HTC Incredible :: Internal Phone Storage Read Only After 2.2 Update?

Sep 4, 2010

I updated to Froyo the other morning and now all my photos and videos are gone. When I tap into Gallery it still says I have 163 photos but only my 3 newest pics after I updated show up. My internal phone storage is currently read-only which I never noticed before. I did a test and restarted the phone and quickly went to the gallery before everything booted up. I saw all my photos but when the phone storage prepared itself it went to read-only and they all disappeared. Should I do a factory reset? I'm new to Android so I'm not a pro at this yet. I know now I should have backed up my stuff.

HTC Incredible :: Internal Phone Storage Read Only after 2.2 Update?

HTC Incredible :: Trouble Mounting Internal Phone Storage And Sd Storage

Aug 22, 2010

For some reason my Incredible won't mount both the internal phone storage and the SD card storage at the same time. What I mean is...when I plug my phone into my PC I only get a single popup asking to mount the phone's SD card storage, but not the internal phone storage.If I remove the SD card (or unmount the SD card using menus on the phone) and then toggle the connection type from Disk Drive, to Charge only, and then back to Disk Drive (to burp the connection), the internal phone storage will mount, but the SD card won't mount because it has been removed.When I connect my wife's incredible, my computer sees both the SD card storage and the internal storage (as expected) and gives me prompts for both. I took the SD card from the problematic phone and put it in the "good" phone and there are no issues at all (IE.. both the internal storage and SD storage mount). This of course means there is no issue with the SD card.

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HTC Incredible :: Internal Storage Vs Phone Storage

Jun 7, 2010

Sorry if this is a complete NOOB question, but what is the difference between the internal storage which is 6.6GB and the phone storage, which is about 750MB? How do I access the 6.6GM of storage? What am I missing here?

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HTC Incredible :: Internal Phone Storage

Sep 28, 2010

So, one of the selling points of this phone is the large amount of internal storage. any ROMs out there that actually recognize my large amount of internal storage?? I would rather have 512MB like a droid and get a 16GB card with it honestly. If stock froyo wasn't slow as hell I would just use that but alas, I need my speed.

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HTC Incredible :: Phone Have Not 8gb Internal Storage / Why Is So?

Jul 26, 2010

When i look into my sd card and phone storage option in says i have 6.60 gb of total space? Why is this

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HTC Incredible :: Internal Phone Storage Full / Unavailable

May 2, 2010

I connected the Incredible to my mac and did not touch the internal storage; I just created a folder on the SD card to move a ringtone over from my laptop. Now, when I load up the camera, I get a message: Phone storage is full or unavailable. Storage has been switched to SD card.
UPDATE: I just shut it down. After rebooting, it was able to read the internal phone storage. Not sure why it did that.

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HTC Incredible :: How To Download Attachments From Gmail To Internal Phone Storage

Apr 28, 2010

I was trying to figure out how to download attachments from Gmail to the internal phone storage while using the Gmail app. Every time i try to download something, it will only let me save to the SD card. Is there really no way to change this?

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HTC Incredible :: Application In Internal Phone Storage To Play Game?

May 5, 2010

I downloaded (via email attachment) Maniac Mansion NES ROM and also put SCUMMV on my HTC Incredible.

How do I find the application in the internal phone storage to play the game?

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General :: 2 Small Internal Storage - How To Swap SD To Be Main Phone Storage?

Aug 23, 2013

I've bought this chinese clone of the SIII, it's a MT6575. It's great except for the internal storage, which supposedly is 500MB but there seems to be an invisible SD storage which is 2GB. It's really confusing... When I go to Settings -> Storage there are 3 memories: "Internal Storage" (claims to be 4GB but it's fake, it's actually 500MB), "Phone Storage" (claims to be 16.5GB but it's probably 2GB), and finally my SD, "SD Card" (32GB).

The thing is, I'm having problems downloading big apps because apps go to "Internal Storage" which is 500MB only, and which files are stored in the "Phone Storage" (maybe internal & phone are actually the same?). However when I go to Settings -> Apps, on the "Downloaded" tab, the apps are in "Internal Storage" (500MB), and on the "On SD Card" tab, it shows that apps are in "Phone Storage" (the ones I moved to SD). This means my 32GB SD isn't being used by the system when I send apps to SD probably.

Also, my 32GB SD card is found in /mnt/sdcard2, and the /mnt/sdcard... I don't know which storage is that.

So basically all this is happening because I tried to Link2SD with my 32GB SD doing all the 2 partitions stuff and so, but Link2SD never detects the "secondary SD" which is the 32GB SD, as this fake SD card, "Phone Storage", is probably what the programs thinks to be the SD card.

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Jelly Bean :: Does Extending Internal Storage From Phone Storage Possible

Nov 19, 2013

I bought my new phablet that was powered by 4.1

im shocked with how the manufacturer of my device(cherry mobile) designated their storage. the phone storage is 2gb and internal is 500 mb.

it is not a problem if i could write apps on phone storage by default but even though the 'write to phone storage' is checked, when i downloaded an app, the internal storage still losses free space.

so is it possible to extend internal storage?

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HTC Incredible :: What To Do With Internal 6.6GB Storage?

Aug 25, 2010

Most apps cannot see this, and I doubt they ever will unless this becomes more commonplace. What do you do with your internal storage? I have my camera set to store there, but I have a slideshow app i use when charging and it only reads the SD card so I move the "keepers" to SD. My mp3's and divx movies are also on SD. So out of 6.6gb internal storage I usually have about 6.5gb free. How do you use yours? And do you feel app developers will ever write apps to access the internal storage?

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HTC Incredible :: Why Internal Storage So Low?

May 18, 2010

Capacity: 6.60GB
Available: 3.86GB

I'm just wondering if this is normal. I don't have any music or videos stored internally, only about 30 or so wallpapers. Is the space all from apps? How do I see exactly what is in the internal storage? When I connect to my computer there's nothing in any of the folders except the wallpapers I added.

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HTC Incredible :: Use Internal Storage For Music

Oct 7, 2010

My 8GB SD storage card is nearly full while my internal phone storage has over 6 GB available. Is it possible to use the internal storage for music, my biggest storage hog. I'm concerned about running out of space on the SD card for the various backups required for exploring new ROMs.

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HTC Incredible :: Utilizing Internal Storage Ability?

Jun 7, 2010

Are we ever going to be able to utilize this storage with anything other than a file browser or the stock apps? One of the larger selling points to this phone was the fact that it had some internal storage. It is useful, pretty fast and it's right there. I was hoping that HTC would get right on this and have an update out, but I've yet to even hear HTC admit that there is even a problem. I don't remember being told that my internal storage would only be available with the apps that came stock on the phone.

I, currently, have decided to keep my music on the internal storage. It frees up my SD card for storing stuff from apps and the like. I've got a couple short videos on the internal, too. I've got just over 2500 songs which weigh in just under 5 gigs, on my phone. I would love to be able to use TuneWiki or something that was a little better about getting and showing album covers, or even have a choice for a better music player and/or widget. I currently can't do that, because nothing seems to read the internal storage. Do we have any word that this is going to change in the near future. I know that we are all excited about the prospect of FroYo, soon, but what about this existing issue.

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HTC Incredible :: Internal Storage Vs Memory And Sd Card?

Aug 3, 2010

what will be stored on the internal phone storage vs phone memory vs sd card? I see that phone memory is much less than phone storage.

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HTC Incredible :: Music Player Not Finding Internal Storage

May 15, 2010

I have been having the problem of the music player not displaying embedded album art. To fix this I tried Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Media Storage, then clicked "Clear Data"

I was told this would make the music player "rescan" for tracks and update the player. DON'T DO THIS ON THE INCREDIBLE! It caused the music player to not find anything on the internal storage.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Internal Phone Storage

Jun 5, 2010

I went into the SD/Phone storage in Settings and I know the Evo comes with 1gb of internal storage, but mine is showing I only have 332mb left. I only downloaded 3-5 apps.On another note: Is there anyway to access the SD card from the phone? Can I save pictures from the web onto it, instead of onto the phone?

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HTC Incredible :: Music - Video Players That Recognize Internal Storage

May 3, 2010

Are there any video or music player apps that are capable of recognizing media on the internal storage? I know that the HTC players can do it, but I'm looking for something with a few more features. I've tried mixzing, Act 1, and cubed (aka RockOn), but they each can only see files on SD cards. There does not seem to be a way to tell the apps to look in the /emmc directory. I'm new to Android so maybe it's just a matter of developers updating their apps for the Incredible?

I was thinking, alternatively, is there a way to create a symbolic link with an app like Astro to make the files *appear* like they're on the SD card?

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Android :: Internal Phone Storage Low - What To Do?

Aug 17, 2010

Why do I only Have about 25mb of storage I see others with much more on their Droid and they have 60mb or more. What can I do to add mb?

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Android :: Programmitically Accessing Internal Storage On Verizon HTC Droid Incredible

Apr 20, 2010

I'm trying to find information on how to programmatically access the HTC Droid Incredible's supposed 8GB of internal storage.To determine the external storage (SD Card) location, In examining HTC/Google Nexus One, Motorola Droid, and HTC Dream/G1 phones, there (as would be expected) does not appear to be any mount point for such arbitrary internal storage. On these phones the internal storage is divided amongst /data, /system, and /cache partitions. The Incredible's internal storage is certainly not going to be located in /system. /cache is also unlikely given that it is globally non-readable/non-executable. I'd read in reviews that the phone will still be limited to 512MB or so for apps, suggesting that it is not simply a subdirectory of /data.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Is 250MB Available Space Enough For Internal Phone Storage?

Jun 13, 2010

I installed a bunch of apps and I think the EVO has 1gb of space. Just wondering if that's enough available for me to do other things. I want to leave a "buffer" just in case. I'm currently using the Sandisk 8GB MicroSD Class 2 that came with the phone and when I was looking at selling my Touch Pro 2, it turns out that I have a Class 6 Transcend 8gb MicroSD card. I want to switch them out, if I just copy everything from the Sandisk to the Transcend, will that be ok? Or do apps/Android write the data a certain way that I'll have to re-do things again?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Internal Phone Storage With 2.1

May 17, 2010

I was wondering what people have for Available space in Internal Phone Storage. I believe that has to do mainly with how many apps you have installed, although sometimes (since updating the other day) the number seems to change when I don't delete or download a new app. Maybe I'm going crazy. Anyway, my available space is 53.61MB

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HTC Desire :: Internal Phone Storage Running Very Low

Apr 19, 2010

I have a major issue with my Desire. I've been keeping an eye on the amount of Internal Phone Storage space I have left as it's running very low and I've noticed that if I install an application and then uninstall it not all of the space is freed up. I've tried rebooting and that does not help. I don't want to go down the path of do a factory reset and restoring my apps but I can't think of any other way round it. Does anyone know which folder on the phone applications are installed to? I've found the system apps in /system/app but I'd like to check to see if there's anything left behind from applications that I've uninstalled as a last resort.

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General :: Phone Not Using Internal Storage For Camera?

Feb 25, 2012

i have purchased the following phone as a present for someone (but from a different shop/site): MTK6516 K600A Android 2.2 OS Smart Phone TV WiFi 3.2 Inch Touch Screen Cellphone - Black

i'm not sure you will give support for such cheep phones, but i'm having a bit of a trouble with it... everything is working fine except the camera, video, sound recording and other features which require data storage. there are such types of error messages:

"please insert an sd card before using the camera" "your phone does not have an SD card inserted"

it does not come with an SD card and i haven't installed one yet, so when i go to "settings -> sd card and phone storage" it only shows the available "internal phone storage = 50MB"

is there a way to use/enable the internal phone storage for lets say - record some audio or make a couple of photos, instead of the non-existent SD card or does it really need one installed ?

it has 256MB RAM / 256MB ROM by specification.

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General :: Browsing Phone Internal Storage Through ADB?

Jul 5, 2013

I was reading the Apps and Games section searching how to retrieve one of my games' save data, and I found it's probably on


However I cannot access it normally, it's phone's internal memory. After few more searches, I came to a little idea: maybe using adb.

Then the question is, can I use adb to browse my device's internal and external storages, just like I browse through my PC using command line? (In my case I use Linux, so my terminal is Bash).

Can I copy from internal storage and write on it without root using adb? I don't want to root my device for a series of reasons...

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Samsung Captivate :: Apps Get Stored On Internal SD Card On Phone - Its Phone Storage?

Aug 5, 2010

Do the apps get stored on the internal SD card on the phone? Or on the section where it says Internal phone storage?

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Android :: How To Read File From Phone Internal Memory?

Feb 4, 2010

I have downloaded a file from HttpConnection using the FileOutputStream in android and now its being written in phone's internal memory on path as I found it in File Explorer

Now, I want to open & read the file content from phone's internal memory to UI. I tried to do it by using the FileInputStream, I have given just filename with extension to open it but I am not sure how to mention the file path for file in internal memory, as it forces the application to close.

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Samsung Captivate :: SD Card And Phone Internal Storage

Jul 28, 2010

When I look at the settings and "SD card and phone storage" option I see the different types of storage. Based on what I see, please verify the following assumptions are correct. The external SD card is obviously the one I added. I assume it can be used to store media files (via USB, direct write on a PC, etc.). I read until Froyo we won't be able to install apps on this card.
The internal SD card is what is built into the phone for apps and other things those apps write to the phone.

Looks like Google Listen writes to this area (can't make it write to the external SD and not sure why). It appears that the only things writing to there are my camera and of course any music, pics, or videos I load on there directly. Nothing else seems to make use of it. The internal phone storage is for things like the OS and is pretty much off limits. When I go into the "My Files" app on the phone it dumps me into the home directory which happens to be /sdcard. I assume this is the internal SD card? Under that directory it also has "/sd" which appears to be my external SD card. Why would they make it look like "/sd" is a subdirectory of "/sdcard" when it's not?

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Android :: Any Way To Transfer Files To Internal Phone Storage?

Aug 7, 2010

How can I transfer files on my SD card to my phone storage?

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Android :: Copy Raw Data From Internal Phone Storage

Aug 31, 2009

I tried to copy my wiped data from my phone, so i have to read raw data with dd command. I have root and BusyBox v1.14.2 installed, but when i type: dd if=/dev/block/mtdblock5 of=/sdcard/testfile or even just dd if=/dev/block/mtdblock5 I get: dd: /dev/block/mtdblock5: Input/output error Why can't I copy the data?

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