Android :: Display Pdf Contents On Webview
Apr 16, 2010I want to display pdf contents on webview.
Here is my code:
I am getting a blank screen. I have set internet permission also.

I want to display pdf contents on webview.
Here is my code:
I am getting a blank screen. I have set internet permission also.
On Android, I have a WebView that is displaying a page. How do I get the page source without requesting the page again?
It seems WebView should have some kind of .getPageSource() method that returns a string, but alas it does not.
If I enable javascript, what is the appropriate javascript to put in this call to get the contents? code...
I am trying to capture the contents of a webview and to parse it. Is there any method that would allow me to do so?
View 8 Replies View RelatedFollowing is my html content which i want to show in the webview using android sdk. It will displays only.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am loading image url on to webview it fetching the image as well but I need to display it in resizeable it means the height to be reduced, help me to get reduced height of the image.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to display the contents of a vector in android?do i need to use TextView?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am working on an Android application that displays a list of items when a tab is selected, then displays detail information about an item that was selected from the list :
The details are to be displayed using ImageViews, ImageButtons, and TextViews. The data comes from a database query, so the TextView text and ImageView drawables have to be assigned dynamically.
The correct text from the database query gets assigned to each of the Views. I can see everything being added when I step through the code in the onCreate method of Activity3 in the debugger.
BUT, the drawables are only displayed when I select the first item in the ListActivity. If I select another item, all TextViews display the correct information but the drawables are not displayed for the ImageViews or ImageButtons. It looks like only the backgrounds are being displayed.
The ImageButton drawables are not being dynamically assigned, only the ImageView drawables are. The ImageButton drawables are set in the TableLayout XML that is associated with the activity. Here is one entry :
Originally, I had android_drawable="@drawable/ic_phone", then tried adding android:background="@drawable/ic_phone", and finally created the following selector (phoneselector.xml) :
If I select the first item again, its proper ImageView drawables are displayed along with the proper text in the TextViews. The ImageView drawables that belong to the other items have no problems being displayed in Activity2's ListView.
The code successfully sets an onClickListener for the button (also in Activity3.onCreate). If I click on what is displayed on the spot where the drawable should be, the phone number is dialed.
The code successfully sets an onClickListener for the button (also in DetailActivity.onCreate).
Has anyone seen anything like this before? I would appreciate any help figuring out what is wrong.
Here are more details because I wonder if the problem has to do with the use of the Views :
The Activity1 extends TabActivity and sets a TabHost view that contains a FrameLayout along with the TabWidget. Activity1 creates the tabs dynamically.
Activity2 extends ListActivity and sets the content to its ListView (via setContentView(getListView()).
When ListActivity.onListItemClick is invoked (item in list is selected), a new Intent is created that contains an identifier in a Bundle and Activity3 is started.
The started activity (in Activity3.onCreate...) sets the content to a TableLayout view defined in a .xml file (via setContentView(R.layout.details.xml).
Here is the code from Activity3.onCreate :
Does anyone know of a widget that will display the contents of the inbox on the home screen? So that, without opening gmail I can glance at the phone and see the 3-5 most recent messages, sender and subject? I have looked all over the market and can't find anything like this.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have parsed the xml file. now aim is to display contents using list view as dynamically..
How it is possible?
Am an engg student from India and of course a novice to android. am developing an application for remote administration through mobiles. so i have to display file contents of a remote machine in mobile. as android doesn't support WML,can u suggest me a way to display ..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying without success to shape a simple screen composed of a webview and a closebutton on the bottom. When i run it i see the button close at bottom but when the loadURL of the webview is done the webview takes all the screen size and hide the close button.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI can able to display pdf file (download to the device and using package manager dispaly it).
The above things are working fine if the url ends with .pdf extension. But it is not working if the pdf url ends with doc+2+pdf.
How to display pdf file (pdf url ends wih doc+2+pdf)
When I started to display an image from the SDCARD in WebView, I got errors like:
" Not allowed to load local resource: file://".
I�ve found a solution for this, and you don�t even have to care about ContentProviders�
Here�s an example:
/* Using WebView to display the full-screen image */
WebView full = (WebView)findViewById(;
/* Set up the Zoom controls */
FrameLayout mContentView = (FrameLayout) get Window().
final View zoom = this.full.getZoomControls();
mContentView.addView(zoom, ZOOM_PARAMS);
/* Create a new Html that contains the full-screen image */
String html = new String();
html = ("<html><center><img src=""+fileName+""></html>" );
/* Finally, display the content using WebView */
full.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///sdcard/data/data/com.youproject.example "utf-8",
""); Hope you found it useful, let me know how it works for you!
I thought it might be interesting to some developers. Here's a complete working example of ContentProvider for this purpose: I also found a topic here: Looks like the topic was closed and I couldn't reply there, so I created new one.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am developing a small application in Android. I come across a problem, and not sure whether it is possible in Android platform. I have some local html files. There is an Activity contains a webview, which is used to display these local html files. In some cases, I want to display a picture selected from phone into one of these local html files. Is it possible? Has anyone resolved such problem? I appreciate any of your replies.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried WebView.getSettings().setLayoutAlgorithm(LayoutAlgorithm.SINGLE_COLUMN); but view crashed in 1.6 OS. I calculate scale(webview.capturePicture()) but I cannot set it after page loaded. Is it any working solution for fitting webview content to display (1.6 OS)?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm receiving XML which contains elements of HTML and I want to display these to the users. Therefore, I have to set the content programmatically, rather than extract the strings from an android xml resource. I'm using a WebView to display the content, rather than TextView, as it handles some of the HTML markup - bold text for example, and links. However WebView does appear to be rather limited.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a webview I'd like to display as a dialog. I'd like the webview to fill the entire screen, except for a button below it that I'd like to stay at the bottom of the dialog regardless of how much content is in the webview. Currently my webview fills up the dialog just enough to push the button off the screen. I'm sure this is something pretty easy but for the life of me, I haven't been able to find the magical combination of layouts, views and attribute values to get it to play nice. Just to be clear, I've gotten it so the button floats over the webview but I'd like the webview to stop just above the button and scroll, if that makes sense.
I am trying to add a webview in my app to display a web page. However, every time I click link on the web page, Browser will be launched to display content in that link. I understand it is something about intent but I am still wondering is there any simpler method to ask webview to display link content within its View ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am getting some HTML text from a remote server which I am displaying inside a WebView. I need to format the text display and set a font size and color for the WebView. The only way I can think of is: pre-pending the HTML string received with a tag and specify the font information there. What is the correct way to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe have a large HTML which contents 1000's of lines. But we want to show content of the HTML file that fits a single screen. We want provide a '>' kind of to show the next contents of the same HTML file. Our objective is to only display the HTML contents that fits the screen.Similar to reader application For user, it seems there are several pages. Is there any way in which we can achieve this functionality. Whether WebView has any function related to full fill the requirement.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to html table with rows and columns in webview in Android. Can I have one sample Example.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have some images that I loaded from a remote source stored in Bitmap variables and I want to display them. In addition to switching between these images the user should also be able to zoom and pan them. My first idea was to somehow pass them via an intent to the built-in gallery application but this doesn't seem to be possible.
A solution that is suggested in several places is using a WebView since it already supports zooming and panning.
My question is how does my Bitmap data get into the WebView? Do I have to write it to a file first, which I would have to remove again later, or is there an easier way?
Or are there even better ways to accomplish my main goal, which is displaying Bitmap data as zoomable and panable images?
I've been banging my head against a wall this afternoon trying to get a WebView to work. Below is the code in the main class:
public class fkyougoogle extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
WebView webview;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
webview = (WebView) findViewById(;
//webview.loadData("<html><body>hello</body></html>", "text/html", "utf-8");
//webview.loadDataWithBaseURL("fake://", "<html><body>hello</body></html>", "text/html", "utf-8", "");}}
This is Google's "Hello, Webview" example. If I use a WebView and try to access then it works fine. If I try to access any other site then it fails including loadData and it just displays a black screen in the emulator. In the end I would like to read from a local file.
is included under the manifest tag and the XML schema is the same as the Hello Webview example.
Am I missing something obvious here?
I have a webview and i wanted it to occupy the whole screen but it seems to have 7-8pix margin on the right side which is being used to display the scroll bar.
Is there anyway I can remove that margin but still display the scroll bars? I want it to do it in the way GMail app layout is done.
Here is the layout that I am using <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android=" android"android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent"android:layout_height="fill_parent"><WebView android:id="@+id/web_view"android:layout_width="fill_parent"android:layout_height="fill_parent"/> </LinearLayout>
I have tried setting the layout_marginRight="-8dip" but that is a hackish way and also takes the scrollbars off the screen making them invisible.
Does anyone have an example on how to recreate a webview display by using the capturepicture() method? Can I save the resulting object in SQLLite and how do I put it on the canvas?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the following code in a form's submit button onClickListener:
String action, user, pwd, user_field, pwd_field; Code...
How can I take the resulting string (endResult) and start a new activity using an intent that will open webview and load the HTML?
I have a locally stored webpage (html) under res/raw folder.There is an image that is referenced in this html page (test.gif) which is stored under res/drawables.When I use a webview to display this page, it does not display the image. How can I correctly reference the path to the test.gif image?I tried using a text view with Html.fromHtml() but that does not parse several html tags.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWe have a large HTML which contents 1000's of lines. But we want to show content of the HTML file that fits a single screen. We want provide a '>' kind of to show the next contents of the same HTML file. Our objective is to only display the HTML contents that fits the screen.Similar to reader application For user, it seems there are several pages.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a text widget that can access a text file that is located on my phone or dropbox and display the contents of the file. It should always update itself as soon as there is a change in the text file. Does an app like this exist and where can I find it?
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