HTC Droid Eris :: Resize Attached Picture Handcent Keeps Force Closing
May 25, 2010Everytime I try and attacth a picture handcent will try and resize it, but as its trying it just force closes.

Everytime I try and attacth a picture handcent will try and resize it, but as its trying it just force closes.
when attaching a picture onto a txt message, once the select picture page shows up it force closes me saying the process has stopped unexpectedly it does this everytime! its becoming a pain tryin to attach pictures onto txt messages. anyone else having this problem?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor some reason Handcent keeps force closing all of a sudden. I haven't noticed this before & its happened about 4 times.
View 3 Replies View RelatedUp until now, Handcent has worked just fine for me (except for not being able to view pix occasionally). About 2 days ago it force closed on me. Today it has done that about 4 times. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Handcent, as well as power cycled the phone, but it is still acting up.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf this has already been answered please direct me in the right direction and delete my post.
When I am having a conversation thread and I am responding, I open settings, attach, from camera, take a picture, and hit save. Once I hit save, Handcent force closes. I have tried to uninstall it and re-install it. I tried the same thing on the stock app and at first it didn't work but then I went into rom manager and went into JT's stuff and downloaded the stock MMS.apk, that did the trick for the stock messaging app but Handcent is still doing the same thing.
I updated my x10a to 2.1 last week and i noticed sms and handcent keep freezing up. I uninstalled handcent and it's still doing it. my x10a is Rogers branded and rooted.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHas anyone been having this trouble lately? I've tried clearing out old messages and clearing the cache but yet it still force closes on almost every picture while resizing it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAfter 2.1 update - force closing. It just happens randomly every now and then...
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhere my calendar would force close several times a day (when syncing). I finally found a solution. I had installed android agenda widget a while back and that was causing the problem. I uninstalled it today, but the problem wasn't fixed until I cleared out the data in my calendar (menu, settings, manage applications, then click on and clear out the data) and re synced it with google. Just in case you are wondering, I then reinstalled android agenda widget and the problem returned. Uninstalled it again, recleared my data and now it syncs perfectly to my google account.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use the weather channel app i like it and its usually works but lately The widget is saying that GPS is Unavailable and GPS is turned on, Also when i open the app and try to get my location using GPS is force closes. I was just wondering if anyone was having any of the same problems and maybe a solution.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe other day my Android Market just started force closing on me every time I tried opening it. I thought, "no biggie, it will probably stop doing that after I reboot it." luck. Been two days now and the problem is continuing. I can't even open the market up. Any suggestions? I am running 2.1leakv2 (I know I know v2...I just didn't want to update because it would wipe my entire phone again, and I have absolutely no problems with v2 other than this now).
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy Eris this morning and was greeted by 5-8 force close notifications for what seems like all of my critical processes. My status bar shows that I have no reception, and my lock screen says I'm in Airplane mode, but if I hold the End button down, it says AP mode is off. If I try to go into my wireless settings, Settings will FC. If I bring up the dialer, that will FC. If I click my Wireless Network toggle widget, then Sense will FC. Everything is FUBAR. I can't think of any recently installed applications that might have caused the problem... aside from the latest OTA patch. This was the first time my phone has been powered off since installing the latest OTA.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI keep trying to attach pictures using Handcent. Keeps telling me pictures are too large and resizing. Then it always force closes handcent. I increased maximum MMS size to 1M. Never had this problem til after the update. Have done a factory reset. Only thing I have not done is uninstall Handcent and reinstall. Anybody else having his issue?
View 6 Replies View RelatedFirst off, i use chomp for my messaging. Whenever I get an MMS and hit download it downloads the photo and right before it shows it I get a notification saying that "messages needs to force close" then the photo will pop up in chomp with no problems.
View 4 Replies View RelatedPhone started getting slow single went to hell not acting right so i did factory reset now sense keeps force closing in a loop will not stop force closing.
View 19 Replies View RelatedThe SMS keeps force closing on me on my Droid 41/09. Sometimes two or three times a day. When it force closes, it deletes all threads. It even does it when there is only one thread with a few messages in it. I haven't noticed anything specific that causes the force close to happen, it just happens when it wants to. I removed all downlaoded apps and the problem persists. I am using the default messaging app. Is anyone else experiencing this and has anyone found a solution? I absolutely love this phone and it is my first Android device.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy email is force closing every time I open it now. I use AOL (gasp, I know hehe), and it has never done so, until I recently updated to the latest Cyanogen update, via the Rom Manager program. I've attempted the "clear data" fix that people have referenced multiple times, without it working on any attempt. I've also reinstalled the rom, and tried a few back versions, all with "clear data and cache" selected, to see if that would help.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi recently flashed the 2.2 MDW ROM and everything went well for like the first 30 minutes. So i was restoring my applications and such and on the first attempt i restored some things using My backup pro and as soon as I restored my data when i tried going to my home screen the launcher would constantly force close. So of course i couldnt accomplish anything while this was happening so i had to nandroid and start over. On the second attempt i tried NOT using My backup pro thinking that that was the issue but then yet again my launcher started force closing. Now i really want to go to 2.2 but obviously i cant because of the launcher force closing.
View 7 Replies View RelatedOut of nowhere this morning, my gmail app started force closing. i haven't installed any new apps in the last couple days.
When i tap the icon, it'll load the first few messages in my inbox then it'll pop up with "the process has stopped unexpectedly. please try again." on the rare occasion that it doesn't FC right away, it'll load the first few messages and at the bottom of the screen will say "No connection" so i'll tap the "retry" button next to that, and THEN it will FC. (and i'm not 100% sure, but I think that same process FC kills off my gchat, too.)
I'm non-rooted running 2.1 still (no froyo yet).
It's not even allowing me to uninstall or dump the .apk file.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the new beautiful widgets app and ever since i did a battery pull for another issue i had, beautiful widgets is always force closing. i never had this problem prior to the battery pull. Where do i go from here? I do appreciater all the feedback i get from this site. You people are "droid savers"..
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust updated to 2.3. Excited about the new battery manager usage statistics. However, it force closes 100% of the time when I click on it. Phone has never been rooted. Not running launcher pro or anything else like that. Battery pull doesn't fix it either. I'm going to have to side with those that say Froyo is buggy.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm currently running bb.05, every time I click super user it just force closes. All of my rooted apps open and run fine. Has anyone else experienced this? I restarted my phone but it had no affect.
TIBU works, SetCPU works, Screenshots force closes and SU force closes.
Has anyone else had the problem with their alarm force closing? It will ring on time but an error message pops up and says it has to close.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have beautiful widgets and it constantly is force closing. if i uninstall, then re-install, will i lose all of the skins i previously downloaded?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt seems to REALLY "hang up" sometimes. Like I try touching to type in text, and it will take FOREVER sometimes to pull up the virtual keyboard. And multiple touches at times. Other than that, it's force closing my apps a LOT. iMusic, Messaging, Facebook... all force close regular. Tried removing apps, no change.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI tried to install a theme in ROM manager but I installed it as a ROM. I don't know if this is the problem but honestly everything is force closing now. I have the Sm0KeD FroZeN YoGurT theme right now.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know how to upload pictures to a Facebook album, and I know how to make a status update, but how do I do both at the same time, so I can comment on the picture? (This is not the same as giving the picture a caption, which I also know how to do.)
View 31 Replies View RelatedIt is now 12:15 am est. My phone ate it's first battery for breakfast and lunch and died at 2:15. Left the house at 930 for school, sat in class and surfed the internet for a bit, made a few phone calls to meet up with a friend at the gym. Once at the gym I used Men's health mobile workout app(recommend) at which point my 1st battery died, Pop in my fully charged 2nd battery cruising through the day few phone calls nothing over 4 minutes, sat in class browsed some more and played wixel and what the doodle....went out after calss for a drink.
Finally my droid had ingested its 2nd battery timing out at 11. I am rooted running at 1200mhz with profiles set...Also having lots of problems with swype force closing....anyone experiencing the same problem? also I would like to poll the amount of droid owners having a 2nd battery.
I have taken videos with the Droid in the past, but the past few days, as soon as i toggle the camera switch UP to capture a video, it gives me a force close screen. i have restarted the phone a few times, but same thing..
also, sometimes the camera button does nothing when trying to use it to bring up camera , i have to manually go to drop down list of apps to get to it. not a HUGE problem, but still a problem when it doesn't do what its made to do.