General :: Malicious Apps In Google Play Store?
May 5, 2012Malicious apps hosted in Google store turn Android phones into zombies

Malicious apps hosted in Google store turn Android phones into zombies
my 7 year old doughter bot a android tab 9" 4.2 jelly bean latetly. why i cant download any apps or updates from google play store on my androin tab?
View 1 Replies View Relatedis there a way to view update details in the Google Play Store. I previously had an iphone and on iOS I was able to view what changes the new update has released but cannot seem to find this information on Android.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to know where Google play stores downloaded .apk files. I've heard that Google play doesn't send you an .apk file and installation is completely online. Is it true?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I extract them from stock ROM or back them up from the device? I've successfully compiled and flashed the Android source for my Nexus device, but naturally all Google Apps are missing. Mostly, I am interested in the Play Store. Can I extract it from the stock Nexus ROM? Which files do I need? Again, I don't want to download some, but want to know the procedure myself. (I've tried installing some apps from the apps/ directory in the stock rom, only Maps.apk did work.)
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo i changed my gmail on the google play store and now I cant receive updates on my previews downloaded apps from the other gmail that I used to download this apps..
View 3 Replies View RelatedAll of a sudden I get an error "insufficient storage available" when I try to update or install any apps from the Google play store. I have deleted the cache for the Play store app and restarted my phone, but I am still having the problem.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHaving owned 11 different Android phones/tablets since 2010, I have a gazillion apps listed in my Google Play Store account. I know it is possible to individually delete apps from my phone/tablet, but for the love of all things telephony, once you delete an app it takes you back to the frickin' top of the list. I thought there would be a simple way to do this by going to the Play Store on my laptop, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get rid of them. I realize it is not a big deal, but being the obsessive person that I am, once I try to do something.
When I log into my Google Play Store account on my laptop and go to "My Apps", it lists all the apps that I have ever downloaded, but there doesn't appear to be a way to delete them like there is on a device!
How I can stop update the google play version automatically ??
Because if I donwgrade them to 4.0 he automatically update to 4.3 !!
I've build android from source. Now i want to add Google Play store. Where do i get the apk for the Google Play store from?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI keep trying to download stuff and it gives me the error DF-BPA-10. I have force stopped, cleared the cache and data, uninstalled play updates and it still doesn't work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedOk,so this problem is getting really annoyed for the past 2 months,my Samsung android phone simply doesn't connect to google plus,that means my google play doesn't load.My phone is a Samsung Galaxy Young S6310.When i start Google Plus app,its simply stuck at Connecting...but after some HOURS,it's says Cannot connect to servers.In google play store,the main page loads quickly,but when i try to search or select an app,its simply STUCK at the spinning circle,i leaved it for about 4 hours loading,but still nothing. The download manager isnt turned off and i restarted my phone and cleared data from google play several times. tl;dr : google play doesnt load neither google plus.
View 2 Replies View RelatedBoth of my 3G and wifi connections work on the browser, but don't when connecting the play store. I looked into and and tried a bunch of solutions to fix it. I cleared data for all google apps, tried turning on/off auto sync, restarted router, re-flashed google apps. Every single time the app doesn't even ask to set up an account, when I click it it only says no connection, as if it never reset. It happened even when I flashed gapps again. When I go to my account it says "Sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly" and under my account name it says Sync Error. I'm rooted running the liquidsmooth rom ( which I've been running for about 2 months no problems) and I'm running out of options. I really do not want to have to resort to a total reset, or going back to a backup I had in my recovery because it is super old.
Deleted a file called "hosts" in /etc in root explorer!
i dont know what happened in just these days no matter what key word i put in (in my pc or by cell phone) there is just no search results.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have recently received a Daxian XY100S and can't make Google Play Store to work. When it opens, it closes in a second. I can't sign in to Chrome and YouTube. I rooted it and I removed all the Chinese apps and it is still not working. Download Manager has been always enabled.
What else can I do to make it work?There have been installed an alternative chinese store app, I thought it were conflicting with Play Store but I uninstalled it and it is still not good.
I tried to download HP's ePrint app from play store and when I pressed download the app just crashed and it won't open sice. also the sign has stopped appeared.what should I do
View 2 Replies View RelatedI installed CM 11 on my odin. I wanted to only install the Google Play Store but nothing else from the gapps packet. I pushed Phonesky.apk, GoogleLoginService.apk and GoogleServicesFramework.apk to the pref-apps system folder like in CM 10.2. After rebooting, there was no Play Store installed.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhy do we need to pay for uploading an app on the play store?? Is there any other way to upload an app to the play store?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFew weeks ago I had updated my Android version to 2.3.6 (with a rom from this forum, not via Samsung Kies), and now, my Google Play Store isn't working anymore, I can't download/update apps, If I click on Install or Update the loadbar stays loading, but there happens nothing.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI uninstalled market updates to fix a problem and was stuck with the old old android market for a couple days until I downloaded the Google Play Store APK from the link on this page and now I'm worried that I just installed some APK I know nothing about; trusting it just because I noticed the download was hosted on .
Here's the link for the actual file I downloaded: URL....
i installed a modded google play but i want to revert back to original so i need the stock Google play store zip.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I am running Cyanogenmod 10.1 and I want to manually update my Google Play store to 4.1.10 but every time I install the APK file I get ''Google play store could not be updated. Free up some space and try again''
View 9 Replies View Related my motorola atrix with/ ginger bread crashes all the time I want to access to it. This happens since I install an app call "freedom", so I diceded to do a hard reset but it did not wor. Then I did a factory reset But it remains the same. I change the time and I finally could enter my gmail account, but the google play still crashes.
I did a hard reset again, but now The "market" app does not appear when setting up the phone. I downloaded it externally, but it reamins crashing.
I have a ZTE V967S with Max Flavour 4.1 Slim from carliv. I have installed rom&gapps [url].... with carliv's intstruction. When I have installed it, and download apps from Play-store a few times, I cannot get into it more. Play-store says no connect,,,
View 1 Replies View RelatedRecently, I changed the time zone on my phone to Moscow. I did change it back, but every time I try to access the Google Play Store, it says "No Connection". I have a Droid Razr HD. I have tried clearing the cache already. It has been like this for about a week now.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to view every single App in the play store? The 500 limit on the top free, etc, lists is really annoying.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use my google account on 2 devices: galaxy s3 and nexus 10 tab.i recently flashed on my s3 a paranoid rom. there, i was asked to sign in to my google account (like always when u set up a phone) but then it downloaded automatically all apps i had on my phone before (under play store ALL) and id also knew, which apps i just use on my tablet and did not install those! know, i finally found which rom i prefer to use from now on (cyanomod).
How to force playstore to restore the device like id happend on the other rom? and NO, have no other backups of my app, and the app data is not importent, i just dont want to download all apps manually.
Sometimes my dad grounds me from using some of my chat apps that i use to talk to all of my friends. He always checks the Google Play Store on my phone and looks under My Apps and then All so he can see if i've downloaded one of them. If i download it from the play store it will show up here, even if i've already deleted it. I used to be able to get around this by downloading the .apk file for the app from another website, and not from the play store. That way it wouldn't show up in the My Apps section. But the other day i did this and the app still showed up in the My Apps part of the play store, even though i didn't download it from there.
Is another way to download an app so it doesn't show up after i delete it?
Free apps:
Error retrieving information from server. [RPC: S-5:AEC-0]
Paid apps:
Asphalt 7: Heat could not be downloaded due to an error. (Error retrieving information from server[RPC: S-5:AEC-0]
Is there anyway to remove the second account from the accounts tab from the Play Store.
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