General :: Mod Kitkat System UI Port To Micromax Canvas 3D
Feb 3, 2014port kitkat 4.4 for my phone micromax canvas 3d or micromax a115
View 1 Repliesport kitkat 4.4 for my phone micromax canvas 3d or micromax a115
View 1 RepliesLooking for cyber shot mid for Micromax canvas HD?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need a custom ROM for Micromax canvas music a88. The problem is ram of canvas music's is good (512 MB) but me and many canvas music user are getting only 120 to 100 MB free ram and that's because the phone is lagging lot.
View 9 Replies View Related how to start daydream in micromax canvas 2 plus . it has jellybean 4.2.
i can't find any option to start the daydream service in display settings.
I was just searching across how to install CWM recovery in Canvas 4 but couldn't find any.
Requirements: Phone should be Rooted.
Where to Get CWM Recovery for Micromax A210 Canvas 4? Recovery Thread link & Mirror Download link REMOVED on request from original uploader!
Flashing Instructions:
Download the CWM Recovery available in the above thread, extract it from the rar file and copy it to the ROOT of you SD Card Open Play Store and download Mobile Uncle Tools Then launch Mobile Uncle Tools and Click on Recovery Update (See screenshot) Then Click on the first recovery that it show, with location SD Card (See screenshot) And apply it. It will ask to reboot, do it and you are done..
This is the most easiest way to root micromax canvas 2.2 a114 using vroot.apk Below is the link to download vroot [URL] ..... After download Open the app select the first option and click on root. Your phone will be rooted within few seconds. Now go to google play and download super su. Open supersu. It prompt to download su binary. Press ok and update su binary, grant superuser to super su. After that supersu detect another superuser app and that is root master(vroot) and prompt to uninstall that app. Go ahead and click okk to uninstall it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFailed To root Micromax A115 Canvas 3D !
Tried many methods like Binary batch file, Unlockroot, Flash tool, Recovery Manager.
Nothing worked for me ! What to do ?
I'm using Micromax Canvas 4 and last night I realised that I had no camera pics aur videos on my phone. I'm 100% sure that I didn't delete or transfer them somewhere else.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am facing issues with my Micromax A110 Canvas2. After trying 'n' number of times and 'n' number of ways, I am unable to use call conferencing while calling.I have 2 questions:
1: Is this feature present in this phone model with standard ROM.
2: If not then what are the possible ways I can use voice call conferencing because it's a basic feature which is required most of the times.
I am using Micromax A201 (Canvas 4). Purchased just 8 days phone screen is flickering badly...I have Enabled Hardware Overrelay...still the issue is happening....also when I try to play any games in my phone the game just shuts down...
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow am i suppose to update android version in micromax canvas?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want default systemUI for A116 coz I flashed the notification icons mod by thecoolesthunkkush without deoxidising my Canvas so I lost my notification bar......!!!! how to get the default systemUI from stock rom.....!!!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am having Micromax superfona canvas 2 A110 I want to root my mobile to gain access to internet with reverse tethering.
View 1 Replies View Relatedto get out of bootloop that occured due to flashing zip file via CWM on my micromax canvas 2 plus phone which is the safest way ? I dont want to lose any data...
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently bought Micromax Canvas 4 A210 (Grey) loaded with Jelly Bean 4.2.1 OS. The Smart Gestures like Proximity Answer Phone isn't working.
View 1 Replies View Relatedcanvas turbo hang at logo. and get heated. i can't turnoff it. but it open in recovery mode. how to flash new rom in it. sp tool not working because battery is inbuilt. tell me another way to flash a new rom in canvas turbo
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a Micromax Canvas 2 and there is a charging problem...
When the charger gets connected... sometimes.. the charge led glows.. and charging icon is displayed on top.. but the battery is still discharging as after an hour.. when i saw.. the battery was down by 5%.. even when it was charging..
some times when i connect the charger.. the led glows ... but after few seconds it becomes off.. and the screen keeps on waking up all by itself... and during this part... the charge level neither moves up... nor moves down... i have to reboot the phone to get the real charge level... but in the first problem... rebooting doesn't work ....
I am using Genuine Micromax Charger and it is 100% fine as i have tested it on other phones too...
I tried to build it from Recovery Builder, but it didn't worked. Port clockworkmod recovery to Micromax Ninja 3 A57? The links to the system dump files are: [URL]....
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there going to be any update from for canvas 2 ???
Or I would sell off my old phone now...
I have a AllWinner A31S tablet with 4.2.2 but the manufacturer (portuguese brand called Growing) dont have any updates. The Telclast P88s has the exact same specs and i tried the official 4.4 of P88s on my tablet but i got a black screen on boot.
Its possible to port the 4.4 Teclast rom to my 4.2.2 tablet ?
My tablet is Growing GTQ818
I am using Micromax Canvas 4 ( Android 4.2.1 ) . I have installed some pirated games on my device and right after 1 week all the signal bars goes down. Now there is no signal on my device from last month. Sometimes they come after 7-10 days and went away the same day.
I have tried these following steps :
1. Rebooting several times.
2. Factory Reset.
3. Changing SIM Card.
4. Changing automatic network selection settings to manual and then to automatic.
P.S. : Whenever I change my SIM card it says " Your phone date is inaccurate". < - - May be this is the reason.
i'm trying to port a speed net meter to work in my stock SystemUI for moto X, because the source is not compatible with the android 4.4.2. I don't know smale.
This is the source of the speed net meter:
< android:textAppearance="@style/TextAppearance.StatusBar.Traffic" android:gravity="left|center" [code]....
I have trouble to porting sound system from htc-DHD to htc-Evo 3D device
both devices use ICS 4.0.4 cook rom
I found that the music sound on DHD much better than in Evo 3D, especially the sound enhancers has more options
This is DHD sound enhancer
This is Evo 3D sound enhancer
The appearance is no matter because it is related to htcSoundEnhancerSetting.apk file. But I need the true working sound libs files that related to the htcSoundEnhancerSetting.apk
I so much love the htc 5.1 surround sound option. So, I want to port sound system libs from DHD to Evo 3D to attemp test. But I don't know which files are need to copy. Some hint to port the sound system from DHD to Evo 3D.
4th Galaxy of the Android Universe - Port Moto x Google now since system dump is out?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a Chinese clone of Galaxy S4 called No.1 S6 with MTK6589 Cpu and Android 4.2.1 (Odexed Rom), well, I tried to replace some system app like contacts, phone and mms with the same apps taken from the Slim bean 4.2.2 Rom for the Google Nexus 4 that has the same screen resolution.
I odexed the slim bean apks with dexopt-wrapper as explained here [URL] ...., I signed them with auto-sign software, so I put them into system/app folder with right permissions, deleting old apks first, rebooted the phone, wiped cache in recovery and when the phone booted the apk I replaced was gone, so I think there's a compatibility problem between my system apps and nexus 4 ported apps, maybe I have to take the slim bean (or other ROMS, whatever) sources and edit the apks and make them compatible with my phone...
How to port system apps from other devices with different software?
I'm trying to find information on how to change the coordinate system for the canvas.I have some vector data I'd like to draw to a canvas using things like circles and lines, but the data's coordinate system doesn't match the canvas coordinate system. Is there a way to map the units I'm using to the screen's units?
I'm drawing to an ImageView which isn't taking up the entire display.If I have to do my own calculations prior to each drawing call, how to I find the width and height of my ImageView?The getWidth() and getHeight() calls I tried seem to be returning the entire canvas size and not the size of the ImageView which isn't helpful.I see some matrix stuff, is that something that will work for me?I tried to use the "public void scale(float sx, float sy)", but that works more like a pixel level zoom rather than a vector scale function by expanding each pixel. This means if the dimensions are increased to fit the screen, the line thickness is also increased.
I am trying to rotate a canvas with canvas.rotate and move an object on it at the same time. The problem is that with the rotation, the coordinate system of the canvas rotates as well, so I get cases when my object is supposed to be moving along the y axis, but the y axis is rotated on place of the x axis. It is a mess. Is there a way to go around this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got a samsung galaxy s4 and I also have a Samsung Epic 4G Touch system dump. I was wondering if there was a way through the system dump to port the live wallpapers to the S4.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've encountered a very strange problem for programmatically turning on/off the airplane mode.I'm aware that it's one of the secure settings, and my app is a system app that is correctly signed.
However, I'm not able to correctly turn on/off the airplane mode.I have the following codes: (checked value is from onCheckedChanged callback of a check box UI)
int isAirplaneModeOn = checked ? 1 : 0;
Settings.Global.putInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, isAirplaneModeOn);
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED);
intent.putExtra("state", checked);
The line where it calls Settings.Global.putInt(....) works, because we can see that the airplane mode's check box in the android's settings app will changes as we change this value from our app, so we know that our app is indeed a system app. Otherwise, it will throw a SecurityException at this line.
However, we're getting "Permission Denial: not allowed to send broadcast android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE", at the line where it calls mContext.sendBroadcast(...). I have no idea why this fails while Settings.Global.putInt works.
One last note is that we're using Android 4.4.2 (KitKat).
I have just upgraded my Note 3 to KitKat and all seems to be ok except I have lost the system sounds.
I go to settings> Device> Sound> Volume and the system sound volume is set to mute or at the left hand end of the volume bar with no way to increase it.