HTC Incredible :: First Battery Charge

Apr 25, 2010

So when I get my DI on Tuesday should I charge it completly prior to turning it on and setting it up? If so around how long does this take?

HTC Incredible :: First Battery Charge

HTC Incredible :: Keeps Rebooting After Charge The Battery

Apr 29, 2010

I let my battery run down and then while charging I tried to turn the phone back on but it kept going from the white HTC screen to the black VZW screen and back. I tried a battery pull but it continued to do it, even while plugged in. I did another battery pull and now it is charging.

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HTC Incredible :: 2.2 Did Not Fix Battery Charge Issue

Jul 29, 2010

I was hoping HTC would have fixed the charging issue with our Dinc but it looks like it still needs to be bump charged or what ever method you use.

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HTC Incredible :: How Long To Charge Battery?

May 2, 2010

My replacement Inc will be here on Tuesday. What is the recommended amount of time to charge the battery the first time? When I was talking to Tech Support when my first Inc was having problems he told me it was best to charge a full 24 hours the first time. I don't know if I can wait 24 hours after receiving my Inc before checking it out!

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HTC Incredible :: 2.2 Froyo Battery Charge

Aug 31, 2010

Has anyone noticed that it's taking a very long time to charge your battery on the updated 2.2 OS? It usually took me about 2 - 2.5 hours for a full charge. My first charge since the update is taking 4+ hours and counting and still not at 100%.

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HTC Incredible :: In Order To Get A Full Battery Charge

May 7, 2010

Charge the phone until the led light turns green. Then unplug, turn the power OFF (Don't just put it to sleep, power the phone off completely) then plug it in (the led light should now be red) charge until the light turns green again, probably like 10 or 20 minutes. Makes a big difference! I learned this in another thread but I can't find it now. Thanks to the original poster!

Update 1: I did this method again this morning 10am. It's now almost 11pm and I still have a 60% charge! I made several short phone calls, checked email, texts throughout the day, and took about 35 pics. I also spent a fair amount of time looking at them. Granted I wasn't on the phone as much as the first few obsessive days of owning this baby but still, I'm very happy with this battery trick.

Update 2: I want to add this quote by 'jasonb1985' from a different thread:"if you take it off of the charger right as the light turns from orange to green then you'll actually have a full charge. if you let it charge overnight then you'll wake to a phone that quickly falls into the mid 90's." I have to agree with this. Even with my charging method above, if you let it stay on the charger too long after it turns green for the second time, the battery level will quickly drop after removing it from the charger. I've found it's better to remove it around the 20/30 minute mark even if the light is still red rather than let it sit there and miss when it turns green. Of course the best case scenario is to take it off the charger the moment it turns green but that's not very practical.One more thing I've noticed is that if you spend a lot of time in a location where there is little or no reception such as a hotel or basement etc, your battery will drop very fast. Best to put it in airplane mode in those situations if possible.

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HTC Incredible :: Battery Doesn't Charge Properly When In Red

Nov 4, 2010

Does anyone else notice this issue on the Dinc? I'm on to my second Dinc and it happens to that one as well: Once the battery gets in the "red" (i think 10% or 15%) it doesn't start charging at all unless it's been plugged in for 20 - 30 minutes. Regularly if you charge your battery (from the non-red level) you see the little lightning bolt appear and then you see the progress bar go higher and higher and reset and go higher, higher, etc. When the phone is in red status, you just see the lightening bolt and no progress is made. I tested this by leaving it plugged in for 10 - 15 minutes and unplugged it and it did not move up 1 percentage point. After 20 - 30 minutes suddenly you see the progress bar move. This really sucks because once your phone is in red, it takes a while before it starts charging. I brought my phone to Verizon, had it swapped out and my "new" (refurbed) phone does the same thing. Searched the forums and checked out google and found tons of battery issues, but nothing like this. Anyone else experiencing this?

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HTC Incredible :: 2.2 Battery Taking Longer To Charge?

Sep 6, 2010

Since i got 2.2 it is taking much longer to CHARGE my battery. Before the update, it seemed to gain about 1% every minute, so about 1.5hrs to go from 15% or so to full. I thought it seemed longer lately, so at about 11:20 i plugged it in with 17%. At 1am, it was at 66%. Usually it would be close to or at 100%. What gives?

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HTC Incredible :: Takes 5.5 Hours To Charge 5% Of Battery

May 1, 2010

My phone reads: 5h 32m 55 s since unplugged. And its at 5% now. Isn't this abnormally low? I used it somewhat frequently but not all the time or heavily by anymeans. Also, GPS and wifi and bluetooth were all off using the android power control widget. My battery usage shows: 42% android system, 25% camera (i took like 10 pics, nothing crazy), 13% cell standby, 12% display, 6% phone idle, 2% robo defense. This is after charging overnight to 100% And I've had the phone since thursday, so its like the 4th charge cycle. Is my battery defective? I read the other threads about low battery life but this seems BEYOND low, this seems defective.

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HTC Incredible :: Way To Alarm When Battery Reaches Full Charge?

Jul 19, 2010

building on the discussion about the inc starting to drain from the battery after it reaches 100% (if left on), is there an app or a setting on the phone that would play a notification sound when the battery light goes green or the battery reaches full charge? of course the light turns green, but i'm not watching my phone. if i could have it set off a notification sound when it reaches the green light/100% full, i could remove it from the charger promptly. i am pretty sure i read all the battery threads correctly, and that the problem is that after it reaches 100%, if left plugged in, it starts to run on battery not wall charge, so it depletes the battery even while it appears to be charging (in fact, it is no longer charging). right? that's why i'd like something to notifiy me audibly when it is at 100%.

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HTC Incredible :: Do Different ROMs Affect Battery Charge Speed?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm trying to understand a few things about ROMs,the froyo upgrade from Verizon and battery charge speed.It's no secret the recent froyo update extended the time it takes to reach a full charge.Is this a function of the ROM they deployed,the kernel or something else?I hope I'm using the right terminology

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HTC Incredible :: Froyo And Battery Life - Charge Times

Aug 3, 2010

Anyone else getting horrible battery life and some insane charge times when using these froyo roms?

Is there a fix for this? Im not running anything new compared to when I was using 2.1 and it "SEEMS" like my battery is dying quicker. I say seems because I havent compared awake/uptimes between 2.1 and 2.2.

Battery life wouldnt be so much an issue if it didnt take FOREVER to actually charge the battery.

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HTC Incredible :: Does Froyo Address Battery Fully Charge Issue

Jun 22, 2010

I've rooted my phone and patiently waiting for some custom roms and such. Does anybody know if the roms or froyo update will address the charging issue with the incredible. I hate having to shut off my phone to get a full charge, and that extra 10% makes a big difference.

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HTC Incredible :: Battery Usage - Loosing 60 Percent Charge In One Hour

Jun 10, 2010

New DINC owner here, I am somewhat questing if my battery is anygood on my new phone. I unplugged my phone with a 100% charge and the green light on. I made one 4 minute phone call and viewed 4 emails and in that 10 minutes my battery went from 100% to 90%.

Stats are:
Unplugged for 10m 22s
android system 92%
voice calls 4%
cell standby 2%
WiFi 2%

Just viewing the battery use screen brought my phone down to 88%. Is this draining to fast? I also noticed last night at work I walked in with a 100% charge, I played around online a good amount and looked at some apps. Within an hour my battery life was down to about 60%. I realize these phones use a lot of battery but this one seems to be losing it's charge in a real hurry, my Blackberry was no where near this bad.

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HTC Incredible :: Battery Not Fully Charge Unless Plug & Unplug Phone Several Times

May 19, 2010

I called HTC and told them my battery will not fully charge unless I plug & unplug my phone several times. They said there wasn't a hot ticket about this issue and offered me a replacement battery. I suggest everyone call them and let them know this is problem. 8664498358 I refused the battery as I do not believe it is the issue. I told the rep that I just wanted to make the issue known. I suggested everyone call to let them know there are several people with this problem, not so you can try to get a free battery. I also called Verizon to order a spare battery, then I ordered a separate battery charger from to deal with this issue until it is fixed. Shame on you to those who thought they could "steal" a battery from HTC.

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General :: Battery Meter Bug During Charge Makes Phone Think Battery Is Dead

Nov 9, 2013

I have a sprint GNex. I just started having this problem recently (but before the 4.3 update). I plug my phone in overnight and at some point in the middle of the night an error occurs that make the phone think it is off the charger and has a fully depleted battery. The battery level icon shows no charge and if I pull the phone off the charger it immediately says it has to shut down due to a low battery. However, as soon as I turn it back on it is back to normal with a full charge.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Battery - Charge Stop Charge Stop Continuous

May 28, 2010

My battery keeps on over heating when i charge it. My battery started acting funny this week when i plugged it in to the charger and it would charge stop charge stop continuous. Should i take it up to Verizon and see what they say.

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Samsung EPIC 4G :: Low Battery / Please Charge Battery

Sep 15, 2010

I've had this phone since day one and I've ran the battery down almost every day and only had minimum "low battery" alerts but tonight I am getting a warning flash on the screen every 10 seconds saying "Low Battery: Please Charge Battery". Seriously, every 10 seconds and it started at 15% battery I have at least 30-60 minutes of life left.

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HTC Desire :: Best Way To Charge Battery?

May 19, 2010

Which one the best way to charge battery?Wait Until Battery below 10% or less Charge battery ever time we want (example battery still on 50%, because we need to carry on travel we charge it until it 100%)Charge Battery each morning/day whatever battery status is (below 10% or not).

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HTC Desire :: Battery Charge Not At 100%

Nov 28, 2010

My question is now my phones rooted is there any way to change the charging thresholds i.e.Rather than getting to 100% and stopping charging till it drops below 90% can it be changed to say 95%.Just curious really, or do any of the custom roms change how the phone charges.

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HTC Desire :: Battery When To Charge?

May 11, 2010

I know there's been quite alot of talk on battery life etc and this is not really about tips for extending battery life or such, but what I wish to know is when is best to charge the battery on the Desire?Sometimes I hear that discharging the battery completely before you charge it is bad for it, and other times I hear its the best thing to do.I've had my phone a couple of weeks now, and after doing this a few times already (I now charge it every two days) I wanna know whether its better to just charge when it gets low on charge rather than keeping on discharging it before I begin to recharge.I know the iPhones and iPods benefit from doing half-charges rather than full charges all the time, but what would you say is best in the case of a HTC?

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HTC Hero :: When To Charge Battery?

Nov 12, 2009

at what stage do you decide to recharge the battery? I know from other phones, MP3 Players etc, that some people say to let the Charge go completely so they wait until it dies before charging while others go for say 60, 40 per cent or so.Is there a set standard that the Manufacturers recommend and what are your own personal likings please?

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General :: Battery Won't Charge To 100%?

Mar 12, 2012

every time i charge my phone to full, the battery level reads that i'm at 91%, never at 100%. i deleted battery stats in recovery but the problem persists. i got an htc inspire and running absolution 3.7.

my current absolution rom is a backup. i had 3 different roms before restoring this rom. should i have done a full wipe besfore restoring the rom?

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General :: Battery Not Charge To 100%

Mar 12, 2012

every time i charge my phone to full, the battery level reads that i'm at 91%, never at 100%. i deleted battery stats in recovery but the problem persists. i got an htc inspire and running absolution 3.7. how do i fix this?

my current absolution rom is a backup. i had 3 different roms before restoring this rom. should i have done a full wipe besfore restoring the rom? could this be the problem why my battery doenst give a good read?

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HTC Hero :: Best Method To Charge Your Battery

Nov 30, 2009

What is the best method to charge your battery.I tend to let it drain completely and them fully recharge .Posts I've read stated that you should NOT do this.

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HTC Desire :: Battery After Full Charge

Aug 21, 2010

I usually charge my phone overnight, so plug it in and let it charge until i get up on a morning.However I'm noticing when I unplug it, the battery drops almost instantly to between 96 and 91%. I'm thinking this is a case of overcharging? Its just happened to me now, so I've turned the phone off, let it charge and as soon as the orange light turns green I'll unplug it and turn it on and see what happens.Anyone else any experience of this? I want to charge overnight, but if its going to give me a worse battery life by doing so.

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Motorola Droid X :: My Battery Won't Charge

Jul 15, 2010

I picked up my X at 8am this morning. I've been on it all day long, but I'm noticing that my battery won't gain a charge even though it's been connected for a couple of hours. Am I doing something wrong or do I have an actual issue? I tried AC and USB power and pulled the battery and it's still at 50%.

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Motorola Droid X :: Should I Run My Battery Down First Or Charge It?

Jul 23, 2010

So when I get my phone, should I use the initial charge up first or should I charge it up all the way and then run it down?

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Samsung Moment :: Battery Does Not Charge At All

Dec 25, 2009

Ive had my Moment for 4 days now. I went through all the posts and nothing seems to help. I charged my battery for 16 hours and it died within 30min. and not just the low battery warning the phone shut off. Ive tried the car charger pluggin it into my computer and the wall charger and the longest it has lasted is 1 hour. havnt really downloaded anything other than a task killer to see if that helped. Bad battery?

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Android :: Can't Full Charge Battery

Jun 19, 2010

I am new to the android, migrating over from blackberry. The first thing I have noticed is a considerable difference in battery. On my bb from tmobile, I was getting a day or 2 of battery life with a lot of use. Hundreds of text a day, emails (2 accounts), talk, and web browsing. I got my mytouch 3g slide yesterday it charged for about 6 hours. I took it off the charger around 9-930 at night. I played with for a while, went to bed and got up and it was at less then 30%. Now when i went to bed, i was only missing a little bit of battery. I didn't think it would drain that much overnight with no use. That is going to be a serious problem because of the amount i use my phone. I am currently charging again. Does it take a couple of charges before the battery life will reach it's peak? Also with my bb, i was getting 1 bar of signal and constantly switching from 3g, to edge, to gprs. With MT3g, i am getting 1-2 bars. Does poor signal drain the battery faster?

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