Android :: How To Stop Accelerometer Sensor Running In Background?
Feb 4, 2010I have an app where the accelerometer runs in the background and continues to read values from the sensor even after the activity exits.
View 4 RepliesI have an app where the accelerometer runs in the background and continues to read values from the sensor even after the activity exits.
View 4 RepliesOr it's just some virtual sensor the uses the data provided by the accelerometer and the magnetic field sensor to calculate the orientation?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhere can I find a simple example application that uses the Accelerometer Sensor?
I've seen the Open Intents applications, but I'd rather use the raw Android API, at least until I understand it a little better. I'm surprised at the lack of documentation.
We are writing an application that uses acceleration sensor data to plot phone's movement in 3D. We are finding gross inconsistencies in the actual data output by the sensor. Also, sampling rates vary greatly from 8 to 200 millis. (using System.currentTimeMillis())
Specifically, when we try to draw a circle with G1 flat on the table all the time (filtering out gravity accel 9.8), most of the time we would get a plot of phone's position that is not a circle at all. Lots of times, it would be close to a straight line. Sometimes, it would start drawing an arc, but would not close the circle shooting off in a random direction.
We tried to eliminate the time variable, by substituting a constant time sampling rate (10 millis) to calculate phones position, but the result was very close to what we had before (shapewise). Also, the acceleration in Z direction when the phone is displaced lying flat on a table (XY plane) varies too by +/- 2 units which is a lot.
I do not think it is an error in our code, as we have checked it many times. If there were an error indeed and the accelerometer worked properly, we would see a consistently wrong depiction of the phone's movement. Unfortunately, repeating the same movement (circle) would produce sometimes wildly differently shaped plots.
It all comes down to us wanting to know if that is indeed the case that the G1 accelerometer is very unreliable and inconsistent device when used for more or less precise measurements? Is there some documentation/facts paper that would tell us just how reliable accelerometer is?
if there is any ways to stop running some apps in background (like poweramp) and force it to just run as I manually open it and after closing stop running in background.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThere are some shortcoming for system's rotate screen function:
1. It is too sensitive to result in many unwanted rotating actions.
2. Accelerometer consumed power greatly. I want disable it and control screen orientation by my own program. Is it possible?
It seems trivial to use GPS in a background service, but how can you do the same with the accelerometer? Everything I've tried seems to require a context, but a background service doesn't have a context?
View 5 Replies View RelatedThis used to be (what I thought was) a hardware problem with the G1 at some point, but I thought it was resolved for the Droid.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to get the list of process running in the background.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI noticed that if i dont use the app to kill running apps after i exit them they are still running in the background is this normal for the Android? I am coming from Pre so not sure if they are killed when exited.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am developing a game. In which the user controls movement using the accelerometer. Sounds effects can also be enabled. However when laying the phone flat down and playing the game without the accelerometer gives nice 0,0,0 values. However when play WITH SOUNDS on, i get a buch of weird values: while the phone is NOT moving.
This is really a big bug that makes life hard for Game Developers. I tried to take an avarge of the last 5 values from the sensor.. but this is not enough.. The harder the sounds plays: the higher the weird sensor values. When using the headphones: almost no weird values. Seems that sounds interferes with the accelerometer sensor.
I have a HTC Hero here, and when I tried to get the list of available sensors on the device by calling ((SensorManager) getSystemService (Context.SENSOR_SERVICE)) .getSensorList(Sensor.TYPE_ALL); I get only the following sensors: D/SensorManager( 6302): found sensor: BMA150 3-axis Accelerometer, handle=0 D/SensorManager( 6302): found sensor: AK8973 3-axis Magnetic field sensor, handle=1 D/SensorManager( 6302): found sensor: AK8973 Orientation sensor, handle=2 D/SensorManager( 6302): found sensor: AK8973 Temperature sensor, handle=3 According to the specs, there should be a light and a proximity sensor on the Hero, and I've seen it in action (the automatic screen brightness adjustment) - so at least the ambient light sensor is definitely there. My question is then, why doesn't the getSensorList return for me the light and the proximity sensors?
View 8 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know the difference between the orientation sensor and magnetic field sensor on Android?Since I've read that magnetometer is synonymous with digital compass I'm a little bit confused. What are they really?
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View 7 Replies View RelatedI am new to Android, previous Crack Berry addict here. On the BB I could load Google Maps (including Latitude) to keep my position updated on Google Latitude online (I use it when I go riding on my motorcycle to give my wife a way to check if I'm still moving (= not dead)). Even if I shut down Maps, I could elect to have Latitude run in the background, so it would still update my position. How do I do this in Android? When I 'exit' Maps, it shuts it down, including Latitude, as far as I can tell. Can Android run Latitude in the background, or do I need to keep Maps open all the time?
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public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK)
return true;
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View 3 Replies View RelatedEvery so often I check my memory with Advanced Task Manager and I see certain applications running in the background and my available memory has dropped quite a bit. Now I am using the HTC Incredible so I still have about 127 MB free, however what concerns me the most is why the programs are even launching themselves in the first place. I could see some application having to start themselves, like a twitter client or an email client, however one of the programs that seems to be launching itself is the eBay app. I installed the app in case I wanted to view an ebay listing however I never use the program and it still seems to launch itself. Is this an example of a poor application design (i.e. ebay app) or is there some other reason these programs are launching themselves?
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