HTC Incredible :: Beautiful Widgets Application - Wrong Temperature
Jun 20, 2010It says its 71 outside and its about 90. Also still looking for a good radar app.

It says its 71 outside and its about 90. Also still looking for a good radar app.
Ok, so i got sick of using beautiful widgets weather home widget, but i didn't find another weather widget i liked. So i was playing around with the setting and clicked the show temperature in notification bar. I figured it would go away once i deleted the widget off of the home screen, but nope it stayed, now i've got the temperature over in the left hand corner. Now sure if anyone else has done this but i thought it was pretty cool. Here's a pic so you can see it, it has been updating throughout the day.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this problem. My temperature is not correct, it says its 13 degrees out and its in the 60s. Is there a way to fix this or should I just uninstall and reinstall.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I turn geolocation on within the beautiful widgets settings it tells me the weather for Paris when really I am in Baltimore, Maryland.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just bought Beautiful Widgets 3.0 off of App market and have been trying to add the Beautiful Home Weather widget on my home screen. However, no matter which weather skin I choose, the weather images are running off of the background on the bottom as if the background image is not long enough. I tried a few skins, but they all look the same. Is there an option I need to toggle or something?
View 14 Replies View RelatedThe weather widget on my Incredible shows my location correctly, but the actual temperature reading is usually somewhat off of the temp from the weather channel widget (right now it is 7 degrees less). Does anyone know where HTC gets its info from? I like having the temperature displayed under the clock, but not if it is inaccurate. I also compared the HTC temp to a reading off of a wireless window thermometer and it did not agree.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have tried to uninstall/re-install both apps several times. My BWLW won't recognize that I have BW installed. Is there a way to fix this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a couple different weather apps.
I recently purchased Beautiful Widgets.
It has been raining hard all day, and even with GPS update activated, it said it was cloudy all day and it seemed to be about 4-5 degrees off every other site.
Is anyone else having Beautiful Widget mis-weather info?
So what I'd like to do is take fonts from some of the free font packs available from the market, and use them as fonts in Beautiful Widgets.I've installed them, but BW doesn't see them. I've copied the font .apks over to my sdcard so I can play with them, but from there I'm lost. Do I pull the fonts out of the .apks with 7zip and push them to a particular directory in adb?I could also be completely wrong and not know what the hell I'm talking about. Any advice would be great.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy doesn't Beautiful Widgets allow the weather animation on the home screen? The animations show in the 3 day forecast but not on the home screen. Are there any apps that enable you to change the clock and still enable weather animations? I hate the stock clock.
View 25 Replies View Relatedi've had my phone off the charger for 1h 19m and i've dropped from 100% to 80%. HAVENT EVEN MADE A CALL/TEXT just read a couple's my breakdown
beautiful widgets 51%
cell standby 21%
phone idle 20%
android system 6%
display 2%
I downloaded the Beautiful Widgets and the Live Wallpaper apps. I can't seem to load any of the skins. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Maybe I am doing something wrong?
View 3 Replies View RelatedLoved the look of my Incredible home page. Installed Launcher Pro and managed to find the setting to get my 7 screens back, then bought the Beautiful Widgets, but getting the exact skin is elusive. I'd like to get it to look just like the Inc. Also, is there a way to change the setting once it's on the screen? I have to drag the icon to the trash, then add a new one each time to change it. At least it remembers the last settings.
View 15 Replies View RelatedChange log states "Toggle widgets can be skinned".where is the option? I'm sure it's obvious, but I sure can't find it.
View 11 Replies View RelatedWas wondering if anyone has used both and if so, which one is better and why you think so.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI just installed BW along with launcherpro...and while I do enjoy launcherpro, BW sucks because the weather is like 20 degrees off and no matter what I do, it stays that way. Basically, nothing I've seen is better than HTC Sense weather clock.Are there any GOOD alternatives to BW that includes a clock and weather animations or at least a good weather/clock combination?
View 32 Replies View RelatedI sent HTC a E-mail regarding them taking it down, and this is what the sent back.I am sorry about any inconvenience that this has caused you. The Beautiful Widgets Application was probably removed from the Android Market because of coding errors. I would suggest contacting the developer of the application. There may be other applications on the Android Market that are similar to this application. HTC does not have control of what is removed from the market. You would need to contact someone from, because they are the developers and they would be the ones to flag programs from the site.
View 49 Replies View RelatedWas wondering if I would have to have my GPS turned on for it to work properly? Or, could I use it with GPS off with it being able to work OK with network based locations? I ask because I usually keep my GPS off to conserve battery power.
View 9 Replies View RelatedSo I just decided I wanna mess with my phone a little bit.I bought the phone and it had 2.2 already on it, does that mean I can't root my phone?Also, I downloaded launcher pro but I cant really do anything with it.. Is there any tips or do I need to get launcher pro plus, and is there a way to get it for free?
Also is there a way to get beautiful widgets for free?And whats the easiest and best way to customize my phone?And if theres any suggestions you guys have please feel free to help me! I'm a n00b!also, im currently in Orlando, and the 4G speed is awesome! Hope its the same back home in Dallas!
just got my first Android phone today - a Captivate. I've been doing some reading and think I might want to try out Launcher Pro (the paid version?) and Beautiful Widgets. I just want to make sure there wasn't a whole lot of overlap in these two products. Do they work well together? Do most of you run both of them at the same time? This could be a pretty silly question as I totally not even sure what exactly both of these apps do.
View 12 Replies View RelatedOn the weather picture. If I open up the weather, there is no big picture the thre small ones on the bottom for the forcast show pics. I read some older posts that show problems similar with the problem being googles weather service. I have tried using just the zipcode...Just the use local...nothing makes it show the weather pic.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know there have been some problems with BW updating but my question is, does it's capability run on its own or does it rely on the pre-installed weather files? Just trying to clean up my ROM and remove as many apps as possible.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnybody else experiencing a problem with the skin server? I'm getting long load times, and then none of the previews load even over wifi.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAnyone else having trouble with the Accuweather setting. Mine is totally off, for example sun being shown at night time(yes, I refreshed). When I use the Google option, it is correct.Any thoughts?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been reading up about "Beautiful Widgets" and I was curious to whoever is using it worth buying? And under the description, whats it mean by you cant go back to the old one? Like.I cant go back to the HTC Sense Click/Weather widget? I probably mis read it or something. But honestly, do you think its better than the stock click/weather htc widget? Or should I get BW?It looks nice, I would like to try it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy FFS I cannot install Beautiful Widgets on my hero running 2.1? Cannot find it in the market and even if I scan the QR it does not find it.Am I doing the right thing?
View 9 Replies View RelatedBeautiful Widgets just posted an update with full skinning support and a nice selection of download skins (including some great flip clocks in both the regular and small size).It looks better than ever
View 35 Replies View RelatedI couldn't find anything directly pertaining to this on the search. On both the HTC style and updated Beautiful Widgets, I've lost my sun/moon graphics in both the widget and the weather screen that pulls up. Everything else functions correctly, so I'm assuming the weather server is functioning as it should (location, time, weather info, etc.)Any help would be greatly appreciated.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm running Aloysius V12 and have been using Beautiful Widgets. Love the look and it's fairly reliable as far as the time/date/weather go, but whenever I plug my phone into the computer, the style reverts to stock. I am very particular about the way it looks, because the way I have it now looks quite good with my wallpaper, but when it reverts, it doesn't match up well.Not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things since I just have to restart the widget, but curious to see if anyone knows why the USB plug-in would make any difference. I have had this issue on BW 2.998 and 2.999. As a side note, does anyone know how to change the date font? Changing the clock font has no bearing on it, and neither do weather skins.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhy would someone need to use Beautiful Widgets on the Eris?It already has 7 screens with widgets.Just wonderin'.
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