General :: Galaxy Nexus Phone - Can't Open / Start Google Calendar

Aug 13, 2012

I've got a Galaxy Nexus phone recently and since I'm not familiar with Android (ICS) at all it took me a while to get used to it.

Since I was not very satisfied with the pre-installed googleCalendar I was told to install the app aCalendar, which I was very happy with for a while. But whenever there was an Calendar alarm which I wanted to change the note opened in the old googleCalendar. And that's why I thought I might change that by disabling the googleCalendar. Yes, what I did not know at that time was that the aCalendar depends on the googleCalendar. Afterwards I couldn't make any entries to the aCalendar anymore. So I went back to the apps-list and to my horror there was no appropriate button for enabling the calendar again (why not???). In despair I went to Settings and Reset app preferences, which seemed to work for a while - the old Calendar worked again.

A couple of days later, however (I don't have the slightest clue whether it had anything to do with my former actions or with anything else) it stopped working again and I didn't find any possibility to start it again - which is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING, since I need a calendar!

HOW do I start the googleCalendar again??? If I go the app in the app-list it obviously still exists, but there is NO button to make it start again! (Why do they put an DISABLE-button there, if they don't give you the option to ENABLE it again!?)

I have a file manager installed and I see that the calendar app is stored in /system/app (actually there are two calendar files - CalendarGoogle.apk & CalendarProvider.apk). When I try to say install, it won't install and says App not installed. ?

Don't come up with things like "You have to root your mobile", because this is no option for me and I don't want to mess up with the system even more).

General :: Galaxy Nexus phone - Can't open / start Google Calendar

General :: Calendar Won't Sync Old Events On Google Nexus 7

Nov 9, 2012

My Google Calendar App syncs google calendar appointments just fine. But "Corporate" accounts, which include my Hotmail and GroupWise calendars, won't sync calendar appointments older than two weeks. Even worse: appointments from older than two weeks ago actually drop off.

On settings, I have it set to sync all. I tried adding and removing accounts. I tried deleting calendar memory/cache. I have even tried returning my Nexus 7. The replacement has the same issue.

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General :: Sync Android Phone Calendar To Desktop Google Calendar?

Aug 15, 2013

Problem: Appointments / events created on my LG Optimus G were not syncing to desktop Google Calendar. No problem with appointments / events created on desktop syncing down to phone. Problem Identification: Default calendar when creating appointment / event on phone was calendar called "Phone". There is no calendar on desktop called "Phone". Solution: Pick different calendar when creating an appointment / event on your phone.

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General :: Google Cards Not Working Galaxy Nexus?

Aug 13, 2012

I have a Google galaxy nexus ( from Google). The Google now works as far as voice recognition and asking questions, however cards are not displayed and at the bottom of the Google now screen I do not have a area that is supposed to have "more Google cards" button. I have activated everything I can think of and cards still do not display. I even allowed google to save web searches on my account ( its active). It also said to tap in the Google now window go to settings and then "Google now" to turn on or off....well I do not have a "Google now" option....strange! I am on 4.1 Jelly Bean ( did not root ) its standard upgrade.

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General :: Galaxy Nexus Stuck At Google Screen

Dec 16, 2013

So I have a GSM Galaxy Nexus that was running stock 4.3 (maguro)

Having been really frustrated with the low volume on the device, I decided to try the method mentioned on this link - Download Fix for Google Galaxy Nexus I9250 Volume Issue - Android Advices (VolumeFix by MoDaCo)

After I applied the fix and rebooted, my phone got stuck at the Google screen. My phone was unlocked prior to applying this fix so I went ahead and installed the CWM recovery - despite that, I cannot go past the Google screen, I haven't been able to install the CWM-SuperSU on my phone yet because I cannot transfer it to my phone without having it connected as a USB storage device. I tried adb push /sdcard/ but it says "device not found"

I have even downloaded the stock 4.2.1 ROM to flash my phone with it, but at this stage I cannot do anything. I have logged into recovery and have wiped cache/ partitions/ dalvik etc but still it doesn't work.

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General :: Deleting Google Apps On Galaxy Nexus

Mar 7, 2012

I kept reading that if you buy the g nexus, you have the option to delete any factory apps that you don't want. But i can't figure out how to delete g. maps or google+ on my nexus. & every time i disable them they start running again. How can i delete them? btw my phone is not rooted, but i have flashed updates ect.

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Samsung Galaxy I7500 :: Not Able To Make Calendar Start On Sunday / Why Is This?

Aug 16, 2010

So, I've been trying to make my calendar start on Sunday, I have changed the settings to do so, but the calendar still starts on Monday.

I use CalWidget and in the "Miscellaneous" settings I've ticked the "Week starts Sunday" setting, still no luck.

My cloud Google Calendar starts on Sunday as well.

Am I missing something? It doesn't seem to me like this should be hard to do, and I'm not computer or Android illiterate, but I just can't seem to figure this one out.

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General :: Samsung Galaxy Nexus - Google Web History Seen Through Search App

Jul 4, 2013

After I have completely cleared browsing data on my laptop (signed in on my Google account), deleted my entire Web History ( and made a factory reset on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

Now after this, when I start the Google search app on my Nexus device and type a random letter - I still get suggestions based on my old searches. How can I completely clear my search history stored at Google?

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HTC Incredible :: Online Google Calendar And Phone Google Calendar Mis-match

Aug 4, 2010

Today, I managed to sync. my Lotus Notes calendar with google calendar (after 2 days of turmoil)Then the notes events were displayed on google calendar but 6 hours ahead (like GMT) thought both calendars were set on the same time zone (CST).At this point, the calendar pad widget synced with google calendar and displayed all my lotus notes events 6 hours ahead as in the google calendar.I then changed my google calendar time zone to GMT so that my lotus notes events showed the correct time .But now, the calendar pad widget still shows the old google calendar events that was 6 hours off even after syncing.Can some one please help configure such that my lotus notes , google calendar and calendar pad widget all show the same events at same time (hopefully, maintaining the same time zone settings for all)

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General :: Galaxy S3 - Can't Get Phone To Quit Saying (folder Is Open)

Jul 13, 2012

I just got a galaxy S3, switching from iphone.

Every time i open a folder my phone says "folder is open" then when i close it, it says "folder is closed".

under settings > accessibility I have the talk back option off completely.

what setting am i missing here?

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Nexus :: Google Calendar Entries Missing

Jan 16, 2010

Have synced my wonderful Nexus with google mail, calendars etc but I have calendar entries missing on the Nexus. Having checked the online calendar everything is present and correct but not showing on my Nexus. Some entries are there whilst others are not - very strange, Any ideas here ?, anyone else have a similar issue ?

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Android : Sync MS Exchange Outlook Calendar To Nexus One WITHOUT Google Pc App?

Jan 6, 2010

So I am a proud owner of a brand new Nexus One. I love it, but have hit a small hitch.

I am previously an iphone user and got quite a lot of use out of syncing my work (exchange) calendar onto my iphone and using it on the go to keep track of meetings and such.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like this is native functionality in Android 2.1? I was able to set up my work email account with active sync, and that works fine... but when I look in the Accounts area of settings and select my work email, there is no option to sync Calendar.

I have read that you can use the google calendar desktop application to sync your outlook (via plugin) to your google calendar, which the Android device could then pull down... unfortunately, like many users in a professional environment, the IT group here refuses to give me admin privileges on my work computer. I tried installing the google calendar app into a non-protected directory, but when it tries to activate the Outlook plugin it simply fails with an error listed as 1008. Upon looking that up, it of course says it is user privileges related.

In addition, if my work PC is off, I wouldn't get those new meetings pushed to my device anyway... so that is a big hassle as well.

Is there a free way to get this done WITHOUT the google calendar desktop app? I have all the account info I need (hell, I already set this up many times on my iphone over the years)...

EDIT: Also I would like to state that I don't want a separate calendar app... I want to use the base Android one. I'm fine with getting an app to enable that, but I don't really want to have 2 different calendar apps to go through...

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General :: Sync Calendar From Phone To Google?

Jun 29, 2012

I want to sync my calendar on my S3 to google. Hell it took me a couple hours to figure out how to sync my contacts from phone to gmail...nobody gives straight answers on some of this stuff. So again, how can I sync my calendar to gmail/google? I have it checked, tell it to sync, no errors or anything, but I think its only syncing from web to phone on the calendar and this is my issue, I just want to have my contacts and calendar out there as I just had to go thru hell to get contacts from my dead iphone to my new S3...

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General :: Samsung Galaxy Nexus - Music From Phone To Car

Aug 11, 2013

I have a Samsung Galaxy Nexus currently. I also subscribe to Googles new streaming music. I have been trying to figure out how to play the songs in my car. We have a 2012 Chevy Cruze.

I have always been able to play music by putting the actual songs in the music folder.

I thought maybe if I used the function that puts the songs on the phone I would be able to search them up that way, but no dice.

Any workaround or a way that I can use the music off of the new streaming service in my car?

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General :: Can Flash Different Phones ROM To Phone (Galaxy Nexus)?

Jan 24, 2013

Okay, lets say i have a Galaxy Nexus, and find a really awesome Galaxy S3 ROM, can i flash it on my galaxy nexus or vice versa? What will happen if i do?

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Samsung Captivate :: Getting Calendar Event On Phone To Sync With Google Calendar

Jul 26, 2010

I am new to Android, Google calendar and the Captivate phone. Have successfully imported my old calendar to Google Calendar which initially synced with the calendar on my captivate. However, when I add a new event to my phone calendar, it does not automatically show up on the Google calendar. the Samsung rep told me I have to edit each new even to mark it as a "Google Calendar". Is there any way to make this the default option on the Captivate phone? I am hoping to have automatic syncronization b/t the phone and the Google calendar without having to force it to do so each time.

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General :: Galaxy Nexus Keeps Resetting Background When Restart Phone

Jan 15, 2013

Every time I reboot my phone it keeps changing my background back to the same stupid image below. I think I'm probably going to go insane if I see this stupid grass anymore. The picture isn't even on my phone (anywhere I can see, obviously.) I don't know what to do. I've flashed several Roms, done several factory resets, changed it to a million different images/live wallpapers.

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General :: Syncing Contacts And Calendar From Phone Memory To Google?

Aug 6, 2013

currently I still have got Sony Xperia X8. I know it's a little bit old but still I want to keep it for few months. Now I'm thinking about rooting it and upgrading it to Android 2.2 or 2.3. All the stuff is stored in the phone's memory. I'd like to synchronize my contacts and calendar events to Google - tried few tricks but still without any result.

It looks like it's not possible to sync contacts which weren't stored as Google Contacts. I need to do the same with my calendar events.

I would really like to keep my data stored in the phone's memory as well as on Google. So I'm looking for sync option. If this is not possible then I'll need to get used to store everything just on Google but first I need to import my data there as well.

How do you sync your data or what solution do you use and why?

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General :: Rooted Phone And Uninstalled Google Calendar Files?

Feb 6, 2012

I rooted my Virgin Mobile Samsung Intercept and uninstalled all the calendar files but I can't figure out how to reinstall them. I have tried installing the calendar provider, calendar apk, and odex files that I download, but nothing will install. Is there a custom ROM that I can flash that will install google calendar again or another way to get back the calendar function?

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General :: Download Folder Refresh After Phone Reset (galaxy Nexus)

Jun 30, 2012

After doing a phone reset back to stock, (Galaxy Nexus 4.0.4) I copied back all my previous saved items from the "Downloads" folder (I had copied the Downloads folder to my PC) and copied them back to the phone.

Now when I open the "Downloads" app it doesn't show anything there. I had documents, pdfs, jpeg, etc.

NEW downloads from market, etc do appear, but nothing else. How do I get the system to refresh the contents of that folder? I've tried Settings, Media, Clear, but that doesn't do anything.

It's almost as if the phone recognizes timestamps of the day of the refresh, but anything earlier is not recognized.

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General :: Error (Cannot Start App Due To Insufficient Permissions) When Open Weblink

Jan 3, 2013

I encountered the message "Cannot start the app due to insufficient permissions" when open web link in facebook for android or friendcaster or some news apps. Before, I rooted my Xperia and do some mods with Small Apps and Toggles.

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General :: Flash Samsung Phone With Google Nexus Firmware?

May 31, 2013

It is possible to flash a Samsung phone with a Google Nexus firmware?

Is there a list where I can check which model can be flashed or something like that.

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General :: Events Created On Phone Will Not Display In Google Calendar Or Outlook?

Feb 14, 2012

I want to create an event on my phone calendar and have that display in my Outlook calendar on my computer. What do I need to do to make that possible? Events created on my phone will not display in my Google calendar or my Outlook.

I have a Droid X2. I downloaded Google Calendar Sync to my computer which synced my Outlook with my Gmail calendar, and that displayed on my phone, but events created on the phone do not display in the Google calendar or Outlook.

I have gone to phone Settings > Accounts > checked Gmail to sync calendar. Google Calendar Sync on my computer is set for 2-way syncing and to do so every 15 minutes. The phone is rooted.

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General :: Automatically Start Service When Joining Open / Free WiFi?

Apr 29, 2014

im not sure if there is a app that does this but i want to automatically start a service/app (VPN) when joining a open/free wifi if not, then how would i best do this?

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General :: Samsung Galaxy S4 Stock Calendar App - Set Default Notification Type / Time From Phone?

Aug 5, 2013

I have a Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4 and utilize the stock Calendar app - here I integrate several shared Google calendars, personal Google calendars and some other calendars i.e. Facebook & Exchange account.

Can I set default notification time & type (email vs pop-up) from within this app across all calendars, individual calendars, or not at all? If I open Google Calendar on a PC, I know how to set default notifications on a per calendar basis, but cannot figure out how to do it within this Calendar app.

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General :: HTC Thunderbolt - Work Outlook Calendar Sync With Google Calendar?

Jan 10, 2013

I have a HTC Thunderbolt and use all the Google tools for my calendar, email and contacts. At work I have Outlook 2007. I would REALLY like to have my Outlook calendar (at minimum) pushed/synchronized to my phone. Is there an app or a way to configure this to work? Right now I am using the Outlook Web Mobile app for my email and I can view my calendar there but I would like schedule/calendar all in one place.

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General :: S3 Calendar Not Syncing Google Calendar Subscriptions?

Dec 20, 2012

So when i go into my Google calendar online I can subscribe to an event feed. That works great. I can see the events in my calendar. However when i go to my S3 and make sure that my account settings are syncing the calendar i only see items i have entered and not the subscription items. Is this how its supposed to work?

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General :: Outlook For Mac Calendar With Galaxy S3 Calendar

Apr 23, 2013

I have a mac with Outlook for MAC 2011 on it. I have had a GS3 for almost a year (made the switch from BB). Since I made the switch I have not been able to get my calendar (or anything for that matter) to sync. Google Sync is no longer an option. I am not too worried about contacts, as they have all been uploaded etc... how I can sync my calendar with google calendar, or with my phone calendar?

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General :: Gmail Calendar Links Open In Browser

Nov 15, 2012

I get a google calendar invitation in the GMail app, but when I click on one of the yes/no/maybe links, it opens in the browser, not in my calendar app.

I immediately tried to clear defaults, but none existed on gmail, browser, chrome or calendar app. I tried disabling browser/chrome/ and bionic default calendar, and installed Google Calendar from play store....problem still happened.

(edit, of course browser/chrome didn't open when they were disabled, but I was surprised that Google Calendar also did not open). I'm rooted, but running regualar moto ics

I'm at a loss. I know a number of google updated a number of apps lately, wondering if that broke something.

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General :: Nexus S 4.0.4 Battery Drain - Sending Notification On Start Up?

May 21, 2012

I have gotten a "Sending..." notification at the bottom of my screen when I turn my phone on. Also, my phone gets a bit warm and the battery doesn't last a half a day. I use Handcent and have cleared the cache and the "unsent messages". I don't know what other program is sending things. It sucks.

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