Android :: Widget - Update From My Activity?

Nov 8, 2010

I have added a widget and instead of updating it every xxx minutes, i want to update it only if in my activity something is changed. But how can i call the onUpdate Routine of my widget from my activity?

Android :: Widget - Update from my Activity?

Android :: Update A Widget From An Activity?

Sep 22, 2009

I have been looking for a way to update a widget asynchronously, for example, when the phone receives a text message. I have a broadcast receiver set up with code that runs upon receiving a message. I also have an AppWidgetProvider that is set up and running. It seems like the *only* way a widget can be updated is upon its interval, or when the user interacts with it. Is there any way to update a widget upon a system event?

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Android :: Update Widget From Activity

Nov 1, 2010

I have a widget, its setup so that when I click on it, it opens some settings in an activity.


This configures some settings for the application. What I want to achieve is to have the widget update its view to reflect the changed settings when the Activity I launch closes. Using the update interval or any other type of polling isn't appropriate for this.

I've seen a couple places here and in the android docs this code used:


But I don't know how to get the mAppWidgetId value. I tried following the example for a widget configuration activity here, but in the following code,


Extras is always null, so I never get the AppWidgetID.

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Android :: Programmatically Update Widget From Activity?

Aug 11, 2010

I know it's possible, but I can't figure out a way to trigger an update of my widget from the main activity. Isn't there some general intent I can broadcast?

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Android :: Widget Configuration Activity - Update Request

Sep 18, 2010

I'm having an issue with a config activity for a widget. According to the dev docs, if I specify a configuration activity than the onUpdate method of the AppWidgetProvider doesn't get called until after you request an update once you've completed the configuration activity. For me its happening in reverse, the onUpdate method of the AppWidgetProvider gets called first, followed by the configuration activity. Then the onUpdate method is never called after completion of the config activity even though I request it explicitly. I tried with level 4 and level 7 API, same result. Here is some of the source:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest
android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0">
<application android:icon="@drawable/app_icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
<activity android:name=".SWidgetConfigure">
<intent-filter> <action android:name="android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_CONFIGURE" />
</intent-filter> </activity>
<receiver android:name=".SWidgetProvider" android:label="@string/ widget_name">
<meta-data android:name="android.appwidget.provider" android:resource="@xml/swidget_info"/> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE" />
</intent-filter> </receiver>
<service android:name=".service.PUpdateService" />
</application> <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

swidget_info.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <appwidget-provider
android:minWidth="294dp" android:minHeight="72dp"
android:configure="" >

I can include source of the onUpdate method from the AppWidgetProvider activity and the onCreate method of the configuration activity if necessary, but they are both being called find its just the order they show up on the emulator is wrong.

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Android :: App Widget Configure Activity Opens Main Activity

Jan 10, 2010

I hav an app that is like a relational database. There is a main app activity that users manage things with. There is also a widget that will display important info and add data to the database. When the widget is clicked, a configure class displays a way for the user to edit data. When the configure activity is done, the widget is updated and instead of going back to the home screen, the apps main activity is started. I can't find where the main activity is being called from. Wouldn't I have to create an intent and start Activity() to get this behavior? When done updating, I want the home screen and not my app.

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Android :: Create Widget Like Analogue Clock Widget That Update Itself?

May 1, 2010

I can create a static widget without thinking, I can even create a widget like the analogue clock widget that will update itself, however, I can not for the life of me figure out how to create a widget that reacts to when a user clicks on it. Here is the best code sample that the developer documentation gives to what a widget activity should contain (the only other hint being the API demos, which only creates a static widget):

public class ExampleAppWidgetProvider extends AppWidgetProvider {
public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int[] appWidgetIds) {
final int N = appWidgetIds.length;

// Perform this loop procedure for each App Widget that belongs to this provider
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
int appWidgetId = appWidgetIds[i];

// Create an Intent to launch ExampleActivity
Intent intent = new Intent(context, ExampleActivity.class);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, 0);

// Get the layout for the App Widget and attach an on-click listener to the button
RemoteViews views = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.appwidget_provider_layout);
views.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingIntent);................

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Android :: Can Update A List View In One Activity While Im In Another Activity

Oct 4, 2010

I currently have a tab layout with 2 tabs, one tab with a list view and one with the option make strings so I can add them in the list view. Both tabs have their own activity because this made the code much more structured, and I dont have to repeat my self later.

Lets say im in the tab that offer me to create an string, and i press the update list button, how do I update the list view without startActivity()? If i use startActivity(), it starts, and instead of displaying the list in the list view tab, it takes full screen, which defies the purpose of the tab view. In other words, the startActivity() steals the focus from the tab view of the list, and sends it fulscreen.

I want to update the activity in my list view tab, without starting a new activity that goes to fullscreen, and doesnt update the one in the tab.

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Android :: Update Activity Textview After Changes From Another Activity

Nov 19, 2010

I have an Android activity that, onCreate(), will query a database and display the query results in textviews on the UI.The problem that I am having is at some point, users can open another activity and update the database. When they go back to the original activity, I would like for the text views to update with the new database information (so, I will re query the database and display the info).Another thing that I am willing to do is to take the new input from the user (in the new activity) and directly update the textview in the existing activity (without having the existing activity re-query the database). But I'm not sure how to do something like that either.Can someone please inform me on the best way to go about doing this? The only solution that I have found so far has to do with broadcast receivers, but I'm not sure if that is best suited for what I have to do.

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Create New Activity Or Update View Of Existing Activity?

Dec 24, 2012

I am working on developing an app and I am not sure when should I use a new activity and when should I update the existing view.

For example, lets say I have a view that shows a multiple choice question.Now, when the user selects his choices and clicks on say "Evaluate", I want to show the same question view but along with the right answers and explanations for each option. So does that mean, I should send an Intent upon a click on Evaluate or I should just update the view (i am not sure how)?

If I send an intent and show a new screen, how can the user go back to the next question without displaying the answers? If I don't create an new activity, how can I update the existing view that is already displayed?

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2.1 Update :: Data Monitor Widget Missing After Update To 2.1 Xperia X8

Nov 27, 2010

data monitor widget missing after update to 2.1-xperia x8...any ideas?

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Android :: Can ListActivity / Tab Widget Be Use In One Activity?

Aug 9, 2009

My activity have to use List and Tab widget, one is left side,the other is right side, I means layout, but use List must to extends ListActivity, and use Tab widget must to extends TabActivity?

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Android :: Call Activity From Widget?

May 30, 2009

I've read through the Application Fundamentals three times today (and I had done so before), but I still can't quite wrap my ahead around the task concept. Or I guess I thought I understood it, but usually, the results I am seeing don't match up to what I would expect to happen (maybe a tool to see the current tasks/activities etc. for debugging purposes would be a nice addition).

I have multiple widgets from my provider in the Launcher desktop, and each is using a PendingIntent with a different URI as data (so they should be separate intents) to open an Activity.

I want there to be only once concurrent instance of this Activity that the user can access. So clicking the widget (1) , pressing HOME (2), clicking a different widget (3), pressing BACK (4) should bring the user back to the Desktop.

Now I did manage to do this using launchMode="singleTask" - the existing instance is brought to the top, onNewIntent() is called and I am pretty satisfied with it.

However, supposedly there are other ways to achieve an equivalent effect (say with having the activity restarted), and I'd like to understand why I don't seem to be able to get them to work: In every case, instead of seeing the home screen after step (4) (after pressing BACK), I see the *previous* instance of the Activity.

For example, if I read this correctly:

"There's another way to force activities to be removed from the stack. If an Intent object includes the FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP flag, and the target task already has an instance of the type of activity that should handle the intent in its stack, all activities above that instance are cleared away so that it stands at the top of the stack and can respond to the intent. If the launch mode of the designated activity is "standard", it too will be removed from the stack, and a new instance will be launched to handle the incoming intent."

Then simply using using the following code to start my Activity from my widget should do what I want, no?


So in (3) My activity should be launched using FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK by the launcher, which due to process affinity would find the existing task (which would consist of a single instance of my Activity), and launch the new instance on top of it. This explains what I am seeing. Why doesn't FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP cause the existing instance in the task to be replaced?

Even setting android:launchMode explicitely to "standard", as mentioned in the doc quote above, this doesn't seem to change things.

I also tried android:finishOnTaskLaunch="true", but the behaviour is the exact same was just described with FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP (which seems to be the exact same as when doing neither and really starting an activity without any special attributes).

I should mention that If I click the same widget in (3) as I clicked in (1), i.e. using the same PendingIntent twice, I do get the previous instance brought to the front (not restarted), but again, regardless of whether FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP or finishOnTaskLaunch are being used.

I find this especially strange since the docs about tasks don't seem to mention the intent itself being relevant at all. Application Fundamentals does at one point say "For the default "standard" mode, a new instance is created to respond to every new intent", but it's not clear what "new intent" means then. Is triggering a PendingIntent multiple times through a widget not multiple "new" intents then?

I also tried various combinations of the other related options, but pretty much got nowhere.

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Android :: Embed An App Widget In An Activity?

Mar 19, 2010

I want to embed the analog clock in my application.

I use <AnalogClock android:layout_width="wrap_content" :layout_height="wrap_content" /> in my layout XML file, but the clock's appearance is different from the one added in Home screen. I know I can copy the AlarmClock's images to my project. And in xml file, set the android:dial, android:hand_hour,and android:hand_minute to my project's images. But I want to know is there a way to directly reference the resource in the AnalogClock?

second question, Can I add the app widget from code? I tried use following code to add a appwidget, but it seems the getAppWidgetIds don't work?


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Android :: Run A Prefs Activity From My Widget

Mar 11, 2010

I've made an application for network monitoring "Myapp" under com.domain.monitor package and which contains a Prefs-activity . After that , I made a widget to let the admin keep an eye on hosts status "the information is presented as a graph in the widget" , also the widget has it's own package different of the Myapp's one & has a unique Prefs button ! (complicated Crying or Very sad , I know)

The Problem : Is there any way To run Myapp and show the prefs- acitvity by clicking on the widget's buttton !

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Android :: Launching An Activity From Widget Click

May 19, 2009

I am working my way through oh my first widget (so this is 1.5, obviously) and I'm stuck. I've poked around a problem involving the launch of an Activity when clicking on a widget. Scenario: User drags widget on home screen without prior launch of the Activity in question. I am following this post: Instead of launching the browser through ACTION_VIEW, I am trying to launch an Activity by class. I've toyed around with different Intent settings, but no luck.

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Android :: Launching An External Activity From Widget

Dec 22, 2009

I have written a widget that cycles through a series of movie poster images with next/prev buttons.This works.There is another button on the widget that needs to launch an external activity, sending it the name of the shown movie.The other activity is not in the same namespace, package or eclipse project as the widget.It is written by another developer and its apk is installed on my emulator.

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Android :: Change Widget Text In Another Activity

Apr 8, 2010

Suppose I have ActivityA and ActivityB, also suppose that ActivityA is active. I need to:

Programmatically set a text of EditText in ActivityB from ActivityA
Launch ActivityB

Here's my code:.............

ActivityB starts, but without any text in txtResult.

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Android :: Modifying Components On Widget From Activity

Apr 17, 2010

On my widget I'm having a button and a textView. When clicking that button some data is registered and I want the TextView to be updated. However I can't get to the TextView instance from within my Activity it seems.

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Android :: Add Widget Configuration Activity To Launcher?

Oct 17, 2010

I have a widget with a configuration activity.

Currently the configuration launches when you click on the widget.

I want to add the configuration as an app icon to the launcher.

The problem is that when the configuration launches on click, I get a specific widget id , so each widget instance can have a different configuration.

What will happen if I start the activity from the launcher?

I wont be able to show multiple configurations on the same activity.

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Android :: Display Widget Inside Activity?

Jun 2, 2010

I was wondering if there is a way to show a widget that I have created inside an activity. I have a weather widget and I also have an app I am working on that I would like to include weather reports in. Is there a way I can just re-use the widget code and make it show inside the weather activity?

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Android :: Use An Activity Or A Service When Using A Button In A Widget?

Aug 9, 2010

I have made a Android Widget which displays two articles (title + image). In addition to this, I have buttons for flipping backward and forward through the articles. What I don't understand is how I can change the Widgets RemoteViews when the buttons are pressed. Which should be one of the most basic operations in a widget, however, I can't seem to figure it out.

So... Can I do this with just a OnClickListener in the AppWidgetProvider? Or do I have to create an Activity without a window (visibility = false)?

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Android : How To Listen A Closed Activity From A Widget

Oct 8, 2010

I have a widget that launches an activity, but when the activity finishes using the finish() I don't know how my widget can know about it since I can't override onActivityResult() which seems like the only way to listen when an activity closes...?

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Android :: Identifying Which Widget Click Is Launching Activity?

Jun 8, 2009

I m creating my own widget widget initial layout contains one button.when i click on that widget button it shud launch the specified activity using service everything is working fine..but the problem comes when there are 2 or more widget on home screen when i clicking on any one of them i m not able to specify with widget is launching the activity.

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Android :: How To Decide Widget Size In Configure Activity?

Feb 7, 2010

in HTC Sense, we can choose widgets of different size after tapping a single entry in the widget list. Is this also possible in pure Android Framework? I have tried to modify the widget's size in the configure Activity, but failed.

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Android :: Widget : Get Data From Configure Activity To AppWidgetProvider?

Feb 14, 2010

I'm writing a widget where i first have a configure screen where the user makes a selection. Then I want to pass that data on to the actual widget. This must be really simple but I just can find out how to do it.

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Android :: Starting Activity Witouth Window From Widget

Apr 17, 2010

I recently (yesterday in fact :)) started creating widgets.

So my first widget I want to create is something like: * A 2x2 widget * Containing 2 buttons * Button

1: Register current time and location * Button

2: Open up an activity where configuration can be modified, registered times and location can be viewed,...

Now the problem for me is button 1. As I only try to do some registration data (so no further user input required after pressing the button) I would like to just show a loading bar and after wards Toast a message to screen, or a popup if anything goes wrong.

This is what I do now:


So what happens: I click the button, a plain black screen pops up (Altough I did not specify a layout upon creating the activity), and after my work is done the Toast shows up and the activity gets 'killed'. Basically that is what I want to do except for the black screen to show up. Is it possible not to show a screen upon creating the activity?

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Android :: Clock - Which Is In The Destop - Widget Or Application - Activity?

Apr 22, 2009

I have a question for widget support on Android. I found clock in the android destop, and want to know if it is a widget or application (Activity)? If it is a widget, what about the widget engine (runing enviroment) of android?

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Android :: Trying To Launch Activity / When Home Screen Widget Is Pressed

Dec 20, 2009

I'm trying to do something which really ought to be quite easy, but it's driving me crazy. I'm trying to launch an activity when a home screen widget is pressed, such as a configuration activity for the widget. I think I've followed word for word the tutorial on the Android Developers website, and even a few unofficial tutorials as well, but I must be missing something important as it doesn't work.

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Android :: Passing Aray List To Next Activity In Widget Application

May 20, 2010

I am trying to create app widget.In this widget I have added one image button.If i click on this button i should pass list of object to next activity.Before passing this list to activity I am converting it to parceable list and adding it to bunddle and puting that bundle to intent.This logic is working fine in android 1.6, but this is not working in Android 2.1.In android 2.1.I am getting Null pointer excepion when I try to access this list in next activity.To solve this problem I tried to pass only String data through bundle,in next activity String is displaying properly,but when I try to pass list,then only i am not getting list in next activity.

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