Best Tool / Programming Language In Making Offline Maps
Aug 6, 2013what is the best tool/programming Language in making Offline maps in easiest way or we can tell it easy to make offline maps.
View 1 Replieswhat is the best tool/programming Language in making Offline maps in easiest way or we can tell it easy to make offline maps.
View 1 RepliesI am looking for an offline synchronizing tool/app/client for android devices.It can be used to take backup of
1. Contacts
3.Photos & Videos
It should be able to backup this data using one or more of these:
Also, I am looking for such a tool specifically for Linux machines.The reason for this is to avoid sending data to the cloud during backup for privacy reasons. Actually I am developing such a cross platform compatible offline synchronizing tool myself. But I want to know if this already exists.
what is the path to the offline map files saved by Google Maps 6.9?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm planning to develop a game for iphone and android. what programming language can i use to create a shared codebase between the two platform. i understand that there are some parts which are device specific.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am implementing a language conversion tool, to convert Spanish to English, on a variety of smart phones: Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows Phone 7.
How do I implement language conversions? Searching, I am not finding a tutorial about this, and I don't having any experience with this.
But before we engage in arguments on the politics of actively hiding the file system to computer users and restricting access to their devices... WHERE Google stores its Offline Speech Recognition Language Files?
I accidentally discovered that Offline Speech Recognition seems to have been bundled with Google Search somehow because if Google Search is disabled, so is Speech Recognition and looking at Google Search in Application Manager, one can notice that the data storage is proportional to the size of the downloaded language files, but so far have been unable to locate where on the device these files are stored, so that they don't need to be downloaded again.
I'm searching for an app or mod to google maps that allow to view maps (satellite view) offline
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm a UK based Android newbie (maybe)Can I download maps and use GPS offfline to avoid expensive roaming charges in Europe?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhere are the offline maps for this phone?Everything seems to use data to download the maps?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am doing a debug key and I can't. I am stuck here:
"Once you have located the keystore, use this Keytool command to get the MD5 fingerprint of the debug certificate:
$ keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey
-keystore .keystore
-storepass android -keypass android"
I located my keystore, but I don't know how to put that order. I think that order is for linux, and I am using windows XP Professional.
I'm somewhat unfamiliar with the droid incredible's GPS features. I know it uses A-GPS, but I've been led to believe that the use of cell towers is only to facilitate the acquisition of the almanac or when GPS signal is unavaible altogether. I'd like to use my phone's GPS while camping, at which point I'll be well away from cell coverage. Will I still be able to get a GPS signal. If so can anyone reccomend a topographic mapping software that I can download maps from to my phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't currently have a data plan. Since I'm on WiFi 95% of the time, I don't plan on getting one. The only thing I haven't been able to do easily (without a data plan) is use Google Maps while driving/walking.If I load the maps before leaving a WiFi hotspot, my location is tracked and I can pan around the map. Of course, as soon as I want to view another uncached portion of the map, I can't.Maps are small, and it would be perfect if I could cache maps for a certain area - say everything within 100 mi of my house. Any ideas?
View 49 Replies View RelatedI have downloaded andnav2 and I downloaded the ready-made mapnik map tile packs for Greece via the computer. I have put the map tile packs in the correct folder: /sdcard/andnav2/tiles/mapnik.But when I opened andnav2 in Greece, I cannot see the downloaded maps.Why am I not able to see offline maps?What do I need to do now? Can anyone help please?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am an avid outdoorsmen and I have downloaded a few different gps apps to my droid. Like My Tracks, Oruxmaps, Trekbuddy, Geobeagle, and so on. I cannot figure out for the life of me how to download an offline map to put on these apps so that I may use the gps feature when I have no signal. Can someone please help me out with all of this? I'm about to go crazy here.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAre there any good free offline maps apps for Europe including navigation features?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am a newbie to Android operating systems, I own a Samsung Galaxy-S (i9000) and am from India. Its widely known as Samsung Vibrand, abroad.Is there any offline maps for "India" available for this mobile?The mobile has GPS device inbuilt in it.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi am about to travel. I would need a working offline maps with GPS/navigation service. I have tried Google offline maps but it doesn't work with "direction" so I find it kinda useless. Any offline maps/GPS service with walking direction? Navigon is the closest thing to what I want but I can't download the south america maps from play store (they say it's not available for my country). I am thinking to buy NDrive considering they use the same database (navteq).
Does NDrive have walking GPS direction (and available offline) like Navigon? If NDrive doesnt do it for me
Q: What map areas are available Offline with Google Maps 6.9.0 for Android?
Background: With Google Maps 6.9.0 it is possible to make certain maps areas available offline. As for Europe, this seems to be dependant upon where you attempt to make this happen. Most of Croatia (except Zagreb) seems to be unavailable, same goes for most of Italy except major cities.
Nokia's OVI maps. By far I think it's the best offline GPS navigation app. It included downloadable maps categorized by country. And smooth search function and offline turn by turn navigation. (Best of all it was free)
Now my real question is: are there any apps for android that supports offline turn by turn directions and navigation that also feature downloaded maps?
HTC Amaze 4G
I am working to develop a customized business concept to call a taxi. Where customers request a Taxi on smart phone app. Taxi drivers will have an Android GPS pre-loaded with maps to work off line. The Taxi driver is guided to the customer using voice navigation (for safety).
* Where to find the latest maps to be used for Andriod GPS off-line.
* Which software to use for voice navigation off-line.
* Which software to use for off-line navigation directions from point A to point B.
Device Description : Nexus 4, Maps v 7.4.0, With some difficulty I figured out how to cache a map offline. But the trouble is, how do I retrieve it (when no internet connectivity)?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need an application with which I can store maps with different zoom levels. I remember the application "Istanbul Map" let me do this and I could download Google (or other sources') maps from the zoom level I was in up to the maximum zoom level of my preference. Therefore, assuming that I had downloaded the map, when zoomed out I could only see street names and when zoomed in I could see the shops and their names or any other details corresponding to that zoom level, in case I had set the maximum zoom level to 17, 18 or 19.
However it's been two years that I haven't used that application and now that I downloaded "Istanbul Map" from Google Play I noticed that it doesn't offer the same features as before and it seems that it is specifically for Istanbul. Besides, I need to buy the application in order to use it while the previous versions were free.
Now that I am going on a trip and while on way I might need to zoom in up to the 18th zoom level to see the names of stores or other details. So I need an application that provides me the same feature as the old "Istanbul Map" letting me download Google maps for different zoom levels.The built-in Google maps application only allows to download a map with a fixed zoom level and it is useless for me.
I want to do application which display something as here URL.... after press button. All should work offline so maps should be save in file. So I want to select fragment map and create route and this save.And next assign event to button click action which display this map. Is the possible to do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedEver since Google started allowing offline maps (both in the old Google Maps incarnation, and in the current one), I have found that when I download a map section for offline viewing, often there are many details missing (small street names, for example).
Any way to make Google maps download map tiles to their maximum level of detail (the level you could get if you zoomed in all the way), including all street names? You'd think this would be a given, but it seems not to be.
Searching around for discussions of this, most articles and forum threads are just about tile caching in general, not level of detailed cached.
i just registered here to find out if opening a KML file on my SD card with Google maps in offline mode can work. I am looking for an solution quite a time, but only found this thread on stackover.
To load kml into Google Maps on Android without writing an app, you can create a little html file somewhere with a geo-uri link to the kml file and then click on that link in any Android web browser.
For example: suppose your kml file is located in /sdcard/overlay.kml then you write a geo-uri link like this:
<head><title>Example KML link page using a geo-uri</title></head>
<a href="geo:0,0?q=file:///sdcard/overlay.kml">overlay.kml</a>
Clicking on the link will launch Maps and then Maps will attempt to load and your kml.
Be warned however that the Android version of Maps does not appear to handle the same version/range of kml elements as the desktop version (or desktop Google Earth).
a other thread is about editing the manifest file to get maps to open local KML files
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="h**p://"
Any way to open local KML files with google maps in offline mode ? I want to open kml ONLY in google maps, i know there are several apps out there that support kml files....
I have made apps for the iPhone, but want to also code for the Android but want to know if it is first worth my time, second worth my having to learn another language, and third worth the effort in the sense that am I going to make a profit from this. Also if in any way Android code is similar, then will it be hard to bring the iPhone (Xcode) files, or copy and paste my iPhone code into the Android code.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor an application I am working on, I need to display custom raster image tiles (not vector based, probably from satellite imagery), and I need to do so offline. I would like to use the MapView, but I cannot see a way to tell it to use custom, offline map tiles instead of pulling down data from google's servers.
I've seen a few alternatives, but none seem appropriate to my need MapDroyd Seems to only support vector-based maps. OSMDroid Appears to use Open Street Maps; I don't see any documentation anywhere stating that you can use custom map tiles. There was a third alternative, but my post got eaten and I can't find it in my history. Am I going to have to bite the bullet and 'roll my own'?
Does anyone know of some alternative JVM language, however obscure it might be, which can compile to plain old java bytecode, without the need of a language runtime.I need this in order to try to develop android applications without startup or size penalty. Scala, Clojure and Groovy all require its own runtime library distributed with the application, so they are out of the scope of this question.The only one language which claims to satisfy this goal is Charles Nutter's Mirah, but I couldn't make it to work on windows.To clarify a bit, I know any language has to have runtime library. Obviously, what I am looking for is a language that has no additional runtime required besides JRE, or at least very limited one.
View 1 Replies View Relatedin my application first time i am inserting some data into sqlite db through assets,first time means installation time onwards i am getting the values from db.Now my question is if the user chnage the language of the device automatically how that db values(Grocery names) are also changed?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought an HTC Magic today and, as I always did with other phones too, set the language to english. The problem is I happen to write a lot of messages (email and SMS) in italian too.Is there a way to set the completion language separately from the GUI language? Even better if during the editing of a message would be possible to switch the language, as possible with Nokia phones.Please note that in the subject I mentioned erroneusly T9 which has nothing to do with completion, as I now learned.
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