General :: Samsung Galaxy Note Always Show Charging Even If It Does Not
Aug 25, 2012My phone always shows charging even if it does not. What I can do?

My phone always shows charging even if it does not. What I can do?
My data plan is eating me alive and I didn't know why until I finally noticed that when I am at a hot spot, my wifi never connects until my data plan is locked out.
I have a Note, not a Note II. I am on Rogers, not ATT.
I've tried adjusting everything I can think of, tried a hard reboot of my phone, and when I looked for support with android OS, I couldn't find this Wi-Fi disconnect policy they were talking about anywhere on my phone.
Is their an app, or easy way to sync apps from a Samsung galaxy note. to a Samsung galaxy tablet 10.1
View 2 Replies View RelatedOK so i just got this phone a few days ago and now I cant send texts or make phone calls but I can do everything else like use the internet receive texts etc. I had another issue earlier today where my phone shut off randomly and wouldnt turn back on when i knew it ha almost full battery. I took out the battery the sim and then out them back in no luck eventually i took out the s pen and it worked. A few hour later i got home and tried to send and text and no luck. Ive tried everything i cleared the Google services framework cache and text message app cache Ive tried another texting app and even restored it to factory settings. still same issue. What i can do next. I'm on Verizon and bought the phone off amazon wireless.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there such thing as a QuickTime player add on for android? I have an online class and I bought the note to do class work but if I can't even play lectures- which are in QuickTime format, this bad boy is going back to best buy. I looked in Google play but no luck.
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust got a Samsung galaxy note 2, and have been making it less touchwiz like with custom launchers etc. Unfortunately I cannot root it right now, but will do in the future.
My query is about what the tab is in this screenshot, and how I might disable it, as it looks awful and gets in the way.
How to ROOT this ****ing phone? xD
1 sim card
Android: 4.1.1
Build number: JRO03C.N7100ZSALIA
Baseband version: N7100XXALIE
Kernel: Linux version 3.0.31 - 178067 (se.infra@SEP-113) (gcc version 4.4.3 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed May 29 14:21:02 CST 2013
I tried Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry_v31 but without effect.
I got the stock ROM for Samsung galaxy note 3 neo (SM-N7500) and changed the boot.img to have in default.prop. but I am not able to get the root permission on the device.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to ask if there are any kit kat roms for Samsung galaxy s4 i9500 & Samsung galaxy note 10.1 as i have both and wondering if there are any custom roms out there that i could install on my devices.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am planning on getting the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 soon but I am going to buy it unlocked. Is it possible to root an unlocked phone. I have not seen any guides on Youtube or online yet that show guides on rooting a certain unlocked phone. I want to root it as soon as it is possible to root it safely. I am going to buy it unlocked but I am not going to get a plan from T-Mobile from it until January. My main question is: Is it possible to root a smartphone that does not have a sim card in it and is bought unlocked and if there is what guide do I use(like do I use the guide for how to root the galaxy note 3 tmobile edition or att edition or verizon edition.)
View 9 Replies View RelatedGot an Android phone (HTC Desire 2 years old) but now I have splashed out on a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1.
Now on my home computer I have a shared folder with all our digital photos. what I want to do is access these photos on the Note and view them as a slideshow. A second computer (with Picasa) can access these pictures over the home network and run a slideshow. I want something similar on the Note - is this possible? I know i can access network drives with, for example, ES File Explorer, but how can I view the photos in a folder (and subfolders) as a slideshow?
Samsung galaxy note i717. I rooted my phone yesterday as I also updated from 4.0.4 to 4.1.2.
I have SUPER SU, titanium backup, and ROM manager. I understand that all rooted phones must have a SU to grant apps access to the software. As for titanium backup, I have deleted bloatware and backed up and verified all of my information. I also bought the pro version of titanium backup. But for the Rom manager, I'm not too sure how to use that yet. I guess Titanium is for backing up and restoring, and ROM manager is for downloading the new rom?
So you have to download it from the computer, then move to your SD card. Afterwards, the computer part is done right? How do you get the phone in the mode to put in the new rom? And do you have to wipe the stock rom first?
Can I install windows 7 on my samsung galaxy note 10.1 (gt-8010)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an Note II , and several days ago it gave message "camera failed" when i open camera. front camera is working. but primary doesn't.
I have tried everything, even changed 4.1.1 to 4.1,2
I tried charging my android phone this morning directly with my phone charger, and it failed to charge. I've been using it to charge my phone since I bought the phone. It just stopped charging today. But when I connect my phone with my cable to pc it will be charging.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis will allow you to access your Gmail contacts from a tablet just like you're use to on your PC.
Login to your gmail account using your tablet's browser. Open up a new tab and type in the [URL] ....
I have no idea why this is not integrated into Android's version of Gmail or why it is not a selectable option like Calendar, or why there isn't support on this when you do a search, so that's why I'm posting this.
I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 and I've done this on the Ipad as well.
Dialer codes are not working on the Verizon Note 2? I tried em all and none of them work. I am trying to find a way to disable 4G so I can conserve battery, like I was able to on my Bionic, but I am unable to.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. 2014 Edition. I love the Tablet, great for watching Youtube videos, and mostly for playing my retro games. But lately now I have a serious problem. I have Verizon Fios at home and whenever I try to connect my Wireless tablet to it It lags, it slows down, many times the connection comes up for a couple of seconds, then connection drops. I told Verizon about and they are going to send me a new router. it is a software connection issue with the Samsung Tablet? On my computer, I am getting 7 mbps download speed and 6 mbps when I am supposed to be getting 50 Mbps on my comupter.
View 8 Replies View RelatedUsing chomp for sms on Samsung Galaxy Note. My phone sends erroneous sms without me even knowing until I get a response from contact saying "what?". When I look at the transcript of the text thread, the message is there and appears that it has been sent by me. The most recent example was a message sent to my ex-wife saying "I'm in class".
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am stuck in boot screen in Samsung Galaxy note 3 after rooting with three lines of text on top saying
Set Warranty Bit : recovery
More details: I used CF-Auto-Root-hlte-hltexx-smn9005.tar.md5 with Odin3 I tried to root two times
For whatever reason every browser I try reloads tabs when I leave the browser. It's REALLY annoying - I'm stuck on edge most of the time, and finding out that my tabs suddenly reload just because I switched to twitter for a second.
I tried to pretty much disable the LMK, and it still did this...
I tried Chrome, Browser Plus, stock ICS browser, Dolphin and Opera (which does this slightly less often) Last time I had this problem was on my old tablet with only 256 MB of RAM. (Which still did this less often than the Note on ICS)
Every time this happened, I had at least 120 MB of ram free. Seriously, the note has a full gigabyte of ram, and yet this happens.
This doesn't happen to me on GB.
Is there anything I can do to make browsing normal again? Like, exclude a browser from getting killed, or something? I'm using a Galaxy Note..
So, I have the Samsung Galaxy Chat (GT-s5330) and I have a weird problem. When I connect it to a charger (happens on wall charger and on PC connection) it turns off immediately, and it can't be turn on whatsoever. I left it a whole night charging, and in the morning, when I disconnected it and turned it on, it had low battery and needed to be connected to the charger.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't want to sync anything with Google or Samsung. I have a galaxy note.
I don't have sync enabled but I see a Samsung account folder in the Android browser favourites. There is nothing inside, but how can I remove this folder?
I already uninstalled the Google and Samsung sync applications with titanium backup but the folder is still there.
A friend of mine set a password on his Galaxy Note and then he forgot it.Now, I know the solution is to access recovery and wipe data/factory reset.
BUT unfortunately he has lot of pictures and videos stored in the phone memory, not on SD, and he'd like not to lose all of it.
Is there a workaround for that? The Note is stock, but I can work on it, if there's a way to unlock the phone without losing data.
SK17i using Tapatalk 2
I am currently using a Samsung Galaxy Note LTE and this phone is really getting on my nerves. Sometimes I am using an app halfway and it suddenly auto-close for absolutely no reason. Just to note, it's running on Android 4.0.4 ICS. GT-N7005
Maybe I should have bought an GS3 or something else other than this garbage.
I ordered Asphalt 8 and i went to Multiplayer mode I found its only playable uaing wifi not the 3G I dont have wifi , and even the 3g is faster than my wifi Is there any way to play asphalt via 3g not wifi ?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy phone doesn't want to turn on anymore. What should i do? I tries multiple battery, but i think its the phone its self. Also my charging port doesn't work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust for starters I have not rooted my phone or done anything of that nature. I've only had the phone for about two weeks. I've had an issue with it rebooting on me, though it was due to Locale since the first time it rebooted on me, that was the only thing I had done to the phone. The developer said there was an issue with the api's from samsung.Well since then I havent used Locale, removed it, yet its rebooted just a couple of times(compared to 3 times in an hour when I had locale). Now today, I found my phone completely unresponsive. Black screen, no lights, dead. I pulled the battery, reinserted and tried to power on. It charged overnight so it cant be a dead battery.
When I plugged in, the battery charging logo didnt show up, so I did a reset(vol down+ call+ power), got the behold ii boot logo with Recover text, so I hit the home button. I then got a logo I've never seen. It was a logo of the phone with the warning exclamation point inside a triangle. I left the phone alone for a while but it was still there. I pulled the battery again, reinserted and powered on to a normal boot and the phone came on.I'm going to talk to Tmobile about replacement as this is really weird and I havent seen anyone else say thing like this. And just for info, my battery does have the same serial number that others have found to have an issue with. I'll update with any other info I find out, but I'll probably just get a straight swap without any feedback.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and I am using the native email application with an Exchange account. I do not like the email counter telling me how many unread messages I have. I have notifications turned off so I do not have anything showing up in my notification bar. Is there a way to disable to email counter?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI accidentally deleted a whole photo album on my note 2. I have a program that will un-delete the photos however the Note 2 does not show up in windows 7 as a specific drive, only a media player or camera. Is there any possible way to un-delete these photos with any known software. I was able to do this before without an issue with CardRecovery 6.0 but now it will not detect the Note 2 since it is not showing as a drive.
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