Android :: Want To Show Webview In Same Tab Containing List

Jun 2, 2010

I am using a TabWidget that contains a List in one tab. What I want to do is when a user selects an item, a webview is shown in that tab.

If the user then wants to go back to the list, they would click on the list tab.

I can get the webview up that replaces the whole tabwidget but don't know how to leave the tabs and show a webview.

Android :: Want to show webview in same tab containing list

Android :: Show Progress Bar On Webview?

Oct 11, 2010

i am trying on to open a webpage in my application using webview when i open it. it shows me blank screen for a while and then open that page in browser inside my applciation. any one suggest me how to show progress or get rid of that blank screen which comes during loading of webview?........

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Android :: How To Show Html File Using Webview?

Jul 1, 2010

I m making an app in which i have to show the html file in webview. For that I have put that file /asset folder and write following code...

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Android :: How To Show Html Contents To Webview Using Droid?

Sep 2, 2010

Following is my html content which i want to show in the webview using android sdk. It will displays only.

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Android :: Using Webview Control To Show The Html Content

Nov 15, 2010

I am using the webview control in android to show the html content. But I face a problem that in webview I have to fix the height so thats why if html content contains less data then it wasted the space. Is there any solution to solve this problem that how can I show only same content as html has in the webview without any wasted space please help. following xml i used to draw webview is this right? In this i give fix height to webview. if i am not giving fix height then it will show only 1 line data with scroll.


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Android : Show Pictures In WebView That Aren't In Filesystem

Aug 31, 2010

How can I show pictures in WebView without saving images into file system?

I have tried to implement my custom Content Provider, but method openFile returns ParcelFileDescriptor that points into filesystem (or socket). My pictures are in filesystem, but in encrypted form.

I have tried also URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory, but in android java it is useless (because custom streamHandler can be register in jvm that is not allowed). I also try html code "img src="data:image.gif;base64,R0lGODlhiAAkAMQAANOOk...", but in embedded chrome it's not working.

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Android :: How To Show WebView With Theme.Dialog Style In Droid

Aug 29, 2010

I declared a WebView activity in the manifest like this. code...

When I start this activity within my main activity, only the title of the dialog, containing the apps name, is visible but not the WebView. If I add a TextView to the LinearLayout, it is shown as well, but still the WebView is missing.
If I don't apply android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog" in the manifest, the WebView is displayed.

Why is that and how can I show a WebView in a dialog?

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Android :: How To Show A Webview Inside An Activity In Middle Of Screen

Jul 30, 2010

I am having issue while showing a WebView in an activity in the middle of the screen. I have an activity and I want to show a webview in the center of screen. My activity is transparent so background activity will be visible. Whenever I try to create a webview and add it to activity using setContentView(webview) it always shows the view on the top left corner of the screen. Is their a way to workaround this?I am trying to do this via pure code only.

Here is my code.


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Android :: Selected State Of WebView In A ListView Does Not Show Selection

Feb 3, 2009

Is there a way to show that a WebView item contained as a item in a ListView is selected? Right now the WebView does not seem to display its contents transparently like every other control so it takes up the entire view and does not show its state as selected.

Also, when the content of the WebView is selected, scrolling down with the track back does not seem to cause the WebView to loose focus. If I continue to scroll down with the track ball, all of a sudden an item in the middle of the ListView gets selected.

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Android :: Prevent Default Web Page Not Available Screen To Show On Webview If Website Is Down?

Feb 20, 2009

Can Webview tell me that I didn't get a HTTP 200 OK HTTP response code? I really don't want to display the Android Web Page Not Available screen inside my app.

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Close WebView Show In Sl4a?

Jun 19, 2012

How to close html which is opened using webView show in python sl4a?

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Android :: WebView With Theme Doesn't Show Focused Text Field Values

Apr 4, 2009

I have encountered a problem with focused text fields in a WebView not showing entered text values.As long as a WebView text field has focus it will not show text or even the blinking cursor.You can select and highlight the text or unfocus the field to see it, but when it gains focus it will not show the text as if the foreground color of the text is white.The simplest code to demonstrate this is below.With the setTheme using a Light background, try typing values into the Email text field to notice that the text is not visible when the field is focused.

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Android :: How To Show List View'B After Clicking List View A?

Apr 4, 2010

I'd like to show another List View 'B' after clicking a item of List View 'A'. I use onListItemClick event in Android 1.6 project.

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Android :: Android Application - Don't Show Progress Bar On Child Tab Until Webview Loads?

Mar 22, 2010

In an android app I am using a tabview for an app and one of the tabs shows a webview. But the page is blank until the web page loads. how would one show a progress bar until the page loads. It cannot be in the title bar because that is hidden by the tabhost

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Android :: Show A List Of Files In Droid?

Jan 9, 2010

I'd like to create a very simple android activity that takes a file path on the sd card and displays the contents of that directory in a listview.

I know how to get a list of the files via File.listFiles() which returns an Array of File objects. What I want to know is how I can adapt that array to a ListView. Would an ArrayAdapter be the right thing to use and how would I do that?

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Android : Created APNs Don't Show Up In APN List

May 14, 2009

I have a piece of code that creates some APNs with this call: -- getContentResolver().insert(Uri.parse("content://telephony/carriers"), apnData); The APNs are correctly created both on fw 1.1 and 1.5 (a query correctly returns them) but on fw 1.5 they don't show up in the device APN settings screen.

Has anyone any hints on the reasons of this behavior?

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Android : Show Contents Of A Row As A List In Droid?

Aug 7, 2010

I'm creating an Android app, where the user starts out seeing a list of questions. When the user clicks a question, I would like to show him a new clickable list, containing that question and its answer alternatives.

My questions reside in rows in the database. The questions live in the first column, while the answer alternatives live in the following columns.

I've managed to display any single element from the row when I click a question in the list, but how to display more than one completely eludes me.

This is the relevant source code in the intent entered when the user clicks a question:

private void fillData() {
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
Long id = extras != null ? extras.getLong(QuestionsDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID) : null;
Cursor questionsCursor = mDbHelper.fetchQuestion(id);
String[] from = new String[]{mDbHelper.KEY_QUESTION,
int[] to = new int[]{};
SimpleCursorAdapter questions =
new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.questions_one_row,
questionsCursor, from,to);

This displays only the question. If I put one of the answer alternatives first in the 'String[] from ...' statement, that gets displayed instead.

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Android :: Pictures From My Contact List Do Not Show Up Next To The Texts

Nov 12, 2009

I just installed Handcent on my Droid and am having two problems. I checked the settings and can't figure out why these things aren't working properly.

1. The pictures from my contact list do not show up next to the texts. Every one of my contacts has a silhouette and question mark in place of the picture - which shows up fine in the default messaging app.

2. When a new text comes in, the new text notification pops up on the taskbar. I do not receive a handcent notification icon, and if I open the text with Handcent, the default message notification does not disappear.

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Android :: Show Two Or More Fields To List(Notepad Tutorial)?

May 10, 2009

Here is code of Notepad Tutorial . It only display title in the list. I want to display two or more fields of DB to the list.code...

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Android :: Make A List That Can Show Changable Content

Oct 13, 2010

I have build an application in android. This app needs to display a list of text, but the list of text increase continuously. It means user can see increased list of text. Each text is separated by a horizontal row. It looks like google market when market try to show list of applications. How can i do in this situation ?

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Android :: Show A List View When A Button Is Clicked?

Oct 18, 2010

I am trying to implement a drop down list when a button is clicked.

So, I have a text view and a button in a navigation bar(nav.xml) and a corresponding list view. This navigation bar is included in another page( products.xml)

when the button is clicked i get the list view right below the button(which is what i want to achieve) but its my moving all the contents on the current page downwards, even the text view which is placed in nav bar moved downwards.

I am totally new to Android, any sample examples or a way how to achieve it?

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Android :: DDMS Doesn't Show Process List On Device

Oct 15, 2009

I have two phones, one running 1.5 and the other on 1.6. When I connect the 1.6 device via usb, DDMS recognizes it and in the top-left pane shows: HT842....... | Online | 1.6, debug

It then lists the individual processes, I can select them and use various tools like allocation tracker.

But when I connect the 1.5 device, DDMS recognizes it but shows: HT95A....... | Online | 1.5

But it does not show any of the processes on the device, so I am not able to do use allocation tracker and such. The sysinfo tab works, and I can monitor logcat with filter and such in the bottom pane.

What am I missing here? Obviously the 1.5 device has USB debugging enabled. Why does it not show 'debug' in DDMS? I'm using SDK 1.5_r2 on linux (Ubuntu 9.04), if that makes a difference.

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Android :: Show List Of Twitter Applications With Intent.createChooser

Jan 16, 2010

Is it possible to show a list of applications (with intent.createChooser) that only show me my twitter apps on my phone (so htc peep (htc hero) or twitdroid). I have tried it with intent.settype("application/twitter") but it doesnt find any apps for twitter and only shows my mail apps.

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Android :: Need To Show Image Of Contacts(form Contact List) In App?

Nov 17, 2010

I want to show image of contacts(form contact list) in my application. How to do it?

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Android :: Merge Name And Tell Columns Of Cursor To Show Both In One List View?

Nov 5, 2009

I am making an app where I need to filter the contacts as user types.. I m using autoTextView and I am able to successfully query the contacts db for either tel number or name.. However while displaying I can either display name or tel number only as simple cursor only lets me match one list view with one column.. How do I merge the name and tel number column of the cursor so that both of them can be shown in one list view.

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HTC Desire :: Show Mp3 As Ringtone In List?

Sep 28, 2010

Having just moved from a Hero to the Desire today, I tried what I had already done on the Hero, that of creating '/media/audio/ringtones' I created an MP3 file and loaded it into the directory, but I cannot find how to get this item to show in the list to select in MENU/SETTINGS/SOUND/PHONE RINGTONE. The phone was updated to 2.2 Froyo today, has something changed I have not found out about?

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Motorola Droid 2 :: New Gmails Don't Show Up In List / Way To See

Sep 10, 2010

so I'm using launcher pro which shows me that theres 43 emails in my inbox but when I open the gmail app, there are NO new emails.

I have the unread gmail app and when I open that one it says "no connection"

finally after 3 hours of not receiving emails as I'm typing this I get a new email alert, then they all start piling in.

Why is this.

We shouldn't have to use the "unread gmail" app in the first place but I have had to ever since I got my D1 and it's the same on the D2.

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HTC Desire :: Does Google Show A List Of Approved ROMS's?

May 29, 2010

I'm going f*****g mad I had my T-mobile UK officially flashed by the company and since it was done (nearly 3 weeks ago) I cannot download any of my paid apps.

I can't download Radiotime, National rail, shapewriter plus loads of apps recommended by AppBrain. I keep thinking that it will right itself eventually but it doesn't. Is there anything I can speak to, or anything I can do to sort this.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Contacts Don't Show Up On Drop Down List

Jul 1, 2010

When I try and send a new message, or forward a message some of my contacts don't show up on the drop down list. I'll type the first few characters of their name and it will bring up a list of the names in my contacts directory but some names are missing so I cannot send a text in the normal manner (I know I can find the contact through the dialler and send a message that way but that doesn't help if I try and forward a message). I've looked to see if there are any strange spaces in the names etc but I cannot fathom out why some of my contacts are missing from the drop down lict in messages. Anyone else have this problem or know a solution?

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Motorola Droid X :: Google Sky Doesn't Show Up In Apps List / How To Get?

Oct 3, 2010

On my DroidX, Google Sky doesn't show up in my list of applications, but if I search for it, it does. I can launch it from the search results. I can also add an application widget to the home page and select Google Sky in its settings as the app to launch. Why doesn't it show up in the list of applications (The icon-based list you get when pressing the triangle-in-a-circle icon from the home page)?

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