Android :: Get A String From And SD Card Into A List Adapter?

Nov 5, 2010

I have been playing around with a LazyList code sample which is pretty neat for displaying images in a safe and non-memory-hogging way. It uses a very simple mechanism of displaying images based on a list that exists within the class file.



I am trying to load these values from an index file that is downloaded to the SD card, and then loaded from it. Here is the code that loads the index file and simply displays it as a Toast message (this works fine).



What I am struggling with is how to take this string that is being loaded from the SD card and pass it into the list adapter.

The code presently looks like this:


I am trying to reload or refresh that same adapter using the values I pulled from the SD card file, presently called "readString".

Can anyone give me some pointers? I am leaving out the code that I created that doesn't work ... because I don't think I am handling this at all correctly. Also - go easy on my, I am a complete newbie to all of this. :-)

Here is my what I am trying to do. Simply copy and paste the working code where I want it. I know it's not that simple, but I am having a hard time reconstructing it properly. Here is my edited code ...



The error that I get on "adapter=new LazyAdapter(this, readString);" is "The constructor LazyAdapter(new View.OnClickListener(){}, String) is undefined".

Having not shared the contents of LazyAdapter, that information may not be helpful. So here is the LazyAdapter class in it's entirety ...


Android :: get a String from and SD card into a list adapter?

Android :: Get String Array With Java Code From String Item List In Arrays.xml In Android ?

Oct 28, 2009

I want to get an array of strings reading from arrays.xml file we add in android values/ folder. Could any one kindly give a solution for this. Otherwise I will have to input each these entries in strings.xml and take them to java code using getResources()getString()

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Android :: Store Second Value Beside Each String Without Implementing New Adapter Class?

Oct 14, 2010

I want to create a ArrayAdapter for one spinner. So each element contain one string (which will be displayed in the spinner/list) and one value (e.g. an ID). How I can easily store a second value beside each string without implementing a new Adapter class?

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Android :: Id Column In List Adapter

Feb 2, 2009

I am trying to use a list adapter. While querying, i need to have a column called "_id" which helps to scroll through the database. I have an other primary key in this table. Can I use a custom column name, or am i bound to the "_id" column.

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Android :: Looking For List Adapter Pattern

Nov 15, 2010

I have a custom layout with a lot of Views. Currently, I build the entire view hierarchy in the on Create, though I stream the actual work in small batches. This works OK up to about 1000 Views and then performance degrades a little. Obviously, I'd like to use the List Adapter pattern and only generate the parts of the View hierarchy that are visible on the screen. My parent View, however, is not (and cannot be) any of the existing List View types. My question, then, is how do the List View types interact with a List Adapter to limit the number of Views necessary to represent a big list? More broadly, is there a pattern out there for extending a Linear Layout to create special List Views?

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Android :: How To Get Selected Item From List Adapter?

Aug 28, 2009

How i get the Selected item from the list Adapter.In this above code if i selected March from the Dropdown Adapter means then how can i retrieve the Manth March to show in a textview.

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Android :: List View Separators Using A Cursor Adapter

Oct 5, 2010

I have a ListView which is populated using a CursorAdapter. I'd also like to have some separators in my ListView. I have accomplished this with an ArrayAdapter, but I'm not sure how to accomplish this with a CursorAdapter. Are there any strategies for doing so? Or am I out of luck?

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Android :: Simple Cursor Adapter - List View

Jun 9, 2010

I have table with 3 columns which is binded to an XML document with three text views.


Depending on the value store in the third column, I have to decide whether i should display this row or not

How should, I go about with this.

This is what I have so far :


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Android : Want To Display As List View - Using Simple Adapter

Jul 12, 2010

I am calling one webservice.Result of webservice I am storing in an Array list. Result of webservice I want to display as list view. For ListView I am using SimpleAdapter. and SimpleAdapter is something like this:- SimpleAdapter adapter = new SimpleAdapter(this,hashmap, layout, from, to);

I am not able to put array list into hashmap. Is there anyway to do this?

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Android : Get A Controls Id From A Custom List Adapter In Droid?

Sep 10, 2010

I have a custom list adapter contains a layout with controls in it. I was wondering how I can get each individual controls id? I am planning on changing the color of some textviews. code...

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Android :: Filtered List View With Custom Adapter Not Updated

Mar 25, 2010

I have a ListView with a custom Adapter that extends ArrayAdapter. It's ArrayAdapter of Type Artist. (There are about 1200 artists in my list). Artist is a very small class that has a name and an id. The Artist Class has toString() overridden to return just the name. I have an EditText. The EditText has an TextChangeListener where I call .getFilter().filter(chars, callback) on my adapter. In the Filter.Filterlistener().onComplete() callback i print the count and it looks really good. As i type the count decreases. So it seams everything works as advertised, but the List stays the same. I tried to call artistAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() to force the list to redraw, but nothing happens. [see 2.)]. I am tinkering around for days now! I am desperate. Hopefully someone can have a look on my code and tell me what I am doing wrong! How can I force the list to be redrawn?

Here is what I have done:
1.) Defined a ListView and an EditText like this:
<EditText xmlns:android=""
<ListView xmlns:android=""

2.) Setup my ListView in the Activities onCreate():
private ListView listView = null;
private ArtistAdapter artistAdapter = null;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
artistAdapter = new ArtistAdapter(this, R.layout.row, list); // 'list' is an ArrayList<Artist>
listView = (ListView) findViewById(;
listView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> av, View v, int position, long id) {
// do something } });
EditText txtSearch = (EditText) findViewById(; txtSearch.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
public void afterTextChanged(Editable arg0) { }
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { }
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence chars, int start, int before, int count) {
artistAdapter.getFilter().filter(chars, new Filter.FilterListener() {
public void onFilterComplete(int count) {
Log.d(Config.LOG_TAG, "filter complete! count: " + count);

3.) This is my ArtistAdapter in short. I added an remove() and add() method:
public class ArtistAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Artist> implements SectionIndexer {
private List<Artist> items;
/* other stuff like overridden getView, getPositionForSection,
getSectionForPosition and so on */
public void remove(Artist object) {
public void add(Artist object) {
} }

4.) My artist has also the toString() overridden:
public class Artist implements Comparable<Artist> {
public String uid;
public String name;
public Artist(String id, String name) {
this.uid = id; = name; }
public int compareTo(Artist another) {
public String toString() {
} }

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Android :: How To Force A Line Break In Xml Layout When Using List Adapter

Jul 13, 2009

I am struggling with applying a forced line break in the xml layout when using a simple list adapter. The data for the list adapter is being pulled from an sqlite db.

Here is the code:


And here is the R.layout.item xml:


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Android :: List View With A Custom Adapter / Items Can't Be Selected

Jun 2, 2009

I developed a List View with a custom adapter (which extends Array Adapter). The problem is that i can't selected or highlighted items. Is there a attribute to fix in the list View Layout or something else?

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Android :: Multiple Column List/grid With Adapter And OnItemClickListener

Jun 19, 2010

I have a simple grid with rows of items and columns of options on each item. Of course I can manually link OnClick actions to cell items through specific resource IDs:


What I'd prefer to to is use a ListView or a GridView and an Adapter. Is there a way to get cell id's from one of those? I was hoping that ListView setOnItemClickListener() would call me with the view id of a view within row 'position': onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id) { ... }

But no go. Maybe a different approach?


I started with this:


I'd assumed that I couldn't go into my Adapter and set child view OnClickListeners. Bad assumption. When I went back at this I gave it a try:


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Android :: Registering Context Menu For Custom List Adapter

May 11, 2010

made a custom list adapter extending the Base adapter. Each item in the list has an imagebutton, 2 textviews and a button. I tried to add the context menu to the list so as to display some options for an item in the list. registerForContextMenu(getListView()); I used a MenuInflater object to inflate the context menu xml file. But on clicking the items in the list nothing shows up or the usual highlighting of the item of list on click isn't shown. Is it that the context menu doesn't work for custom list views? Any help would be much appreciated.

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Android :: Base Adapter - Trying To Populate List On Activity Screen

May 29, 2010

I am extending BaseAdapter and trying to populate the List Screen on my Activity Screen. NotifyDataSetChanged is not working as expected. Please find the below snippet of code.

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); initialize();
context = this; config = Config.getInstance();
searchText = new EditText(this); handler = new Handler() {
@Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
msgQueueAdapter.notifyDataSetInvalidated(); } };

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Android :: Load Data In Expandable List Adapter Through Scroll

Oct 2, 2009

How to load data in expandable List Adapter through Scroll .

Means I want to add data as per Scrolling in Run time.

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Android :: ListActivity Design / Changing Content Of List Adapter

May 31, 2010

I would like to write a rather simple content application which displays a list of textual items (along with a small pic).I have a standard menu in which each menu item represents a different category of textual items (news, sports, leisure etc.).Pressing a menu item will display a list of textual items of this category.Now, having a separate ListActivity for each category seems like an overkill (or does it?)
Naturally, it makes much more sense to use one ListActivity and replace the data of its adapter when each category is loaded.My concern is when "back" is pressed. The adapter is loaded with items of the current category and now I need to display list of the previous category (and enable clicking on list items too)
Since I have only one activity - I thought of backup and load mechanism in onPause() and onResume() functions as well as making some distinction whether these function are invoked as a result of a "new" event (menu item selected) or by a "back" press.This seems very cumbersome for such a trivial usage.Am I missing something here?

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Android : Code Does Not Display List Running On Emulator - Adapter

Jul 16, 2010

The same code that displays the lists running on the emulator doesn't run on the mobile (Motorola Milestone). I'm using the same android platform (2.1-update).

Inbox Code...

TextView subject_textview = (TextView)rowLayout.findViewById(;

String body_hint = " - " + email.getBodyHint();

TextView bodyhint_textview = (TextView)rowLayout.findViewById(;

String sender_name = get_sender_name(email.getSender());

TextView sender_name_textview = (TextView)rowLayout.findViewById(;

TextView date_time_textview = (TextView)rowLayout.findViewById(;

Stack Trace

07-16 14:00:49.690: WARN/System.err(703): java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
07-16 14:00:49.698: WARN/System.err(703): at com.anubis.mail.Inbox.populate_list(
07-16 14:00:49.698: WARN/System.err(703): at com.anubis.mail.Inbox.onCreate(
07-16 14:00:49.698: WARN/System.err(703): at
07-16 14:00:49.698: WARN/System.err(703): at
07-16 14:00:49.706: WARN/System.err(703): at
07-16 14:00:49.706: WARN/System.err(703): at$2200(
07-16 14:00:49.706: WARN/System.err(703): at$H.handleMessage(
07-16 14:00:49.706: WARN/System.err(703): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
07-16 14:00:49.706: WARN/System.err(703): at android.os.Looper.loop(
07-16 14:00:49.706: WARN/System.err(703): at
07-16 14:00:49.706: WARN/System.err(703): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
07-16 14:00:49.706: WARN/System.err(703): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
07-16 14:00:49.706: WARN/System.err(703): at$
07-16 14:00:49.706: WARN/System.err(703): at
07-16 14:00:49.706: WARN/System.err(703): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

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Android :: How To Refresh Updated Contacts In List View Using Base Adapter?

Jul 23, 2009

Currently I am working on IM, and I am facing problem during implementations. I am implementing this messenger using XMPP client and using smack API for implementing all features like contacts list, online offline status, and chat also. Prblem which I am facing:

Its my list view where I am showing contacts list
public class ContactsList extends ListActivity implements OnClickListener{
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ContactsManager manager = new ContactsManager(this); setListAdapter(manager);
} public class ContactsManager extends BaseAdapter{
private LayoutInflater mInflater; private Bitmap mainListIcons[];
private static ContactsInfo contactsInfo; public ContactsManager(Context context) {
mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context); mainListIcons= new Bitmap[3];
mainListIcons[0] = BitmapFactory.decodeResource (context.getResources(),;
mainListIcons[1] = BitmapFactory.decodeResource (context.getResources(), R.drawable.offline);
} @Override public int getCount() { return Global.contacts.size();//
contacts is vector where I am saving my contacts
} public Object getItem(int position) { return position;
} public long getItemId(int position) { return position;
} public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
ViewHolder holder; if (convertView == null) {
convertView = mInflater.inflate (R.layout.main_settings_lists_icon_text, null);
holder = new ViewHolder(); holder.mainListDisplayText = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
holder.mainListDisplayIcon = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(;
convertView.setTag(holder);}else{ holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();
} contactsInfo = (ContactsInfo)Global.contacts.elementAt (position);
String username = contactsInfo.getUsername(); String status = contactsInfo.getUserstatus();
if(status.equalsIgnoreCase("unavailable")) { older.mainListDisplayIcon.setImageBitmap(mainListIcons[1]);
}else{ holder.mainListDisplayIcon.setImageBitmap(mainListIcons[0]);
} holder.mainListDisplayText.setText(username); return convertView;
} static class ViewHolder { TextView mainListDisplayText;
ImageView mainListDisplayIcon;}
public class ContactsHandler implements RosterListener {
@Override public void entriesAdded(Collection<String> c) {
for(String s:c) { Log.i("ADDED Contacts",s);
} } @Override public void presenceChanged(Presence p) {
Log.i("PRESENCE",p.getFrom()); Log.i("IS Available",""+p.isAvailable());
Log.i("UserStatus",""+p.getStatus()); if(p.getFrom().contains("@") && p.isAvailable())
{ ChatManager chatmanager = Connection.getVopConnection getXMPPConnection().getChatManager();
Chat newChat = chatmanager.createChat("gulfam@imran-mehmood", new ChatHandler());
} } }

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Android :: Contents Of List View - Using A Cursor Adapter - Are Not Updated Refreshed

Aug 26, 2010

I have a list which shows data from a database using a cursor adapter. Using Menu option I am updating my database (inserting more rows deleting existing rows). When Menu operation completes, I want contents of list should show updated contents.

I have tried using cursor.requery(); (or explicitly querying cursor again) and using adapter.notifydatasetchanged(), but with this list of contents are not updated.

How can I refresh the contents of the list.

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Android :: Memory Leak - New Array List String

Oct 6, 2010

After several hours of searching for the cause of a Out Of Memory Error, I found a wierd problem with Strings. To keep it simple, trimmed it down to something like this:

ArrayList<String> someStringList = new ArrayList<String>(1000);
for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
String someBigString = new String(new char[100000]);
String someSmallString = someBigString.substring(0,1);

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Android :: Simple Cursor Adapter - List View - Binded To XML Document With Three Text Views

Mar 18, 2009

I have table with 3 columns which is binded to an XML document with three text views.


Depending on the value store in the third column, I want to change the text color in How should, I go about with this.

This is what I have so far :


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Android :: Loading String Values From File Instead Of List In Class

Nov 1, 2010

I think I have a pretty easy problem to solve, but I have been beating my head against the wall for hours trying to get past it! I have an adapter that loads a list of URLS:
adapter=new MyAdapter(this, lStrings);

The list of URLS looks like this:
private String[] lStrings={

What I want instead is to load these values from a text file that lies on the SD card. For that matter, I would be okay with loading the values from a text file into a String, and then load the String into the list as I imagine that would be the "cleaner approach". However, all attempts to do this have failed. For instance, I replaced the above snippet with this:

private String[] lStrings=
{ MainActivity.this.getString(R.string.myurllist) };
but then I get a Forced Close on loading.

I'm a bit new to Java, Android, and development in general.

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Android :: Access To String 'Icon List' Given IconListActivity.class?

Sep 22, 2009


How do I access to the string 'Icon List' given IconListActivity.class?

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Samsung Captivate :: Micro Sim Card Tray Adapter

Aug 26, 2010

For those switching back and forth from the iphone to the captivate, can you send me a link on what sim adapter you purchased.

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General :: Retrieve Some Accidentally Erased Pics From Phone With SD Card Adapter?

Nov 9, 2013

I was hoping to retrieve some accidentally erased pics from my phone with an SD card adapter. When I opened up my phone I was surprised to see that there was NO sd card. who have that memory chip, but is there any hope for me without the card? Incidentally, Google+ backed up a few of my photos.

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Android :: Any Tools To Convert Iphone Localized String File To String

Jun 29, 2010

I have the localized strings file that is used in the Iphone app that I work on to port to Android. Are there any tools that go through the file taken from the xcode project and build the xml needed to use the strings in android? This tool should be easy to build but I appreciate any pointers to already working tools.

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Android :: Java Datetime Values From String To Long To String

Oct 1, 2010

In Android, capturing date from datepicker and storing as string in sqlite. Sorting by date doesn't work because they're strings (unless I'm doing it wrong.I've googled this issue for ~5 days, and it looks like there should be a way to capture the date from the date picker, convert it to a Long, store it in sqlite as a Long, select and sort on the Long date value, then convert the Long back to a "mm/dd/yyyy" string for display. I've tried various combinations of parse statements, Date, FormatDate, etc. with no luck at all.On activity start, get today's date and display it in button which calls the datepicker.Capture new date from datepicker (if one is entered), save it as a long to sqlite.On opening an activity showing a listview of records, select from sqlite with orderby on date (Long), convert Long to "mm/dd/yyyy" string for display in ListView.

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Android :: Access The String Values Of String Resources Statically

May 5, 2009

If there's anyway way I to access the String values of String resources statically? e.g. a static equivalent of Context.getString(...)?

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