Android : Way To Get A Vertical SeekBar?
Feb 8, 2009Is it possible to have a vertical SeekBar? I would want this for a tilt control slider.

Is it possible to have a vertical SeekBar? I would want this for a tilt control slider.
Can a seekbar be vertical? I am not very good at UI design, so how make seekbar more beautiful, please give me some templates and examples.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Gridview, include hundred of items (thumbnail images). I set a multi-select mode, in this mode, user just need to swipe his finger to start selecting multiple items (this case, gridview can not be scrolled). And in a normal touch, Gridview still can vertically scroll for user to see other thumbnails and continue selecting.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an options panel that allows setting of keyboard sensivity. I use SeekBar to get the sensivity but it never reaches the max end.
There is the code:................
I need to dynamically move 2 seekbars. While the user moves one, the other will have to move also accordingly to the values of the first.I've created 2 seekbars but they move independent from each other, how can i "link" them so, for ex. the second seekbar moves 1/10th of the first?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a SeekBar and I want the SeekBar to increment by for example 5 each time somebody drags it. The default increment is 1. How can I make it increment by more than 1? Is there a simple method?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to create a seekbar for an Android app that allows the user to select a value between -5 and 5 (which maps to "strongly disagree" and "strongly agree"). how do i make a seekbar with discrete values? or is there a better UI widget i could use for this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to define a SeekBar's minimum value? Is this done in the XML layout or do I need to define it programatically?Basically I need to change my minimum value from 0 to 0.2
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have seekbar wich is for example 100dp height. How can i make only the top 50dp to be clickable and the down 50dp just to be covered with the progress.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSomeone have try add some widget to listview here? I want to add a progressbar to the bottom of some row of listview.But now, I only know the way to add the seekbar to every row of the listview by add a progessbar to the layout of the listview.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to change width of a SeekBar? Below is a TableRow with two items in it, a Button and a SeekBar. How can the SeekBar be made to extend its right side to fill in the remaining width of the TableRow? Currently I have only been able to control the SeekBar width by setting it's android:layout_width attribute. Is there a way to have the LayoutManager do this automatically or can it be done programmatically? It is especially noticeable when the Orientation is changed from vertical to horizontal and the SeekBar remain stuck way over there on the left with available real estate on its right.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHas anybody tried to use the SeekBar in the window's title bar, instead of the ProgressBar, using the requestWindowFeature (Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS);?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using SeekBar in my application, currently seek bar minimum value is zero, but as per application requirement seek bar value should not be zero. how to set minimum value for SeekBar.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an app that uses seekbars with buttons on either side for fine adjustments. Right now I use simple onclick events for the buttons, every click changes the seekbar 1 unit.What I would like to do is use a long press to quickly scroll, so if a user holds down a button for say 800 millis it will start adding ten units per second. What I'm thinking my approach should be is to use onKeyDown and onKeyUp events, but is there a better way? OnLongClickListener won't work as far as I can tell because it doesn't detect key-up.Is my approach correct?
View 6 Replies View RelatedUsing progress_horizontal.xml as a base drawable for my seekbar i was able to customize it pretty well. But unfortunately i stuck with the following problem. I need my progress to be made from two horizontal lines with different color something like this . In this case a blue line and transparent line below it.So how can i make my progress to be made from two different colors.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been reading through the docs, and I cannot figure out how to cancel a "drag" on a Seekbar once the bar has been completed.
For example, when I drag the bar to the end, I want an event to happen. However, if I keep my finger on the screen and drag my finger past the SeekBar, it keeps firing off that event even after I reset the progress of the Seekbar. How can I prevent this action from happening?
I want to integrate audio file with seekbar.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSeems to me that I should be able to set the colors of the SeekBar thumb, slider, and progress bar in my layout xml file. However, I don't see relevant attributes for these SeekBar components. I only want to change the colors, not replace any images being used for the thumb, etc. What am I missing?
View 6 Replies View RelatedDo I need to implement a custom thumb Drawable?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have set negative paddings on my custom seekbar so that the round thumb image can go outside the bar, but the thumb isn't rendered out there, is there anyway to force the thumb to be drawn outside those bounds Sorry guys, I'm new to Android development, and have been tasked with fixing an existing application. The problem is that we have a custom rounded looking track bar, which consists of two rounded 'end cap' images and a 1 px background that is tiled to create the seekbar. As far as I can tell there was never one image that could be set as the background of a normal SeekBar, which is why a custom one was created. The thumb is a circle and needs to 'fit' into the end caps - the three pieces of the bar are in a relative layout. Right now I'm kind of unclear as to how the 1 px background png gets stretched as the seekbar bg, otherwise I would try to tack on the two endcaps onto that drawable some how?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to give max and minimum limit of seekbar to 50 and 20 respectively. Seekbar has a direct option top provide max value,but how can i set its minimum value to 20 rather than 0?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the following layout in Android. I'm trying to make it so the seekbar is displayed ontop of the image (I have some code that makes it visible and invisible(Or rather GONE).
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to position it so that the seekbar goes over the imageview, therefore allowing the imageview to take up the entire screen. code...
hi i am new to android . i want to change the color of progress of seekbar form orange that is default ot something different. I tried something like this: here is my code.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to code a preferences widget to set a value with a SeekBar. This includes a Title, Summary, Seekbar and a TextView to show current value. All of them but Title should be shown in a second row (as standard preferences).I can't make it work. I first tried with a RelativeLayout but BELOW, etc. rules where not applied.Then I'm trying with Linear Layout + TableLayout but Seekbar doesn't catch minimum Width and remains small.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Seekbar and I want to save the state to database when the progress is changed.I am wondering in which event to put my code onProgressChanged vs. onStopTrackingTouch?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn my XML, I've set the focusable, focusableInTouchMode, clickable, and longClickable variables to false, yet I can still click and move the SeekBar. Do I need to actually change the listener events to do this? That seems so unnecessary.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to define set values (i.e. 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) for the seekbar widget that enables the slider to "snap" to the nearest set value? For example instead of allowing the user to position the slider at an percentage through 0-100, instead the slider can only ever be positioned at one of the five set values? While were on the subject is there an easy solution for positioning the seekbar vertically, I'd rather not hack through the seekbar source code - but I fear I may have to!
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I layout 2 TextViews and a SeekBar on the same line in my layout xml file? I know But how can i specify TextView (one on the right, one on the left) to use only the width it needs to display the string in the TextView while SeekBar will use up the rest of the line? And i don't know the text vale of each TextView in the beginning and these TextView can change value in my application.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a way to implement a minimum value in my SeekBar and also have the option to increment decimal numbers. For example, currently my SeekBar's minimum is set to 0, but I need it to start at the value 0.2. Also, I would like to have the functionality to be able to have the user select a number from 0.2 to 10.0 at a .1 precision so they can choose the numbers 5.6 or 7.1.
Here are the style attributes for my SeekBar:
Is there a way I can remove the background bar image in the SeekBar android widget?
I just want it to show a slider with no progress bar behind it.