General :: Flashing Radio ROM With Edify Scripting?

Sep 14, 2011

My HTC Desire was on Gingerbread 2.3 and I then decided to root the phone with ClockWorkMod. I can flash any ROM fine but when I try to flash a radio it says 'Installation Aborted' and then tells me to use Edify Scripting?

General :: Flashing radio ROM with Edify Scripting?

General :: Old Radio Still Showing After Flashing New One?

Jun 11, 2012

I have just flashed to radio for the Android Revolution rom (Latest)

When I boot into bootloader, it is still showing as the previous radio (

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General :: Edify Commands For Making Flashable ZIP?

Feb 10, 2012

I'm planning on using the UpdatezipCreator from this thread http[URL].... to build an update script for some APK updates I want to package up. It appears this app has the ability to build a update-binary file for you.

I have APK files in both the system/app and data/app that I want to be copied to my phone.

First thing, can I have multiple destinations for the files in the script? I haven't found any examples with two destinations and there doesn't seem to be a spot to configure the source which makes me think it just takes everything in the zip and puts it in the folder you specifiy in the package_extract_dir function and that adding a second "package_extract_dir" function would confuse it.

The second question is I keep running across scripts that us busybox instead of the built in commands. Why would you need to/want to do that?This is what I would think would work for my script:

ui_print("Preparing to update");
ui_print("Copying files..");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");[CODE].....

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Nexus :: Flashing New Radio Image

Mar 1, 2010

I was wondering what kind of results people are really seeing doing this/how to do this.

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HTC Desire :: Flashing Radio - Which Version To Use?

Nov 3, 2010

I'm constantly flashing new ROM's my end to try and find one that suits. As I'm sure you're all aware, most of them say "Use this Radio for best results". I've stuck with a previously flashed radio for the last few ROM's. I'm about to flash Defrost 6.0. The literature surrounding the ROM says to use a specific Radio to get the camera to work.

My hesitation is this - I've read that trying to flash the same radio version as the one you already have flashed can brick the phone? Is this true? If so, how do I find out which radio version I have?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Flashing Radio / WiMax Updates?

Jul 19, 2010

Does doing a clean wipe for a ROM install erase any previous radio / wimax updates? I switched from Fresh 1.0 to Backed Snack but did a radio and wimax updates with Fresh. Should I re-apply those updates after flashing the Baked Snack ROM or are they still updated from the Fresh 1.0 ROM?

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HTC Incredible :: Flashing Radio 2.15 - Applying New ROM

Aug 23, 2010

I'm running Skyraider 2.5.2 Sense, rooted, unrevoked 3, unrevoked forever, titanium backup, gained S-OFF and am trying to flash the radio 2.15 so at least my camcorder will work.

I've tried:
-Hboot > recovery > install file from zip >PB31IMG
-Hboot > recovery > apply:
-rom manager > Install rom from SD card
-rename PB31IMG >Hboot >recovery >

Not to mention a few other variations. Do I need to restore from backup, then flash my radio, and then apply the new ROM?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Flashing New Radio Files Really Make Any Difference

Sep 30, 2010

I have a rooted evo running fresh and so far I love it. I used unrevoked 3.21 to do this. My question is does flashing new radio files and pellet files actually increase and or decrease how well the radio works on the phone. I noticed hat once I installed wireless tether that my WiFi signal seems to go down 1 or 2 bars when the laptop is not even 10 feet away. Is thus normal. Anyway I'm very knew to the whole flashing of radio files and just wanted to hear if it does anything or not.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Flashing Different Radio Versions?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm on 2.1 official, rooted. Can I flash different radio versions?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Flashing Radio And Pushing RA

May 26, 2010

Been running Fresh 2.1.1 for about a week now and it seems pretty good. But with 2.1.2 just out I'm planning on flashing that as soon as possible. I've been running the stock radio and RA and wanted to get some feedback on weather it would be beneficial to update both the radio and RA to the newest versions available before I flash to 2.1.2. My awake time is at about 10% and cell standby is using 48% of my battery while phone idle is using 44%. Does this sound normal? If not would flashing a new radio and RA help resolve these issues?

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HTC Incredible :: Rooted - Difficulty Flashing Radio

Aug 20, 2010

Question, obviously asked in several previous threads, but I'm unable to resolve the next issue at hand with that data. When I power on, and hit hboot, I'm still seeing S-On, yet if I log into abb shell, su, I get "#", as well as now having the icon for "Superuser Permissions". Used both unrEVOked3 and forever in this process.

I've attempted to install the radio update "" via root of SD card. I'm able to see / install it, yet baseband is still showing I have W7, and have the option to "Hide extensions for known file types" off (Can't stand not seeing exactly what files are what). What am I missing? I've seen that others have had to do the "*22899 then *228 option 2", yet If it doesn't show it as being a valid install, I'm hesitant to try and reinstall it.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Radio Flashing Compatible With Certain ROMs

Apr 20, 2010

Just a few questions on flashing a new radio on a Sprint Hero, as I'd like to be sure I won't brick my phone and there really don't seem to be many guides on this.

Are certain radios only compatible with certain ROMs? If so, what do you do if you want to flash a new ROM afterwards? In the event a radio flash fails, can you attempt to flash a different one or is your phone pretty much bricked at that point?

I'll probably have more questions later, as the thought of bricking my new Hero is well, I'd really rather not have to go back to my old BlackBerry.

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HTC Desire :: Radio Files - Flashing Rooted Phone

May 11, 2010

With regard to phone calls dropping when on a nominal h/3g connection (as when I'm in the house I have a 3g/h reception 2 bars but when I pick the phone up it seems to drop out to g after a few seconds so if I answer a call on 3g/h a few seconds later the phone switches to g and disconnects me poor signal in the house I think but very annoying as I have to keep the phone on g only in the house and use WiFi for browsing at the moment)). I searched for some ROM radio files to flash to my rooted phone and found these 3 roms

[Radio ROM] Desire Radio Roms - xda-developers

Was wondering if anyone has looked into this and if there is anymore (possibly updated files) out there. At the moment I have downgraded to file 30.34 as this radio file seems to switch from g/3g/h the quickest and it's a bit more stable (still cutting to g connection once I've had the phone in my hand for a couple of seconds (think due to the receiver being in the bottom of the phone as someone else has reported), will check it's progress but all files give a similar reception.

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Android :: How Can I Add Scripting To App?

Dec 30, 2009

I am searching for some method of extending Android application with scripting support. All I need is something similar to Lua's C api - I should be able to bind a few functions (classes not necessary) and run a script with a parameter to do some actions and produce result. Android api bindings are unnecessary (even unwanted for security reasons). I have searched this group and google for a lib like this, but no success. Sure there is Android Scripting Environment, but it runs Lua and Python normal interpreter as a separate C process. The Java port of Lua interpreter, which I could possibly compile for Android, doesn't seem to be ready yet, but I may be wrong. I have also looked at JRuby, which looks good except it is large and it may be hard to limit script's access to Java classes, or to set it up properly. Also, Android seems to have some Javascript interpreter (with Webkit) - maybe there is a way to use it inside app? So here is my question: How can I add scripting to my app?

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HTC Desire :: Opinion About Scripting?

May 2, 2010

I know it should be possible, but I am new to android / linux and got no idea of scripting and such. Anyone help?

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Android :: Need Scripting App Like Python

Nov 8, 2009

Hey I've been playing with my droid and I was wonder whether there are any scripting apps. Something like python on the phone? Is it possible? Is there anything like that?

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Android :: Way To Get A Scripting App For Web Browser?

Jan 22, 2010

Does anyone know of a web browser app, or a script for a web browser, that would allow an Android user to update all four of the windows in the web browser (from a pre-configured list of URLs) with a single input to the smartphone? With such an app, one could update four pages in the background, where 3G or "Edge" network speed would not be very important, and then. later on, quickly view/review all four web pages once the time-consuming data fill was complete. My job situation does not allow me to pull out the smartphone and play with it for several minutes to do this -- I could however start the process then come back in a few minutes and quickly toggle through four-screens of already loaded web info.

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Android :: How To Add Scripting To Ndroid App?

Mar 11, 2010

I have an XML based file format that I'm using to store and load instances of objects. I'm interested in adding some scripting support to those objects so that they can respond to events. That said, I also don't want to cripple performance. Are there any well known scripting options for Android - maybe even ones where while loading, I can pre-compile and cache the scripts?

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Android :: Which GUI Framework Learn To Know Scripting / HCI?

Mar 6, 2010

I have some knowledge about Human computer interaction and some basic knowledge programming scripts (Python) that run from start to finish and automate some tasks I want to do or calculations. In the past I built interfaces in HTML with PHP behind it. I would like my python scripts to evolve from the command line and build some applications with GUIs that would allow the user to drag files and push buttons to initiate operations and check progress graphically. Since I write my scripts in Python I looked at some of the options (Tkinter, wxPython, PyQt) but I can't make a decision between them to invest my time learn one and not the other. My criteria: Has a introduction for programmers for GUI (what are the differences from a script, examples of some simple interfaces). A framework that would allow me to run my programs on the platforms I use most (Windows) but that can also run on Mac and maybe Linux, without too much modification. If not the same, similar to how you program GUI for Android and/or Nokia smartphones. I'm planning to write some programs for these platforms in the near future so I would like to carry over some of the lessons here onto those platforms, if possible. I did find this previous question but none of the answers are satisfactory. Does any of the frameworks fit these requirements better than the others or are they essentially similar and I would be happy with any of them?

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Android :: Interact With Scripting Environment From An App?

Oct 4, 2009

I'd like to use python scripts as plugins for an app I'm developing. This seems to be possible by interacting with android-scripting-environment (ASE), as is done by Locale, but I haven't found any documentation about this. How you execute ASE scripts from your own app?

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Android :: Bash Scripting On Droid Getting Error / Way To Fix?

Nov 24, 2009

Has anybody tried bash scripting on android? I tried to write a simple script on Android's bash shell through adb. Why do I get this error and is there a work around?

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Android :: Need Scripting Language To Use On Droid / IPhone

Aug 25, 2010

I've got an iphone app and I'm looking to port some of the data-layer objective-c code to a scripting language which can also run on an android phone. Any suggestions on what to use? I'd also like to be able to push new scripts to the app for bug fixes. Not sure if this is against the iphone SDK agreement or not.

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Android :: Scripting Environment For Application - No Way Of Accomplishing

Oct 13, 2009

I'm trying to make my app scriptable. Specifically, I need to expose a few Java APIs and make callbacks settable via user-written scripts. Ideally I'd like to hide some of the complexity away in a DSL, but there's no way of accomplishing what I want neatly without some form of user scripting, so I may accept another alternative if it meets my requirements. Initially I looked into Scala as that is my main language of choice, but the Scala interpreter is just a wrapper around its compiler, which I'm told won't run well if at all on the phone.

I've also tried JRuby, which worked under Cupcake. There appears to be a regression in the form of a Dalvik bug that prevents it from working under Donut, however:
I've also seen the Android Scripting Environment. Am I correct in assuming that this only supports running full interpreters and not embedding scripting languages into apps?

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Android :: How To Download SL4A Scripting Layer For Droid?

Jul 19, 2010

I read an article from the web on SL4A (which is also known as Android Scripting Environment). The site from where i got an article is: But i got the theoretical knowledge only for SL4A (ASE). Anybody having practical idea or practical example, pleas suggest to me. Which are the scripting language supported by ASE? How do i download script?

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Android :: Way To Get Extensible Apps With Scripting / Bytecode Downloading?

Sep 29, 2009

I'm looking into a solution that needs apps to be dynamically extensible. One way could be an extension language or scripting engine. I've seen the Android Scripting Environment, but this needs the actual C scripting engine (Python or Lua) running as a separate process. I would like the runtime to be a Java app itself, like JavaScript using Rhino (and not using a WebView). Another way is to download Java code dynamically. But, Android does not support jar downloading and dynamic classloading, since these bytecode class files are not used directly.

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Android :: How To Download Scripts For Droid Scripting Environment?

Jan 14, 2010

Downloaded ASE from Google code, and was looking through tutorials, and available scripts. I found a script I wanted to try, however copy pasting it is removing all whitespace (and this is a Python script. Is there a simple way to download a script from the Internet into the Android Scripting Environment?

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Android :: Variable Number Of Radio Buttons In Radio Group Inside Table?

Sep 9, 2010

I currently have code that creates rows in a table that hold a string in column 1 with a RadioButton in column 2. There can be a variable number of these rows. That all works just great, but I want to add them to a RadioGroup so only one button can be toggled at a time. When I tried to add the dynamic RadioButton to the RadioGroup AFTER I added it to the table row, I got an error saying that the child (the RadioButton) already had a parent. I agree, it does have one, the TableRow.

can you have radio buttons tied to a radio group inside of a row or, should I just code my own toggle mechanism and avoid RadioGroup all together? I mean, I could code the onClick to unclick all other radio buttons, but I would rather not do this if I can use the build in RadioGroup.


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Android :: Add Radio Group To Radio Buttons Inside Of Table?

Mar 2, 2010

I have multiple radio buttons which I want to layout using a table but also include them in a single radio group. I have the following xml layout:

<RadioGroup android:layout_width="fill_parent"

<TableLayout android:id="@+id/RadioButtons"

But unfortunately the radio buttons inside the table seem to ignore the fact that they're inside of the RadioGroup tags and because of this you can select more than one radio button at the time. I noticed that by removing the table and just having the radio buttons it works just fine. How can I overcome this? Would it be as simple as declaring the radio group inside of the table instead of outside?

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Android :: XM Radio Application - Lose News And Public Radio?

Jul 14, 2010

I turned on my Droid this morning to listen to MSNBC and I heard the last 5 minutes of Keith Obermann (5:55 am est) and then all of my news and talk channels disappeared! Channels like CNN, C-SPAN, MSNBC and NPR are all gone from my favorites and the channel line-up. There is nothing in the "News and Public Radio" category.
Has anyone else noticed this? I'm thinking this must be a temporary glitch but I would hate to lose all of these channels. If you have the Sirius/ XM radio app, would you please check this on your Droid?

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Android :: Radio Buttons In Radio Group In Table Row?

Sep 9, 2010

I currently have code that creates rows in a table that hold a string in column 1 with a RadioButton in column 2. There can be a variable number of these rows so I cannot just create it in the layout xml as radio1, radio2, etc. My code displays the table with the string and RadioButton pairs just great, but I want to add them to a RadioGroup so only one button can be toggled at a time.

When I tried to add the dynamic RadioButton to the RadioGroup AFTER I added it to the table row, I got an error saying that the child (the RadioButton) already had a parent. I agree, it does have one, the TableRow.
My question is, can you have radio buttons tied to a radio group inside of a row or, should I just code my own toggle mechanism and avoid RadioGroup all together? I mean, I could code the onClick to unclick all other radio buttons, but I would rather not do this if I can use the build in RadioGroup.

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