Connectivity State In A Service?
Jan 16, 2012
I am trying to find a way to get the connectivity state in a service, found the code below but getSystemService is red underlined.
public boolean isOnline() {
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) this.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE );
return cm.getActiveNetworkInfo().isConnectedOrConnecting( );
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Jan 10, 2014
I have a galaxy s2 and after I installed costom roms I dont have any signal what so ever.
I tried with like 3 roms and the same result.
I tought it was a modem problem and I tried to install some modems and see if that works. But it didnt.
My Service State says Out of service and sometimes it says Radio off.
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Jul 16, 2010
I am developing an Android app which needs to poll a specific webpage in time intervals. I've got it to the point where it does indeed poll the page on a specific interval, and that interval is specified in a SharedPreference which can be changed by the user in the settings page of the app. But complications arise when network connectivity is flaky.For example, how do I ensure that the Service "wakes up" the network adapter and gives it ample time to connect before polling the page, in the case that the phone was sleeping to save power? This polling action can happen as little as once every 24 hours, so I don't want to miss one action just because the network was out (but turned on a few seconds, minutes, or even hours later).
Or there are times when the web service doesn't respond, or DNS doesn't respond, or what have you, and for any reason it doesn't get a response even though the phone is technically connected. What sort of rule do I put in place to make this retry later, so that I'm not retrying repeatedly when the user specifically turned off their internet but I'm retrying soon enough that if it was just a hiccup, the data can be received soon after the first try?Are there any examples for this type of situation? What is the logic to best handle this?
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Jun 29, 2010
I want to create an Android service, which notifies the main activity whenever disconnects and when internet reconnects again. I have following function for checking internet connectivity:.
But I want to know, how to use it in a service.
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Mar 24, 2010
I have a Service/AlarmManager set to go off ever hour; as seen at:
The Alarm triggers a Socket connection to communicate with a Web Server. I'm logging the interaction to a file so I can see it later. When I leave the phone on my desk for a day, it seems that more often than not I get a "Network unreachable" error when trying to do any networking.
I believe it is related to how deeply the phone goes into sleep. Is there a special kind of lock I have to hold, or some command required to prep the wireless radio so that it can be ready to access the Internet?
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Jan 6, 2010
I'm trying to get current service state of my phone. It can be easily fetched with get State() method of Service State when a on Service State Changed (Service State service State) callback is invoked: Code...
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Sep 30, 2010
How do I check whether the local service inside my application is running?
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Oct 22, 2009
i have a service (that extends Service). public class MyService extends Service ..
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Mar 19, 2010
I have built an application that listen to call state changes, and I want to notify a service when the call_state became IDLE.All the components I have are functional, I just need to notify (not start) a service for this.What's the correct practice, maybe using AIDL? Because, in a PhoneStateListener, I can't bind to a service. Do I have to start an activity for that?
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Jan 16, 2010
Here's my Python script written using android-scripting:
while True:
It basically vibrates every minute (like a motivator). However, when the phone is locked with screen blanked out, I don't sense any vibration. Perhaps Android is freezing the script (and hence the while loop)? Note that I am indeed running this script as a service (long-tap and click 'Start as service').
Is there a way to make this script work all the time regardless of the phone suspend state?
Update 1: I do hear the vibration occasionally, not every minute .. but rather like every 5-10 minutes randomly.
Update 2: This problems occurs if I run the script normally (not as a service). Seems like "time.sleep" is not sleeping for the specified time.
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Aug 20, 2009
I wonder if it's possible to get music player state, like which is the current music playing, title, author and so on ? Better, is it possible for an activity (or a service) to be notified on music state changements (start playing, pause, etc.)
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Oct 28, 2010
I have a Service which tracks the location of the user. Currently, the Service boots when the application starts and stops when the application terminates. Unfortunately, if users keep the application in the background, the Service never stops and drains battery.
I would like the Service to stop when my application is not in the foreground. I was hoping the Application class would let me Override onPause and onResume handlers, but it does not have them.
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Nov 11, 2009
I have a BroadcastReceiver that listens for the BOOT_COMPLETED, that part works I know because I disabled my phone listener and displayed a Toast within. That BroadcastReceiver is supposed to start a service, that also works. I run into Force Close issues when my service attempts to tell my TelephonyManager to listen. Any one have any ideas? Here is my code import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent;
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Feb 17, 2010
I want to send an intent to my service everytime the state of Wifi connectivity changes. So when I currently use a broadcast receiver to listen for the state changes in Wifi, so when this recieves an intent I want to be able to send this info on to my service. Is this possible and if so the correct way to do it?
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Aug 11, 2010
I have a compound UI component built up from a ViewGroup containing a number of TextView, ImageView etc. components. Many of these have StateListDrawables as their images/backgrounds. Is there any way of making them select from this drawable based on the state of the parent ViewGroup rather than the component itself? Ideally I want to be able to change the visual state of all children of the ViewGroup (text colour, image etc) based on the state of the ViewGroup, preferably without having to hook up complex logical code. This seems like a fairly common sort of requirement, so I was hoping it would be straightforward in Android - am I going to be disappointed?
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Feb 8, 2009
I'm a little confused by what I'm seeing with regards to phone state transitions via the PhoneStateListener. When I receive a call, this is what happens: (call comes in) RINGING -> IDLE (I pick up) OFFHOOK (I hang up) IDLE It's that first transition from RINGING to IDLE without any interaction from me (not ending the call, not answering the call) that confuses me. Do I really have to implement an idle counter to know that an incoming call has really ended? Seems like the reported phone state represents some sort of phone state that isn't the obvious one.Is this a bug or am I just not in tune with the paradigm here?
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Oct 28, 2009
My application has some code which detects if the Android device is connected to a Wi-Fi or Mobile network.
The code appeared to be working fine for Andoid 1.5, but does not seem to work correctly for Andorid 1.6.
Here is the code I am using:
Under Android 1.5 this code would correctly detect if the current connectivity was Wi-Fi or Mobile. However under Android 1.6 the call to getActiveNetworkInfo seems to always return a networkInfo instance with the type set to TYPE_MOBILE. This is happening even though the icons in the bar at the top of the android screen show the Wi-Fi connected icon with the full signal strength bars showing.
I don't know if this means that under Android 1.6 it is actually using the phone data network for connectivity instead of the Wi-Fi connectivity when both networks are available, or if the getActiveNetworkInfo call is just returning the wrong information for Android 1.6.
Has anyone else seen this issue with Andoid 1.6? It would be too bad if 1.6 is really using the bandwidth on the phone data network instead of the Wi-Fi network when both networks are present. Does anyone know if there is a different way to correctly detect if the Android device has Wi-Fi connectivity?
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Apr 29, 2010
I am with first Droid phone. I have had an HTC Desire for approximately 1 week and absolutely love it. When I first got the phone, the connectivity was always H in the status bar, with very good I-net speed. For some reason, unbeknown to me, it is now a G, sometimes a 3G. The speed is still quite good though. This 'change' would appear to have been since I received a text from T-Mobile (I'm aware of the 'G' issues on their forums) alongwith the lines. They hoped I liked their new webpage. Now they have reverted to the original webpage I may have to re-load my favorites. I have not had to do this, thankfully. Under Wireless & Networks, WiFi is off, as I am on an 'unlimited' 3GB plan, and I am using GSM/WCDMA auto under Preferred network mode.
Questions: -
1. What is the difference between the three, namely H, 3G and G?
2. Which is quicker?
2. Can I change it back to H, if I wanted, as I believe it was quicker?
4. Sometimes, although not very often, the G, 3G and H disappear altogether and I am left with no connectivity at all. However, if I try to access the I-net, I can, and either the G, 3G or H appear again miraculously. Is there a particular reason for this?
Hope to hear from you experts soon and apologies for such basic questions, as I'm still getting used to using a droid. My last phone was a Nokia N95 2GB. Huge difference!
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Jun 22, 2010
I hooked the usb to the phone but it does not give me an option to put music on the card that way. I am new at this.
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Aug 21, 2013
We are developing an Android application that uses bluetooth to connect to a board that we developed. If we try to connect to the board after the system has been off for a while, the system connects correctly and begins to stream data. The data stream will freeze momentarily, then start, then freeze, then shut off after about 6 - 8 seconds. If we try again it will repeat this process. It is almost like the Android is checking to see if it is an ok device to connect with, and decides no for some reason.
The only way we have been able to then connect again is to un-pair and then re-pair the tablet to the board. After we unpair and re-pair, the connection works well and will continue to work well until we turn the tablet off.
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Jan 27, 2012
i rooted my android phone (xperia arc- lt15i, on firmware 2.3.4) and installed titanium backup, with the intention of clearing away bloatware that came bundled with the phone. I did a backup of my whole phone with the app before proceeding.
but being the idiot that i am, i accidentally deleted something called "voicemail ..." (can't remember what comes after that). now it is gone from titanium backup completely.
the thing is after i did that i immediately lost my phone connectivity (can't make calls out/3G etc) and whenever i go to settings>wireless&network settings> mobile networks, the phone crashes, with the option of 'force close'.
but wifi and the other functions of the phone still work. i tried restoring via titanium but it still doesn't work because the file was deleted.desperate for a solution, i tried a hard reset but the problem still remained, and strangely after the reset i lost control of my middle, hard home button.
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May 19, 2012
I need to do the same thing i do with connectivity but in my phone, i connect to the web with my wifi and share internet with the same wifi adapter.
i been looking into it for a while and people keep on say that i need 2 widi adapter for it but is SO no true coz i have and use only 1... I don't wanna use bluetooth at all or connect it with usb.
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Nov 20, 2010
I have recently created a new gmail account, and transferred all contacts etc. Since my Hero cannot read more than one account, I deleted my first account - planning to reconnect my Hero to the new account - thus enabling all the new data to connect.
However, my phone will not connect to the google server - thus I cannot get my contacts or calendar, and cannot get to the market. The message I get says: 'cannot establish a reliable data connection to the server'.
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Apr 29, 2010
So I dropped AT&T for the Incredible and my number successfully ported over, but I cannot connect to the Internet.I can make/receive calls and SMS, but no Internet besides wifi.I've been on with vzw support and went through reactivating the phone (*228) and a couple hard reset to no avail.They said it could have something to do with porting from AT&T, but I'm not understanding that connection.I don't have too much faith in support figuring out so I'm trying this forum. Does anyone have a clue how to resolve this or is it a defect with the phone.Some details: there is no 3G symbol near the signal status bars.Settings/Wireless & networks: shows "Mobile Network" with a green check, buts its grayed out so no action can be taken on it.Directly underneath "Mobile Network" it says "Turning on..." and it seems to flash that status every once in a while.
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Jun 29, 2010
I am currently in China and therefor run a VPN on my PC to connect to the outside world, I would also like to run the same VPN (PPTP) on my android. I can connect via VPN if I am using WiFi but when I try to connect over GPRS/Edge I can't get any connectivity. All web pages load with the standard "web page not available" and apps, eg. the market place, won't connect either. I would have thought that if it was a carrier issue (CMCC) I wouldn't be able to connect to the VPN in the first place. So is this a Android issue, a setup issue or a carrier issue? And can you actuality run a VPN over GPRS om Android?
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Feb 8, 2010
Since the recent update I have been unable to pick up a 3G signal.
The Nexus used to show a 3G symbol but now all I get is either a G or E.
I am now in the middle of Manchester when I used to pick up a 3G signal and all I can pick up is Edge.
Has anyone else experienced this or know how this can be solved?
What does G mean if its not 3G, could it be 2G? Whatever that is...
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Jan 30, 2010
Is their a way to cancel the option in the galaxy that it will not surf on a 3g network automatically when for some reason I lose my WiFi signal for a sec?
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Oct 30, 2010
My app doesn't connect through HTC EV0-4G. How app can access network through CDMA 4G.
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Nov 17, 2010
I have a simple java code which gets html text from the input url:
I am using this code in an android project. Now the problem comes when there is no internet connectivity. The application just halts and later gives error. Is there some way to break this after some fixed timeout, or even return some specific string after an exception is thrown.
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Oct 6, 2010
I have an IntentService which makes some web service calls. Before making these calls I check to make sure the device has network connectivity.
I am doing so like this:
Unfortunately, when I'm debugging on my Android device, this returns false when I have both a network and a wireless connection.
Some interesting tidbits about connec.getNetworkInfo(0):
Clearly this code is not sufficient (perhaps it would only return true if I sent some bit over the network and turned the radio on?). Moreover, since I'm not well versed in the ConnectivityManager, I'm assuming I should probably be scanning all networks (ie: getNetworkInfo(0 through N)).
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