HTC EVO 4G :: Best MP3 Sound Quality
Jun 14, 2010
Is there a program that runs on the EVO that produces the best sound quality while listening to MP3s? I have some Shure headphones that I use with my itouch and they sound great. The EVO sounds just "OK". Anyone have a player that they use that works better than others? Maybe one with an EQ?
I am using (3) cubed as my player and like the features, but just wish the sound was a little better.
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Apr 21, 2010
Does anybody have any clue of what we can expect from this phone in terms of sound quality? I'm an iPhone 3G user (), and I'm very pleased with the audio quality on the device. I'm something of an audiophile, and will be using these babies with my Evo, when I get it.
So, not having owned an android device before, how does the audio hardware generally stack up? I'm quite exacting, but anything close to the 3G should be good enough for me.
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Sep 18, 2010
The Evo's video sound quality is amazingly terrible - which begs the question...can it be improved or are we stuck with unusable "hi-def" video? I'm looking for why it's so bad. Codec/bitrate/compression issues or what?
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Apr 6, 2010
I don't have HTC desire but i was wondering how good is the sound quality? Like compared with iPod touch or a proper music player.
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Oct 7, 2009
I joined the forum a week or so ago, just before I got my new HTC Hero on Thursday and it's taken me until now to drag myself away from it to visit the forum again.
As much as I'm addicted to the phone, I was a bit disappointed the sound quality wasn't great- comes out a bit 'tinny'. I got myself some Sennheiser CX 500 earphones and it seems now the sound it much much better.
I just wondered what other people's experiences were with the music/sound quality on the Hero...
Also, if it's not too much to ask further, what music player do you use? I've got Rockon and the default player and kinda like them both but neither are perfect...
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May 12, 2010
The sound quality on my Incredible is bad, especially compared to by Blackberry. Has anybody else had this issue? Verizon thinks it may be a bad handset and they're going to replace it, but I'm wondering if I should switch back to the Blackberry.
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Oct 2, 2010
I've gotten some complaints about the sound quality of my Evo compared to other cell phones on outgoing calls. And reviews have mentioned that the phone aspect of the Evo is not its strong suit.Is it possible that future updates could improve sound quality? Or is that strictly a hardware issue?
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Feb 11, 2009
Is anyone else experiencing poor playback quality on files recorded with MediaRecorder? Is there a way to improve this?
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May 11, 2010
I use some higher end balance armature earphones and also some regular traditional earphones.
Anyone else notice the sounds quality ... isn't exactly that great?
I hope its just me but the frequency range seem incomplete. The highs are missing and the low end is clipped out pretty early. The midrange is decent though.
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Aug 23, 2010
How's the sound quality in Droid 2? i am using a SonyEricsson W595. i am curious how the sound quality is !(from 3.5mm jack , not speaker)
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Jun 9, 2010
So yea I'm a hardcore audiophile and any crackle/pop in my music really annoying. I have had the EVO since Friday, and everything I try (Slacker, Pandora, last.FM, whatever) cracks/pops when the audio is going through the 3.5MM jack to my car. I'm already on a wait list for replacement because I think it's faulty hardware. I've tried multiple cables and even HQ settings.
Coming from a Touch Pro 2 which had amazing sound quality through the 3.5mm jack, needless to say I'm less than happy with the EVO since I primarily stayed with Sprint for uncapped data. If I get a replacement and it still continued, looks like I may be wandering over to that new iPhony. I urge everyone with this issue to post here so they can resolve it or figure out whats going on.
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Jan 21, 2010
So my wife just tells me (5 days after the last day I have to return my phone) that lately the sound quality when I call her is terrible. She has trouble hearing me and mainly hears a bunch of background noise while my voice is kind of faint. My signal strength doesn't seem to make much of a difference. On my end calls sound great. Just trying to see if anyone else has had any complaints. She claims it was better before. Not sure what's going on but I'd hate to think this phone sounds terrible to the people I am calling.
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Sep 25, 2010
Does anyone have problems with sound when playing music. I seem to be have one channel missing when I play Pandora or my personal music. It sound like one side of the songs is coming through but through both speakers. is there and equalizer app out there?
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Apr 21, 2010
Just wanted to make sure if this is a common issue or something wrong with my handset (so that I can try getting it replaced).
When I hear calls using phone's default speaker, the sound comes okay till one volume level. If I move up, the sound distorts.
If I use speaker-phone, things are worse. After a certain level, sound crackles a lot.
For music via phone's loud speaker, the sound doesn't crackle. But as identified by many, I can hear music with no bass & lots of treble.
Is this normal for Desire?
Comparing it with my wife's N95 (which has stereo speakers) was a nightmare for me.
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Jan 20, 2010
Am I the only one who thinks the sound quality of the Eris SUCKS? No matter what player I use (stock player, TuneWiki, MixZing, DroidLive, Last, LastFM, Pandora (to a slightly lesser degree)), music comes out incredibly muddled, like I'm listening through pillows over my ears. True of any of 5 pairs of headphones I use (and I'm not about to go out and buy $100 headphones), including through my car adapter.
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Mar 3, 2010
Anyone notice how pandora clicks when playing. I keep my eris pretty clean (very mild task killer use.... if at all, focusing on apps I added and quit using hours ago) and don't have much running at once, so i don't think its a lag issue. i am usually in pretty high 3g signal areas, so i don't think its a connection issue either.... i dont notice the problem on my pc....
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Nov 4, 2010
I have had the fascinate since September and love it. One day the speaker phone went out and I called the rep and they did not have a fix, so they sent me a replacement phone. The sound quality on my old phone was fine. A bit tinny at times but OK. But the replacement blows it away. I didn't even send it back for that, it was just an added bonus. So for those of you with sound issues. May want to get a replacement and see if its better?
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Dec 15, 2009
I just downloaded Slacker 1.0.375 (I think) and have found a huge sound quality issue...
I'm currently using Shure SE310 earbuds on multiple devices and have noticed no issues with their quality... I also use Pandora (on my droid) with no quality issues... So I know it is neither the earbuds or the 3.5mm headphone jack on my droid...
What I notice with Slacker is that the bass, probably 50%-75% of the time, comes through with a lot of distortion / crackling... It is apparent at all volume levels that the music is actually audible and varies across all music genres...
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Nov 15, 2010
Have you ever tryied to make a video when you're at a concert? (I'm not speaking about a classical concert!)
I did and the result was horrible for the sound part. Is there a trick when I want a good quality audio? just keeping the Phone in the air is not enough
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Jun 8, 2010
I have two questions - they may have been answered already, but I'm still ever so confused. 1. I have managed to remove my facebook/twitter/google contacts from my People list, but they still show up when I go to the Phone thing on the home screen. I would like this to be the other way around - i.e. to have all my contacts on my People list thing, but just those on my phone sim come up when I go to the Phone button to make calls. Any suggestions very much appreciated. 2. The sound quality is hopelessly tinny when I make/receive calls. People can here me, but everything I hear is very distorted. Is this a problem for everyone, or do I have a faulty phone.
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Nov 1, 2010
Is my speaker blown or does anyone else have a problem with the qound quality when playing anything through the external speaker on KaosFroyo? Everytime I play any music or even a rng tone through the speaker it always sounds tinny and distorted. Everything sounded great before when I had the stock 2.1 Firmware.
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Jul 18, 2010
So far I love my EVO, but one thing that is really driving me crazy. With my Blackberry I had grown accustomed to streaming my music from my phone to a bluetooth stereo gateway in my car and my home.My BB sounded GREAT doing this.But the EVO has a really grungy crackling sound, especially when there is loud high frequency content, such as a lot of cymbals, etc. Some songs sound better than others depending on how they were recorded, but by in large it's very annoying.Even my wife, who is nowhere nearly as picky as I am about sound quality complains about it.I've tried to put up with it, but usually I resort to plugging directly into the aux jack.What a letdown for such an otherwise advanced phone!Is anyone else experiencing this?The research I've done so far indicates the the problem is that Android is locked at a relatively low "bitpool" setting, which is ok for voice, but doesn't provide the necessary bandwidth for decent music quality.Thus far I haven't found way to adjust this.Does anyone know of a solution, or if there is a solution coming? Will this be addressed in Froyo?It just sucks to have to plug my phone in again just to get decent sound quality.
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Oct 22, 2010
My girlfriend is looking for a new phone - and she likes the android platform (I have a Nexus One).
However, she is not impressed with the sound quality (both in terms of what you hear and what the other person can hear). Plus, the speaker phone on the Nexus One is nigh on useless.
I don't have any experience of the Desire HD, or others - can anyone recommend any that they know has good sound?
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Aug 5, 2010
This only seems to have affected my EVO - after updating to 2.2, the sound quality through Pandora is very low, even with the "High quality" setting enabled. Before I updated, sound quality was at CD-like levels, even without the HQ option enabled!
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Jan 6, 2010
I have both a Droid and a Nexus One. I have both of them set up for VoIP calls, and both are set up the same way. Here's how I set them up:
How To Set Up VoIP on the Nexus One Google Phone using Sipdroid for Free Calls | Dave's Tech Shop
How To Set Up VoIP on the Motorola Droid on Verizon Wireless using Sipdroid for Free Calls | Dave's Tech Shop
The call quality on the Nexus One is much worse than the Droid. I did repeated tests with both. And I used WiFi, so it can't be a difference between VZW and T-Mobile.
Anyone else tried VoIP on the Nexus One yet? I wonder if I have a defective phone or if this is a bigger issue.
The VoIP call quality problems are worse when using a headset on the Nexus One! VoIP quality on the Nexus One is marginal to poor without a headset, but with a headset it is unacceptable. I have tested four different headsets now. I have also tested those headsets on the Droid, and they are good. So the problem is the Nexus One, not any particular headset. My first thought was that I had a bad headset jack. However, after more trouble shooting I tend to think its not as simple as that. Music sounds fine through the headset. It is only VoIP sound that sucks when using a headset. The problem is so bad that phone calls using a headset are not workable.
Summary of Nexus One and VoIP:
* VoIP sound quality is marginal on WiFi with no headset.
* Music sound is good with headset on Nexus One.
* Headsets I'm testing with are good with VoIP and music on Droid.
* VoIP on Nexus One with a headset has poor sound quality.
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Jun 15, 2010
Does anyone else have problems with the sound quality of their visual voicemail?
Mine is terrible, would much rather call voicemail than listen to that junk.
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May 29, 2012
How and why sound can differ so much between different Roms on the same phone. I primarily use my phone to push music through my head unit in my car. I compare the different rom's sound quality by putting my phone on full volume level and controlling music with my car's volume knob.
I'm on an Evo 3D so,
2.17 based roms sound the best for some reason with the ICS leaks coming in at a near 2nd. All AOSP roms sound like trash for some reason. MeanROM and FreEVO roms with Beats Audio enabled sound the best, but I've had a few 2.17 roms that didn't sound too good.
Right now I'm on Newt's One S and I'm really digging the rom except for the sound. An example being... On MeanROM and FreEVO, volume level 35 is a nice listening level, 40 is loud and at 45 my speakers start to distort. Now on Newt's One S (and AOSP roms), 35 is way low, 40 is low, 45 it starts to distort but is still low compared to 35 on MeanROM even though beats audio is supposedly enabled.
I guess I'd like to know where the difference lies whether it be with the rom or kernel and is there anything I can flash or tweak to get the same sound quality from all roms that I put to my phone.
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Aug 21, 2010
Anyone have known any application from android market to improve the sound quality of the videos stored in media scape? i would better download it if ever there is that application since there is no update in the software...
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Jun 25, 2010
I'm going on a trip soon and wanted to put some movies on my phone. I found some DVD ripping software, ripped The Dark Knight as MPEG4, and was thrilled when I saw the picture- it looked fantastic. Then I put my headphones in. Where's my sound?
Before this, I had the movie The Book of Eli on my computer, MPEG4. I put that on my phone- sound, but not video. Converted to H.263, got both, but video was terrible quality. Near unwatchable. Should I try converting to a different format? I mean, there has to be some way to get good quality video.
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Sep 17, 2010
Anyone else having issues with the volume and or quality of visual voicemail? I can hardly hear any of my messages when using visual Voice Mail. However if I call my voicemail, volume and quality are fine. Obviously something is getting lost when your voice mail is getting routed through a data connection.
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