HTC Incredible :: Music Player Does Not Work

May 3, 2010

I listen to a large number of podcasts weekly. I use to download them to my computer and then transfer them to a folder on my Moto Droid called PODCASTS. This folder would show up under PLAYLISTS in the native android music player. This makes it very easy to listen to one podcast after the other. The HTC music player does not work this way. I drop a bunch of podcasts into a PODCAST folder and they are scattered throughout the music app. Has anyone found a way to put files directly in a playlist when accessing the device as a drive?

HTC Incredible :: music player does not work

Android :: How To Get CarDock Work With New Music Player?

Nov 12, 2010

I've recently found PowerAmp and started using this as my only music player. However, when I enter Car Dock the music button links to the stock music player. How do I / can I change this default so that PowerAmp starts when I press the music button or any of the music controls once I enter the music player in the Car Dock? I've tried other players (Mixzing, Music Mod) and all have the same issue. I also haven't found a substitute Car Dock that I like, so I'd like to keep using the stock one until an update to it comes out.

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HTC Incredible :: HTC Music Player / Droid Incredible / Mp3 Randomly Appeared

May 1, 2010

Well i plan on developing for android now and figure i'd sign up.I've only had it only for like 1.5 days now, installed a few apps here or there. Well i installed pandora and have pandora one, i've also bluetooth'd it to my car stereo on the way home yesterday.Well tonite i was messing around it some more and noticed there are about 8 songs that i didn't download or transfer in the HTC Music player, they are songs/artist that i've possibly listen to in pandora. I'm not sure if pandora downloads songs and the htc player picked found them. So i tried to play a couple songs, skip a few and nothing new appeared in the htc player.

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Media :: MP3 - Music Player Instead Of Stock Droid Music Player

Oct 8, 2010

I have the Motorola Droid and am using the stock music player. I was looking for alittle help finding something better to sure alot of you are using something much better.

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HTC Incredible :: HTC Music Player Sorting - Art

Aug 30, 2010

The stock music player on ROM I am using (Virtuous 2.3) is, I assume, the latest out with the most recent OTA (8/26?).

I am having a beast of a time getting it to play well with the phone. I had a similar problem using Third Wave, but did not have this problem with FrankenROM.

I see ONE album art, it isn't even the first artist by track name, alphabet or anything else. I am not sure exactly how the phone decided on this particular piece of art. It is the same art for every track. My tracks are no longer broken down by artist either, like they once were. It is a huge folder called "Unknown Artist" that is literally filled with all of my tracks.

Previously, in 2.1, my songs were all sorted problem by Artist>Album>Song. Each tab worked properly as well, though I sorted by artist most times. All of my tracks are in the same folder on the internal storage (EMMC). I have never had an issue with it prior to Third Wave and now Virtuous.

I keep my music on the internal storage because I presently only have a 4gb SD card and feel that it is sufficient for what I do with the phone, especially considering that I've got 8 gigs built into the phone that I should be able to use. That is all beside the point.

I searched prior to making this post and didn't see anything else relevant to the issue that I am having. Is anyone else plagued by this or a similar issue? Is there a newer/better/different version of the HTC Music Player that might fix the issue?

I doubt this makes a difference, but I had this issue with both the Stock kernel and the Hydra kernel. I am currently on the stock kernel because I just installed a kernel patch for Virtuous 2.3.

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HTC Incredible :: Music Player Skipping

May 4, 2010

About every 2 mins, the music player pauses for a second of silence and then resumes.

I have a 16 GB MicroSD that I bought at MicroCenter a long while back. It's branded MicroCenter but made by Ricoh. In any event, I put 9 GB of MP3s on it last night by just copying them to the MicroSD (after a full format, not a quick format).

Now, I would fault the card but, it plays fine in my Blackberry without skips. Any solution here? Would it make a difference if I formatted the card in Linux instead of Windows or something like that?

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HTC Incredible :: Music Player Freezing

Jul 21, 2010

This just started today. I try and play music on the music player and it freezes. I cant do anything but pull the battery. Now i've noticed its doing it with google talk as well as everything else on my phone. The only thing I was trying to do when this occured was play all music and not a playlist.

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HTC Incredible :: Better Music And Video Player?

Apr 29, 2010

I read a review for the Droid Incredible not too long ago in which the reviewer said that he preferred to use a different Media App instead of the stock sense one that comes with the Incredible. Anyone know what app this was?

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HTC Incredible :: How Stock Music Player Find MP3?

Apr 30, 2010

How's the music player find the music? I am currently just dragging mp3s or album folders onto a random folder on my sd card. The music player finds these songs and plays them but I am curious if there is a better way to organize media stored on your phone. I currently have ASTRO file manager but I haven't done much with it.

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HTC Incredible :: Music Player Poor After Update

Sep 13, 2010

I listen to long podcast//radio shows on my inc. Before the 2.2 update I could stop at any point and come back later and pick up where I left off. Now when I come back the audio restarts from the beginning. It's really annoying, anyone else have this?

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HTC Incredible :: Recommendations For Music Player Apps?

May 8, 2010

Thinking about moving a lot of my MP3s over to the Incredible but just wanted to know what people felt were some good music player apps out there. I'm not particularly happy with the default one on the phone.I'm hoping there's one that has the same slickness as the iPhone/iPod Touch. I like how you can flip over an album to see other tracks on it.

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HTC Incredible :: Songs Don't Show Up On Music Player

Jun 10, 2010

I can see the songs when I have my phone hooked up to the computer as a hard drive (on the SD card), yet those songs don't show up on the music player.

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HTC Incredible :: Music Player Slow When You Have A Ton Of Songs?

May 14, 2010

I hope this hasn't been answered anywhere else (I did search! I promise). Is anyone experiencing very slow load times when clicking to show Artists or Songs in the default music player? I have about 1800 songs, and when I click on either Artist, Album, or Song, it takes like 10 seconds to think about it and then finally pulls them up. They are stored on my 16GB SDHC card (Class 4). Any ideas or is it something I'll have to live with?

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HTC Incredible :: Supported Formats For Music Player

Sep 1, 2010

My Vonage account sends me a .wav copy of each voice message via email and I used to be able to listen to them on my Dinc. Since the 2.2 update rolled in, I get an error indicating that the format is not supported.The common question since Froyo is the same here:Is this just my phone or are others seeing the same issue with .wav files?

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HTC Incredible :: Music Player Art - Not Reading The Image?

Jun 15, 2010

I really like the simplicity of the HTC widget player. True, not a lot of info is given but I do a lot of driving for work and a simple player I can use while in my home screen is great.

I moved over all my music from my old phone which was categorized in folders by artist. Each artist has a folder and a generic image is used in each folder called "folder.jpg" and "cover.jpg" but the player is not reading the image. Will it not do this? I hope I don't have to embed the image into each MP3 because that would be a major PITA. I have around 3000 songs and don't want to have to edit each one. Is there another widget that is better?

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HTC Incredible :: ROM Retains Aforementioned Sense Music Player?

Sep 13, 2010

So I tried 5 or 6 different Roms of various degrees of sense retention (sky raider, jager, cyanogen, virtuous, ruby etc...) yesterday. i'm on page plus so the power button data toggle that sense brings to the table is a godsend. the sense music player is also much better imho, especially on the lock screen. pretty much everything else sense is bubbly designed counterintuitive bloat to me: the keyboard, the email app, the dialer, the messaging app. i'm a big fan of chomps ms and launcher pro and had a setup i loved on my droid. SO, is there any ROM you know of that is mostly vanilla but retains the aforementioned sense music player and data/3g power button toggle but has the android dialer and email app?

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HTC Incredible :: Made Ringtones With Music Player And Disappear

May 3, 2010

I have made a few ringtones with the htc music player. The trimmer function works great and the ringtone sounds great. But if i turn off my phone or if i take out my sd card, the ringtones disappear. They are not even avail to assign to a ringtone in the sounds and notifications settings. Is there a trick to get my phone to keep my custom ring tones?

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HTC Incredible :: New Music Not Picked Up By Default Media Player

Jun 7, 2010

I keep all of my music and podcasts (which i copy/paste manually from my computer) on the internal storage.The last 2 weeks when I copy/pasted my new podcasts over for my regular 5 hour weekend drive, the podcasts dont show up anywhere in the default media player. I have to use Astro to find the file and select it from there. What am I doing wrong/how do I fix this?

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HTC Incredible :: Music Player Not Finding Internal Storage

May 15, 2010

I have been having the problem of the music player not displaying embedded album art. To fix this I tried Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Media Storage, then clicked "Clear Data"

I was told this would make the music player "rescan" for tracks and update the player. DON'T DO THIS ON THE INCREDIBLE! It caused the music player to not find anything on the internal storage.

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HTC Incredible :: Separating Ringtones From Songs In Music Player?

Aug 4, 2010

Is there a way to stop the Music Player from putting ringtones in with the rest of my music. I hate having it on shuffle and getting a stupid 30 sec ringtone.If not is there an alternate media player that will let me do this?

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HTC Incredible :: How Do I Get My Music Player To Show All My Songs On My SD Card?

May 6, 2010

I uploaded 100 songs to my SD card from my PC. When I opened the music player app in the phone, it shows all 100 songs. So I opened up the songs list, picked a song and it played just fine. After the song I hit the forward button to play the next song (next song of the 100 that I had on there) and it played the same song again. So upon looking at the music player it now showed "1/1" at the top, instead of "1/100". It's like it's locked on that 1 song. If I go into the menu I can see all my songs, and I can choose/play them individually, but I can't have all 100 songs chosen, so that they'll just play one after the other. How do I make the music player show all 100 songs again? I just want to open up the music player, hit play, and sit back & enjoy the next 100 songs playing one after the other. I don't want to have to select each one individually to play. (Hopefully this wasn't too confusing).

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HTC Incredible :: Stock Music Player Force Closes

Oct 4, 2010

I can't get the stock player to even open before it force closes and boots me out. The problem only recently started and since I've had to use another player, while good, I still prefer the stock version. The only thing I can think of that would have caused problems was that I created a new folder in my SD card for all my music and directed the stock player to that folder. I didn't have any problems after doing this but a month or so later this started happening. I really don't want to do another factory reset but I'll approach that if necessary.

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HTC Incredible :: App That Will Automatically Start Playing Music From Player?

May 12, 2010

So I just hooked up a aux input on my car stereo and after a couple of days I noticed that when I unplug the headphones it automatically stops playing the music. This is awesome! I just unplug it when i get to work and i don't have to go in and push pause or stop. I love it. Question is... is there an app that will automatically start playing music from the player? So i could just plug it in and have the music start and then stop again when i unplug it. I only use the headphone jack and listen to music in the car.

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HTC Incredible :: Music Player Doesn't Show Ringtones / Why Is This?

Apr 30, 2010

I have ringtones I made on myxer on my SD card. The music player will play all the songs I have but it doesn't even show the ringtones. What am I doing wrong?

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HTC Incredible :: Music Player Stay On In Background While Taking Video

Aug 23, 2010

I successfully followed the instructions to upgrade to Froyo and got the Root done. I also updated my radio to the new one. Before I upgraded from 2.1 I could play a song using the media player and then open up the camcorder and take a video and the music would keep playing in the background as kind of the background music for whatever I was recording. After the update to Froyo now when I have a song playing and I open up the camcorder, the music stops.

Now I figure that this is the way that most of you guys want it. But I was having one hell of a time playing some Rolling Stones and having my girlfriend lipsync to the entire thing. We were making some great and funny videos. So my question is, is there any way to get the music player to stay on. Is anyone aware of any settings there are for this. I am probably going to roll back to 2.1 anyway and wait for the official OTA, but I figure this won't work the way that I want it to when it comes out officially either.

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HTC Incredible :: Music Player Doesn't Sense When There Should Be Continuous Play Between Tracks

May 6, 2010

Are you using the stock player? I'm not so happy with it. My biggest problem is that it doesn't sense when there should be continuous play between tracks, so you hear the breaks. Has anybody found something better?

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HTC Incredible :: Music Players Work With Last FM

Jun 21, 2010

I know the stock music player on the Incredible isn't the most robust, but I love how Last.FM can scrobble the music I play on it. Do any of the 3rd party music player apps do the same?

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HTC Incredible :: ATK Doesn't Work On Music

Sep 6, 2010

Before the Froyo update, whenever I wanted to stop playing mixzing or pandora, I used Advance Task Killer and it would stop playing. Now, after froyo, I have to go to the song, hit pause, hit the home button and that would stop the program.

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HTC Incredible :: Best Way To Purchase Music - Amazon Mp3 Work Like Mp3 / Another App?

Oct 12, 2010

Is there a way for us to buy music, as simple as apple has made it?

Id love to hear a song and run to buy it if i want to, and it ends up on my sdcard as an mp3 preferably so i can save to my pc as backup

Does amazon mp3 work like this? or is there another app?

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Android :: Promising Music Player App - Astro Player Nova

Oct 12, 2010

Early this morning I d/l another music to try out. It's called Astro Player Nova.

The Nova is a beta app but looks to have promise. It contains several features that I look for and even includes the ever-elusive equalizer!

I use a combination of my Eris' stock player, Cubed (3) and Zimly to accomplish my desire to create playlists, queue songs and have an easy to use interface.

The stock player creates playlists the easiest of any app I've used that can do it, while I love the way that Cubed handles music selection and queuing of songs. Zimly has the easiest and slickest interface of any app I've tried. In fairness to Zimly, I recently found a way to create playlists and queue songs in the app. These features aren't as easy to find or identify in Zimly as within the stock music player or Cubed, but they exist.

Well, I am trying the Nova from Astro and it looks VERY promising! This app allows playlist creation, provides queuing of songs and...wait for it...Wait for it...IT HAS AN EQUALIZER!

This product is still in beta so I'm taking it through the paces, including the equalizer. I have an aux input in my car, I use wireless FM xmitter in my wife's car and I wear headphones when exercising, so I should be able to reasonably assess how useful the equalizer is.

One nice feature of the beta app is that it has a option to send feedback to the developers right from the app. This is nice for those of us who don't have a problem with apps transmitting user data.

I will update this thread as I use Nova more. Also, I'm interested in other opinions from new users.

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