Android :: Button Added To Listview In Google Notepad Example
Feb 11, 2010I've taken the Notepad Tutorial from Google and added a button to the note_row.xml But now, I can no longer edit the row when I click on it. I can however click the button.

I've taken the Notepad Tutorial from Google and added a button to the note_row.xml But now, I can no longer edit the row when I click on it. I can however click the button.
I have an activity that calls the
I would like to add a button to the notes_row.xml that displays at the bottom of the screen "on top of" the actual notes_row allowing the user to still scroll through the list but hit the button if they want. Every time I try to change the layout of notes_row, I get the button on each item in the list. I am pretty new to Android and I think I need to inflate the button somehow so that it is layered in front of the list but doesn't impede the list, how do I go about doing that?
My application show a ListView with a button which allow user to add an element. When the user clicks on this button, another Activity is started to allow user to populate the new element. When the add is finished, we return to the previous Activity with the ListView and I would like to scroll to the new element.
Note that this element is not necessarily at the end of the ListView because there is an "order by" when I retrieve the datas from the database. I know I need the cursor position of the new element to make the ListView scrool to it, but the only info I have about this element is its id, so how to convert this id to cursor position ? Do I have to loop on the cursor to find the position?
I'm sure this is an obvious one but I'm at a loss. I'm using my own layout for list rows, all well and fine. but the moment I add a checkbox view to the rows layout only the checkbox responds to user selection. I'd like for the checkbox to change state if the user taps anywhere within a given row. (as with android prefs)
View 2 Replies View RelatedLooks like Swype finally added a Microphone button for their Swype application for Android. Has anyone given this a shot?
View 47 Replies View RelatedI have a ListView that I want to use with an ArrayAdapter to add different styled rows. The rows are created on different states in my application, and depending on the different states the rows should be styled(like colors and stuff). Here is some pseudo-code:
on creation:
mArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, R.layout.message);
mView = (ListView) findViewById(;
On different states, which is triggered by another thread using a MessageHandler, add a row to the list containing a message: mArrayAdapter.add("Message");
This works fine, messages are popping up in the list depending on different states, but I want to have the rows styled differently. How to do this? Is the solution to create a custom ArrayAdapter with a custom Add() method?
I opened my NotepadCodeLab, NotepadAdv1 project, and got this as soon as I built and ran:
[2010-11-01 14:42:48 - DeviceMonitor]Sending jdwp tracking request failed!
[2010-11-01 14:42:48 - Logcat]device not found device not found
I have the Galaxy S2 and use Google Calendar. All of a sudden when I get a reminder from the calendar it has: (4 more reminders). I 'dismiss' it and the next day there it is with: (3 more reminders). This just started last week. I have not changed anything. Reminders are set for different times.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFrom my computer, I can log into my Google calendar and not only does it have my personal calendar, but it also includes the weather, US Holidays, and various sports schedules that I have chosen. On my Droid X, I was able to add the weather & US Holidays to my calendar, but not the sports schedules.
Also, I previously had a BlackBerry, and anytime I would accept Facebook events from my BlackBerry, it would automatically add it to my calendar (which was synced with my Google calendar). I don't think my Droid X has this same feature.
How can I make contacts that I've added to the phone sync with google? It doesn't do it automatically like on my g1.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI regretted moving to android from iOS. Here's my problem , after i accidentally remove google account from my phone and after i re-added my google account back to the phone , my phone keep redownload deleted apps . I tried to disable google sync like google drive and data and samsung backup and even disabled backup on my phone but its still not working. I also tried to go play store but i can't find anythings thats related to the problem .I deleted the deleted apps 5 times but after i deleted it , my phone keep redownload it back from play store. Is this a new malware ?
Im using Samsung S4 i9500 and I'm running latest firmware android kit lat 4.4.2 and no root.
I recently just rooted my phone to 2.0d and added the live wallpapers to it. Well after I added the live wallpapers my google navigation wasn't working properly. Whenever I try to use it, it doesn't show my route like where I'm going. It looks like just a black screen in the middle and the voice doesn't work.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have written a ListView with a text and image clubbed together in a row. I wanted to add a button on top of listview, then the entire content of listview should be seen. Button is named as "More", when someone clicks it i will be updating the listcontent. That is the main theme.
My java file.
* Demonstrates how to write an efficient list adapter. The adapter used in this example binds
* to an ImageView and to a TextView for each row in the list.
* To work efficiently the adapter implemented here uses two techniques:
* - It reuses the convertView passed to getView() to avoid inflating View when it is not necessary
* - It uses the ViewHolder pattern to avoid calling findViewById() when it is not necessary
* The ViewHolder pattern consists in storing a data structure in the tag of the view returned by
* getView(). This data structures contains references to the views we want to bind data to, thus
* avoiding calls to findViewById() every time getView() is invoked.
My xml file. /res/layout
I have a problem that some other people on this list (and other android sites) also have/had, but was unable to find a solution. I have a ListView with a custom view for the row which looks like this: <RelativeLayout><ToggleButton/><TextView/></RelativeLayout>
Its basically a list of songs that i show. What i want to achieve:
If the user clicks on the ToggleButton the song should be played. If the user clicks somewhere else on the row, the details intent of the song should be launched.
So I want to have two events on every row, event1: the button click, event2: click somewhere except on the button.
Right now i have a custom adapter where i call .setOnClickListener() on the button. Now the button works (event1 works), the song is played, but the rest of the row is not clickable (event2 does not work). If i remove the call to setOnClickListener() the row is clickable (event1 works) and the details are displayed as suppossed, but the button is not working. (event1 does not work)
There are apps out there, that have buttons in lists so this must be possible. Could someone please tell me how to have more than one click event on a lists row?
I am new to android. I would like to add two normal buttons in the List (ListView).
Could you please provide me any example of source code so that i can understand.
I have Button and TextView in my ListView , and I would add listener on button but I can't do it.
Actually I have in my adapter :
The OnClick works but, I would like to display alerts on my activity and I can't do it :/ I don't know how to lie my activity and my adapter.
I want to show a button at the end of an android list view
How can I achieve this? i dont want to stick it to the activity bottom using alignparentbottom="true", layout_below does not work for me either.
But i want to show it at the end of list view
Here comes my code.
I tried a lot but i did not success, my problem is i want to add first one button and below that one listview. for that i divided my xml in two Linearlayout as below in code but it is not working when i am hiding button code then list view is coming other wise only button is coming on the screen. please find out my error in xml or any thing i have to do in .java file Code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to bind a list view to a List. This works ok when I create an activity that extends ListActivity and I have a text view in my layout file (i.e. the activity is binding to the default listview in the activity). However, what I would like to do is have a ListView that contains an image button (to further perform the deeltion of the row) and the text view to illustrate the name of the item being bound.
The layout file
The activity class
I have played around and cant seem to get it to work, as soon as I add a ListView / image button to the layout file my code crashes. I've also found a few examples through google, but none seem to work!
I have an application of list view.Each row in listview contain textview. But I want to add a button on top of the list I can add button on top of that listview using Java?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI created a ListView that contains a row which in turn contain text and a button. The idea is to have the button function as a delete button to remove the row from the list as well as the database. I order to do this I created an adapter to handle the button click. This code is below. Deleting the database record works fine, but I have not yet succeeded in refreshing the ListView so the record will no longer be displayed.
public class FeedArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter {
private ARssEReaderDBAdapter dba;
private String TAG = "FeedArrayAdapter";
private View v;
private ListView feedList;..............
Each row of my view look like that:.............
When I click on the ImageButton "arrow", I trigger a method than need the id of the row to perform. By ID I mean the value of the field "_id" of the corresponding record in database. I did not find a direct way to do it, but I think I can if I get the index of the row in the ListView. Again, I don't know how to get this index from a click to a childview.
I want to show this array as a listview in a new screen when a button is clicked.
ArrayList<String> favorite = new ArrayList<String>();
This ListView is a small part of my class. i cant seem to figure out how to implement it with my code (i can figure out how to create a listview in a separate application, and set the onitemclicklistner just for that listview) i want to display that listview when.
I have an activity with ListView and buttons below:
ListView row contains delete button:
In Adapter, Button onClickListener is set, also there are dummies to make list non-selectable:
What I want is:
Always show buttons in the bottom of screen after list (no matter how long it is, there should be scroll if it's too long) ListView should not be selectable, I don't want row selection row delete button should be selectable (focusable) with touch and with trackball
And everything works except I can't focus row delete button with trackball (although it's working with touch).
I can seems to get it write. What is wrong with my layout? code...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI write a listactivty,the item including a textview and a button,the data came from a sqlite。but in handling the clickevent , i meet some problem, in the CursorAdapter's bindView() function,i cann't get the current position。in log,i find position of Cursor is the position I last click the item of listview.
The code as follows: package miaozl.hello;
I have one custom Listview with a button, now i want to click the button and open another class. below is my code, but have error, any one can help one it? Code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have developed one android application listview with loadmore button using xml parsing.
I have followed this tutorial:Android ListView with Load More Button
Here i have to implement one part:
If my xml feed is empty means how can i hide the button on pervious page. I have wrote the below code means hide the button on empty page.but i wish to hide the button on lastpage(previous page of empty page).
For Eg:
Totally i have 4 pages.the 4 pages have feed values and 5th page have empty feed means i have to hide the button on 4th can i do.
if(nl.getLength() == 0 )
I have a ListView with a Button below it. When I fill the list with more content than the screen size allows, so that the scroll bar appears, the Button is not part of the scrollable area. That is, the Button disappears. How do I make the Button part of the scrollable area? Code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm developing a small application in with a list view filled with a compound component. This component has two text view and one button inside. One of the text view is invisible and when the button is clicked it should appear. I can show the list but i can't make the textview visible when the button is clicked. Here is the xml of the component: And this is the ArrayAdapter that fills the list:
public class AddressAdapter extends ArrayAdapter { int resource;
RelativeLayout placeView;
EditText addressText;
public AddressAdapter(Context _context, int _resource, List _items) {
super(_context, _resource, _items);
resource = _resource;
} private OnClickListener buttonClick = new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick (View v) {
int i = placeView.findViewById(;
} };
private void visibility(int i) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub switch(i) {
case(View.GONE): { addressText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
} case(View.VISIBLE): { addressText.setVisibility(View.GONE);
} } }
@Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
Item item = getItem(position);
String name = item.getName();
String address = item.getAddress();
if (convertView == null) {
placeView = new RelativeLayout(getContext());
String inflater = Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE;
LayoutInflater vi = (LayoutInflater)getContext().getSystemService(inflater);
vi.inflate(resource, placeView, true);
} else { placeView = (RelativeLayout) convertView;
} TextView nameText = (TextView)placeView.findViewById(;
Button button = (Button)placeView.findViewById(;
addressText = (EditText)placeView.findViewById(;
return placeView;
} }