share Window
Enabled Inbound/Outbound rules in the Advanced Windows Firewall
Enabled sending unencrypted passwords to SMB via Local Security Policy
I can go into more detail of the fixes I tried if needed. What is an alternative to sharing files from a Windows 7 machine to Android devices? I feel like Ill never get ES File Explorer to work.
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Sep 12, 2010
I have just got a HTC desire and like many people would like to be able to get rid of my iPod all together and have just my phone. The problem I'm having is that the media player on the HTC desire doesn't work nearly as well as iTunes. I have several issues that would needed to be resolved and wanted to know if anyone had a solution to any of them
1) Audio books, I have many of these on my iTunes and on an iPod they are displayed in a separate folder and are removed from shuffles, not so on the HTC, solution?
2) Podcasts, Again i subscribe to many podcasts on my iTunes and wanted to know if there was any way of adding them to my HTC automatically or having them download automatically (Despite this being very annoying and clogging up my hard drive with duplicated podcasts)
3)Playlists I am currently using iTunes agent to sync from my iTunes but it means that I cannot sync playlists that i can then play on my phone. (I can sync playlists just not then play them on their own once they are on my phone)
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Jul 7, 2010
I guess no one cares to listen to their favorite music in the order the artist intended? we now listen to timeless classic Opera in whatever order? makes no difference? Classic Rock albums out of order? Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon"?
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Jun 7, 2010
The tracks in an album playing alphabetically instead of by the track number?
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Jun 16, 2010
After hours of hit and miss using programs like Double Twist etc. I found that the easiest way to sync music to the iHTC Music player is to use Windows Media Player and buy Album Art Grabber to load the album art. Once you have done the initial sync with WMP you can go back and load individual albums simply by dragging them to the sync area. Connect your phone to the PC and unmount the SD card Open WMP and click the sync tab. Click the drive that represents your SD card (mine was H You will be prompted to sync everything for either this session or all sessions. (I always click this session only). Works great and all I will need in the future!
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Dec 22, 2009
I've got a ton of music on my SD card in my phone, approx. 6.5GB worth on an 8GB card. The problem is, the music players in Android (I've used the default, RockOn and MixZing, though I want to stay with MixZing) only recognize about 80% of the music, in their libraries. The thing is, the music is there! If I browse to the folder and launch the file it will play, but there's no artist/title data, even though all the files are properly tagged (mp3s), plus, it opens in a weird verion of the default music player that will stop playing if it loses focus.
This has been a issue ever since I got this phone. It's a brand new SD card (my previous one, in addition to this problem, had major corruption issues; I originally thought it was the card but I guess that's not the case). Also, I've gone through two different ROMs (one when I first got the phone, and a second that I upgraded to about a month ago), so I don't think that's the issue. It seems to affect random folders (albums) at different times, whenever the library is refreshed, but I can't refresh the library manually (that I've found) to see if it's just not scanning those files, or if it's a more underlying issue. I'm stumped
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Oct 23, 2010
My application gets playlist from a XML file, requests URL of mp3 file from server, downloads and plays it. It was able to download mp3 file but unable to play it. When I used emulator with Android 2.1, it was displayed in LogCat:
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Jul 21, 2010
I recently bought some gameloft games for my droid incredible but i noticed all the sounds of music of the games are showing up on my media players. Is there any fix for this issue?
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