General :: LG Optimus LTE LU6200 - ROM With Arabic Language Support
Jan 28, 2012Where to find the ROOT and ROMs with "Arabic language support"
Phone model: LG Optimus LTE LU6200

Where to find the ROOT and ROMs with "Arabic language support"
Phone model: LG Optimus LTE LU6200
I'm looking for lg optimus me rtl support(Arabic) my phone runs
Froyo 2.2 Rooted FW 10F How to do that??
I have HTC desire phone its version is android 2.3. The problem is that i want arabic language in my phone so i can use this language in messages and application. How my phone support arabic language.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI tried everything to add arabic support to a Galaxy Ace Plus GT-S7500, note that arabic works and the letters are arranged in the correct order, they are just not connected.
What i tried,
1) replace the font, the font changed but still the same problem
2) attempt to replace framework folder of an arabic supported stock , an Egyptian Version, it should have arabic support, using the same method as installing a custom rom, using a CWM and a zip with a script to extract those files to the correct location, but i got bootloops.
3) I tried to replace the entire system folder with system folder of the Egyptian Stock ROM, same problem, bootloops.
4) Finally i tried to replace system.img.ext4 from stock firmware with the Egyptian system.img.ext4 and install it through odin3, but it would complete.
And now im out of options, unfortunately this phone has no dedicated forum i could find nor many custom roms, not that i want them as this isn't my phone and i'd like to keep it the same as it as.
I'm new here and I know you probably don't know anything about the Arabic Language Support, but I thought I might ask the experts. I downloaded something called "Arabic Android" and after flashing it, the Hero hanged in the boot screen and I had to spend over 3 hours to get back as no re-flashing or Nandroid restoring worked. Anyway, if there is a trusted way to add the Ararbic support, I would be more than grateful to have it as many of my friends send me Arabic SMS, emails, tweets and Facebook messages.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway for my phone to be able to support reading Arabic language?
I really need it, my phone will be complete this way.
All arab users have a huge problem represented by the lack of arabic language in the phone and the SE help center advises us to use Third-Party application that supports arabic language. Is there any intention to support arabic language in the xperia x10 in the coming update or any time in the near or far future?
View 23 Replies View RelatedDoes Xperia X10 support Arabic language ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedXperia X10 mini not support Arabic language .WHY?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCouple of weeks ago before the release of the Legend, I have seen a video shows that it supports Arabic language.
YouTube - HTC Legend - Unboxing & Hands-On
I bought my phone from cyprus (european version), i live in the middle east region; i wanted to add permenant arabic language to my HTC rhyme.
How to add arabic language both written and reading
i want put arabic language read and write on my nexus one, i have search but the link and procedure is not clear for a beginner like me... need step by step procedure, device already 2/3/6 gingerbread
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have lg su760 the Korean version and I wanted to install a rom which has working Arabic language.i followed the guides but I couldn't get the omap drivers to work because I don't have the lg original usb cable,but mine works well with adb.i rooted it using super click and installed cwm.when I installed the rom ,it didn't boot again but got stuck at the lg logo.,then I found out that I had to flash xloader and I can boot to cwm but cannot mount usb and it doesn't read sd cardsas it gives me an error.
View 9 Replies View Relatedfor my lepad lenovo A1 -07 with android 2.3.4 to make arabic . because the origin languages is english & china I want keyboard shown arabic language & english
View 1 Replies View Related i downloaded cm7 & then smartlucky & when return to my backup original rom i lost my arabic language & get separated arabic letters like ع ر ب ى ا ن د ر و ي د
i need to get back to my arabic language
I want to know how to install arabic language on a rom which does not support that language
View 4 Replies View Relatedi use a file to patch pantech burst p9070 firmware to install arabic language on my phone but i dont know what the name of the original rom tell me wich rom name this phone use
View 2 Replies View RelatedMotorola photon 4G Does it support Arabic language and.Does it work outside the United State.
View 1 Replies View Relatedfor the Mak-Droid Rom it was amazing rom and i love it very much but there was a little problem...this rom do not support Arabic Language So I ask the Developer to find a solution for this problem on the next version of the rom
View 1 Replies View RelatedI ask where the Arabic language in your Xperia 10i And also ask where the keyboard arabic and I can`t write to the Arabic And also the web browser for not supporting the Arabic language. Fine support for the Arabic language in the Middle East. We trust in Sony Ericsson products and large customers are also many. Thmilo and asked for the Arabic language and I hope to see soon in Xperia 10 beautiful, wonderful Xperia 10i
View 6 Replies View RelatedAnybody knows how to download Arabic Language for my Xperia 10i ??
View 7 Replies View RelatedUnfortunately i can not write in Arabic and for navigate the net the Arabic website is so bad.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI own a samsung galaxy s
when i navigate into an Arabic website or receive an Arabic sms the phone can't read it
i saw this link :How To Add Arabic Font Browser Support to the Nexus One | Android Devs
can you tell me if it works for the SGS?
Is it possible to use Google Now in English, without changing the phone language?
I know it works with other languages, but then it gives only search results and it doesn't 'talk back' like in English...
Also will Google Now support other languages to 'talk back' in the future?
I know Huawei Mediapad X1 is so hot now, and i wonder if it can support Multi-language.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHello Droids - lol Can someone from Google kindly tell me when you expect Android to work for languages such as Arabic. I'm aware that Arabic is not currently supported.
Well I've tried anyway, and it doesnt work - so if i've missed something out, please tell me.
Also, what new features will Android 2.0 have? (officially).
Im due to upgrade and will probably get desire hd, but i need arabic support... is there anyone, anything or something i can do to get this on my phone once i get it, its the only thing lacking on android, other softwares have the option, e.g iphone, nokia etc etc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to get arabic font support with root? Is there any way to put it in a Rom? I've been waiting for this forever.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf you just have a look into the new locales that are added to the new SDK 1.6, you will notice that among these locales is Arabic
But unfortunately, when I tried to run the emulator,I didn't find any locale supported Arabic.
I'm newbie to android
anyone know will it support Arabic (not SMS reader Mirsal)?