HTC Eris :: News And Weather App
Apr 22, 2010I want to know what this app is lists as in android sdk, anyone know?

I want to know what this app is lists as in android sdk, anyone know?
I just got a new Eris from Verizon today and flashed 2.1 again on it and I can't find the news/weather in the market. I flashed the latest leak. Does anyone know where to get it. I had it before and thought it was in the market. I also did a search for the .apk you would think Google would put there products at the top of the page!
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have News and Weather set to "Use my location". Up until yesterday, it was working fine. Now the weather tab gives me the message "No weather location available." It will only give me weather if I enter a specific location. I have GPS turned on and other applications that need to find my location, such as Compass, seem to be able to.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've been looking for a simple yet powerful weather widget for quite sometime. (I don't need goofy weather animations.) The N1 news/weather widget is exactly what I was looking for, and it runs great on the Evo. The included app is also very nice, I like seeing a graph of temp change over time.
Here's a link to an Incredible thread with the apk download.
I love this app but the detailed graph which shows the temperature and probability of rain is now only showing a 1 hour scale instead of the 24 hour scale. (The graph still shows 24 hours) so I can't really tell how the forecast is changing throughout the day.
I've tried a soft reset but it didn't work. Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it.
As the app was pre-installed on my phone I'm not sure how to remove it and reinstall.
How to get this to work? I just got a replacement Inc and none of the apk I have found will work on my phone, keeps saying it has stopped unexpectedly when I click to open it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThere was a news and weather widget that I really liked on 1.5. But the new 1.6 version doesn't seem to have it. So I searched the market but no luck. Can anyone tell me know to get that one?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI found this apk from another site so If anybody wants a nexus one weather/news widget I attached it here. It works with the Incredible. You just need to put the apk in the sd card, download AndExplorer from the market and install it.
View 36 Replies View RelatedAnyone using Genie.apk (News and Weather Widget)? I installed the widget for "Weather" and it has been working well, until yesterday. It just says "Sorry, unable to connect, Please try later." And there is a "Retry Now" Button. Pressing retry says "loading" but then returns the same message. I have deleted and reinstalled the widget with the same results. Hopefuly it is just a server issue, and will be fixed shortly.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI haven't seen this posted yet so here it is. Some of you may have seen the pics for the Google weather/news app/widget for Android 2.1 that was running on the Nexus One. Well some hackers pulled the .apk file off that phone and now have it available for us Droiders. I put it on my phone and it works great. The news app is really cool. You can create custom news topics such as "Android" or "Mobile News".
View 49 Replies View RelatedI'm hoping someone might have a suggestion for how to port the News and Weather Widget from stock 2.1 do the Incredible. I had it on my Moto Droid (now the wife's phone), and I really prefer it to the HTC Flip-clock. I like how unobtrusive it is.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI doubt anyone is as excited about this as I am but with the 2.1 update, the Moto Droid has received the Nexus One News and weather app. I have been searching for something like this for along time and there were a few out there but nothing like the one that 2.1 has just given us. I know I sound like a loon but news and weather is part of my daily morning ritual and this just made it better!
View 25 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone happen to have a copy of the stock news and weather widget lying around. I really liked that widget and its not on the Rubix rom. If someone has it themed in black or with white letters that would be better. Thanks guys. Plus anyone for google search themed in black too?
View 18 Replies View RelatedAnyone else having this issue in this ROM and know a fix? Tried uninstalling reinstalling apk. Is there a froyo version of htc news and weather?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHas anyone had any trouble getting the news and weather widget to work today? Usually I check it when I wake up in the morning, but it just displays 'network error'. I've tried WiFi/3G, uninstalled/reinstalled the apk, and restarted the phone with no luck.
View 14 Replies View RelatedHow to make the news/weather genie widget transparent?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do i get a skinned app/widget on the phone? now that we can abd shell in recovery simply, what commands do i do to get a skinned app on and working?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI accidentally selected gmail to use as the 'default' application when I want to share a story in News & Weather. I meant to select Twidroid (for tweets)... now it's 'stuck' wanting to send to my gmail. Not good. How do I release it from gmail being the default (so I can make twidroid the default)?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI tried darchdroid's 2.7 rom yesterday and liked the "news and weather" app he had on there. how do i get that app on Fresh 2.3.3 so i can delete my USA TODAY app?
View 6 Replies View Relatedi am trying to play around with the email and autosync features. if i were to turn off auto-sync, would the mail (not google mail) application still sync at the frequency that i set since the mail application is not under the sync list where the weather, news, facebook sync settings are?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs not available on the phone (Droid X). Yeah sure there are motoblurry widgets, but I kind of liked the Google one - slim and handy. I downloaded a copy of GenieWidget.apk but it wouldn't install - not sure if I picked a bad copy or what.
View 13 Replies View RelatedWas wondering if anyone has noticed a problem with the Google News & Weather widget today? I installed this on my EVO (Genie Widget.apk) because I love its simplicity and elegance, but today it's telling me "Sorry, unable to connect. Please try later" with a "Retry now" button. Just wanted to know if it's only my phone or everyone's? I tried rebooting, also tried stopping and uninstalling/reinstalling but to no avail. If it's happened to other people before and there's a trick to fixing it, that would be great to know too.
View 24 Replies View RelatedWhat does the custom topic open in the News and Weather widget do? When I add a custom topic, it asks me to name it, but what else is there to it? How doe sit know what feeds to pull from?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis morning, at random, i woke my phone up and unlocked the screen after being in my packet and the news and weather widget's grey background is gone and the news and weather is simply in white text over the top of my background. i actually like it, but just wanted to know if this was right?
View 8 Replies View RelatedId like to delete kindle and news and weather bloat apps but need to know their app names since its not the same as the programs.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAndroid News & Weather app lets you swipe to reveal another view, just like the iPhone. Can someone show me an example of how this is done? It is not a ViewFlipper attached to a GestureDetector.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo since the 2.1 OTA my weather widget will display the city, but no weather icon. if i sync it manually, it will show up. with 1.5 it would update every 3 hours, regardless if i had Background data on or off (i normally keep it off).
so now with 2.1 it wont sync unless i have BG data on, or do it manually. any way around this?
One of the big things I was looking forward to with 2.1 was full flash support. But, as we should have expected, thats a no go for 1st gen phones. In this article they make mention of the processor architecture being the reason, does this mean that even after root and some hacking it will never work? Or is that just Adobe's excuse? No Flash 10.1 for 1st gen Android phones
View 20 Replies View RelatedAfter the OTA update, just got it yesterday, now the HTC weather app isn't working! The widget isn't showing any weather data, and when I try to update it manually from within the app, it says no weather data available.
View 15 Replies View RelatedWhen i first fired up the wildfire it had the news widget on the homescreen ready to go on BBC news. I liked the fact it automatically refreshed the news every so often. Now it has stopped working via the widget. I have tried removing and reinstalling the news widget but the widget just hangs on the message 'loading news'. I can still refresh the news headlines by going into the app but it seems an unnecessary hassle when it used to do this automatically. Why and how to fix this? The phone settings all lok okay.
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