General :: Remote Sound Connectivity To Android?

Nov 14, 2012

I have a small issue with my remote connectivity to my android, the scenario is simple and my target is to connect to my android remotely through my laptop while the android is connected to my PC in the other room through USB cable, so what I have done already is that am connecting the Android to the PC through a USB cable and the PC to the Laptop through the LAN, now am connecting Remote desktop from my laptop to the PC and on the PC I installed application that can connect to the android so I can totally see the skin of my android and control it, but the final thing I wish to do is to make a phone call, here I connect a Bluetooth to the PC and I connect the Bluetooth as free handset to the android it didn't totally work, you see its interesting scenario and if we work together we can accomplish something really assume

General :: Remote Sound connectivity to Android?

General :: App For Android Like Connectivity

May 19, 2012

I need to do the same thing i do with connectivity but in my phone, i connect to the web with my wifi and share internet with the same wifi adapter.

i been looking into it for a while and people keep on say that i need 2 widi adapter for it but is SO no true coz i have and use only 1... I don't wanna use bluetooth at all or connect it with usb.

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Android :: Total Control Remote Edition (IR Remote) Video

Jul 26, 2010

added a quick demo video of our upcoming Android Infrared (IR) Remote.Initially it will support a full IR dbase of 300,000+ IR codes, IR learner for any code not in the dbase, Pre-Built GUI so it is simple to setup. Will add rs232, relays, and other tcp options also after initial release.

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General :: Can't Get Mobile Connectivity

Jan 27, 2012

i rooted my android phone (xperia arc- lt15i, on firmware 2.3.4) and installed titanium backup, with the intention of clearing away bloatware that came bundled with the phone. I did a backup of my whole phone with the app before proceeding.

but being the idiot that i am, i accidentally deleted something called "voicemail ..." (can't remember what comes after that). now it is gone from titanium backup completely.

the thing is after i did that i immediately lost my phone connectivity (can't make calls out/3G etc) and whenever i go to settings>wireless&network settings> mobile networks, the phone crashes, with the option of 'force close'.

but wifi and the other functions of the phone still work. i tried restoring via titanium but it still doesn't work because the file was deleted.desperate for a solution, i tried a hard reset but the problem still remained, and strangely after the reset i lost control of my middle, hard home button.

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Android :: Looking For An App To Remote To Desktop For Remote Meeting

Aug 1, 2010

Looking for an App to remote to my desktop.I am trying to see if I can access magicjack on my desktop and make true voip calls.

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General :: Nexus S - Alert When Connectivity Changes?

Jan 15, 2012

I recently did a factory reset and flashed stock Android 2.3.6 back onto my Nexus S. Ever since I did that I have been getting an alert show up on my screen whenever my data connection is lost or restored. This is really annoying since I'm using JuiceDefender and my data is turned off everytime I put my phone display to sleep and it is restored once I unlock my phone.

The message pops up in the middle of the screen in a grey box that says "The connection to the Internet has been restored."

I never had this on stock Android before or on Cyanogenmod 7, any way to turn off the alerts? Is this a new built in feature to 2.3.6?

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General :: Looking For Outlook Style Connectivity?

Mar 22, 2012

So my work doesn't allow phones to connect to our mail server. So all of the apps for email will not work, they are simply denied connection.

However, I have outlook on my home PC and it connects to my works email server VIA RPC settings. I have no special VPN... nothing. RPC just works and works great. So if RPC in outlook can connect, why not a phone app? And even more is there a phone app that can connect VIA RPC? I have looked, but I may have missed the setting in an app or an app all together

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General :: Getting 3G Connectivity In Micromax A25 (2G Phone)

Jan 15, 2013

I own Micromax A25 but it is 2g phone so internet speed is really slow....It is Based on MTK6575 1Ghz Armv7 CPU which supports 3g I got it from a youtube video.

Here it is : [URL] ....

Can I Surf 3G in my phone (I think I need A custom ROM). Anyway I am Rooted and Installed CWM6....

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General :: Tasker - Creating Variable For Data Connectivity

Feb 26, 2012

I was wondering how I can create a variable for whether or not my phone has data connectivity. I use google voice for texting (I have a sprint integrated google voice number), but when I go out I turn off my wifi/3g to save battery, and text with my stock SMS app. When I swipe upwards on my launcher (Nova launcher), my texting app launches (google voice). However, I would like that gesture to launch a Tasker task - one that launches Google Voice if my phone has data connectivity, or the stock SMS app if my phone does not have data connectivity. However, Tasker does not have a built in variable for data.

More specifically, I would like this task to do the following (in pseudocode)

if (%data == ON)
Launch Google Voice
Launch stock SMS app

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General :: Galaxy S3 I9300 Battery Drainage And WiFi Connectivity

Nov 15, 2012

I have bought S3 i9300 few days ago.Its updated to Android 4,.1 and it is rooted.Screen uses more than 50% of battery but the brightness is at low.I am facing is the WiFi connectivity , when I disconnect the WiFi it remains as and does not work at all.I think the WiFi problem is due to old kernal but I don't know how to update Kernal ?

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General :: Switch Toggles Between No Sound (vibrate) And Sound

May 20, 2013

I am currently an iPhone 4s user and really like the way that the switch toggles between no sound (vibrate) and sound. I leave me phone in vibrate mode for most of the day and in the evening I tend to switch it to sound so I can hear the alerts from around my house when I don't have the phone with me. I am thinking about switching to an android device (S4 or HTC One) and have a few friends that haven't been able to duplicate the behavior of the iPhone. They get sound with vibration or some other weird combinations that wont work for me. Is this a limitation of the OS or is it device specific? I basically want everything to vibrate (Ringer, SMS, Email) with the option of changing everything to sound, no combinations of the two. I also need to distinguish between types of messages by using different vibration patterns.

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General :: IOS Remote Control For Android?

Dec 3, 2012

I'd like to use iPhone/iPad as a set of virtual mouse and keyboard for an Android Mini PC. Something similar to apps like Remote Mouse [URL] or Mobile Mouse [URL].

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General :: Remote Tracker For Android?

May 31, 2010

Does any similar Android app to this fabulous WinMo app?

I figured since the WinMo version was created by someone on XDA, can create an Android version?

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General :: HTC HD2 - DSLR Remote For Android?

Aug 12, 2010

The IPhone works with an DSRL Remote app. I have an HTC HD2 and it works with winmobile 6 and with android now. Any app which works on android or winmobile 6 like the DSRL Remote camcorder app ?

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General :: Remote Control Android Device

Mar 23, 2011

I am looking for a way to remote control my android device (Motorola Xoom & Motorola Droid). I assume this will have to occur via Bluetooth but I am open to any option (wifi?)I'd like the following functionality in the remote:

- Launch Music Player
- Launch Maps / Navigation
- Play / Pause / Next Track / Previous track
- Launch Voice Search
- Launch text search

The official motorola Xoom Bluetooth keyboard has physical buttons for many of these operations (maybe not navigation or voice search) but this device is far too large to use as a 'remote'

My ideal situation would be to find a small Bluetooth remote designed for something like this. I've been looking at getting a Wiimote and the app that allows you to map its keys to keystrokes. Are there keyboard shortcuts for these operations?

I also noticed many of the keyboard shortcuts require the 'Search' key (i.e. Search+'b' launches the browser). What if I got a generic bluetooth keyboard without a 'Search' key - what is the alternative keypress?

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General :: Remote Android Execution Environments

Oct 26, 2012

I saw on Internet some services that give you the possibility to test an Android app on the web: for example, Manymo launches an emulator on a remote server and give you the possibility to interact with it. AppSurfer let you test your Android app in an emulator-like environment. Pieceable Viewer is similar to AppSurfer but for iOS.

According to you, how these services are implemented?

Maybe there are some emulators running on a remote server on which run a vnc server, but looking at AppSurfer or PieceableViewer they looks too responsive for this implementation.

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General :: How To Remote Control Android Devices From Each Other

Sep 25, 2013

I'm lookin for an app to remote controll android devices from each other, like teamviewer for pc!

Lot's of my friends have problems with their phones sometimes and keep asking me, how can i do this or that and how does stuff work....

So I am looking for a app witch works like Teamviewer, so i can see there screens and just do it for them via remote I thougt I've seen something in the xda portal someday but don't remember a name....

Any app to do that? It should work without root and easy like teamviewer (at least for the host)......

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General :: Play Music Android Remote

Aug 8, 2013

I am interested in swapping to Google Play Music from Spotify. However, I am yet to find an android app that allows me to remotely control playback of Play Music on my desktop.

Play Music is now available in Europe and the US and I am sure its user base is only going to grow. This, combined with the fact that there are no such apps at the moment.

Play Music has a wide range of keyboard shortcuts that can be found here. If the app is capable of sending these keyboard commands to the Play Music tab in the browser then it should be able to have quite extensive control over Play Music. Most of these remote apps require a server component installed on the target computer. I was thinking that perhaps this could be achieved via a Chrome extension so that it can remain platform independent.

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General :: Wii Remote As Mouse Emulator On Android?

May 26, 2014

Is there any way to use the Wiimote as Mouse-emulator on Android? I want a mousepointer on my screen that I can move by moving the Wiimote (using the IR sensorbar). When I press A, it should emulate a touch to where the mousepointer is.

I couldn't find a single app that would emulate a computer mouse with the Wiimote. I just know there are plenty for Windows.

I found something: [URL] ..... It says that my device (Sony Ericcson Xperia Neo V) is not compatible with it. Is there a way to make it work anyway? My device is rooted and still has the preinstalled Android 2.3.4.

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General :: Remote View One Android Device From Another

Aug 10, 2011

I am looking for a way to remote desktop my android phone (atrix) from my honeycomb tablet. Preferably over LAN, as I only really do it at home but not really close enough for bluetooth, however with bluetooth I could make do. Something like what the atrix can do with the dock.

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General :: Android To WinCE 5.0 Remote Display?

May 10, 2014

My touchscreen on SOKKIA SHC-2500 pda on WIN-CE 5.0 is broken.

Mu question is:
Can I use my Samsung Galaxy GT9100T like a mouse on PDA?I mean is there any program to see display of PDA on my Galaxy, and to use it like I can with Microsoft remote display.I managed to pair them with bluetoth.

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General :: Remote Desktop Server For Android ICS?

May 16, 2012

remote desktop server for android ICS

I read on some old threads that for old android OS there was some app like webkey, that allow to control the android phone / tablet remotely via 3g

Some other app for ICS?

(i wonder if ICS has some remote desktop server built in in the OS, like windows, but i suppose it hasn't)

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General :: Video From Android Camera To Remote Computer

Jan 28, 2014

Is there anyway I can stream camera video from android online outside of wifi routher so I can see video from remote computer?There are copule of solutions but those app only stream video from android to pc over the same wifi routher. Good program for that is Ip webcam.

And you can also send that video to another android device with tinyCam Monitor.But I want to stream it online so it could be accesed by remote computer! One solution is with IP Camera Adapter so you could use video from android as your webcam in skype.

But this is too complicated because you must have your computer turned on, and skype opened. Some other solutions have same problem because you must have your computer on.

I found one really difficult solution with port forwarding and you have to open host on, can it be done only from android phone with one or two programs.

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General :: Android Remote Desktop App That Uses Windows RDPs

Feb 29, 2012

I'm looking for an actual Windows Remote Desktop app to connect directly to my job's server. I know one exists on iPad, but I haven't found the Android equivalent. I need something that supports all the options just like in the Windows Remote Desktop Connection's Advanced settings such as:

RD Gateway server settings
User Name
Server name

What I am NOT looking for are apps that must have software (like a VNC server) installed on the host computer, e.g., Splashtop Remote. It must use standard Windows RDP.

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General :: Physical Remote Control To Work With Android Device

Nov 11, 2012

how to setup a infrared remote control to use with android instead of keyboard or mouse.I thought in lirc but the several ports that I found for android are working to send infrared signals, not to receive them.I was wondering if there is some project or program to allow infrared remote controller manage the android device.

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General :: Tronsmart T428 - Controlling By Remote Via Android HDMI CEC

Jun 12, 2013

I buy a tronsmart t 428. For this android pc i must use a physical mouse and keyboard, not usefull for a tv stick....

Is It possible to creat an app who give the control by remote via hdmi cec....?

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Android :: Wi-Fi Connectivity With 1.6

Oct 28, 2009

My application has some code which detects if the Android device is connected to a Wi-Fi or Mobile network.

The code appeared to be working fine for Andoid 1.5, but does not seem to work correctly for Andorid 1.6.

Here is the code I am using:


Under Android 1.5 this code would correctly detect if the current connectivity was Wi-Fi or Mobile. However under Android 1.6 the call to getActiveNetworkInfo seems to always return a networkInfo instance with the type set to TYPE_MOBILE. This is happening even though the icons in the bar at the top of the android screen show the Wi-Fi connected icon with the full signal strength bars showing.

I don't know if this means that under Android 1.6 it is actually using the phone data network for connectivity instead of the Wi-Fi connectivity when both networks are available, or if the getActiveNetworkInfo call is just returning the wrong information for Android 1.6.

Has anyone else seen this issue with Andoid 1.6? It would be too bad if 1.6 is really using the bandwidth on the phone data network instead of the Wi-Fi network when both networks are present. Does anyone know if there is a different way to correctly detect if the Android device has Wi-Fi connectivity?

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General :: HTC One Remote Vibrations

Oct 13, 2013

I have set up my new htc one as my remote control for my tv but each time I turn up the volume or change the channel the phone vibrates ? I have turned off vibrate functions for typing and through keyboard and languages. Is there a way to disable vibration as a remote ( did not see it in settings of the tv app ) to save battery life?

After discussion with htc directly this is not possible to turn off vibration as a remote control

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Android :: Connectivity On H In Status Bar / Now On G Or 3G

Apr 29, 2010

I am with first Droid phone. I have had an HTC Desire for approximately 1 week and absolutely love it. When I first got the phone, the connectivity was always H in the status bar, with very good I-net speed. For some reason, unbeknown to me, it is now a G, sometimes a 3G. The speed is still quite good though. This 'change' would appear to have been since I received a text from T-Mobile (I'm aware of the 'G' issues on their forums) alongwith the lines. They hoped I liked their new webpage. Now they have reverted to the original webpage I may have to re-load my favorites. I have not had to do this, thankfully. Under Wireless & Networks, WiFi is off, as I am on an 'unlimited' 3GB plan, and I am using GSM/WCDMA auto under Preferred network mode.

Questions: -
1. What is the difference between the three, namely H, 3G and G?
2. Which is quicker?
2. Can I change it back to H, if I wanted, as I believe it was quicker?
4. Sometimes, although not very often, the G, 3G and H disappear altogether and I am left with no connectivity at all. However, if I try to access the I-net, I can, and either the G, 3G or H appear again miraculously. Is there a particular reason for this?
Hope to hear from you experts soon and apologies for such basic questions, as I'm still getting used to using a droid. My last phone was a Nokia N95 2GB. Huge difference!

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Bluetooth Connectivity And Android?

Aug 21, 2013

We are developing an Android application that uses bluetooth to connect to a board that we developed. If we try to connect to the board after the system has been off for a while, the system connects correctly and begins to stream data. The data stream will freeze momentarily, then start, then freeze, then shut off after about 6 - 8 seconds. If we try again it will repeat this process. It is almost like the Android is checking to see if it is an ok device to connect with, and decides no for some reason.

The only way we have been able to then connect again is to un-pair and then re-pair the tablet to the board. After we unpair and re-pair, the connection works well and will continue to work well until we turn the tablet off.

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