Android :: Debug Android Source Code Using Eclipse?
May 13, 2009Is there a way to debug Android source code with eclipse?
View 4 RepliesIs there a way to debug Android source code with eclipse?
View 4 RepliesI created one android application it is using one native method. I created shared library using ndk tools.My jni function is having some problems i want to debug it. How to debug it in eclipse tool
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am running Eclipse on Win32 and my Android emulator on Linux.
Is there a way to use Win32 eclipse to debug code on the emulator that runs on Linux?
Does anyone know what approach one can take to automatically generate Java source code, from for example an xml or json file, in eclipse? One great example of what I am thinking of doing is what Google Android sdk does: they have an R class generated automatically from the resources. Every time a resource file is saved in Eclipse R class is automatically regenerated.
UPDATE: Example:
In the text (xml or json file) I have the following:
<tag id="ALPHA">
<description>The first alpha tag.</description>
<value>231232</value> </tag> <tag id="BETA">
<description>This is the beta tag.</description>
<value>231232</value> </tag>
Then in my generated java class, say R I would have something like:
R.tags.ids.ALPHA //refers to an enum value for example
R.tags.values.ALPHA //refers to final int with avlue 231232
R.tags.descriptions.ALPHA //refers to the String with description
1. I built SDK Android on Ubuntu OS completely. But this SDK only for eclipse on Ubuntu OS. I want to create SDK for Window XP. How can I do that? Does it like how to built SDK Android on Ubuntu OS?
2. I download Apps in Android source code such as: Email, Calendar, Music, Setting,... but when I import them into eclipse, it have some errors: project Calendar requires "import android.provider.Calendar;", "import android.provider.Calendar.Events;",... So where can I download "android.provider.calendar", "android.provider.calendar.Events"... from? Or how can I set up environment?
I have eclair 2.1 source code and i have taken same on eclipse. I want create a new application in the existing eclair source code. I know , how to create an android application using android sdk on eclipse. But i don't know how to create an application with in eclair source code using eclipse.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am having the contact source code which i want to build on eclipse & test on emulator,but the contact application uses some of the hidden APIs of base code which is not present in default android.jar because of that i am getting lot of error in my code. I am trying to generate my own android.jar using "Android sdk - Including hidden APIs." option in of framework directory, but still the hidden APIs not getting exposed in android.jar. how to customize the android.jar in order to make all hidden APIs exposed to application.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIm trying to see working of ambient media player.
I checkout from url to my eclipse work space. when build the app it is showing errors as
Unbound classpath variable: 'M2_REPO/hotsax/hotsax/0.1/hotsax-0.1.jar' in project 'ambient'
Unbound classpath variable: 'M2_REPO/net/sf/entagged/entagged/0.31/entagged-0.31.jar' in project 'ambient'
I want to import and compile FBReaderJ on eclipse. I have downloaded the latest source code from their website. Is it necessary to install NDK and cygwin for compiling FBRreaderJ.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am new to android development and have been playing around with the tutorials offered at don't have a problem with projects I create from scratch, but when I start a project from the android sample code provided at or from any other android project, I can never seem to get the bugs out to even run the thing.For example, when loading up the NotePad sample in the android-7 package of samples.would like a general solution, something more global bc this is occurring whenever I pull in anyone's source code from outside.kind of frustrated because I feel that I am spending too much time working out these kinks and not being able to study other people's code against how it performs in the emulator.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't find the source code for the Android Development Tools Plugin for Eclipse. It seems to have been moved a few times, and when I google the question, the answers point to the wrong places. Also seems to be down.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to run android source code in linux eclipse?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've followed the steps described in issue 979
to get the Android 1.6 source to appear in Eclipse and it kinda works.
I've downloaded the 1.6 source archive provided by a commenter in the issue, unzipped it and copied the contents in SDKROOT/platforms/android-1.6/sources (the sources folder didn't exist, I've created it). Then I made a test app and put a breakpoint in onCreate() of my Activity. I stepped into and, indeed, I could see the source of the Activity class. Then, on the next line, setContentView(), stepped again into and I could see again the Activity source code (for the getWindow() method). Then stepped again into and I could see it tries to call PhoneWindow.setContentView() but for that I couldn't see the source code. I even tried to add manually the folder where is to the source lookup path and the source appears briefly then it disappears and "Source not found." is displayed. Any ideas why this behavior and what to do to change it? Also, could Google provide an official android-src.jar for the 1.5 and 1.6 SDK's?
I am pretty new to Android, the thing that bugs me the most about the IDE is that I am not able to get any information about an unexpected exception when it gets thrown, I can put a try catch block around identified code that generates it, but in many cases it takes time to find the line of code that generates the exception. is there any other way I can get the exception information? in JDT when an unexpected exception is thrown the call stack displays the exception class name. but in ADT this doesn't work.
View 13 Replies View RelatedIn android source code, it has logging statements like Log.d(). Log.i().
Can you please tell me how to enable the debug logging?
I have mostly been avoiding debugging when I can because of these two problems, so hopefully someone here has suggestions to avoid them:
1. It seems that I have to build the SDK (`make sdk`) and copy it off to a directory for Eclipse to use almost every time I want to debug. I haven't followed through the "sdk" directive, so I'm not clear on why this is necessary instead of just having Eclipse read from the source in my directory. Isn't there some way for it to do this? FYI: I have a (modified) full checkout of Donut, not just the SDK.
2. How can I debug without using Eclipse? I would really like to be able to use something like gdb/jdb.
I've been developing on the simulator, but now I have a real device.
adb can see the device (from adb devices), and I've installed Eclipse/ ADB.
I can't work out how to get debug to use the device instead of the simulator though.
I installed and eclipse, android sdk and tried the first "hello, android" tutorial but nothing happened on the AVD There are no compilation error, I tried to set break points in the but it does not seem like the application started running at all...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can no longer run/debug my application in eclipse, when I attempt to I get the following error in the console:Installation error: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES.E/PackageParser( 65): Package no certificates at entry assets/community_error.html; ignoring.I have not touched my android config or project configuration, and it was working fine yesterday, i'm running ubuntu/jaunty, i did a kind of security update this morning and i think it might have broken zlib or something.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis is the error that eclipse gives with the latest Android SDK code...
Linux myubuntu 2.6.28-16-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 20 19:48:24 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
java version "1.6.0_13" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03) Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 11.3-b02, mixed mode)
Any clues on how to solve this error?
I am trying to following this documentation '' to debug android Launcher Activity in eclipse.
It said' You may need to open the Debug perspective (next to the "Java" perspective icon in the upper-right, click the small "Open Perspective" icon and select "Debug"). Once you do, you should see a list of threads; if you select one and break it (by clicking the "pause" icon), it should show the stack trace, source file, and line where execution is at. Breakpoints and whatnot should all work.
My question is which threads I need to select in order to debug Launcher Activity? I don't see a thread name Launcher.
I have set up a "Debug Configuration" to debug my Android project. However to get it to debug on a device (HTC Desire) I have to set the Configuration's "Target" to "Manual", there seems to be no way to set in the Debug Configuration that it should go to a selected Device.
It does work, but each debug session I have to "Manually" choose the HTC device from the dialog. Can I set it to always to go the Device?
i have: CMW recovery, Kernel source code on local computer, full repo cm source + toolchains.
How to add my device tree, kernel source code to CM source and compile CM7 ROm?
I'm using Eclipse and have an emulator running Android 2.1 and my IntentService. I'd like to step through my onHandleIntent() overridden function. I've put in a breakpoint on the first statement of the function, which is Context context = getBaseContext();. When the intent is called the program just fails and does not go to debug view in Eclipse.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to debug android's java framewoek layer like telephony so how to debug that.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to DEBUG build an APK and launch it directly with Eclipse?
in my case, no matter whether i use Run> or Debug> menu command in Eclipse, my apk always logs Config.DEBUG as "false", although obviously the apk is signed with the key in factory
I've got some trouble with the media backend (mostly Stagefrightplayer) in Android, and I'd like to understand why it throws the errors it does. The errors are usually device spesific, so debugging on an emulator wouldn't be sufficient.
Example 2:
I've also gotten the player to bork completely and spit out a traces.txt.
Is there a way to debug what's happening, just like I debug Java code?
I am programming Android applications, and the best way here may or may not be the same as Java in general.I simply want to be able to set a debug flag that will only execute certain portions of code when it's set to true equiv to C++ setting a preprocessor #define DEBUG and using #ifdef DEBUG.Is there an accepted or best way to accomplish this in Java?
Right now I'm just going to set a variable in my Application object, but I don't imagine this is the best way.
I am using eclipse android plugins to build a project, But i am getting this error in the console window:
[2010-02-03 10:31:14 - androidVNC]Error generating final archive: Debug certificate expired on 1/30/10 2:35 PM!
I uploaded my application to Market and then downloaded it to my phone. Now I'm unable to use debug keystore which is used by default by Eclipse ADT Plugin (Re-installation failed due to different application signatures) and when I'm trying to setup own keystore in Eclipse->Windows->Android->Build->CustomDebugKeystore, I'm unable to enter password or accept keystore and type password later. Is there anything I can do or only way do debug app on device is to uninstall market version and deal with default debug keystore?
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