General :: How To See Frame FPS On Android
Oct 9, 2012How I can see frame "fps" on my android device?

How I can see frame "fps" on my android device?
I've created an application that show around 250 images in ImageView. Images are loaded one after another, 15-30 images per second. Basically the whole thing gives an illusion of a rotating 3D object, at least it should.
The problem is next, app hangs when loading certain images(i.e. I see a few seconds of fluid animation and then animation hangs, jump 10-15 frames(images) ahead and continues. It always happens at the same places in animation cycle.
I though that Android might not have enough resources to handle something like this, so I've resized images to half their size, but it did't help. I've tried buffering images but that did't help either(actually, maybe a little, I think that animation looks a little bit smoother).
And now the weirdest thing. I use the touch screen to allow users to "rotate" the 3D object on those images, and while rotating I again experience those hangs at exactly the same places as with the animation.
All images are in .png format and their size vary from 15kB to 40kB.
I use the following code for the animation:
I would prefer to not have to purchase a Flip Video Recorder to provide me the frame by frame playback needed (coaching girls softball) for instant instruction at practice. Is there an app that provides playback of video at a frame by frame rate?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to build a live wallpaper using frames. I can't find any good tutorials on how to even build a live wallpaper. When I run app from eclipse i get these errors.
[2012-05-19 22:26:32 - LiveWallpaper] No Launcher activity found!
[2012-05-19 22:26:32 - LiveWallpaper] The launch will only sync the application package on the device!
It does install to the emulator. It all seems to work. I go in to the live wallpaper menu, find my live wallpaper in there open it, it loads. but its not moving through the frames. It only shows the last frame. I set it as wallpaper. It also doesn't do anything. Also would like to center the images.
import android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
I am developing a application detect thief via ip camera.I watched successfully camera via rtsp on surface view, but I have a problem "how can I detect color in around center of surface view". In this case, If someone wear red T-shirt appear in front of camera, this app will notify that is red color.
I try to use mediametadataretriver with getFrameAt() method but fail, this method work well with mp4 local video.
How to capture frame from rtsp streaming on surface view?
Is there any way to change the frame rate of a application or game to be slower, some thing like freeze banana in fruit ninja.
I had some app in windows that did it with changing the clock slower for example one second in computer was 1.5 or 2 seconds long.
In android 4.0.x in developer optioons there is this thing for animations only.
Anyone knows how to increase the fps in android?? I am developing a 2D game using rokon engine but i am getting only 7-8 fps. How can i increase the frame rate, is there any method to set the fps ....
View 3 Replies View RelatedWill Google allow Android applications to grab and process individual video frames of the currently selected channel in Google TV sets? I would be interested in that, and the process can be very similar to capturing preview images from a (second) camera.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm starting to use a web interface (java from what I can tell) to stream my tv to my phone. Everything works great, except the channel list is it's own frame, and I cant scroll it. I can only see the first 15 out of 100 channels. I've searched google and cant find any information about this. I've also tried Skyfire and Dolphin, but with no luck. Does anyone know a workaround to scroll within a frame? The iphone and ipad can scroll within a frame by using two fingers in stead of one. There must be a workaround for android.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI there a photo frame widget that offers alot of different sizes. I went from a DX to a SF. I really miss the widget that came with the DX. Anyone have the apk or something comparable?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I waste a bit of screen real estate on my Droid with a few photos of my family. I just like to have a photo on each page. I was wondering if anyone has run across a Photo Frame app that is clickable to a defined action like "Call Wife".
Anyone run across an app like that?
Seems like a pretty easy app to write, but I am having a hard time finding one...
I'm looking for a photo frame widget that scrolls through photos. I had Turtle Photoframe, but it was using up to 9% of my battery on my Epic, while most other apps like Touiteur and Tasker were using 2-3%.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFastest 2D frame rate possible with android NDK, my try included, better options available?
I used the NDK and OpenGL ES 2.0 to display a frame as a texture on a GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP. This was done on a HTC Desire, same hardware as Nexus One. I tried to load multiple GL_RGBA textures and switch between the textures, because the normal fill rate with a single texture was disappointingly low:
I think even 30.32 fps RGBA is still too slow.
So is this the way to go to achieve the fastest 2D frame rate (with same quality)?
Any suggestions to speed it up?
Here is the relevant code, it is based on the hello-gl2 NDK example:
How to get the first frame of a video file ? Are there such APIs in OPENCORE?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to animate object. I use keyframe animation: I have two vertex buffers (two frames) with vertices of my object - first buffer is for object start state and second for end state. To transform the object I simply use linear interpolation. To make it more clear, please take a look at the code snippet:
As you can see I actually use one more buffer. vertexBuffer_motion is the one I use to draw my object in intermediate state.
Time for my question. What is the best approach for such keyframe animation on android? Can I somehow avoid (quite time consuming) operations of calculating and copying new state of all vertices to vertexBuffer_motion?
I know I could use VBO but still, I would have to prepare this vertexBuffer_motion and use glBufferData to set data to this VBO (or not?). provide me with some code example showing the best approach for keyframe animation on android?
We are developing a middleware including some widgets for developer. We want developer to use our widgets to build their apps. We got stuck at sharing default resource for developers. We noticed Android makes frame-res.apk to share system resrouces. And anybody can shed light on how should we do to achieve the same thing? How can we avoid resource IDs conflicts among system, middle ware and app?
View 4 Replies View RelatedBeen stuck on this for a while and tried a few various things.Basically I've overridden frame layout to create myself a custom button. The frame layout has two children a button and a linearlayout with items in it.The problem is I'm trying to the get the button to stretch to the size of the frame layout (i.e. fill parent) and it isn't doing.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a method to read the frame buffer of the current screen? I searched some data about the frame buffer. Some one used the glReadPixels method, but the information was not enough. Does anyone know how to read the current frame buffer in detail?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a method to read the frame buffer of the current screen? I searched some data about the frame buffer. Some one used the glReadPixels method, but the information was not enough. Does anyone know how to read the current frame buffer in detail?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I developed a small 3d game on Android 1.6 with JPCT, the free 3d game engine Android version. It seems the frame rate is really low on emulator(5 frames per second).... Did I miss something to speed up the emulator or it is normal, I should test the game with real device?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to add a picture frame to my home screen and I have taken a landscape image... it seems that I can only add portrait images.
Does anyone know how I can add a landscape image for as "Free" as possible... If not free, what would be the best market download?
How do I go about changing the color of the frame of this dialog? I've tried a bunch of things and nothing works.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am making an video application. In the list of the media, I would like to show the video frame as thumbnail to indicate my video.
There is standard method to extract the first frame from the video. However, I would like to let the user to use any frame as the thumbnail. Is there any method such that I can extract a frame by specific time input by user?
I am not able to use MediaPlayer/VideoView to make rtsp to work in Android. So I have created a client to interact with RTSP server, I have succeeded in doing this.I am able to get the video/audio frame from RTSP server (MySpace) in Android. Now I want to play the frames. I have searched OpenCore APIs to play the frames, but didn't get any APIs. My investigation: There is a class PlayerDriver.c It creates two sinks one audio and other video. handleSetVideoSurface handleSetAudioSink Two objects of type PVPlayerDataSinkPVMFNode are created. I suspect this class has a way to give the stream as input, but I am not getting the definition of this class. Can you suggest me is there any class I need to look into it?
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