HTC EVO 4G :: Show Wrong Awake Time?
Jun 9, 2010So I remember that there was a problem with the Hero and the awake time. My Evo's awake time is 10:53:55 and the up time is 13:53:43. Does that sound right, shouldn't it be getting some sleep?

So I remember that there was a problem with the Hero and the awake time. My Evo's awake time is 10:53:55 and the up time is 13:53:43. Does that sound right, shouldn't it be getting some sleep?
No luck on search. What's the difference in Awake Time and Up Time?
View 10 Replies View RelatedOkay, I've tried everything. nothing is running in the background evidently but the awake time and the up time are the same. After i turned my phone off, and then turned it back on, they were the same. I've tried a task killer, the system panel, and I've tried turning it back off, and on, but nothing happened. I need help?! How do i fix this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat exactly are these things and what do they mean? I tried searching and reading threads I see them but no explanation on what they are. Can you guys hekp me out here. I was having battery trouble after froyo update so I did the hard reset and the cdma only trick to see if this helps.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm writing because I've recently removed the HtcLockScreen.apk file from my phone to get the vanilla Android lock screen, which I like a lot better than HTC's. However, someone mentioned that it could affect my battery life and to keep an eye out on my up time and awake time. Well, before and after a restart, the up time and awake time are exactly the same. Does this mean the phone isn't sleeping? If so, how can I fix this? I'm running a rooted EVO with 2.2 and no custom ROM's.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhat is awake time and up time?
View 9 Replies View RelatedA little history: Had the phone since launch. Did most of the battery "tricks" when they came out: GSM fix, stop GTalk auto login, tried the on-off-on charge thing, but never ever got more than a minute of red LED before it turned green again, turned auto-sync off, etc. I usually have what I consider pretty good battery life. I've almost never run out of power during the day, and the few times I did it was because of pretty heavy (for me) usage. When I try to see how long I can go without charging I've usually gotten through 28-30 hours before I had to plug in. (please spare me the "your battery suxxx! I've gone 7 months since my last charge and I'm at 98%" posts)
So last night I charged to full battery, unplugged cause I had to charge my BT headphones too, then went to bed. 7+ hours later I wake up and my battery is around 10%. Usually when I unplug I lose less than 10% through the night.
So here is the obvious culprit: I've recently gotten stable 4G in my home and I forgot to turn it off when I went to bed. Easy game.
I went to look at a few settings to confirm that it wasn't something else and I see something really odd.
Up Time was 120 hours
Awake Time was 117 hours?
Now, if I am understanding this properly, this means my phone was booted up 5 days ago and of those 5 days my phone was only asleep for 3 hours? Is this possible? (I am no techie so I very well could be misunderstanding it)
I have not been having battery problems for all 5 days, only last night, but these numbers seem to indicate I should barely have been able to get through half a day without the battery dying for this entire period. I looked at my "running services" and there were a ton of things that had been running for the entire 120 hours. I have checked this in the past when reading battery threads, but since I have been satisfied with my battery life in general, it's not something I really check regularly, so I have no clue if this is a recent development or not.
The battery usage showed around 42-43% for both Phone Idle and Cell Standby since I unplugged last night.
I also noticed that I had turned off auto-syncing, but still had background data "always on". But again, this is something that would have been the case for the entire last 5 days (and more, really), so it should not be the cause of last night's drop.
I discovered the battery status information from the settings menu yesterday and was wondering if someone could clarify Up Time and Awake Time for me? Currently my uptime is 131 hours, and awake time something like 29. Am I right in thinking that these are the numbers since I got the phone (or put the battery in, I guess). This would seem to indicate that when I turn the phone off at night I'm not really turning it off - is that the case? I'd like to know the time that the phone has been on since last charge as then I'd get a good idea of how long I'm getting from a charge - I can't see this anywhere, can anyone recommend and app/widget for it?
View 2 Replies View Relatedis the awake time and uptime supposed to reset after every full charge? or is rebooting the phone the only way to reset these numbers? i just installed a new rom and i don't seem to remember them not resetting after each charge.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a % you realistically want to stay around for every hour the phone is on but the screen is turned off?
View 23 Replies View RelatedWhen you press the button on the top of the phone, does it immediately go into Sleep Mode? My screen is set to time out after 30 second. When it does, is that Sleep Mode? I ask this because when I press the button to bring the phone back up, I can check the Up Time and Awake Time and it doesn't appear to have been asleep. For example: I just pressed the button after the screen timed out. The Up Time is 6:28:14 and the Awake Time is 2:37:12. I am guess that Up Time is from the last time the phone was OFF and then powered by ON. Awake time appears to be how long it has been awake from SLEEP. I just don't understand when it actually goes to sleep.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI shouldn't have done it. before *228 it was 5% now it is 100% The settinh/Applications/Dev/Stay awake is unchecked.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've noticed that my awake time will keep going when EVO is charging through USB, but if I charge through AC adapter then awake time will stop like it should.
View 2 Replies View RelatedRecently, I had to replace my phone. Well, after I got it rooted and all that, I went with nfinite's stock rom. Since then, my phones awake time has been at 100 %, and I don't know exactly what is causing it. The Battery Use shows nothing out of the ordinary, Cell Standby, Wifi, Display, and Phone.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI left my phone on my dresser last night with the WiFi off, screen at the lowest brightness, no gps on etc... and it lost 30-40% of its battery just by sitting here.... This tells me one thing I think, the phone doesn't sleep? Isn't it suppose to sleep if not in use?
View 35 Replies View RelatedPicked it up Wednesday morning. Have not had a chance to play with it much at all since work's been so crazy.But I have a couple questions if you all would not mind answering or linking me to answers!What's this "Awake" time I keep hearing about? What's a good percentage? Mine, for the most part seems to be hovering around 23%-28%. I'm not really running any apps (have not set up Facebook yet). Good or bad?
Also, when receiving text messages from other Verizon users they and I keep getting errors saying they can't be over 160 characters? Or that certain media objects weren't included? Quite frustrating!?
My awake time is always 100%! even when the phone is dimmed and stuff.
View 49 Replies View RelatedWhen i had 1.5 my awake time was a low percentage. Now that I have 2.1 my up time and awake time are exactly the same. I don't know what the difference is, or if they should differ. I'm getting good battery life, but i don't understand why these two are the same. Anyone have an answer? Way to fix it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have noticed that on the new leak 2.1 that my Awake Time is almost identical to my Up Time... Its a couple of hours off but i really dont have many apps running... Weatherbug Elite (Updating every hour) Gmail Mail (Exchange - as email arrives) But the phone was pretty much on the charger from 10pm to 6am so not sure what is causing it to be awake.. so out of the 19 hours Up Time - 8 of them I was sleeping.
View 10 Replies View RelatedMy awake time matches the time i rebooted the phone no matter how long it sits in standby with no messages or usage from me. How do i stop this from happening? I have spare parts but I dont know which option to view for awake time because "other usage" with "time since boot" tells me it has only been a few minutes but the phone awake time under settings tells me 25 minutes awake time.
View 7 Replies View RelatedAfter I did a factory reset now my up and awake times are running exactly the same.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have seen posts around this thread where people are stating that they are getting awake times on their phone at around 10-15% If you are one of these lucky posters, how in the world are you doing it. Best I can ever get is around 45% I think I have tried most of the suggestions on the board to lower it as much as I can. Is there some super secret pro-tip that you 15% people have figured out?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a vanilla Hero. Since I bought it (around 2 months ago), the awake time has NEVER been under 100%. I installed the Modaco 2.9 ROM yesterday (which I highly recommend; my Hero is now much faster) and it's STILL 100%.
Spare parts tell me that the culprit appears to be 'Android system'.
I'd like to reduce my wake time if it's at all possible.
I'm aware of the messaging app/dialer issue; that's not what this is, since I'm using CHOMP sms and it's still an issue.
So this is Ground Shattering news for anyone having sleep issues. If your Hero is reporting 100% awake status, you'll need to find out what the culprit is. Until today I had only known to remove and install apps one by one. A developer just brought my attention to the app Spare Parts. Download Spare Parts from market, open it,>Battery History>drop down menu default is CPU Usage, select and change to partial wake Usage. This will show which apps are keeping phone from sleeping.
View 8 Replies View RelatedLast night, I checked "awake time," and it was about 6 hours (uptime was about 14 or 15). The 6 hours may have been a little bit high, but it was probably about right. This morning as soon as I woke up I checked awake time again, and it was at 14.5 hours. So it had been "awake" literally all night. I killed extraneous tasks before I went to bed, but here's what I've got installed:
Pure Calender*
Gmail Unread Count*
Audio Manager*
Movies by Flixster
Google Voice
My Tracks
BatteryLife widget by CurveFish*
The ones with * were the only ones running when we went to bed (I have those excluded from my task killer).
This morning, I killed "Messages" because I read that the stock SMS app can cause the phone to stay awake, but "awake" time continues to increase despite the phone appearing to be asleep. A couple other things: we used my tracks yesterday, but turned off the GPS and killed the app when we were finished using it. And she played Teeter for like 20 minutes a little while before we went to bed.
I've read up on the battery life sticky and various other threads pertaining to battery life and awake time. But my phone seems to still be around 50-60 percent. I don't use my phone all too much, and neither do I have any programs set to auto do anything except for mail to go and do its thing. But I remembered I do have various Sense widgets... could those be draining my battery? I have the Facebook, Mail, Calender, Sense Clock, Music, Weather, A Calender reminder, and Bookmarks. I can't afford a better battery. Making 8.25 an hour really suckz. On a side note, I know that 8.25 is more than last year, and the year before that
View 5 Replies View RelatedI got the fantastic Desire friday and I'm really enjoying it so far coming from iPhone and Hero.
Unfortunately I've run into a little issue: Up time and awake time (in Settings>About phone>Battery) are almost the same, meaning that the CPU never correctly throttles down when the phone is asleep. This is causing battery life to be rather short - On average I get 10-15 hours out of the phone with moderate settings.
By going to the battery info console (type *#*#4636#*#* in dialer) I managed to figure out that the calendar in some way is running and preventing the phone from sleeping (Partial wake in top dropdown). I did a factory reset and it hasn't seemed to help. There are 2 calendar related apps running: Obexservice and connectivityservice.
I'm in the process of re-installing my apps, trying to find a culprit that might be keeping my phone awake - and was wondering if anyone else thinks they've found some guilty parties. So far the only app I've installed is the HTC Battery widget. Everything else is stock from the 2.1 leak. I'll probably put the official rom on there eventually (especially if I still can't fix the awake problem), but since it doesn't seem to be any different, I'm not in a hurry. Now, my phone seems to be going right to sleep when I press the end button. My awake time is a fraction of the up time.I just started using the Seido extended life battery (1750 I think), and I've put the phone through some heavy use - a one hour phone call using bluetooth, several other shorter calls, some instant messaging, lots of texts, some internet use and camera use. And I've not charged it since leaving the house. So far, I'm at 57% - which far exceeds anything I've experienced before 2.1, and before the extended battery. Right now I'm looking at all-day use with the phone - which is ideal.My issue is that I want to prevent the phone from staying awake again. 100% awake time always seems to cut my battery life in half, if not more. There doesn't seem to be a clean way for me to do this. Even after I uninstall all of my applications, the problem doesn't seem to correct itself until I restore the phone to factory settings. For this reason - it's hard to pin down which application (or setting) might be the culprit.
View 6 Replies View RelatedBefore everybody redirects me to the standard "ways to extend your battery life" threads, I believe I've tried all the usual tricks, which is why I'm posting another thread.This is really starting to drive me nuts. Up until a few weeks ago, I was getting good battery life. A couple of days worth with normal usage, which I think is reasonable with all considered.But now, it lasts about half a day, which is obviously not much use when you can only charge it at night.I've been checking the "awake time" and sometimes it just keeps staying high. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. When the awake time is high, it is also warm to the touch, as if it is doing a lot of processing or something.
I've also been using "spare parts" to see what appears under "partial awake". I have never seen anything under this which accounts for the awake time. For example, the awake time might say "15 hrs", but "partial awake" in spare parts shows the biggest thing as being "Android system", but only taking "2 mins".I have (as far as I can tell) disabled the standard HTC messages app, and am now using Handcent SMS.I have turned off bluetooth and GPS, but leave wifi and mobile data on. I know switching these off saves power, but I've always had them on without as much drain as I do now.I have done a factory reset, and reinstalled all my usual apps, and left off any which I don't really need. All seemed well for a few days, but then the drain started again.
I have a feeling my battery drain is due to an update to an app, but as it's not consistent, I can't figure out which app or update it could be.As it is, with the battery lasting for less time than I am out in the day, it makes it a really rubbish phone, and just not fit for purpose.Is there any other way, other than using "spare parts", that I can tell what is using my power?
Im on fresh 2.1.2 but it doesn't give a percentage so i was just wondering.
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