General :: Galaxy Player 4.2 Running Jelly Bean?
Jun 26, 2013I have a rooted Samsung Galaxy 4.2 YP-GI1 running version 2.3.6 and was wondering if it was at all possible to upgrade to jellybean via ROM or even ICS?

I have a rooted Samsung Galaxy 4.2 YP-GI1 running version 2.3.6 and was wondering if it was at all possible to upgrade to jellybean via ROM or even ICS?
I recently updated my S3 to run Jelly Bean 4.3, and now when I receive a text it both vibrates and plays the notification sound rather than just the notification sound as it used to. I can't seem to find a way to turn this off?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S4 on 4.2.2 with Nova Launcher and just recently after disabling apps, etc. my Video player app no longer opens. I press it and it freezes for 15 seconds and says unfortunately it has stopped working. On top of that every time I delete a contact, it deletes the contact but gives me a message like "android.process.acore" had stopped working and exits the contacts app.
I've tried enabling any potential function that I may have disabled to have that issue and no luck. I also cleared cache and data of the contacts list and contacts storage but no luck. I honestly do not want to format data as I have already done it 3 times prior to this issue and it is tedious. EDIT: Fixed video player by enabling picasa uploader and cloud Agent. Still no luck with the error message after deleting contact.
1.Well I got the CM10 on a I9000 and i installed flash player on it. I used an old version of dolphin(from some thread) so i could enable flash.But whenever i go to a website to check out some videos it either says "You must install flash" or the website doesnt load.
2.I originally used opera 11.0.2 to play flash but now whenever i start a flash content it crashes with no errors.
I've been flashing ROMs built on the latest code for Jelly Bean (4.1.1). (The phone is the Galaxy Nexus LTE.)
The battery has been draining fast and upon checking with OS Monitor, I learned that a bunch of android.process.acore processes, sometimes alone and sometimes with another, have been registering high CPU loads continuously until they run the battery down.They are Contacts Storage, User Dictionary, and DRM Protected Content Storage. (DRM is probably not an acore service but it is making trouble just the same.)
I tried winnowing down the problem by deleting the contact store data and resyncing while de-activating third party syncers like HacSync. I even tried cleaning up the contacts via Google on the web. The contacts number only a few hundred. Again, the processes up claiming huge load after the initial sync period.
I scoured the web for reports but have only found mentions dating back to Gingerbread or ICS involving Facebook. Facebook sync doesn't work with JB and again, I have disabled HaxSync.
I also froze User Dictionary with Titanium Backup but that did nothing to keep the process from running, even after a reboot.
I have Samsung Galaxy ACE which is rooted. Till y'day I was using CM9 Beta 8 ICS 4.0.4 and it was working well.
I installed CM10 JB for Galaxy Ace alpha1 from "hxxp://"
Now the problem is, JB doesn't have File Manager installed and I need to install TB to revert my backups.
Due to some unknown reason I am not able to access internet on my device either through GPRS or 3G connection.
I am desperately looking for a way to access my SDCARD wherein I have all my apk's which I can install however, without File Manager I am not sure how to install an apk.
I did some google search and came across topics about installing apk using Android SDK etc.. however I would not want to work on SDK as I feel its bit tedious job for me.
I also tried Android Injector however that didnt work even if I have enabled USB debugging Mode for adb + apps.
Now, I am hoping that, I can use the Terminal Emulator which is preinstalledo n my phone to install apk present on my sdcard.
However, I am not sure how to do that, what are the steps to install apk present on my sdcard from Terminal Emulator available on my phone.
Here are some of the screen captures [URL] ......
I'm currently using a Nexus 7 (2012 model) running Android Jelly Bean 4.3. I've been having a strange issue where the Google Play app keeps saying there is no connection. This has also occurred in the Youtube app. I have tried changing my time manually, rebooting my device, and uninstalling updates, to no avail. I am currently unlocked and rooted, and using TWRP as my recovery.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering if I'm not alone in this: I have a rooted Evo 4G LTE running Jelly Bean/Paranoid Android 2.13. I'm running into an issue with running audio apps like Google Play Music and Doggcatcher. Basically sometimes if I'm playing something and I switch to another app, a few moments or minutes later the audio dies and the audio app gets killed. I can tell because when I enter back into Doggcatcher, the loading screen starts up as if it wasn't running before. Is this a case of over aggressive task killing? Is there a way to prevent this at all?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to find jelly bean 4.1.1.
link to where I might be able to download this version?
I just upgraded to jellybean 4.1.1 for my galaxy s3 on at&t. I am having a problem with the notification shade. It is exactly the same as before. I was looking forward to the new features there.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI wanted to know if I can upgrade me Samsung Galaxy S2 to the latest version of Jelly Bean. I currently have the original Gingerbread software installed. Where can i get the authentic version and how can i upgrade it. if the data on my phone will be safe or not.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI am unable to find my gallery on my phone in Facebook after the new jellybean operating systems update. It will show a couple of camera shots. I post pictures all of the time. Now I am unable to do so. It worked fine with the icecreme sandwich operating system. But it hasnt adapted to the jellybean.
View 7 Replies View RelatedLast week i update my s3 to jellybean 4.1 and what is happen with my smiley shortcut i used to have before ? can i get it back ? i got some picture.
Before it used to be like this
I have the Metro PCS Galaxy S3. It's rooted, but Im still using stock rom. I am trying to install the new jelly bean update OTA.
Now the only other update ive gotten for this device, I had to install via KIES and it was a firmware upgrade, but NOW this time, KIES is not seeing that an update is available. Just says "firmware is up to date"
Ive done alot of research and I believe that the issue is that I removed bloatware after I rooted the phone and back then I did not understand the value of a backup so I cannot restore the bloatware that I removed.
Ive already tried temporarily unrooting and installing with voodoo unroot, Ive tried restoring it to factory settings/wiping data and ive tried odin and clockwork mod to install the update but it fails everytime.
I even downloaded the triangle blocker and reset my flash counter to 0.
This is a request to all the super awesome devs here on xda. make/port a custom JELLYBEAN rom(preferably with stock android or CM UI) for Samsung Galaxy S Duos(GT-S7562) ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I run executive files on my S3 galaxy running the jellybean software?
So since I've been using the new jelly bean OS 4.2 I've noticed how the wonderful widgets automatically move as you attempt to place 1 but I've also noticed that the widgets take up more space in the need some times. Try placing the analog clock on 1 of your screens and then place icons around it, you will see that if you could overlap widgets or overlap widgets and icons you could use your screen real estate more efficiently.
Galaxy Nexus
I have a gsm galaxy nexus, running the latest jelly bean, not rooted. I recently noticed that my clock app is gone. I can no longer find it in the app drawer. Also, the widget on the lock screen is gone, replaced by an older looking clock that has none of the functionality (stop watch, alarms, etc...) that the stock app came with. How I can get it back? Any app randomly disappear?
View 2 Replies View RelatedTry to upgrade my S6802.
According to the tutorial said, would have to download the ROM and GAPPS, I downloaded both. I tried to install the ROM and gave problem, not installed, returned to screen recupeeracao (Volume + Home + Power). Hence I went to install GAPPS, ai installed, rebooted the machine and Playstore not worked, I reseted the factory settings and native apps google all gone, and I can not find the gapps for my S6802, downloaded some, including those but the problem continues.
I downloaded the original ROM pro on the website of Samsung S6802 and try install, the error, "E: can not mount / sdcard" or "E: can not open / tmp / sideload /".
I try to install the rom by Odin 3.0.7 and not out of "setupconnection" already spent over an hour and not much happens.
constantly deleting apps as up dates come out twitter, facebook, youtube, chrome all up date and i always have to delete apps to free up storage.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am using Samsung galaxy S2 (jelly bean 4.1.2). My question is if I delete a contact from my phone that is also on what's app then while deleting that contact android shows this message:-"This contact contains information from multiple accounts. Information from read only accounts will be hidden in your contacts lists, not deleted". This means that contact is not being deleted but hidden somewhere in contacts lists. I want to know how can I recover those hidden contacts.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to root galaxy s2 i9100 official jelly bean without using odin or computer. I mean direct installation of cwm and superuser through custom recovery. i want soft root only for using titanium backup and other root apps not for installing custom roms. just a soft root without changing the kernel.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe fastboot drivers, wont install. I have tried everything and nothing works, My phone is a Samsung Galaxy Nexus Verizon LTE 4.1 Jellybean. never works.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am using a rooted Galaxy s2 sgh-t989 from T-Mobile (JB 4.1.2) . I would like to disable the search soft key on the bottom right corner of the phone. Can I edit a keylayout file on the phone to accomplish this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased two android tablets for my boys. One is working fine and the other one keeps telling me that storage space is running out.Here is some info on the tablet currently
Total space .98gb apps 52.06mb
available 8.88mb
Internal Storage
total space 5.00gb
available 5.00gb
Internal storage .97 gb 10mb free
I'm not real sure what to do about this, being that I am not real tech savy. I can't return it because there was a 30 day warranty and that has passed. I bought a 16 gb memory card thinking that would work, but it didn't.It got set back to factory settings, so there are no apps on the table
Unable to find my stock firmware.. every link points to the same file from and my ISP provider sucks causing the download to get stuck in between, tried two times at 100Kbps, failed both the times, once at 62%(552 MB)! its very hard to download it, any non hotfile link or some direct link if possible, can download it and host it as a torrent or something because i have very bad net connection and its slow also.
I am talking about Samsung Galaxy s3 19300 International/India Jelly Bean ROM, or even ICS stock might be ok. _
right now i have the stock ROM and Siyah Kernel and i want to clean instal everything and remove root.
I recently got the new Nexus 7 running 4.3 and wondering if there's a way to block ads without rooting (I mean ads from webpages while using your browser). I had rooted my phone a long time ago and remember there was a great adblock that did the job perfectly. But I don't want to root the Nexus 7.
On my laptop computer, I use AdBlock as an extension the the Chrome browser. But extensions don't exist on the Chrome Android version (at least not that I'm aware of).
I did fine an ad blocker (forgot the name) that used a proxy, but it was a pain as you had to manually add the proxy to every wifi connection and it also wrecked havock on some websites (e.g. couldn't log into e-bay).
These ads really slow down web surfing, specially when your browser is in "Desktop" user agent mode.
Any app ideas on a pop up/quick reply option for someone using hangouts as default messaging app, until they add hopefully add one in?
Currently trying sms pop up notifier, but with it I get 2 copies of every sms.
S3 running 4.1.2
Any app that would let you to use gestures (e.g. swipe from edge of screen) to bring up the "running apps" screen, i.e. the one that pops up when you long press the home button?
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