HTC EVO 4G :: Dual Mode LTE/WiMax
May 5, 2010Clearwire Free to Use LTE Under Changed Intel Deal - PCWorld Business Center

Clearwire Free to Use LTE Under Changed Intel Deal - PCWorld Business Center
I love the fact that CM6 offers vanilla froyo (sense is awful), but still no Wimax? Is it really that hard?
View 7 Replies View RelatedUsing Clockworkmod recovery, I flashed the HTC OTA Froyo 2.2 Final (3.26.651.6) Odexed ROM from here. I also flashed the Radio update as well as the Wimax update.
The first two seem to work, since I see Android version 2.2 and Baseband version in phone info. I downloaded the latest Wifi Tether for Root, installed it and got it to work successfully.
However, the Wimax was not updated. Android Terminal Emulator still shows the older version "" and not 26023. I believe I did the flashing correctly, rebooting after each update. I tried it both with ROM Manager, as well as manually. I didnt see any issues/errors while flashing.
I tried to use Wimax for the first time today. I was able to get one web page to load and then it failed. Am I doing something wrong here?
ON a similar note can sombody tell me how to teather so I can share the internet with with my laptop?
Can someone explain this thread:
It has the Radio / Wimax / PRI / NV
I understand in concept that the radio is the 3G cellular antenna, and Wimax is 4G, and that you could have various versions that may differ in different ROMs, correct?
What is PRI?
And what is NV? Who do these things do?
How to use WiMAX LED on HTC EVO for SMS/MMS notifications
"Since the notification LED on the left side of the HTC EVO 4G's earpiece isn't customizable, you can't tell if a flashing green light means a missed call, SMS/MMS, email, alarm, reminder, or voicemail without turning on the phone and looking at the screen. Wouldn't visual notifications be more useful if the WiMAX LED on the right side of the earpiece displayed some of them too? Then you could get a better idea of what was going on more quickly and decide whether it was worth stopping whatever you were doing to deal with it. Text messages, for example, are almost always important, so why not assign SMS/MMS notifications to the WiMAX LED?
Here's how you do it:
1. Download bludragon742's WiMAX Notifier. The latest version (10.09.06), released earlier this week, doesn't require root and can be used for SMS/MMS (stock messaging app, Handcent, and Chomp have been tested). Later versions will support missed calls, Gmail, and voicemail. Install it on your EVO and launch it to adjust the settings.
2. Choose your desired LED color and blinking rate from the list: green slow, green glow, green & red alternate, orange glow, red solid, green solid, orange solid. Press Home -> Menu -> Settings -> Display -> Notification flash.
3. Uncheck the SMS/MMS option so that the standard notification LED does not blink when a message is received.
Now whenever you get a new SMS or MMS, the WiMAX LED will let you know about it. And when the notification LED goes off at other times, you'll know it's not because of a text message"
I was just thinking yesterday about download speeds and such and I remembered, just 10 years ago a T1 line was the standard for any real business to have internet access. T1 was so expensive also. only the people with real money could afford one to their home. T1 is a dedicated 1.5Mbps.
I could do anything I wanted with a T1 line.
Wimax will give me more then a T1. Why do I care about theoretical speeds that HSPA+ or LTE will give me? I don't.
Clear recently suggested that if they want they can switch over to LTE. Now does that mean that the EVO that is said to work on Wimax will be able to be used on LTE? This is a HUGE question and a determining factor in my purchase of the first Wimax phone.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi know the greatest android phone ever is coming out on friday, but i have a slight concern about wimax. it seems to be a losing technology compared to lte which has support from 3 of the 4 big carriers, and im scared wimax will go the way of hd dvd before our contracts are over. anyone else have that thought?
View 15 Replies View RelatedThis is a confirmed fix for the long lag time (5+ minutes) to reconnect after losing a 4G signal.
Those of us using a rom with the newest software 1.47.651.1 have been having issues with the 4G connection not reconnecting when losing 4G signal. These instructions fix this problem.
Your MSL code (See Here: [How To] Retrieve MSL CDMA Workshop Method - xda-developers)
Turn OFF your 4G radio if it is turned on!
1) Click on phone and dial ##DATA# (##3282#)
2) Click on "Edit Mode"
3) Type in your MSL code (see above if you don't have it yet)
4) Click on the menu entry "WiMAX"
5) Scroll down the list and click on "WiMAX_Scan_Retry(s)"
6) Enter the number 15 and click "OK" (This equals 15 seconds instead of 300 seconds)
7) Scroll down the list and click on "WiMAX_Entry_Delay(s)"
8) Enter the number 0 and click "OK" (This equals 0 seconds instead of 300 seconds)
9) Press the "Menu" key and click on "Commit Modifications"
10) Grab a cup of coffee, get a bite to eat, or sit back and wait for your EVO to restart
1) Go to your phone's settings and click on "Wireless & networks"
2) Scroll down and click on 4G settings
3) Click on 4G to turn it on and wait for the status to change to "Connected to Sprint"
4) Without touching any of the menu items, cover the top half of your phone with your hands until the status changes to "Scanning..."
5) Uncover the top of the phone and count the seconds until it says "Connecting to Sprint"
6) Realize that you no longer have to cycle the 4G radio to reconnect
After modifying my EVO and my girlfriend's EVO and inputting these changes, the phone will reconnect to the 4G tower in as little as 20 seconds!
Yes, 20 seconds, the most I have seen so far is 30 seconds after dropping the connection. This is a HUGE improvement over the 5+ minutes to reconnect (300+ seconds).
Today I installed AnyCut and in the activities list it had "WiMAX settings".
Anybody have any idea why this would be in there? I know if the phone were 4g capable it would be LTE not WiMAX.
I have Clear wimax at home and with a dongle. I believe that the phone is not getting the same 4G reception however I may just have it in different locations at the office. Any feedback on how well the 4G works for you?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been enjoying my evo so far with one huge complaint. I don't think wimax 4g is even worth having right now. First it is a battery hog, and second building penetration is terrible....i stay on wifi most of the time but when I do turn 4g it just doesn't am practical. Another thing is that sprint is really advertising this as a 4g phone but for the normal customer I would think they would beupset that their signal isn't reliable...well the point of this thread its to see how everybody else feels about wimax. And for those who want to call me a troll you can check my history.
View 44 Replies View RelatedHTC A9292 (Supersonic) WiMAX 4G ?236 - Toronto, Canada - Free Classifieds - Muamat
View 34 Replies View RelatedYou can manage wifi connectivity, and you can kind of manage 3G, but what about 4G, more specifically WiMAX? I saw an API on ClearWire's website, but I am not sure if Google is planning to include WiMAX as part of the SDK. Does anyone have an insight? I am looking for connect/disconnect functionality, failover connection settings, etc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes doing a clean wipe for a ROM install erase any previous radio / wimax updates? I switched from Fresh 1.0 to Backed Snack but did a radio and wimax updates with Fresh. Should I re-apply those updates after flashing the Baked Snack ROM or are they still updated from the Fresh 1.0 ROM?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI just realized my 4g isn't working on Fresh Maybe I didn't understand which ROM have 4g working. but I thought Fresh did. I just updated both my Radio and WiMax to the latest, and it is still stuck on scanning.
View 1 Replies View Relatedusing Clearwire WiMax Innovation Network in Silicon Valley. The speed is unbelievable. Perhaps it is because the network is open only for the developers. If this kind of connectivity and speed is available to the public, then it will be awesome.
Instead of the PC, can I use Android phone to access this network. I can connect the WiMAX modem through the USB on my phone. But I may need the WiMAX system software.
I have an Android application that uses URLConnection to connect to a REST service and gets some content. I am getting a ton of complaints that it doesn't work over a 4G connection like WiMAX, though it works fine over WiFi or 3G connections. Is there anything special I have to do before attempting the REST request to allow it to use the 4G connection? I am using Android 2.2. This is very hard to test as I only have Droid and a HTC Hero to work with.
View 1 Replies View Relatedim very familiar with the secrets of battery saving but lately .. ever since the installing of WiMax Notifier my battery has been going much faster.. like today i took the day off from work and unplugged my phone at 909 and at about 230 i had 25 percent left and had a full charge i had to turn off sync automattically to conserve battery.. this phone is weird some days the battery isnt a issue and other days its become like horrible wtf?
View 10 Replies View RelatedIf you want the OP updated then PM me, I can't check this thread everyday.I think we could use this thread to keep track of 4G coverage as Sprint and Clear roll it out as well as rumored 4G spots. Here's a map and list of cities so far Clear has covered.
View 49 Replies View RelatedIs this possible?
View 9 Replies View RelatedAfter messing with the LED Light app, it appears that only my bottom LED is lighting up. I've tried taking multiple pictures in different lighting situations and I'm having the same problem. I could have sworn that both LEDs lit up before. I've never kept the LED Light app on for an extended amount of time so I don't believe I've caused it to burn out.
View 3 Replies View RelatedICS users to have a port of JB 4.2 dual status bar. I mean that one notification status bar and then again sliding quick settings bar thing really looks great.
View 7 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if the Incredible will have a dual microphone like the Nexus One?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've seen positive reviews on the dual mic noise cancellation of the nexus one. However, what I haven't seen addressed is whether than noise cancellation is bypassed when using a bluetooth headset? It would be cool if the nexus one provided the same noise cancellation when using a bluetooth headset, but I kinda doubt it. Anyone know for sure?
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan anyone recommend a dual SIM adapter for the desire? I have took out a new SIM only contract but I also need to use my existing SIM for the next few weeks also.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy friend is after a new mobile and I pointed him towards the Desire HD & Desire (there's the only relevance). He is quite adamant about having a Dual Sim mobile. Anybody know anything about them? Benefits? Ones to look out for? I don't know anything about them, but he's come to me for geeky knowledge. He's having a look at these android ones:
Reach Tech (Xiamen) Co., LTD amongst a few others.
I am having an issue with dual notifications. I have Handcent and those are the only SMS notifications I want to get. I'm getting another one - I assume from the pre-installed "Messages" app, but I can't figure out how to turn off notifications with it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been doing reading and wondering about what exactly it was. I heard something about android and apple dual boot?
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