HTC EVO 4G :: N Router Turned Off Full Cell Signal

Aug 20, 2010

Has anyone noticed that if you have your WIFI on that it cuts your cell signal by half? I know I have a netgear N router. With the router turned off I get full cell signal. With the router on it gets cut in half. Sometimes it gets cut down to one or two bars. Anyone else experiencing anything like this? Mods sorry if I posted this in the wrong section please move.

HTC EVO 4G :: N router turned off full cell signal

Samsung Galaxy S :: Weak Wifi Signal / Router D-LINK To Have Full Bars

Sep 4, 2010

I own the i9000 about a week nowI noticed that the wifi reception is very bad compared with my iPhone 3GS(even in my house i have one bar;and i have to stick the phone to the router D-LINK to have full bars)I want to know is it "normal" is it an individual problem or all the devices had the same issue ?Is it related to hardware or software bug ?Can this problem be solved with Froyo ?

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Android :: Neighboring Cell Signal Strengths Better Than Those For Current Cell Signal Strength?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm writing an android application that collects cell signal strengths. I am having trouble getting the "current" cell signal strength, but I don't have any problem getting the "neighboring" cell signal strengths. To get the current cell signal strength, I created a PhoneStateListener and implemented the onSignalStrengthChanged callback. It works, but not very well. It seems like the signal strength hardly ever changes, and resolution jumps to only a few numbers. I would accept the answer that the resolution of the signal strength hardware is coarse, but when I use the TelephonyManager's getNeighboringCellInfo() method, it works much better. The signal strength readings from neighboring cells change frequently, and they have much better resolution.So, how can I get the current cell signal strength in the same way that I am getting the neighboring cell strengths? It seems odd to me that the functionality of the neighboring cells is better than the current cell. Am I missing something here?I would also like to directly call a method from the telephony manager to get current cell strength, as opposed to a listener, if possible. If anyone knows how, please let me know.

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Android :: Getting Cell Signal Strength For Current Cell Vs Neighboring Cells

Jan 6, 2010

I'm writing an android application that collects cell signal strengths.I am having trouble getting the "current" cell signal strength, but I don't have any problem getting the "neighboring" cell signal strengths.To get the current cell signal strength, I created a PhoneStateListener and implemented the onSignalStrengthChanged callback.It works, but not very well.It seems like the signal strength hardly ever changes, and resolution jumps to only a few numbers.I would accept the answer that the resolution of the signal strength hardware is coarse, but when I use the TelephonyManager's getNeighboringCellInfo() method, it works much better.The signal strength readings from neighboring cells change frequently, and they have much better resolution.So, how can I get the current cell signal strength in the same way that I am getting the neighboring cell strengths?It seems odd to me that the functionality of the neighboring cells is better than the current cell.

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Android :: How To Get 3g Signal At Work Without A Wireless Router?

Nov 14, 2010

how can i get a 3g signal at work without a wireless router.At my work, i do not get no 3g signal on my phone. Also my job does not allow wireless routers/ wifiIn my work room we have plenty of computers with internet connections there anyway i can get a 3g signal connecting my phone to the computers with internet connection?y old windows phone. i was able to connect it with a usb cable and i was able to get 3g.Any advice will be appreciated.I really need 3g on my phone at work. REALLY BAD NEED IT.Is there anyway i can get a 3g signal connecting my phone to the computers with internet connection?

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HTC Incredible :: Use GPS While Hiking Without 3G / Cell Signal?

Sep 22, 2010

What apps or hacks are available to use the GPS as a standalone navigation tool without having cell signal? I am frequently in the mountains where there is no signal, and would like to use my DI instead of my Garmin.

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HTC Incredible :: Almost Complete Loss Of 3G And Cell Signal

Aug 5, 2010

Anyone else experienced a major drop in 3G signal as well as their cell signal in the past few days? I think it started monday on my phone and now its mostly running in 1X mode and dropping more calls than I have in the past two years. Not sure if its something with verizon, or maybe and app I updated. (My wifes phone is doing the same, but she also happened to update about a dozen apps on monday)

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HTC Incredible :: Weak Cell Signal Over Wifi

Oct 15, 2010

I have the HTC Incredible and I really like it. I'm amazed at everything I can do with it. The only problem is; I live in an area with really bad cell phone service. I hardly get any bars, one if I'm lucky. So I got to thinking about all the apps available for the droid phones. And I started to wondering if there is any way to use my wifi connection to help me get out on my cell phone. Or if there is an app out to help with this.

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Motorola Droid :: Cell Signal Strength Meter App

May 4, 2010

anyone seen an app that simply reports yours signal strength? the built in one (settings > about phone > status) seems to report, but in a way that makes some sense. for example, anyone know what -90 dBm 0 asu really means?

I have a cool app called GPS test that shows the GPS strength - bar chart and number and color - of GPS signals.

I have another app called No Signal Alert that tells you when you have lost your signal. I emailed them to incorporate a signal strength meter, as it seems a logical app to have it.

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Android :: Cell RSSI - Network Signal Strength - On 1.5

Feb 16, 2010

Is there any way to retrieve the current cellular Signal Strength (RSSI) on Android 1.5?

I know there's a way to listen for signal strength updates through the TelephonyManager, but this seems to only give a "state," not a numeric value.

Is using the RSSI field on a neighboring cell fairly accurate? I'm guessing not, but I'm running out of ideas.

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Android :: Crowdsourcing App To Map Cell Phone Signal Strength

Dec 18, 2009

There is a site that tries to aggregate cell phone reception from users who bother to leave reviews. But data collection can be made much more easier, even passive:

Make an app that sends the phone's GPS location and the 2G/3G signal strength of the current provider in that location, to a centralized database, aggregate the results, and make them public online.

Nth Signal seems to be an app like that, but I can't find it on the market, and the reviews on Androlib are not good.

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General :: Battery Drain By Mobile Network Signal / Cell Radio?

Jun 15, 2012

I've ported a Hero ROM to a HTC Magic.Here's my problem:

Problem: There's a great battery drain when you're connected to the network (no data but just mobile network for calls/SMS)

Ported ROM: Sandwich Deluxe 4.0 .

Original ROM: Hero ROM

Kernel: carz- (fast and stable)

The mobile network drains battery.I'm not in a low signal-area. Everybody who uses the ROM has a drain.I'm using a 2.x.x instead of a 3.0 kernel for an ICS ROM, can it be that this mismatch creates the drain?The phone displays a singal strength of 0dBm 97 asu. (Not normal?)

What doesn't cause the problem? In airplane mode there is no drain at all. So it is unlikely that some apps causes the drain.Wifi, GPS, sync, ... are all disabled.

What do you expect from xdamembers?

- Confirmation if the kernel is the issue of the drain. If not, I would like to know which files (in ROM) are responsible for network signal.

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Motorola Droid :: Wifi On - Cell Signal Weak - Fast Battery Drain

Nov 21, 2009

I think I figured out why sometimes my Droid stays on for 1.5 days and sometimes after 6 hour of just being idle the battery is drained.

When wifi is turned on an connected to a network, the cellular signal is way low and it just drains the battery.

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General :: Optimus Sol E730 Full Signal No Call

Jan 15, 2013

so flash a rom but didnt like it and had to reflash my original firware. problem 1. didnt know it so i used the lg too putting in model number and imei and it told me i need V10B_00 (vodafone spain)

Flashed with KDZ no problems, Hard reset phone to exit boot loop booted to phone fine, read sim asked for pin fine, connected to network full bars fine, connect to 3g no problem all is working, EXCEPT! go to make a call goes direct to call ended. people cant call me either.

sim works fine in another phone so its not the sim or network.

can send receive texts fine its just the calls

tried flashing radio v10b zip wouldnt even recognise the sim flashed recognises sim but again no calls

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Motorola Droid X :: Full 3g Signal But Poor Downloading Speed

Oct 4, 2010

My download speeds have been roughly 512kps with full 3g reception (testing with the speed test app). I've tried *228 option 2 and the *22899 with no success. I have recently rooted but had the problem before that. That leads to my second question.I haven't called verizon yet, should I unroot before I do? If something similar has been posted im sorry, I could not find it. Is anyone else having this problem or know how to fix it?

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Android :: How To Get Cell Service Signal Strength In Android?

Dec 27, 2009

I am trying to write a very simple Android application that checks the signal strength of the current cell. So far, I have only found something called getNeighboringCellInfo(), but I'm not really sure if that includes the current cell.How do I get the CURRENT cell signal strength in Android?Does getNeighborCellInfo() get the current cell? It doesn't seem like it based on the results that I have been able to get with it.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Full Signal - No 3g, No Wifi - Can't Send Texts - Calls

Nov 5, 2010

I have the Behold II through T Mobile and when I'm on the road and in certain places I will have full bars but no 3g, or wifi. When I try to send a text it says "Unable to send text, will send once service becomes avalible" When I try to make a call it says service unavalible.

It tells me I have full bars, and when I go to network selection, it doesnt matter what network i choose or whats avalible it wont connect to it, a message will pop up and say "Network with limited service avalible, search for network" ..if i say yes it just does the same thing all over again, and if i say no it goes into automatic mode and wont let me do anything once again..

I have full bars, does that not matter? If I have to have 3g then why would it tell me i have a full signal when I really dont.

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Samsung Moment :: Signal Strength Apply To Data Signal Or Just Voice Signal?

Nov 4, 2009

I want to reach out to others here before I take my Moment back to Best Buy to exchange it for another Moment.

My signal strength fluctuates wildly just sitting in the same spot. With the Hero I got a constant 5 of 6 bars, but the Moment will vary between 0 and 5 of 6 bars. But it's more complicated than that.

It seems that whenever the EVDO data kicks in, it causes the signal strength to drop to 0 or 1 bar. Once the data is idle, the EVDO indicator turns grey and then changes from EV(^v) to EV(D). At that point the single strength will return to 3 or 4 bars.

At times, though not as consistently or often, the EVDO connection will fall back to 1xRTT and will switch between them every few minutes. This will occur even when the signal strength bars are in the 3 to 4 range.

So, the my questions are...

Does the signal strength apply to the data signal or just the voice signal?

Is there any legitimate reason for the signal strength to vary wildly like I've described, even when sitting in the same recliner where the Hero had a constant 5 bar connection and data service that never wavered?

Is anyone else having signal strength and/or data service issues?

Should I exchange the Moment for another Moment or will I likely experience the same issue?

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HTC Droid Eris :: My 3G Is Turned Off Even Though I Haven't Turned It Off

Jan 5, 2010

This is my first post and it comes with some questions:

First and foremost at random times my 3G is turned off even though I haven't turned it off...go into the setting and it says its still on. Only way to turn it back on is to turn it off and then turn it back on? Any ideas just a problem with the phone maybe. Didn't know if anyone has encountered this problem

Second is there and application that I can use that will let me select what things will startup with a reset of the phone? Also is there an easy way to reset the phone without a battery pull? I just like to do this when Unistalling apps and installing apps...always seems faster after downloading or Unistalling after I do this.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Turn Off "Cell Standby" / Battery Used By Cell Radio?

Oct 26, 2010

How can I turn off "Cell Standby"

Battery used by cell radio?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Can Sense Ui Be Turned Off And Stock Turned On?

Aug 4, 2010

Back when the Evo first came out, it was possible to turn off the Sense UI and use the stock Android. This option was deleted after the first update. Does anyone know if the option has been restored with the Froyo update?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Cell Standby 42% / Mean I Am In A Bad Cell Zone?

Jun 9, 2010

Does this just mean I am in a bad cell zone? This is my reading at home and it is the top battery usage on the chart, followed by wifi at 24% (on because I am home), and phone idle at 23%.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Phone Signal - 3G Signal Horrible Same Location

Sep 25, 2010

I can get a few minutes of 4G signal at my home per day, but when it drops out and 3G takes over, the signal will flatline and boot me offline. My 3G speeds are usually around 56-150Kbps or less, and my 4G speeds are around 2.5 Mbps What would cause this ? According to WiMax location sites online, my nearest 4G tower is .52 mile away. I would think that if I actually get 4G signal, then 3G would be constant. Turning off 4G doesn't help either. Is there some setting that I could have turned off that would cause this ? Running stock EVO on 2.2 all the latest updates

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Motorola Droid X :: Droid X Signal - 87dBm - Low Signal Causing Battery To Drain Faster

Jul 18, 2010

My droid x signal pretty much always between -92dBm and -87dBm with 1-3 3g bars. My former droid eris would get -92dBm with 1 bar and also drain incredibly fast.

On the droid x, if I go into google maps, the circle of the cell tower appears and the place I live at is half way within the edge of the circle and the other half is outside of the circle. I always seem to be connected to this tower. Bad luck I guess that I'm on the outskirts of the circle.

Does anyone know how cell towers are distributed? Do they overlap sometimes?

I run pandora with the screen off for a half hour with the screen off and my battery is down to 70%. I have about 15% screen brightness and battery saving mode on.

yesterday, I was on meebo for an hour and 45 minutes and it was down to 60% from a full charge.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Using As A Router

Oct 8, 2010

I'm looking at purchasing one of these phone, but one of the main reasons would be to use it at home as a replacement to my Linksys router. As a hotspot can the EVO also work as a router allowing one machine to access another machine's folders on the EVO network, or does the hotspot only allow the devices to get onto the internet?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Router

Oct 8, 2010

I'm looking at purchasing one of these phone, but one of the main reasons would be to use it at home as a replacement to my Linksys router. As a hotspot can the EVO also work as a router allowing one machine to access another machine's folders on the EVO network, or does the hotspot only allow the devices to get onto the internet?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Router App

May 19, 2010

Iwas unaware there was even such an app untill i started looking into the EVO. but do you guys think we will be able to utilize a router app?

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HTC Hero :: Best Router

Jul 23, 2010

Whats the best router to set up my own home wireless network to use with my Hero? my cell signal is not the best in the house and i already have high speed internet for the desktop. Before i start buying routers which ones do you guys prefer? and when it comes to routers i know nothing about them as i have never had anything that used wifi until now.

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Android :: IM Server Behind NAT Router

Sep 2, 2010

I am making an IM application for Android. The application consists of a server and client, both residing on the android. At startup, the applications register with a webserver. If a client wants to send an IM to a server behind a NAT router, how this be done? I heard of stun4j and jstun but found nowhere an example of their usage in android.

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HTC Desire :: Wifi And Router

Apr 21, 2010

I have a ZyXEL P-2602HW-D1A Router with the following settings:

- SSID hidden: No
- Channel: 6
- Security: Static 128-bit WEP
- Firmware: V3.40(AJQ.4) | 07/14/2008

These settings are defined my the company I work for. My router works fine with both desktop and labtop computers however my various mobile phones are the WIFI issue. I've tried to use both a Samsung i8910 and a HTC Desire where I experience that the phones can connect and many download data for a short while. But here after the connection is very slow, the lag time is up to many minutes or the phone and router just disconnects. But when I use my mobile phones with all other WIFI routers they work fine!

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