HTC EVO 4G : Folder For Mp3 Files To Show Up On Stock Music Player App?
Oct 3, 2010What is the proper folder to place mp3 files so that they show up on the stock music player app?

What is the proper folder to place mp3 files so that they show up on the stock music player app?
I am using windows 7 so the htc sync does not work. I know that there is a workaround for this but I am able to connect Eris through usb and then tap on mount SD card and then drag and drop music files from my pc to my Eris. The problem is that the Eris music app does not show any of the album art. The art is in the files so I don't know why it won't show. I created a folder called music and in that folder is a folder for each artist which contains folders for each album. The art is in each album folder. I tried Mixzing media player for a while and some of the album art appeared but maybe only 25%. I like the stock app if it would just show the album art.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI installed a game from gameloft (Let's golf, great graphics btw)
Anyway I notice a bunch of sounds files were showing up in my music player I didn't want. Very annoying. I searched around here and didn't really find that much help. After some further searching around the net the easiest way I could find was as follows:
1. Open up notepad, don't type anything just go to file, save as. Change the drop down box for Save as type: select all files. Under file name simply type ".nomedia" without quotes.
2. Connect your phone to your computer, locate where the sound files you don't want are. In the same folder as where all the files are, drag the .nomedia file you made to that folder. Disconnect the phone
3. Reboot your phone, once booted open up the music player (you might still see the files there since it's cached) Go to the all songs tab, select a song. This will refresh the cache and you should no longer see any annoying files in your widget or playlist.
Before this I had to make a custom playlist and select that but everytime I rebooted I would have to select the playlist again plus if you add new songs you would have to go into the playlist.
Also if you don't know where the annoying files are, you should be able to hold down on it in the music application and go to details. This will show u where the files are located.
Am I wrong, or does the stock Music Player NOT show the butyrate of MP3 files, only the filesize? WTF?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I hide sound files from the stock music player? Games' sound files are showing up on the stock music player.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the Motorola Droid and am using the stock music player. I was looking for alittle help finding something better to sure alot of you are using something much better.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a Samsung Galaxy I7500 using android 1.5. I extended my phone with a 16GB microSD. I copied a big music collection (around 800 files) into a folder on this SD. Now the problem is that the music player can't find all the files.
I know that there are several threads about android not finding music. The answers are usually that the library hasn't yet been updated or that the ID3 tags are not correct.
I have checked both.
Btw. I can play the files using ASTRO.
In my opinion it seems as if android can't build up a library with too many entries. If I rename the files or put them into different folders, songs disappear and reappear quite randomly.
Do you have any solutions? Is there a music player which doesn't use the native music players index of files?
Trying to find a way how to move music from google play to the stock music player. It has better sound quality, in my opinion, than google play itself. Any way to get music from google play to the music player app that comes with Android Ics.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a music player that allows me to browse music folders and play directly from that view (with fwd, rev, etc). Basically, Rockbox (or similar) for Android. So far, all my app searches turned up empty.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm on 2.1 and looking for a good media player. I keep my music in folders (too many mixed albums and non-tagged music), and want a player that will allow me to play my music by folder. Every player seems to do the artist/genre/album/etc. thing, but not the folder thing.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI've been scowering the depths of Android music players trying to find an app that will simply let me browse SMB shares, sort according to ID3 track number tags, and play/queue music files.
The only app I could find that could come close is Xenoamp Beta, but it's buggy and often crashes when I point it at SMB shares with thousands of songs.
Otherwise I've come up with nothing.
Popular Music Players like Power Amp and Rocket Player etc, won't allow me to add SMB folders to their libraries. I've heard of solutions to mount smb shares into the "sd card", but such actions require root, which I don't want to do.
Popular Media Players like BSPlayer can browse SMB shares perfectly, but it won't parse ID3 tags and allow me to play according to track number.
Excellent File Managers like ESmanager will browse SMB shares with ease, but also won't recognize track number tags.
I've searched for a solution to this but everyone just says to buy another music player,which I really want to avoid having to do.I've installed a few games that put sound effects on the SD card.The music player adds these to the playlist so I'm getting random sounds effects mixed with my music.I cannot find a way to tell the music player to JUST USE THE MUSIC FOLDER.Is there something I am missing or an add-on for the stock player?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI assume when you create a playlist on the Droid X it creates an M3U file right? If so, where is it located?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought my Galaxy S to replace my Rockboxed Cowon X5L. It has 30GB of storage, my Galaxy S has 48GB of storage. It's going to hold around 250 albums. I don't have single tracks, I just have albums, and typically I'll play an entire album rather than a single track. I've tried several music playing apps on Android and they're all awful. Not a single one of them is even halfway competent. I want to be able to go into a music player, and browse through folders and select music to play that way. I want to be able to go into a folder and start playing a track and for the music player to continue playing all the tracks in that folder and then stop. I want next/previous track to go to the next/previous track in the folder. The default music player is rotten, and does not work in this way at all. Any other music player I've seen seems to be built on top of the music player or just a reskin of it. They're all shite too. Has anyone created a music playing app that is fit for purpose? Has anyone seen one?
View 13 Replies View RelatedDid you ever have music files without tags ? (for example ripped from your CDs)Did you ever add some music in a "new music" folder in your memory card, without knowing exactly all the artist / albums?Do you know the "unknown artist" who sings the "Track 01", even if your file name is correct?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can see the songs when I have my phone hooked up to the computer as a hard drive (on the SD card), yet those songs don't show up on the music player.
View 5 Replies View RelatedNot sure who's using "3" by rockon, but I've just downloaded it lastnight to test it out and for some reason a few of my songs which were downloaded by limewire don't show up in the list of songs. does it have to do with the way they're saved in the music folder? because the songs that have their own folder in my music folder come up great but ones that i've ripped off cds or downloaded as one offs on limewire don't seem to show up in the list of songs available? If you do'nt get what i mean heres a visual.. all the songs with thier own folders can be found on the "3" app but the ones below that don't have a folder don't show up. Is there something i need to do with them? rename them in teh properties or something?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI uploaded 100 songs to my SD card from my PC. When I opened the music player app in the phone, it shows all 100 songs. So I opened up the songs list, picked a song and it played just fine. After the song I hit the forward button to play the next song (next song of the 100 that I had on there) and it played the same song again. So upon looking at the music player it now showed "1/1" at the top, instead of "1/100". It's like it's locked on that 1 song. If I go into the menu I can see all my songs, and I can choose/play them individually, but I can't have all 100 songs chosen, so that they'll just play one after the other. How do I make the music player show all 100 songs again? I just want to open up the music player, hit play, and sit back & enjoy the next 100 songs playing one after the other. I don't want to have to select each one individually to play. (Hopefully this wasn't too confusing).
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've bought a Milestone and after the first contact with him, copied some musics to a folder on SD card. The problem is: some songs does not appear on the player. Some musics do, some musics does not. I tried several players (Meridian, RockOn, TuneWiki) to see if this was an issue with the default player, but all of them showed the same problemI also thought that this could be a problem with the ID tags of the MP3 files that didn't show, so i checked every one with a MP3 tag editor and fixed some, but to no avail: the files still doesn't show on the list.Just one more detail: if I go to a file manager and "execute" the MP3 file, the music plays just correctly.Dows anyone has experienced some behavior like this, or I'm doing something wrong?Is there a way to add all files on a folder to a playlist without going one by one on a file manager?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSome of the albums I put on the sd card just don't show up in the player, the odd thing also is that I put a picture of the album art in the folder too that shows up in the picture gallery. But, for those certain albums that dont show up, neither do the album art in the gallery.
View 17 Replies View RelatedI have ringtones I made on myxer on my SD card. The music player will play all the songs I have but it doesn't even show the ringtones. What am I doing wrong?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am transferring mp3/mp4 files to Music Folder on my android phone. but I always get this message "Your file will be copied, but you might not be able to play or view it on your device". I copied it but Google Play Music/ Winamp cant detect any files I copied. It only show files I downloaded from the net. My android version is 4.2.1.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis is my second DX as my first was acting up and I remember that on my first DX all I did was drag the song title into the DCIM folder and everything would appear, music and artwork. On my second DX I did the same thing but no artwork this time around.I have lots of music and it would be nice to have the artwork come up
View 2 Replies View RelatedOn my HTC Legend, when I download podcasts using Listen, BeyondPod, or Dpod, the downloaded .mp3 files are not visible on the android music player widget. Nor are they visible on btunes, even if I enable the audio books/podcasts features on btunes and hard-set the sdfolder path to where the .mp3 files are stored. On the music widget, I do see an empty "podcasts" playlist, but if I tell it to update, I get a "force close" error. Any ideas?
View 3 Replies View RelatedTransfered songs to my Galaxy Ace the first time and they all showed up into the stock music app, but i had some problems, (i would click delete, and it would still show and access it) and ended up reformatting my SD card, and so i transferred them again, but would not show in the app, but they still show up in File Manager and can play them like that, but i would prefer to just switch at any time sort of thing...
View 1 Replies View RelatedUnless I am entirely missing something (which is certainly possible), I can't seem to easily create a playlist based on all music in a *folder* using the stock music player. I have to select each song one-by-one out of a list of all my songs on the phone, which is tedious and time-consuming. If I'm missing it, please let me know. In the meantime, I downloaded a very basic player called "Player." It does allow you to create playlists based on all music in a folder.
When you navigate to a music folder and select some or all of the music in the folder to play, "Player" creates a temporary playlist with all of the music selected. NOTE: A message pops up saying ONE song has been added to the playlist, but this is incorrect (unless you've only selected one to play). If you've chosen multiple or all of the songs in the folder to play, it actually creates the playlist with all the selected songs in it. Since the playlist created is a temporary playlist, so you must go into the "playlist" area to rename it to what you want. If you don't, then the next time you select a folder to play music from, it will likely overwrite the first temporary playlist with the new one.
It's actually very, very easy (much easier than scrolling through to select each song). The playlists created by "Player" automatically show up in the stock music player as well and can be played there. One negative to "Player" is that it appears to display the wrong album art. If that's a big deal, then simply revert to the stock player and run your playlists from there. I realize there are other music apps in the markets, so this wouldn't apply if you prefer one of those, obviously.
I have tried the default music player that is installed with the Droid-X. I've also bought the bTunes player and installed the MixZing player (free version). What is wrong that, by default, all list the tracks of an album in alphabetical order? At least bTunes will let you optionally sort by original track order (although the way given by bTunes is counter-intuitive and you have to start playing a track before you can sort).
By default, all albums should display in original track order. I suppose that for those who have difficulty reading, perhaps an option to list tracks in alphabetical order might be in order for ADA compliance or something. Otherwise, when I browse one of my albums, I want to see it in the order that the original artist intended.
How's the music player find the music? I am currently just dragging mp3s or album folders onto a random folder on my sd card. The music player finds these songs and plays them but I am curious if there is a better way to organize media stored on your phone. I currently have ASTRO file manager but I haven't done much with it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI like to put it on random and I have like 1600 songs. It plays a lot of songs more than once, does it not remember what it has played and what it has not? Very annoying to hear the same song again when I have so many. Another thing is when I have it on shuffle if it is playing for example a Eminem song, All it wants to play is Eminem songs for the next ten tracks or so until I keep skipping.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know where I can find the stock froyo music apk? I am on a non rooted EVO. I have searched google big time with no luck.
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