HTC EVO 4G :: Screen Going Black When Making Call And Screen Locks?
Jun 23, 2010
1) After I make a call, the screen goes black in a matter of seconds. I'm typically using a headset when I notice this. To end the call (or enter numbers in a call menu) I need to press the sleep button to get the screen to light up again. This is a pain in the a$$.I have the screen timeout set for 2 mins.
2) About once or twice a day the home screen will lock where I can't press anything. I need to reboot to fix.
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Nov 1, 2010
Every time i lock the screen the SIM locks as well, meaning I have to enter the SIM pin code every time I unlock the phone! Also no one can call me since the SIM is locked. Anyone else got this problem? This happened once in a while on 1.6 but since my update to 2.1 this morning it happens every time.
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Mar 10, 2010
I wrote about this earlier, I had an issue when making a call the screen stays off and I cannot access the keypad or anything while on a call when I remove the phone from my ear. I had this happen again today, but noticed it went away when I took the call indoors. This seems to be an issue when I make a call outdoors, maybe it is the bright sunlight, but the screen refuses to come back on when i am on a call outside. I had to use the keypad to make selections on a call today but was unable to since the screen stayed off. Have others noticed this happening in bright light calls outside? Also, what can be done to correct this?
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Jan 12, 2010
Not sure how to fix this, but several times when I make a call and try to end it, the screen stays off and I cannot hit the END CALL button. This has happened a few times when I dialed the wrong number and wanted to just end the call before it connected, but when I flipped the phone back over from my ear it stayed off and the call kept going. Also, sometimes it will flash on for an instant then go back off again, still cannot end the calls.
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Nov 25, 2009
I know this has probably been asked before but I've tried searching and can't find the answer.
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Nov 15, 2010
I have a widget and I want it to make a phonecall to a particular number when the user clicks on the widget. How do i do this?
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Oct 2, 2010
So when you normally make a call and the screen turns black when you put the phone next to your face. When you pull it away from your face the screen is supposed to come back on. My Ally's screen refuses to light back up. If I slide the keyboard out before the call ends the screen will come back on. If the call ends before I do that I have a black/dead screen for a random amount of time. This happened on stock rom and Velocity.
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Oct 18, 2010
I have a problem with the new HTC Desire HD.
When I make a call the screen goes blank, but I cannot get it back again, even if I press the button on the top of the phone. None of the other touch button function either meaning the only way to finish a call is to pull the battery out!
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Sep 18, 2010
I have the screen timeout set to 1 min which works fine until I use the phone. When using the phone the screen times out (and locks) in about 5 seconds. This is a real pain when using voicemail etc and you need to interact with the keypad.
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Jan 6, 2014
I have a Samsung S5282 and when I make a call appear on the screen a lock and it blocks, not letting me have access to disconnect the call function for example.I've seen the phone settings and found nothing that disables this function, is it possible to remove this feature and how can I do that.Android 4.2
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Jul 30, 2010
I have a bit of an issue where the screen fades to black (almost immediately) whilst I'm on a call - either handheld or using bluetooth, and its a wee bit annoying!?!?
Oftentimes I need to access either the keypad (ie. for deleting answerphone messages etc) or calendar etc whilst on a call and its basically locks and I have to slide down and do my unlock code to get access?
Is there any way to stop this and force the phone to just show the call screen throughout any call?
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Nov 12, 2009
When I am talking on my Droid, the screen often goes black and I can only see the screen options by tilting the phone. Even then, I cannot consistently see the call options. Also, when trying to multi-task, the unlock screen pops up and I am not always able to perform multiple tasks because as soon as I perform the unlock motion it goes right back to the lock screen. Suggestions?
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Dec 11, 2009
I'm having trouble with one thing on the Cliq - hanging up calls. Since the end call button is on the screen, 2 things keep happening:
- I hang up on someone by mistake, because my cheek touches the button while I'm talking
- By the time I am done talking, the screen has gone black, so I have to hit the menu button to turn the screen back on.. but that takes me back to the home screen, so I have to navigate through to get back to my call and hang up!
Is there some sort of setting or app that could change the end call button to a hard key, like the back button, so we can hang up that way? It would be a tremendous help!
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Oct 22, 2010
Just got a new case for my Desire off eBay. When I have the Desire all the way inserted in the case and try to call a number, the screen goes BLACK. Yet the call can still be heard going through. I am NOT able to get it back no matter what button I press. Not even with POWER OFF for several seconds! Yet... if I push the phone up half an inch (see pic), the screen goes back every time and the buttons work. Did I mention that the screen is fine when the phone is fully inserted in the case, it only goes black when I make a call using the dialer?
I checked and none of the buttons seem to be depressed when the phone is in the case. Even if they were, it should not cause the screen to lock up like that in black, and the buttons as well.
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Jan 5, 2014
I have an issue since i start installing custom ROMS. So, is not my first time installing a ROM. I have installed stock ROM's in the past. However, not custom ones. I have rooted my device in the past and even now before installing a custom ROM. I have installed through TWRP recovery various custom ROMS such as Omega, AOSP, ARROW, WanamLite, Google Edition and CyanogenMod but none of them worked fine for me.
In some ROMS I might not have reception (don't worry the IMEI is the same and backed up). However, in EVERY ROM my dialler crashes; for example, when im trying to make a call it freezes and the screen goes black without seeing anything. On the other hand, when I receive a call, screen takes ages to appear and show the caller or even accept the call. In addition, I have NO SOUND at all in every ROM as well.
I believe that the kernel might be the problem. This is because when i am booting the phone I always see the following:
I have tried clearing cache, dalvik, removing battery, installing stock ROMS etc.... and nothing changed!
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Nov 10, 2009
Ive noticed when I put the Droid to my ear to make a phone call... the screen goes black... then it takes a couple seconds when i pull it away for the screen to re-appear.... How do I stop that from happening?
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Jun 30, 2010
first of all let me just say that beta2 is superb i just have one problem with it whenever i'm in a call (reciving or dialing) the screen goes blank and i cant wake up the phone not the end call button and not the open (side) button the only ways i can wake it up is by getting another call or rebooting
any way to work around it? i have tryed several screen on pogs from the market but no luck there without it i would use it everyday, its much much better then galaxo.
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Aug 9, 2010
When i fire up my youtube app, i get a quick black screen flash and it goes back to home screen. The app doesnt launch at all. It was working just fine for several months, all of a sudden it started doing this.
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Dec 2, 2010
This was reported in the other thread about X8 Issues, but thought to start a new one to gather feedback from users. It's about the ''black screen'' freezing issue encountered by some users. I have had this several times since owning the phone for a few weeks, so it is a recurring issue. Problem: The phone hangs or appears to be shut down or become unresponsive suddenly. Pressing the hardware buttons doesn't help as the phone doesn't react at all. Solution: Take out cover and battery and restart.Observations: From my own observations, it's not actually a shutdown but a major freezing/hanging. Sometimes when it happens, I can still see vague shades of the display at an angle. After leaving the phone for a while in the pocket, the phone comes back to normal again. Not sure if this is true for all users with this problem. Anyway, gathering more feedback to see how prevalent the problem is, to evaluate whether I should take it to the SE service centre, or whether doing so will help at all.
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Jul 13, 2010
I got my Desire a month ago and I think this was the best purchase of my life (after I bought my Herbie). I have only one (BIG) problem with my phone: When I finish a call and I want to press "END CALL", screen goes black for few second while am constantly pressing the place on the screen where "END CALL" red button should be. Then the screen comes alive for the split of second and goes black again. Sometimes takes 10 seconds to finish a call. Many times in the process I call the same number again. What am I doing wrong?
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Sep 9, 2010
Sometimes when I hit the screen/power button the screen will stay black and i can see the menu bar up top fine but all else is black. If I hit the home key then all lights up fine. Then sometimes Ill hit the button and it works fine.
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Jun 12, 2010
I like the pattern screen lock and see no need to have the sliding screen lock. Does anyone know how to get rid of the sliding lock?
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Nov 21, 2010
I have the No lock app/widget on the phone but is there a different 1 that requires a code to be entered to lock/unlock the screen, so far no lock hasnt been unlocked(well to my knowledge) and called someone when in my pocket but it could happen in the future.
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Sep 14, 2010
I ordered a combo kit from amazon, very cheap. I know some chargers lock up the screen, but this one had a review from someone with an Inc. saying it was fine. Anyway, wall charger locks screen, but shows it is charging, led lights up. Car charger works fine, no screen locking up.
So... am I doing any damage to my phone using wall one? Was thinking I would just use overnight when phone is off. Anyone else using one that locks phone?
I can always just toos wall one, and keep the car one, still great deal for the $4 is spent.
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Nov 15, 2010
I recently was sent an OTA update and did it. Well , it wiped all my work Exchange settings out. I reconfigured and now I am forced to log in with a password AFTER I swipe the screen lock at the bottom.
This was occurring before the 2.2 update in Sept. and I used the No Lock App. Well now, the No Lock app doesn't even work. I work for a small company and they couldn't find the "Mobile" settings in Exchange that I have read about in other posts. Anyone know why this is happening and if there is a fix? I have other Android users at my office and they do not have to unlock with a password.
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Apr 22, 2010
Anyone else have this issue? My Eris' lock screen...well, locks up. So meta, right?
It does this maybe once a day and the only way to unlock the lock screen is... you can't. I have to pull the battery out and put it back in, then wait the entire three minutes it takes to restart.
EDIT: Sometimes it doesn't lock, but I can't pull down the unlock all the way. It sits there near the bottom of the screen and I can kind of move it around, but I can't pull it all the way down.
This is unbearably frustrating because I use the cardio program to track all my fitness. If it locks up in the middle of a workout, I can't save or see my progress. Obviously, I can't make a guess as to the distance I've traveled because I'm training for a marathon and I need exact numbers.
This is not to mention god knows what kind of screw-ups might result from so many restarts and forced shut down by pulling out the battery.
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Jul 30, 2010
Yesterday I was using my Moment, and had to reboot it... Data lock *cringe*. So it boots up, and I start using it, browsing the internet, and suddenly, without warning, while my finger is on the screen scrolling, the phone locks up the screen. It did it several times more while I was using Google maps, and while I was browsing my gallery.
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May 26, 2010
I have a service which starts at boot up time, the service code needs the intent of following scenarios.
1) When the phone locks(after time out)
2)When the user unlocks the screen (by dragging the screen lock object)
There doesn't appear to be an API available where an application can be notified when the device is locked or unlocked. It is important the this application be notified of these events, since the service utilizes the proximity sensor which does not shutdown when the device goes into suspend. The app will need to unload the prox sensor manually to save battery when the device gets locked, and reload the prox after the device is unlocked again.
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Nov 3, 2010
So I have a rooted EVO that I listen to streaming music through the stock browser. If I leave the browser (home screen or another app) or I lock the screen, then the stream stops. As soon as I unlock the screen or switch back to the browser, it resumes immediately. Has anyone figured out how to circumvent this feature?
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Jan 11, 2014
I just got my new T-Mobile galaxy s4 from insurance a few weeks ago (first one got stolen). I updated to 4.3 shortly after. Everything was good at first but lately I've been having major problems
◎Wifi keeps switching to 4g when phone locks
◎security notice keeps popping up every time the WiFi reconnects
Now before joining AC I tried the disable Knox method for the security notice because I thought that was making my WiFi buggy. It doesn't solve the problem
◎has incredibly slow lag on lock screen. When i say incredible i mean VERY slow.
◎the notifications bar looks solid when having lock screen lag
◎the WiFi won't automatically reconnect
◎the WiFi will turn off every few minutes without my knowledge and drains my data plan
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