General :: ADB Shell Command - Wipe Data
Jun 2, 2014I pushed + and power the red triangle pops i went to adb devices it showed the devices on recovery mode. Is there a command that i can put to wipe data? Such as adb shell command.

I pushed + and power the red triangle pops i went to adb devices it showed the devices on recovery mode. Is there a command that i can put to wipe data? Such as adb shell command.
I keep getting
ADB rejected shell command (ls -l /data):
And the command prompt when running adb shell tells me error: device not found although the emulator is open.
The latest version of Google Now (2.1) doesn't like being flashed. If you flash it via CWM it seems to break voice search functionality, causing a force close.
Playing with the adb shell, I discovered that the pm install command works nicely:
pm install [APKNAME].apk
So, I thought this would be perfect to execute in a shell script via CWM/Edify.
So far I've tried all manner of commands. First I was trying the above command in a file, before I realised that "pm" wasn't present anywhere in /sbin/ (the header of my shell script is #!/sbin/sh").
So, I've tried this:
exec /system/bin/pm install data/media/install/Velvet.apk
Here is the update script:
ui_print("Mounting system...");
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "mount", "/system");
ui_print("Mounting data...");
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "mount", "/data");
[Code] .....
Which, copies the files correctly. This also isn't my first time running scripts in my installer, but this is the first time I've attempted this. To no avail. This same command works in the adb shell, though.
Also, is there another way of flashing that may work? I heard about putting the original file ("Velvet.apk") in /system/app and then putting the updated version in /data/ but this doesn't work either.
Running the above script in Busybox installer's script running function also works perfectly. The only thing it won't do is install from CWM.
I'm trying to unzip an apk using the device shell. I need to see the package name of the app contained in the apk. I tried using unzip -l but I just get output that says "zip flags 1 and 8 not supported". How can I unzip an apk? For that matter, am I using the right tool for this job? I just want to view the manifest of the apk, really. I have busybox.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have made a kinda theme installer (for stockrom)..
so.. first of all i extract needed file from assets to sdcard
n on button click i add this line of code..
the code is work n sometimes not...
when execute the code, my phone hang for several time
"here is the line of execution code :
Process ppush;
try {
ppush = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(ppush.getOutputStream());
os.writeBytes("mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
os.writeBytes("cp /mnt/sdcard/dys/SystemUI.apk /system/app
When I start the ADB shell from the Windows command line, and type the command "ls", the list of files I get is not sorted by name. Also, if I enter "ls -r" which should reverse sort, I get the error message "no such file". If I type "busybox ls -l", I get the expected sorted list. Also, other commands like "busybox ls -la" work.
My Phone is a Samsung Captivate i897, rooted from Gingerbread with Corn Kernel v7.06 with Superuser and BusyBox installed.
How can I get the Busybox version of the shell commands to run without having to type "busybox" all the time?
I am looking for a way to send an email, preferably with an attachment, from a command line shell script (bourn/ash/whatever-it-is). No user interaction is a requirement.
It looks like an "am start" command might be able to do it via launching another app, and I've seen some examples out there, but nothing that I've had success with.
I have a big rsync backup script that I run to back up my device to my server, but I want to be able to email myself a notification if the backup fails, along with a copy of a log file. This script runs on a regular basis via a scheduler without any user interaction, but I have noticed that rsync has been failing recently and I've needed to re-run it manually later.
I am a pro Linux sysadmin but don't know jack about Java. I do bash, python, perl, and some C. My current script is just a sh shell script.
FYI my device is a Nexus One on Cyanogen 7.2. FYI I own the mail server here. I use k9mail as my primary mail app but the gmail app could be used as well.
If there was just a "mail" command.
I am wondering what terminal command I can use to check if a process has been cached. On my Sprint Galaxy Nexus, rooted, with the latest build of the Paranoid Android jelly bean rom, I can go to my settings, click on apps, swipe to the "Running Apps" list, and click on the button at the top of the screen that says "Show Cached Processes," and that displays the list that I am trying to access. My reasoning for doing this, is to use "Secure Settings" in conjunction with "Tasker" to check if my "Groove IP" application is running. Initially, I was trying to use "pgrep -l com.*" and check that list for "com.gvoip" too see if "Groove IP" is running in the tray (pull down menu), but if the process is cached, it still shows up in that list. How to get a list of cached processes from terminal.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to use command like "ls","mkdir","cd","./"..etc, in the app, somebody says use Runtime class,
but there is nothing happen.. I also use logcat to observe, but have the same result.
so could app use (linux) command?
I am trying to run an ADB shell command from inside an android app using the JAVA's Runtime.getRunTime.exec API. I am getting an error "ERROR/ProcessManager(1041): Error running adb: Permission denied". Wanted to check if there is any permission that I need to request to get it working or that running the adb shell command would not be allowed from with in the Android app.
I am able to execute other linux commands like 'ls' from the android app though.
I am trying to execute a command from within my code, the command is "echo 125 > /sys/devices/platform/flashlight.0/leds/flashlight/brightness" and I can run it without problems from adb shell
I am using Runtime class to execute it : Runtime.getRuntime().exec("echo 125 > /sys/devices/platform/flashlight.0/leds/flashlight/brightness");
However I get a permissions error since I am not supposed to access the sys directory. I have also tried to place the command in a String[] just in case spaces caused a problem but it didn't make much differense.
I have copied a file named hello(compiled form hello.c) in android data folder and using command like "adb shell datahello" in android machine terminal. and it give fine output.
Actual Question is that is there is any way that in button click listener, i initiate the same command like "adb shell datahello" (or any other appropriate way to execute adb shell commands) and gets its output in TextView.
I have a netbook with Android installed. Is it possible to access the bash shell?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to use "adb -d shell" command to start a shell on device (android dev 1 phone ) from my vista command line. But whenever I try giving such command it does not open any shell or interaction on the phone device. But instead it goes to the next line in the cmd as '$'. any help would really appreciable. I have installed adb_usb_windows.
Previously I used work well with the emulator. Using adb command never troubled me. But now with new device, I am not able to open a shell using adb -d shell command on the phone.
I am trying to dump the content of sqlite via adb shell command.
Here is what i did:
My questions I try both 'tables' command and dump the schema for 'main', I can't find my table. Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong?
In my java code, I am able to insert value to DB like this:
In my application I want to create a directory xyz in sdcard at the runtime from the my Application. But it doesn't work.
Here is my code...............
I try to execute shell commands, this does work as it should. Even the result comes back (as is see on LogCat). The problem ist the last line of the result. Every time a readLine() on the last line occurs (which shouldn't occur, temp should be null), the app hangs forever and doesn't come back from the readLine call. Maybe you find the error. I tried readUTF and standart read(), all the same problem. And yes, the app got su-rights.
try {
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
DataInputStream osRes = new DataInputStream(process.getInputStream());
for (String single : commands) { os.writeBytes(single + " ");
os.flush(); String temp = new String();
while( (temp = osRes.readLine()) != null) { Log.v("NITRO", temp);
result2 += temp + " ";
} } os.writeBytes("exit");
os.flush(); process.waitFor();
} catch (IOException e) { Toast.makeText(Main.this, "Error", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
} catch (InterruptedException e){ Toast.makeText(Main.this, "Error", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
That is the StackTrace where it hangs when I stop debugger when hanging:
OSFileSystem.readImpl(int, byte[], int, int) line: not available [native method], byte[], int, int) line: 118
ProcessManager$ProcessInputStream(FileInputStream).read(byte[], int, int) line: 312
ProcessManager$ProcessInputStream(FileInputStream).read() line: 250
DataInputStream.readLine() line: 309
Main$2$ line: 84
ViewRoot(Handler).handleCallback(Message) line: 587
ViewRoot(Handler).dispatchMessage(Message) line: 92
Looper.loop() line: 123
ActivityThread.main(String[]) line: 4627
Method.invokeNative(Object, Object[], Class, Class[], Class, int, boolean) line: not available [native method]
Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 521
ZygoteInit$ line: 868
ZygoteInit.main(String[]) line: 626
NativeStart.main(String[]) line: not available [native method]
Have just got a Galaxy S and this is my first experience with Android.
a. How do I set the host name for my phone?
b. How do I start a command line shell?
I wish to know how in java I should receive these parameters. I do know how to deliver parameters via adb shell am start command but I still have a problem to get them in java (android) code.
My class extends InstrumentationTestCase and not Activity class!
So I cannot perform: this.getIntent().
I anderstand that I need to create intent doing: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.someAction);
Can you help me to find out what action should I use here.
I also read that there are secondary attributes: category, type, component, extras. I know that I also need to update the manifest file accordingly. Sorry for so many q/a.
Specifically, I was trying to use the sqlite3 command with the adb shell to run some queries on the database of the Android application I'm building. I kept getting "sqlite3: permission denied". I'm developing on a Nexus One that I purchased from Google. Does my phone need to be rooted or something?
View 1 Replies View RelatedBy using command prompt access the device shell/terminal. then use the su command getting permission denied error. Why this happening? how can i solve this problem.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe use case that I have to emulate is to inject random keypresses. I have observed it that it is possible using adb shell command "input". Can someone point me to the source code in the android build tree, so that I can accordingly implement the same in our test app.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhat exactly does a data reset do? Does reformat (a) partition(s)? If so, which? If not, which files/directories are removed; What exactly IS deleted? Second, how would I do a data reset through ADB?
My screen is basically broken. It works for a split second when first starting up (cold boot), and flickers off and doesn't turn on. Everything else works. I'm planning to resell for parts; I think I've invested way too much for this phone (screen broke before, and then got stolen, and now broken screen again). I would like to erase all data on the phone. I would normally do this through Clockwork recovery, but can't on the account of being blind due to broken screen.
I did come across this thread, but it still left me questions. Is reformatting system necessary? How would reflash my ROM via ADB? What about wiping Dalvik cache? Is dalvik stored within the cache partition?
As for the phone itself:
Samsung Galaxy S Epic 4G (Sprint)
RandomROM Thunkderhawk 3.5
USB Debugging enabled.
Ok so I have a Galaxy 10.1 wifi tablet. I have it rooted with the AOKP ICS release, and my tab is encrypted. What happened is my little brother was messing around with my tablet and it has a PIN code lock screen, he botched the code too many times and now my tablet is trying to do a data wipe.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a lock screen app that will wipe the device of all data if the password is entered incorrectly after a set amount of times.
View 1 Replies View RelatedNeed to wipe data from the bootloader on DroidX. Stuck in a bootloop with no working vol - button to clear data from recovery. Have tried every sbf out there but none of them wipe data (as they likely shouldn't). Told Verizon my battery went dead during an update and now it just keeps restarting.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI try to install new rom (fixed rom) on thl t11.
After i go in recovery mode i go in button "wipe all data" and after " yes - wipe data for all users"
Now when i turn on my mobile (power button) i get only black screen,nothing alse.
My phone is not rooted,now i can't acces to recovery mode.
What actually android wipedata/reset means ?. Is there any problem if i select wipe data factory reset...? if i select this option, is there any chance of losing my internal memory datas like messages, contacts, etc ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am selling my sg2 and was wondering how to wipe all my data from it. I am running AOKP but no longer have the .zip or access to any, as there is no internet here.
View 4 Replies View RelatedA colleague thought it would be interesting to see what the wipe data command on Exchange would do to my phone. It appears to have bricked it. The phone boots, shows the THL logo for a few seconds then shows a dark grey screen.
Is this phone recoverable.