HTC Droid Eris :: Where To Get Voice Dial?
Jun 1, 2010
I assume that this has been asked and answered many times before, but the market keeps changing and new tools come and go. To put it plainly, the existing voice dialer in the ERIS stinks, and there doesn't seem to be any change with 2.1 over 1.5. Are there good dialers that can be purchased or freebees? I know about Vlink or something like that but the Beta is closed and the real version hasn't been released yet. What is everyone using?
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Jul 27, 2010
I am running the latest simply stunning and it does not have bluetooth voice dial. I know a rom i ran before this did have it (it was a 2.2 rom) but I have run so many I don't remember which one it was. So does anyone know what roms support this feature?
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Aug 17, 2010
Does anyone else find the Voice Dialing feature completely useless and frustrating?For myself: In a car with hundreds of contacts to sort through, it's a must have.This thing isn't even close.It just sprays random contacts out. Another "wait for Froyo 2.2" coming soon feature? Is there an alternative app I can download?
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Nov 9, 2009
I look forward to my Droid from Verizon.. unfortunately the Voice Dial appears disfunctional.If i go "Call Joe Blow".I get "Calll Joe Blow at home' Call Joe Blow on mobile choices on the screen. ok I could live with that as my Razr sometimes had difficulty, but I MUST PHYSICALLY SELECT THE CORRECT CHOICE.. so much for hands free.what is even worse is that if I say Dial 800-555-1212 it also prompts me for phsyical confirmation.For a phone in a hands free state this is worthless.Is this something that software will correct in the future??? I am trying to decide whether to send this sucker back in my 3 day window
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Jan 6, 2010
I barely ever get it to work accurately. It's easier just to jump to the contact list. I would like to use it in the car, and this is through the handset not bluetooth. Otherwise it's AWESOME. I am humbled so far, especially at the app selection.
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Feb 26, 2010
I use to be able to hold down the magnifying glass on the Droid and say "Call John Doe mobile" to call someone. Now for some reason when I do it it only gives me a google search option although I can still say "Navigate to 123 Whatever RD" and it will open up the navigator but why is my voice dial not working anymore.
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Nov 19, 2010
How can I voice dial from my bluetooth when the screen's timed out? Phone's in holster, screen's timed out, press & hold bluetooth headset, get double tone indicating screen timed out. Must remove phone from holster, unlock, then manually press Voice Command shortcut to activate. A real PITA, especially when driving. Have car doc, Voice Command works from bluetooth, but need to activate when phone is in holster.
Motorolla Droid X on VZW
Android version 2.2
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Jan 5, 2010
When I have GV enabled, I cannot manually dial a number and use it. It only works when clicking on a contact. Is there a way around this or am I missing something really simple.
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Apr 8, 2010
I tried searching but I couldn't find anything. For some reason I can't dial ##778. I'd like to do the trick to make the phone ring quicker but I can't access the settings for some reason. When I dial ##778 or ##program nothing happens.
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May 1, 2010
One thing conspicuously missing so far is a good voice dialer. The one that comes with the phone isn't great at recognizing and it has the annoying confirm message "do you want to call BLAH" just like phones had in the 90's. As far as I can tell the voice dialer doesn't have an option to stop confirming. The voice search and VTT feature has excellent accuracy so why can't I say "call sarah" on the voice search and have it call sarah much like i can say "navigate to" and it will launch navigator? Anyhow, anyone find a solution to this or find an alternative app that does voice dialing well?
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Aug 5, 2010
Mine doesn't seem to be working. Can anyone explain how it works?
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Jun 30, 2010
I just tried google voice recently and I just can't make a call from my cell phone. Every time I select one of my contacts on my phone and dial out with google voice, it first display the right number but it soon will change to 602-633-4000. I don't get it. However, I am able to make a phone call with google voice on the computer, it will connect my phone and then dial the right number. How do you guys dial out from your cell phone with google voice?
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Feb 9, 2010
Password: 000000 I don't take responsibility for what happens to your phone when doing this nor do I know what half of this does. There are many different changeable fields and I REALLY don't recommend changing any. I wish I could just to play around but I don't want to fight Verizon again for a new phone.
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Sep 5, 2010
I've been seeing people talk about the ability to do handsfree dialing/talking with the update. I have a Jawbone and I can't do anything different now, that I wasn't already able to do with 2.1. Am I missing something? What exactly should I be able to do differently?
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Apr 29, 2010
Today i tried to do something that i used to do back in my Alias 2 days (regular cellphone), but couldn't.
Can i record a simple voice message and send it via MMS? It was pretty simple to do with a cell phone...
I saw that the eris comes with a voice recorder, but i recorded a message and was not able to send it.
Any ideas?
Also, when sending pictures via MMS, it always resizes them and obviously the person receiving doesn't get the same quality. I realize that sending via Gmail doesn't resize, but i send to other cell phones a lot.
I'm thinking the only fix is lowering the camera resolution? I think that lowering the resolution is still better than having it resized for the message. Has anyone tried lowering the resolution to a point that the picture does not need to be resized for MMS?
Same thing for Video messages.. can't even send them. Not sure if it's HAndcent, or the file is just to big
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May 28, 2010
I can't set my speed dial on my Driod Eras after new update and want to know why.
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Aug 10, 2010
I have a stock 2.1 Eris. As a phone, it is a flaming turd. Phone-dial lag can be so bad the phone can be making a call minutes after I've hit the button to call. Once a week it is so screwed up that the phone thinks it is in a conference call with the same number at the same time. Because after a minute or two of no call being initiated, silly me, I dial again. Eventually both calls take place. I wind up talking to my wife while I'm also leaving some bogus voice mail at her same number. As it stands, this phone is literally an embarrassment. All of these problems started immediately after the 2.1 OTA update. Yes, I've done a factory reset. I've cleared my call log. Blah blah blah. I just want a phone that can dial without getting all "Special Olympics" on me. Simple question: Will rooting fix this kind of problem?
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May 18, 2010
I updated my phone to 2.1 via the OTA update. Noticed that the really annoying vibration for home, menu, back, and search is finally gone!
But allowing you to turn off all vibration would be just too uncool. So HTC invented yet another !@#$ vibration when the phone connects after you press dial.
Is there a way to turn this off? I looked everywhere but can't find any option to do this.
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May 18, 2010
Does anyone know how to get the number "1" to be your voicemail speed dial? I've done the 2.1 update, and saved the *86pXXXX# as the password, but the dialer won't got to voicemail when I actually press "1" on the dial pad. Does anyone have a fix for this?
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Sep 22, 2010
I've tried the voice feature and it seems to be crap.I've tried it with, and without a bluetooth headset, and it doesn't recognize any name I say.For example, if I want to dial my wife, I say "call martha".it dials the toyota dealer. makes no sense at there something i'm missing? some "set up" i need to go through so i can identify my voice? I'm asking it to dial names in my address book, actually just after she called, i tried it to call her back, no joy.
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Jan 26, 2010
Just got the galaxy last week and So far so good just cant seem to figure out voice dial? is it even posilbe on the box and specs when i bought it said voice recognition soo can anyone help?
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Sep 27, 2010
Can someone verify that 2.2 will add bluetooth voicedialing it is sure strange that you can't voicedial through bluetooth on a phone as advanced as the Epic.
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Sep 6, 2010
I know there are issues with Bluetooth voice dialing not working with the Epic (and that Samsung is supposed to fix it soon, I HOPE), but is there a way to voice dial without a Bluetooth?
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May 2, 2010
My husband bought an Incredible the other day and he has had one problem that is potentially a deal breaker. He uses his phone in the car a lot and part of that he uses a bluetooth headset. When playing with the phone he found he could not simply press the button on his jawbone to bring up voice dial (which I mean, we could do on motorola flip phones many many years ago). Even if he puts a shortcut the the "voice dial" application he needs to unlock the phone by pressing the top button, slide the unlock screen, press the app, then say his command.
If that were not enough there is no repeat back to the headset, you must manually confirm the selection. I don't know about you but to me that seems to defeat the purpose of voice dialing, which is meant to keep your hands free and eyes on the road. I have seen gesture search recommended but that would not be ideal to use while on the freeway. Are there any workarounds to make this work properly? I was wondering if on other phones the root community has developed their own solution to the problem on other phones as well, that might give him a little hope for when the incredible gets rooted.
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Aug 3, 2010
I updated my EVO 4G last night to Android 2.2. I started using the bluetooth voice dial feature this morning and I must say the new feature is still incomplete. There is no verification prompt after telling the phone who you want to call. You could say "Call Robin Cell" and it will dial Rob Cell without prompting you for verification. This means you have to scramble to grab the damn phone and hang up before it makes a connection with the wrong person. The lack of a hands free verification feature totally negates Android 2.2 bluetooth voice dial.
Microsoft Voice Command still has my respect in this regard no doubt. All it needs to do is repeat the name it is about to dial by saying (Prompt: "Call Robin at Cell" Answer: "Yes" or "No"). Why would they not do their homework on something like this and at least listen to how Microsoft Voice Command works? If they think there bluetooth voice dialing is flawless thats fine, but they still need to include the option for verification.
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Jan 6, 2010
Does pressing the Bluetooth headset "call" button and then speaking "call John Doe." work with Nexus One? (Essentially making a call without physically touching the phone.)
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Jan 29, 2010
This is probably pretty basic, but the only way I see that I can activate voice dial from the N1 is to touch the micophone button (top right on the home screen). The problem I'm having is the button is too small. When I'm driving, I have to concentrate too hard to find the little micophone button in the top right corner to activate voice dial. I realize I can create a shortcut with direct dial, but don't want too many buttons clogging up my home screen.
Surely there is any easier way to activate voice dial. Anyone know?
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May 27, 2010
Is there a trick to saving numbers in speed dial? I go through the process and hit save, but it still doesn't work.
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Mar 25, 2010
While using the speed dial widget that comes with the Eris, is there a way to put two contacts of the same person in, but with different numbers?For example,I want both my fiance's cell and his work number in those 9 slots, but I can only choose one as the default and if I go to add him in another slot, he isn't even available as a choice under my People.I can make him a wholly separate contact for his work info obviously, but I was just wondering if there was a sleeker way?
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Dec 18, 2009
There doesn't seem to be an easy way to dial from the contact list. When I am driving I need a quick way to dial.
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