HTC Incredible :: Delete Contact - Synced
Apr 28, 2010How do you delete a contact? synced everything...

How do you delete a contact? synced everything...
When I create a contact on the Hero it is not uploaded to Outlook when I sync. Viewing the contact on the Hero it says contact type is Google while all Outlook contacts have a type of Phone. How do I create a contact of type Phone using the Hero? I have seen no option to choose this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI set up HTC sync and Facebook and all that jazz. However, there are a few people in my Facebook Contacts list that I don't really want to have in my contacts list.
I don't dislike them to the point where I'd want to un-friend them on facebook, but I don't really want their number to be in my phone.
Does anybody know any way to delete a single facebook contact from your phone? Click and hold doesn't work, going to their "people" tab doesn't work, I can't figure it out...
I entered a friend into my contact list and added him to my Favorites widget. I want to remove him from my favorites widget now, but not from my contacts list. How do I do this? It keeps deleting the entire contact. I've edited the contact and removed him from Favorites group and I've gone into People, Groups, & removed the contact from Favorites but when I go to my contact list, he doesn't show up anymore. Why?! If I go to the Favorites widget and add a new favorite then the contact shows up again. But if I just open up people and scroll down-no contact showing up!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm having Facebook for Android on my phone which automatically syncs the FB profile pictures of the people in my contact list to my phone. I'd like to use those pictures within my app where I access Contacts Contract. Phone Lookup. Do I really need the Facebook SDK to do that? I guess not, but I cannot find any evidence of the pictures being saved somewhere around Contacts Contract.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOk so I have my first Smartphone, a Samsung Fascinate, and I simply love it. One thing that I REALLY like is the sync of facebook and twitter to my contacts. I like the fact that it syncs their photos and status and such, especially since I'm a facebook/twitter dork. My only problem is that the synced photos both in the contacts page and my "buddies now" widget are EXTREMELY low quality. Is there any way to get the higher quality photos to show up in those programs? Its not a deal breaker, although it does look a little nasty when the rest of the phone is so sharp.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIve looked all through Desire threads and cant find anyone thats had this problem yet so lucky me i guess!
Whenever i sync a contact to Facebook, for some odd reason it changes the number for that contact. The number i have for the contact matches that of the number on their Facebook account.
I.E. 07890123456 on my phone, 07890123456 on their Facebook account( fake number, don't be silly ).
However, as soon as i sync the account to my contact on my Desire, the number changes to 447890123456.
try to call the contact and says numbers wrong, clearly because its suppose to be +44, not just 44.
have tried to edit number but still says 07890123456, and still wont work when i change it to +447890123456.
Anyone able to help?
I would like to store some app-specific data in the contacts db. Is it safe to stuff random things into the Contacts.Settings table? Will it affect the GUI? Does anybody have an example of doing that? It's not really clear to me if there's a proper mechanism for this, or if the settings table is reserved for the systems own use.
BTW my first attempt was to use an app specific database, but then users would uninstall the app, reinstall it later and wonder why it didn't work. My second attempt was to stuff the data into the JPEG headers but the sync process deletes them, presumably for security reasons. So if there's no way to store my things in the contacts db directly, I think I'm out of luck - I'll have to look at steganographically encoding the data into the raw pixels themselves!
Alright, a couple very minor issues I'm having that I can't get figured out. One, how do you edit someone's contact information who is synced with Facebook? It says that I cannot do this (seems odd that the phone would be set up this way) to a facebook synced contact. The second is, how do I manually sync my contacts to add new FB friends to my Droid contact list? Third (I know I said I had two), how do you create a separate Family/Frienda/Coworkers list within the contacts program?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy contacts came from my Gmail account, which was very convenient.
But I noticed that if I change a contact on the Droid the changes are NOT synced back to Gmail.
At the moment if I look on the Droid for Contacts/Accounts/, I see Sync is ON, Calendar is synced up to present time, Mail is synced up to present, but Contacts are synced until 2. December only!
The sync symbol appears at Contacts, but the date and time isn't changing, it stays at 2. December.
Does the synced Facebook contact pictures still show up blurry, or are the crisp like in 1.5? I haven't seen a thread about this so I thought I would ask.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan anyone help me? I have newly added friends on Facebook, but their information cannot be sync'ed to my phone. I use settings -accounts&sync - sync all. How can I get these new friends synced to my phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI absolutely see the value and even necessity of having your google account synced with this phone... and just wanted to know if google synced all your Google contacts with your phone? Personally I would rather it did not do this, for whatever reason. I know there are only a few Incredibles out there, but I thought the sync would be similar to the Droid or other Android phones people currently have.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a friend that texted me and his name, number, and facebook picture came up as expected. Later on when I went to call him, turns out he isn't in my "People" application. However, if I click the search button within the "People" app and look for his name he comes right up. If I open his contact info up, I can't add him to my contacts or anything like that. Do "Facebook Only" contact not show in the People app?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo for the last 20 minutes or so I've been trying to figure out a little dilemma with my Incredible and my contacts list. I just realized that none of the data fields I enter into my HTC People app are getting synced with my Google Contacts. I'm a little bummed because I've spent some time trying to get my phone all set up with that.
I tried searching the Market for a dedicated Google Contacts app, but couldn't find anything. I love this phone, but I'm not exactly thrilled with all the HTC branded stuff going on. They've done some nice things, but I prefer gmail and most of the other Android stock features.
Anyone have any suggestions about how I can get my contacts synced with Google Contacts?
installed overclock kernal and now for some reason every b day thats in my facebook is now synced to my calender wiget. how do i get this to stop and go back to only have reminders that i put in?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have added one contact to android by following code.
It shows up on emulator 2.1, but when i am going to delete it manually by "delete contact" option, its not deleteing from emulator.
If I edit some thing on it then only it deletes.
How can i directly delete it from menu ?
I'm working at android 2.1 ContactContract, when I had not set account(for example: gmail account) to android emulator then , new a contact , but could not delete this contact at DB.
That is, if I re-sync it? Or will it just add the contact to my phone again? I do not like syncing with Google, because I have a lot of garbage there. I like to sync phone to outlook. (Not phone to google to outlook.) Anyway, if I just delete all the google garbage from my phone, will google just add it back again?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow do you delete a contact in your address (phone list) that is a facebook contact? It wont show in the people contact but if you use the home tab (on phone) the list there shows the facbook person but not in people contact? I can delete normal contacts but not ones imported from facebook..
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was tinkering around before activating the phone. Aparently I have a 'me' in my contacts I guess is shown to other android users in addition to what they have my # saved as. I aparently entered jumbled letters for this and can't delete or edit it. I also have a few other contacts I made while tinkering that don't have phone numbers. There seems to be no way to delete or edit the 'me' or the contacts with no #s or even the contacts with #s. Except for adding a photo.
I tried everything I could think of, pressing and holding down the names and everything and sliding, etc etc in the 'people' app and when pressing the phone icon which bring up different screens. The names in my 'people' that don't have a # saved don't show up when I click the phone icon to dial, but that's besides the point.
Seems I'm unable to fully remove my contact photos. If I delete the current contacts photo it reverts to a previous blurry photo that has no option to delete. I dont have anything synced so I dont no why Im unable to fully remove the photo.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow are people using the contacts manager in EVO? It seems impossible to organize things logically. I can't delete the default groups ("vip", seriously?), which just clutters things up. I can't figure out how to make a folder on a home page from one of my groups. When I sync my contacts into windows, the group assignments gets lost, and I have to sync EVERYTHING, meaning my poker buddies and some chick I saw a movie with once end up on my work computer...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have this code to delete a Contact Group. The b value returns 1, but the delete is not performed, on activity restart I still see the record in the list. What I am doing wrong? Code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I go into People -> My Contact Card, my birthday is showing with the little facebook "F" there. I don't want my birthday showing (in fact I don't want anything from facebook integrating with any part of my phone).
Under Settings -> Accounts and Sync, I have facebook set to not sync.
When on My Contact Card, I click Menu -> Edit, and beside Birthday it says "Click to add". When I click the cross beside that, that entry disappears, but when I click Save, the Birthday is still present.
At the top of the Contacts section is a "My Contact Card". Now I think this has something to do with Facebook contacts which I do not sync with. Has anyone figured out how to delete that if were not going to have access to it to edit? I kind of like things working or have themgone........
View 37 Replies View RelatedI used syncmypix to sync all my contact pictures, but then wanted to delete them since the resolution is small and I want to use full screen caller id. I was wondering how to remove the contact photos. I uninstalled syncmypix and also the cache is gone, but I still have the pictures on my contacts.
View 1 Replies View RelatedEvery time I try to delete a contact marked as a "favorite", it will disappear for a few minutes and then re-appear again.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWe are writing the application about accessing the contacts on SIM, including add, query, and delete. The operation "add" works well, while the query operation will return all records on SIM although I have added the selection condition, such as "name=xxx", and the delete operation doesn't work at all. The code is list as following.
I'm delving into customizing my EVO and thoroughly enjoying it. I have so many options I just don't know what to do with myself! I do, however, need some help. I made the mistake of linking my Facebook to my contacts when I first got my EVO, so my address book was a complete melting pot of mess (Facebook friends, imported contacts from my Blackberry, and others) and it absolutely drove me up the wall. I figured out how to unsync my Facebook, and I did.I now have two problems. I imported all of my contacts from my Blackberry to my EVO and two things happened. Most of the numbers didn't come with them, and all of the pictures from my old berry did. Elsewise, this phone is still finding Facebook contacts and linking them with imported contacts. I'm going bananas.I need to find a way to mass delete the low res contact pictures from my contacts, find a way to I guess "link" or find the numbers for all of these contacts, and a way to make this beautiful phone stop putting Facebook icons and low res pics on the people in my address book.
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