HTC Hero :: Anyone Else Bump Into Random Bug?

Oct 30, 2009

Does anyone else here run into the random bug on their HTC Hero, for example apps closing down etc, just wanted to see if I'm not alone.Really hope HTC irons out some of these bugs with the next update!

HTC Hero :: Anyone else bump into random bug?

HTC Incredible :: Random Restarts - Lost Contacts - Messages - Random App Data

Jun 16, 2010

I've had my Incredible since 4/28, and everything has been working smoothly up until about last Thursday night when it just restarted out of the blue while I was listening to music. Then right after it booted up, it restarted again, then again about seven more times. I got fed up and took out the SD card and it seemed to stop after that, so I haven't put the SD card back in since then.

Just now, Wednesday, about a week later, I was browsing around on the internet and all of a sudden, it restarted, and then again, and again, and again. I've read that it is because of poor signal strength or something like that so I had just enough time to put it in airplane mode before it restarted again.

Side note, that theory about it being caused by poor signal seems to make sense because the first time it happened to me I was out of town in a city that gets very bad coverage with Verizon, and now today when it started happening again was at my house where for some reason I get very bad service with the incredible, my old phone worked perfectly fine in my house but the incredible gets terrible service, and so does my brother's Droid. In fact, about two weeks ago I got my first dropped call on Verizon in about three years, and it was in my house.

So anyways, I decided to put it in airplane mode, and just after I put it in airplane mode it restarted again. Then when it booted back up my Helix Launcher 2 home screen went back to the standard Helix Launcher 2 icons, I go into my messages and everything is gone, my contacts are all gone, everything is gone. I go to the app menu and all my apps are still there, but when I start up an app, all the custom settings are default now. I went into the settings and my accounts are all still there. I click on internet and I get a terms of service agreement, it's as if I am booting it up for the first time, but for some reason my apps and accounts are all still there.

I turn airplane mode off thinking it might have something to do with it not being connected to my google account, and I restart it again and everything is still gone. I don't know what to do, has this happened to anyone before? I feel like there should be a way for me to get this stuff back since my apps are still there and my accounts are still synced, but random things are missing like my contacts and messages etc. This is really starting to get annoying, I have insurance and everything, but I really don't want to exchange it for another one because I've read that other people who have had there phones replaced have still had the same rebooting problem, even after going through multiple replacements.

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HTC Hero :: Random Reboots

Aug 8, 2010

Since updating to 2.1 I have been experiencing random reboots - recently 3 in the space of a few hours. I think I have traced the culprit. The reboots seem to have stopped since uninstalling Newsrob. A quick Google on random reboots Newsrob reveals reports of similar problems on HTC sense phones which the author believes to be due to bug in sense. Just reporting it here to prevent others tearing their hair out as I was and blaming 2.1 for being buggy.

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HTC Hero :: Random Reboots Itself

Jun 1, 2010

I have a Hero that will randomly restart itself.

Maybe once a week, maybe daily, maybe not for two weeks.

No correlation between Apps that I can see, and the service provider (Inland Cellular) hasn't heard of this problem yet.

Has anyone else seen this on a Hero?

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HTC Hero :: VillainROM 2.1 Random Reboots

Aug 7, 2010

I have the 2.1 VillainROM and every now and again it will reboot or fc qpps. How to stop this or should try a different ROM?

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HTC Hero :: Keeps Making Random Sound

Feb 18, 2010

at random times my htc hero makes the default notification sound, even when there are no notifications?
i have even changed all the notification tones, but the default tone keeps randomly playing.i think it is because when the tone comes a little R comes next to the signal bar? what dose this mean?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Random DTFM Tones

Jan 19, 2010

My phone unpredictably generates DTMF tones , which is a PITA when calling automated menu systems, as it will get you into menu items which were called by the DTMF tones. This happens for up to about 30 secs into a call.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Random Reboots With Fresh 2.1.2

Jun 11, 2010

Is anyone else having this issue where the phone or just sense (is it still even sense?) reboots? I get this and the word "FRESH" pops up while I get the loading wheel and all of my widgets have to re-load.

It takes less than a minute (if it's just the interface and doesn't boot to the HTC screen...), but it's happened a couple of times now when I got an incoming call - and I can't answer the phone. Anyone else getting this?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Random Reboots Non Rooted?

Mar 7, 2010

I've seen threads every phone except Hero. My wife's phone rebboots at will. We will be asleep in the middle of the night and there goes the hero chirp reboot noise. Anybody else have this problem or a cure. Beside another phone.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Getting Random Lockups With CM6 / Solution For This?

Sep 24, 2010

Is anyone else getting random lockups with CM6? Sometimes it locks up in the camera app, sometimes it locks up in a browser, and various other apps. The only remedy is a battery pull. I LOVE CM6 but these random lockups are getting on my nerves,... I'll track the lockups more closely to see if I can find a pattern or something.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: App For Change Wallpaper At Random Or Set Intervals

Apr 29, 2010

I am looking for an app that will change my wallpaper at random or set intervials. Does anyone know of such an app and if your phone needs to be rooted to use it?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Random Settings Lost On Power Off/on?

Mar 22, 2010

Did a search but did not find anything else that mentions this. I am running stock ROM with no task manager. Over the last week or two each time I power off and then back on I lose random settings and also all my widgets stop working. Today when I power cycled I lost my pattern lock and ring styles, went from vibrate to sound. Last time it was all of my bookmarks...

Anyone else run into this? I am thinking I will restore to factory settings, but figured I would see if anyone else ran into this and got it fixed?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Text Messages Coming From And Going To Random People

May 11, 2010

I have the HTC Hero from Sprint. Great little phone. I'm having issues with texting. Here's my scenario.I receive a text from Facebook stating someone wrote on my wall. The from id is 123456789. I then get a text from a friend George. In the list view of of my texts George's text showing under the Facebook number. When I press on the Facebook name it shows the text from Facebook then from George. If I reply it goes to Facebook not George.It also happens under different users, appears to be very random and is causing issues as I'm trying to quickly reply, forget to check who it's going to, then I text someone something I shouldn't have. Not cool.Any ideas how to fix it? I downloaded Handcent SMS as well and that is having the same issue so it appears to be a root droid issue.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Screen Freezes And Random Reboot On Phone?

Mar 24, 2010

I'll be on my phone browsing through the net, on my apps etc. Then once I get back to my home screen all of a sudden my screen freezes and the "HTC screen" pops up (same screen when you reboot your phone) and then I will have to wait a minute or two for everything to load up again. I've had my hero since January and this problem recently just began last week. It happens quite often and it's really irritating. I always clear my cache/data/history. Could it perhaps be some of the applications I downloaded from the market causing this?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Autodial Random Numbers - Auto Call Conferencing?

Jul 8, 2010

I have recently upgraded from an Samsung Instinct to an HTC Hero. I am currently on my second phone. The first one had a major OS glitch. As the service tech stated it was possessed. I am into my new replacement for about 2 weeks now. Currently, I am having horrible luck with the phone. The keyboard lags, the phone auto dials random numbers while scrolling the phone book and today while talking to my wife it made a conference call to my wife. Also the weather feature on the clock won't update the location unless I manually refresh it. These are just a few of the things I have noticed. I currently am running advanced app killer to save on battery life and the phone is up to date on the software. My brother has an HTC Touch through T-Mobile and it rocks and I have other friends with android phones and they don't experience the same issues.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: GPS Notification Icon Started Popping Up At Top Of Screen At Random / Fix It?

Nov 30, 2009

A few days ago the GPS notification icon started popping up at the top of my screen at random without me even running an app that requires GPS. I have tried to kill any app that potentially uses GPS with taskiller, disabling GPS all-together, and rebooting my phone to get it to go away. The only temporary solution I have found is to enter and then exit google maps. That works for a little while but then, bam, out of nowhere the little satellite icon appears again. I don't mind if it is just a little glitch and my GPS isn't actually being accessed, but if it is, that is a serious hit to my battery life. I haven't noticed a dramatic change in battery life since it started happening but I do seem to get less time out of the phone. Has anyone else had this problem and if so, is it a big deal and how do you fix it?

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HTC Incredible :: Has Anyone Tried Bump App?

May 8, 2010

Has anyone tried the Bump app? For some reason it won't bring up my photos to bump to another device. I was able to bump a photo to my Inc though.Any ideas? Anyone else have this problem?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Bump App Not Working?

Jul 4, 2010

anyone have any success using the Bump App with an EVO to an iphone or vice versa? I keep getting "no match-please try again", tried with 3 different iphones and same results. it's supposed to work cross platform but maybe not?

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HTC Hero : Text Conversation Random Message Stops - Wont Deliver - Dropped Calls

Oct 15, 2009

I love the Hero - dont get me wrong - I am running the latest orange rom but I have a few issues- hopefully some one can help me solve...

1 - Dropped calls - no matter who or where I am calls drop about 25% of the time. I can be sitting at home doing nothing but talking then drop.. it happens alot.. starting to annoy me..

2 - Failed to send texts - I am having a text conversation then a random message stops and wont deliver - retry - retry again - wait a minute or 2 and retry - it works.... this is getting very anoying.. again about 25% of the time.

3 - Internet connection - (3g) - after about 4 or 5 clicks it will lock up and display page not found... wait about a minute - retry and again it works... this is about 40% of the time

4 - my friend sends me a text message/ missed call with a new number. I cant add it to an existing contact - it only allows you to add a new contact. plus copy and paste doesnt work at these points. - i end up having to write the number down and then edit the contact.

5- T9 - when I add a word to the library - it doesnt remember the word in my text - I have to type it in again and then it predicts it (minor but annoying). this phone is awsome as a gadget - but pretty crap as a phone. any one got any advice on how to help ?

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HTC Incredible :: What HTC Now Says About Bump Charging?

Sep 27, 2010

I've looked around and haven't seen this in other threads, but I've been in contact with HTC about the bump charging issue, and here is the "final" response I just received.

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HTC Incredible :: Any Way Around Bump Charging?

Sep 17, 2010

given all the tweaking I'm doing for battery sakes, I think it's a bit silly that probably the single biggest gain wrt battery life could be gained through the elimination of bump charging. if I could wake up in the morning and have my phone actually charged to 100% instead of 90%ish, that would be great.any rom's or apps have a way to fix this?

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HTC Incredible :: Do You Bump Charge?

Aug 24, 2010

do you charge, then tun off the phone and charge til green? Or do you charge, turn off and charge til green, unplug and plug back in, and repeat? I've tried both and honestly I think it may last longer with the charge, turn off and charge and then stop.does repeatedly bumping it to green 3, 4 or even 5 time hurt the battery?

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HTC Incredible :: How Many Bump Charges Do You All Do?

Sep 10, 2010

I am wondering how many Bump Charges do you all do? I saw a post saying 3 times, and I did 3 times, but the fourth time, I am still not fully charged because the LED light still RED after I turn the phone off and plug the USB charger in.Another concern is that, people mentioned this is a software issue, but I am bump charging the phone while it is OFF, so wouldn't this being a software issue since I do not have the phone turned ON?

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HTC Incredible :: Alternative To Bump Charging

Jul 19, 2010

As most of you know, the Inc will drop 8-10% of its charge within 10 minutes of being taken of the charger with no use.I stumbled accross a different method for "bump charging" that does not require the phone being turned off.After I take my phone off the charger I let it do its dropping for no reason dance.At about 92% I plug the phone back in, turned on. Once it hits 100% I unplug it.After that second charge the phone will stay at 100% for an hour or so with no usage.I drive to work, about an hour, so I dont use the phone since its too early to talk to anyone.I left with 100% and when I got to work it was still at 100%. This is with my phone connected to HFL through bluetooth.

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HTC Incredible :: Somehow Avoid Bump Charging?

Sep 26, 2010

So i am somewhat sick of bump charging. I know that it is EXTREMELY beneficial, as i get a good 20% boost in my battery life. But the downside is that sometime i do not have time to bump charge, other times i forget to turn on my phone for an hour or two... It is a hassle that i would like to avoid.Is there any software patch of some sort that would just fix the charging issue so that the first 7% do not drop so rapidly? I feel like there should be something out there, if not, then it seems like a possibility.So someone please let me know if there is anything out there that would fix the problem.

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Android :: Bump Not Loading Photos?

Jul 14, 2010

What directory does Bump look for photos in? It doesn't pull any of the pics I have taken with my camera (DINC), but seems to be pulling up some random photos and artwork associated with my other apps.

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HTC Desire :: How To Bump Charge Your Battery?

Aug 18, 2010

I am not 100% sure if it will improve battery life either but it wont hurt to try.

1. Power on your Desire then connect to your Charger and Fully charge until the LED changes Green.

2. Disconnect your phone from the charger and then power off.

3. Reconnect your phone to your charger with the power off and wait for the green LED.

4. Disconnect the phone from the charger and power it on.

5. Once the phone has fully booted / ready to use power off again.

6. With the power off connect the phone to the charger and wait for the green LED.

7. Disconnect from the Charger then power on and use normally.

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Android :: Send App With New Version Of Bump?

Jun 29, 2010

It looks like you can send an app with the new version of Bump. This seems to include paid apps. Which completely circumvents the Android Market, of course. 1.) How is this possible? I thought access to apps themselves was off limits to API developers. 2.) If this is the case, why is Google not remote uninstalling Bump, and instead promoting it in the Android Market? (I haven't tried actually sending the paid app, so maybe it fails at that point - can anyone confirm? I hope to be proven wrong here) (I saw this using a Nexus One)

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HTC Incredible :: Latest With The Bump Charge

Nov 12, 2010

BTW mods, im not looking for support, just to discuss the issue and see if i can be brought to speed

Today i unplugged with my 3500 in the phone, checked emails for about 22 seconds and it dropped to 92%

turned phone off and plugged back in until green, and streamed Pandora while checking emails for about 15min before it even moved off of 100%

Just wondering, whats the latest word on this issue? Is it hardware? software?

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HTC Incredible :: Automatically Bump Charges?

Nov 2, 2010

I always have my phone plugged in over night, and one night I noticed that the screen came on for no reason, stayed on for a few seconds, and then went off. It did it a few times off and on. I thought it was a little weird, but didn't think too much about it, until just now.

I'm sitting next to my phone, plugged in, and the screen comes on again for no reason. It had been plugged in for awhile then, and when the screen lit up, I happened to glance at the battery status bar, and noticed that it did not show that it was plugged in. Now, maybe 30 min later, the battery bar shows that it is plugged in and full.

Could my Inc be self-bump charging? My phone is so new that it came with Froyo on it already (unless the Verizon guy downloaded it when he set the phone up)

Has anyone else noticed this at all? I've always had good battery life... I can usually make it through the whole day without hitting orange (12 hours+), with plenty of texting, some youtube videos, facebook, Daily(comic)Strip, and checking email and weather, plus Angry Birds. And I've never really bump charged.

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