Android :: Change Title Bar Color In Activity?
Mar 5, 2010How can I change the titlebar color in an Android app? I tried: this.setTitleColor(Color.BLUE); but it changes color of written text on it not title bar color.

How can I change the titlebar color in an Android app? I tried: this.setTitleColor(Color.BLUE); but it changes color of written text on it not title bar color.
I have a subclass of and because I am using a light theme, the dialog title comes out as Black on a dark background which is hardly readable. This leads me to the question: how do I change the Dialog title background or foreground colors? Can I do this via a theme? Which property will it map to?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to change the color of the text 'messaging' (green colored) to white.... mms.apk
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've done almost all things to look it like that of ICS, but now, the only thing I am stuck at is the Text Color of the Title of a dialog. I want to change it to blue like that of ICS.The above is the Dialog of the ICS Rom. Here, the text color of the Title of dialog is Blue. My framework-res.apk is from FroYo, so the Title text color of dialog is white there. This is thing I want to change.
I know that it's in values/styles.xml, but which style inside it?? I see "Theme.Dialog" inside it, there are the following lines:-Which thing under this I need to modify?? Is that @style/TextAppearance" or "@color/primary_text_dark/light", etc.
i am using
Window w= getWindow();
w.setTitle("adf as afsa");
to change title of my current activity but it not seem to work.. can any one guide me how to change this?
In my android application I want the standard/basic titlebar to change color.To change the tekst color you have setTitleColor(int color), is there a way to change the background of the bar?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to hide the title bar for some of my activities. The problem is that I applied a style to all my activities, therefore I can't simply set the theme to @android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar. Using the NoTitleBar theme as a parent for my style would remove the title bar for to much activities. Can I set a no title style item somewhere?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have already set the theme of my activity as android:theme = "@android:style/Theme.Dialog" but i also want to remove the title bar of the activity. so how to use android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Black.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" along with the dialog theme.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI dont want title bar in my application, how to remove that? in my activity?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI want to give my application launcher icon (the one that is displayed on the startscreen!) a different, shorter caption. It seems the launcher takes its label from the mainfest section about the main activity's label, as here:
<activity android:name="MainActivity" android:label="@string/app_short_name">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
I already changed the original reference to my app's name @string/app_name to a different, shorter string resource here. BUT - big BUT: this also of course changes this activity's default title! And I did not want that to happen, there's enough space for a long application name! Setting the long title again in onCreate using the setTitle(int) method does no good either, because the short name will be visible to the user for a short time, but long enough to notice!
And - please don't answer my question by refering to a custom titlebar... I do not want to go that long way, just because of a stupid string title! It's a pain to draw a custom title bar for so little effect! Is there no easy way to just give the launcher a different string to display?
Anyone know what the default Activity Title font size/style is? I'm creating a custom title but would like to match the other Activities.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI would like to make my activity do something when user clicked the title bar. But I could not find any information about how to manipulate the title bar. Please kindly give me some advices.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have an activity with the dialog theme applied to it. I am setting the dialog title, but the string is quite long, and instead of wrapping, it just gets truncated. Is there a way to wrap the title instead?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have attached a pic which shows an activity with a blue color pic and some text as the title in the activitty....The same kind of UI is needed for my application which is applied to all the activities (about 6-8 activities) as the title... Kindly suggest how to start off as i need to give a nice jazz-up for my application...
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have three tabs in my Application. On an event under one Tab, i want to change the title of an another existing Tab. This is the title that we provide while adding the tabs to the TabHost.
Eg: TabHost.addTab(tabHost.newTabSpec("Tab2")).setIndicator("I need to be Changed dynamically").setContent....
In the above example, the title of the tab2 that i provided under setIndicator(), should be changed dynamically.
Is there any way to accomplish this.
I need to change the application title as when i move to new tab.
i tried to change the app_name with varying string in string.xml but that is not actual dynamic change that i want.
is there any alternative way of doing this?
How can I change a title from tab child?
I tried a simple setTitle(...) but it won't work.
(from the parent tab activity, it does, however...)
In the Activity title bar, how do I put a spinning wait in the upper right corner?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm writing a preference screen in in xml for my Android application. My issue is that some of the titles of the preferences are too long and will not wrap the page. Consider my example:
android:title="Language Detection (BETA)"
android:summary="Automatically decide which language to use"
Maybe I'm missing something but I have tried using number of other properties with no positive results. I have tried android:singleLine, android:lines, etc., and none of these seem to effect the title of the preference. Also is there a way to scale down the size of a CheckBox title?
How do I change the text of the title bar? as of now it just displays the title of the program and im wanting it to display something of my choosing and be different for each page/activity in my app i.e. my home page could say page1 in the title bar while another activity that the app switches to could have page2 in that page's title bar.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen you use Twitter API and develop your first simple Twitter client, and post a comment to Twitter - it says "from API". Using the Twitter web it says "from the web". Using Siesmic it says "from Seesmic".
How do you the set the application name/title so it shows up like "from myApp" using Android?
I am using a custom title view in my application for each activity. In one of the activities, based on button clicks I need to change the custom title view. Now this works fine every time when I make a call to setFeatureInt.
But if I try to update any items in the custom title (say change the text of a button or a text view on the title), the update does not take place.
Debugging through the code shows that the text view and button instances are not null and I can also see the custom title bar. But the text on the text view or the button is not updated. Has anyone else faced this problem? How do I resolve it?
I am using a custom title view in my application for each activity. In one of the activities, based on button clicks I need to change the custom title view. Now this works fine every time when I make a call to setFeatureInt.
But if I try to update any items in the custom title (say change the text of a button or a text view on the title), the update does not take place.
Debugging through the code shows that the text view and button instances are not null and I can also see the custom title bar. But the text on the text view or the button is not updated. Has anyone else faced this problem? How do I resolve it?
I have a custom title bar that I would like to apply to all my activities. I have searched online and found a few ways of doing that however I have ran into a problem. It seems that despite the fact I have a TextView in my titlebar with id @android:id/title, Android will not use the value defined in the manifest in android:label for each activity. I tried also calling setTitle(R.string.myTitle) but it still will not render it! If I manually put some text in my TextView in the xml it shows up fine. How can I have a custom title bar that is linked and makes Android use my manifest values for labels? I do not want to lose the setTitle() or the XML attributes functionality.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am using a custom title view and would like to show/hide a progressbar in the title view when a thread is working.But there is no change to the progress bar. It is never displayed. Can someone please tell me what is wrong with the code?Is it possible to display the title progressbar in a custom title?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm setting up an app to use a custom title so I can get the proper logo into the title instead of just text, and to make it clean (since the logo has a flat black background), I also want the whole title bar to be black. My xml for the title is a framelayout to hold the logo inside of a linearlayout to change the background color, and I'm setting the title in OnCreate() as follows:
With this setup, the old gray from the old title bar still exists around the edge of my custom title. Appears to be on the order of 3-4 px on the bottom and 8-10 px on each side. Any ideas about how to get the black background to cover the entire area?
When i launch Activity A, the screen goes black, then dark-gray. Then A launches B, and the screen goes black and dark-gray again. Is there a way to set the default background color to black? Activity A has no screen, its just a stub that calls B.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow can I get background color and text color (default for child views) of an Activity in Java?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen views with different type have same id and screen orientation changes,
either java.lang.ClassCastException: android.view.AbsSavedState$1 or java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong state class -- expecting View State will occur. (depends on the view's order)
Because View.dispatchRestoreInstanceState() checks id only.
You may wonder why anyone would make views with different type to have same id.
But it can happen when you use tab activity.
Imagine you have tab activity with two children activity.
Tab1 is ListActivity and Tab2 is ExpandableListActivity.
Both activity have id of "@android:id/list" but the type of view is different.
This means we cannot use ListActivity & ExpandableListActivit at the same in one tab activity.
I am switching activities on tab clicks and successful at this. But, in one of my Activity class I am doing the following:
I want to change the background of this layout only and I want tabs to their as it is. But with the currentandroid:layout_height="fill_parent"in main.xml my background is overwriting the tabs which means I am unable to see tabs. and If I makeandroid:layout_height="wrap_content"` I cannot see any change taking and tabs are still their.