Android :: Static Variable And Remove The Listener When App Is Closed?
Jul 16, 2009I have some static variables and some registerListeners. Do i need to release them all and remove these listeners?

I have some static variables and some registerListeners. Do i need to release them all and remove these listeners?
I want to clear variable value when will i close activity.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have 1 onClick Lister for many buttons where I can toss a case statement to do things based on what buttons were clicked.
I know I can make 100 different listeners for 100 buttons but I have to think I can create some nifty variables to do it in less lines of code.
I am writing an application that listens to phone calls and perform some tasks when phone call arrives. The Application contains one activity which includes 2 buttons 'Start' and 'Stop' (where starts register the listener and stops unregister it - see code below).
The problem starts when the application is closed ( onDestroy is called ). If the user pressed on the start button and exit from the application the listener still working (which is the expected behavior) but from now it is impossible to unregister the listener since launching new instance of the application create new instance of phoneListener.
My question is:
1.Is there better way to implement my requirement?
2.Can I save the phoneListener object and reload It on application creation?
I have noticed in my application(s) that after a call to Activity.finish() that the static variables that I declared in my classes still hold the values that they were changed to during the activity's life cycle. Upon the re-launch of the activity, the program does not re-instantiate the variables as declared or set them to the default java behavior. Is there something that I can do to cause this to happen, other than re-setting every static variable in my application?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to refer to a static Java variable in my styles.xml, is that possible? Here's a pseudo-xml example:
<style name="Artwork">
<item name="android:background">@drawable/border_{Constants.MY_COLOR}</item>
I am having a static method .In the method when I decalare a variable , it was showing an error in eclipse saying that the variable should be decalared as final.
Can I know the reason for this , y should a variable in a static method be declared as final? I am writng an Android application where I should pass as an argument current Context of that application. So, when I pass the current context to the method and trying to copy it in a local variable , I am getting this error saying that the variable should be declared as final.
My method is like this:
Error is showing at line where Context myctx=ctx; is declared and asking me to declare it as final.
I have used some static variable in my application, i want to clear static variable value when will i close my application.anybody know please give solution for that.
View 11 Replies View Relatedi got a problem with cm7 after installing it. when i stop playing mp3s, the first thing i hear is static. i dont know why. i noticed that DSP manager is installed which is an equalizer. i had it both enabled and disabled. either way the music is still staticy. is there a way to get rid of this static?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs copying the reference to the object and not the value of the object. Meaning, when I modify or pos.bottom, the original object gets modified. I'm guessing I am missing a concept of pass object by reference vs value here which I thought I understood. What is the fix here? Is it a problem with how I defined my custom class?
View 2 Replies View Relatedthese is how to give a string as argument String link =" /devnet/acrobat/pdfs /pdf_open_ parameters.pdf"; webview.loadUrl(link);But how to give an "URL" variable to load its content to webview.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi want to display a msg to the user (msg box or Toast) when exception happend in a static SQLite Database class that i use. the problem is that i cant call a non static method in a static class , how can i handle this. this is the class
private static SQLiteDatabase getDatabase(Context aContext) {
and i want to add something like this in the class when exception happen but context generates the problem of reference to non static in static class.
Context context = getApplicationContext();
CharSequence text = "Hello toast!";
int duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, text, duration);;
I'm having some issues with the old "Cannot make a static reference to a non-static method" error in my Android program. I am creating a sand falling game (similar to the Powder Game) and I created a class called Control to create a Control Bar at the bottom of the screen with a slider for brush size (that works fine) and a button to pop up a Dialog to allow users to pick the selected element. However, when I call DemoActivity.showDialog(2) from my code, it gives the static reference to non-static error (DemoActivity is the main activity of my application). I also tried changing it to just Activity.showDialog(2), but I got exactly the same error!
Here's my code:
I fixed it by adding the following to my code:
And then calling control.setActivity(this); from my onResume section of!
I am modifying the source code here:
I get this error:
This error is line 13 on the second box.
I have Eclipse Juno and I'm working on an app with that.
The main activity will have a scrollable menu that takes you to all the other activities.
So the general structure/outline right now:[HIGH]Relative Layout ImageView (header logo type thing) ListView (the actual scrollable menu)[/HIGH]Here's the problem though... I can't find any simple list tutorials. I can easily make a single line list work but I need to make a two line list and one that is static, not dynamic and no examples are out there for that. It's like if you want to make a 2 line list, you can only learn how to do it in the most code-heavy ridiculous way possible.
Essentially what I am looking for with the list is this: Item one: Centred, bold, non selectable title (Resources)
- Item two-??: two line list items, click-able to a new activity, title of the section on first line, description on the second line.
- Item ??: Centred, bold, non selectable title (Tools)
- Item ??-??: two line list items, click-able to a new activity, title of the section on first line, description on the second line.
Nothing dynamic that is ever going to change, no super complex wonkey calculations, just to simply have the data set in stone (preferably via XML) and to call it into the list.
I experimented with some of the other list views and no matter what I did, I could get, via editing the resources and NOT using Java, more that one item on a single line but it wouldn't format it properly according to the layout I guess because I haven't got the ID correct or whatever I don't know.
I mean, all the examples I've seen for a 2 line list are extraordinarily over-coded and just bloated. I mean I have a website I am still working on in C#/ that has far more complex things in it with half the code that I've seen for the examples of the two line lists.
I tried on my own to figure it out (I am decent with C# and vaguely familiar with Java, self taught, and programming for some other systems like Python, again all self-taught), but like ALL coding references, they're organised by the actual code you implement (that you don't know) instead of by what you want it to do (so you have to search the whole code base to find something that you don't know what it's called but know what it does). >:C
I have been finding it convenient to extend Handler in many of my activities to handle messages specific to the activity. The handler sublass is an inner class of the activity and needs to access its state. I am wondering if there is any performance difference between making the handler subclass static and passing in the activity explicitly in its constructor or making the subclass an "instance class" and letting the vm worry about my accessing members of the containing activity.
The static approach:
Why should a static method in java accept only final or non final variables within its method, but not static?
For example I have the following method:
Is there a certain way for me to know when a PreferenceScreen is closed?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create an item list, diffrent for each i and j variable. My code is: I get an error in the line .setItems(items,: items cannot be resolved I think that the compiler thinks that the CharSequence[] items may not be initialised or something. How can I make this programme run?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've got a problem with my application in that the soft-keyboard is not being closed unless the user pushes the "back" button.I use several layouts which I load using the setContentView method of the application. Some layouts contain multiple EditText fields. The soft-keyboard pops up correctly when the entry boxes are being clicked, but never gets dismissed, even after I switch to a new layout using setContentView (instigated by on-screen push buttons).I found a way of apparently removing the keyboard using the "InputManager" class but how exactly does that work if I don't know which entry field opened/currently owns the keyboard?Is there a way of possibly invalidating a whole layout which would perhaps cause all resources (and hopefully the keyboard) to be cleared? As said before, I currently just use setContentView to load the next screen.
View 4 Replies View RelatedLet me start off my saying I searched this topic before I posted. I am constantly closing apps with them being restarted and I'm not opening them like Music, alarm clock, Amazon mp3 store, moxier mail, etc. The only one I actually use from time to time is music but they open on there own. Is there an app or setting to change this?
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy android app creates a MediaPlayer() and plays a looping song. I need to have it stop playing when the user leaves the app. I also need to get at the volume buttons somehow, to let users adjust the songs volume...
I want to click on an item of a spinner and change the content of another spinner.I tried to do this by creating a listener OnItemSelectedListener() but it doesn't work.Any Ideas?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to do a custom action when pressing on the Menu button on the phone.
Is it possible to set an onClickListener (or similar) on the button and if so, how?
onCreateOptionsMenu is only called the first time the button is pressed - I've already tried this.
I am working to set a countdown timer. I have successfully (borrowed) a number picker (spinner) and set up the dialog box for the user to set the time. This is in a class called timepickactivity and the variables are hour and mins ( and I want to call the set values ( and from the dialog (timepickeractivity) to the actual countdown class (countdown) but I can't figure out how to get the values.
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View 4 Replies View RelatedI have some xml files, and I keep them in raw folder. Now, the problem is that I have to use them with variable name according to my application condition. But I don't know how to fetch them. The main thing is that I am not getting that how to give the path of my xml file in application.
For example:
My file application.xml is stored in the raw folder and I have to access it with a variable name.
String xmlName= application.xml;
How can I fetch my xml through xmlName variable?
I'm trying to use a Condition Variable to control the execution sequence of two threads. I can create a Condition Variable in one thread and block on it. But I would like to be able to access it from another Thread and unblock it from that thread.. ? Blocked Thread i am planning to keep as GUI thread and it should update the messages which are sent by b/g thread on the screen during its block state and will be unblocked by b/g thread in the end by calling open(); method.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have this code:
hubSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() {
public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView,
View selectedItemView, int position, long id) {
final MediaPlayer mp2 = MediaPlayer.create(Textbox.this, R.raw.hero);
mp2.start(); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) {
} } );
(The code basically runs when a new item is selected of a spinner and then plays a song, which later will be a variable based on what was picked, but I'm fine as it is for now). And I want to be able to use 'mp2' out of this public void, (I want a button which pauses it). How can I do this?
Anyone know of an audio player that will speed up the playback? It would be nice if it could keep the pitch the same but sped up is the goal. I used TCPMP on the Treo. This is great for listening to podcasts in a fraction of the time. Depending on the original audio, I can generally make everything out up to +25%.
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