Android :: Unique Device Id - How Many Digit It Has / Access That Through Program?
Aug 11, 2010Is there any unique id on Android Mobile?? If it is then how many digit it has?
How can I access that through my program?

Is there any unique id on Android Mobile?? If it is then how many digit it has?
How can I access that through my program?
Do Android devices have a unique id, and if so, what is a simple way to access it via Java?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAs known, we can get devcie unique ID using TelephonyManager#getDeviceId() . So, does a program have an unique identifier? How can I get it? I googled it but got nothing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis seems to be a bit of a vexed issue: see
Like the person who started that thread, I need to get a unique ID for a device, without using scary permissions for TelephonyManager. I've tried
id = android.provider.Settings.Secure.getString(getContentResolver(), android.provider.Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);
but that just produces "android_id" on my phone. I'm using a Nexus One and Android 2.1.
How to get unique handset device id?
View 14 Replies View RelatedIs there a program for the Android OS that allows to to access your files and directories, like 'Windows Explorer' does on your desktop pc? I have some audio files that I would like to move to the ringtone directory.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am programming a game and I have MANY MANY images. Is there a way how I can sort them in folders and access them in my program? For example: res/drawable/gameboard/image*.png res/drawable/animals/image*.png res/drawable/character/image*.png
Or do I HAVE to put all of them directly in res/drawable/* to be able to use them in my program?
My wish is to know how I can program a mobile website, that fit to all mobile phones.
Are there any special approaches to recognize a device and render the code according to it?
Which tools and coding languages are required?
My first thought was to hold the website in XML, which would be parsed depending on the device.
You have to consider old phones, even devices with only wap support.
For example: The mobile website has to recognize Nokia N75 and render/send the code that looks optimal for this device. Same thing with an iPhone or a Motorola Razr.
Can we view the database of Emails on Device through DDMS ? How ever i can see and access the database of SMS on Emulator through DDMS.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy first activity is creating a second activity within its onCreate:
The second activity has EditText views for the username and password along with submit and cancel buttons. When either button is pushed, the text from username and password is sent back to activity one (via onActivityResult), which connects to a server to see if the username is available. While connecting to the server showDialog is used to show a ProgressDialog. When the server responds, the ProgressDialog is dismissed and an AlertDialog is shown. This works fine as long as the device is not rotated.
Here's the problem: if the user rotates the device from within the second activity and pushes submit, the first activity re-invokes its onCreate, which ends up launching the second activity again since the username and password are still null.
Does anyone have any suggestions to get around this?
Is there a method that could be used to pass data from activity-2 to activity-1's onCreate? I wouldn't want to use a database in this case, as that seems like overkill.
I've thought about containing the server communication and dialogs to activity 2, but then I'd have duplicate server code in activity 1 and activity 2 (activity 1 connects to the server for other things too). Another issue I'd have with this approach is that the user has an option to cancel creating the password, in which case I want the app to finish. If I called finish from activity 2, activity 1 would appear and I don't want that to show unless a username and password have been created.
It just occurred to me - if I could replace activity 2 with a dialog it might make things simpler. The dialog view needs to have 2 EditTexts and 2 buttons. Can I create something like this and use the showDialog method?
I have noticed that some apk's that cost money on android market are available to download from some torrent sites for free. I don't think many of the developers here enjoys that very much. So my question is if there are ways in Android to get around this so that you can't copy a program from device to device?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've recently been informed that I'm getting a 2013 nexus 7 for Christmas (Booya!) and I use a MacBook Pro with iTunes. What's the best way to sync my iTunes with my Nexus?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI run a program on my computer called HP Tuners that is used to datalog and tune gm vehicles. It has become a major pain carrying my laptop everywhere I go just to have the battery run out while im tuning. So what I am wondering is if there is any way that this software can be setup to run on my Sprint HTC Hero?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI rooted my eris the other day with the all in one 0_3. I have a few questions about everything.
1. How do I know If there is an update for the specific root I used? and to update will I lose everything?
2. I can't seem to get usb tether to work. pdanet works but I want all access. the wired-tether-root program. It runs on my Eris, but doesn't access the net. xp x86 and 7 x64. I have two root required wireless applications installed that work perfectly, I just want a usb app too.
3. If the rooted ROM I used isn't the best, can I get some opinions as to what to try?r making this possible for us all!
Recently my HTC Desire got damaged but fortunately I had copied and pasted all the data from my HTC Desire to my laptop. I connected my Desire to my Laptop in 'Disk Drive' mode and copy/pasted all contents/folders.
Now my Desire replacement has not yet arrived. Is there anyway I can access my 'Text' messages that were stored on my Desire in my laptop.
Where will I find those text and do I need some external program to open/view them?
My phone entries are all area code first, then 7 digit phone number. I've noticed that it places a 1 in front of every number I dial out. I know I can turn this off, but is it necessary to do this by Sprint? I know my ATT phone didn't need the 1 in front, area code by itself worked fine, even on long distance calls. I also noticed, if I just type the number in, no area code it looks at it like it's a totally new number than the one in my phone. My last phone wouldn't care if I put area code first, it would pick up that contact and show that picture. Any thoughts on this?
View 6 Replies View Relateda day, a soft (i forgot the name) ask me to set a 4 digit code to use all data internet connection.but now whenever a software accesses to the internet I have to enter this code. sometimes 5 times
so, this code is on android settings ? i don't found it. or this code is on this lost soft? i have unstall lot of soft, so it's in the soft, it's a invisible soft
I recently received the OTA update to my Eris and am loving the new interface. However every time I want to unlock my phone I am now required to enter an 8 digit password as opposed to the screen pattern I was using prior. From messing around I realized that this is due to the fact that my company's exchange account requires SSL encryption and therefore requires the password be entered to unlock the phone. My question is whether there is a way to keep my email but only require the screen pattern to unlock my phone? I know iPhone users at my company that are still fine entering their 4 digit code so have to assume we should be able to do the same.
View 7 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if the Nexus One that Google is sending developers as part of the Device Seeding Program is different from the ones people get when they order them from Google's website?
Different packaging? Different firmware? Different pattern on the case?
By "Program", I mean a desktop front end for installing/uninstalling apps on a phone.Can u please help me out from this? I am not clear what to do ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am assuming no-one is going to send me Froyo OTA so where can I get a copy of Froyo to flash onto my Nexus One? As I use it for testing my apps I want it to be as close as possible to what a user would have and definitley do not want to root the phone.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI just received an email about Device Seeding Program for Top Android Market Developers:
Subject: Device Seeding Program for Top Android Market Developers From:
Due to your contribution to the success of Android Market, we would like to present you with a brand new Android device as part of our developer device seeding program. You are receiving this message because you're one of the top developers in Android Market with one or more of your applications having a 3.5 star or higher rating and more than 5,000 unique downloads.
In order to receive this device, you must click through to this site, read the terms and conditions of the offer and fill out the registration form to give us your current mailing address so that we can ship your device.
You will receive either a Verizon Droid by Motorola or a Nexus One. Developers with mailing addresses in the US will receive either a Droid or Nexus one, based on random distribution. Developers from Canada, EU, and the EEA states (Norway, Lichtenstein), Switzerland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore will receive a Nexus One. Developers with mailing addresses in countries not listed above will not receive a phone since these phones are not certified to be used in other countries.
I (as well as many others) received an email telling us that Google would like to give us a new Android device for "your contribution to the success of Android's community forums". The email continued asking us to fill out the form by Monday, March 15th, 6pm PST.
I filled out the form as soon as the email hit my inbox (long before the due date) and have still not heard anything back from them (10 days after the due date). Has anyone else heard anything back about this?
This isn't the "Device Seeding Program for Top Android Market Developers" but the "Android Developer Device Seeding Program" that I'm talking about here.
I want to write a program which can install and uninstall an application over android device.As these features are provided over android device,but from where should i start and which files are required to be seen to develop my own application.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHad a read through the android documentation on WifiManager and thought I understood it but when I tried to code an example I keep running into problems.
I had the following code
I had tried something similar to turn off sound
This works fine, but the wifi part always gives an error, was just wondering if I'm missing something obvious as I can't seem to work it out?
I want to interface my serial device on TMobile G1 Phone I want to know if there is a possibility to use a usb to serial converter or Blue tooth as a comm port to interface to my serial device.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can text anyone outside my area code, but when I try it with anyone in my area code I get a message that says to use the proper 10 digit phone number. I understand what that means, and have the 10 digit numbers programed for all my contacts, but when I hit on a contact and hit the text button only the 7 digit number comes up. That works fine with voice calls, but not with texting. I've been through my phone 20 times trying to find a way to make it use a 10 digit number for texting, can't find it.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi dont know Google hate me but they didn't give me access to Google Wave back then and now also they didnt give me access to CtDM, is there any way to start developing and working with the framework without getting access from Google ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to develop an android application that uses network connection. The server is up and running, but when i am trying to access it from the device that runs the android app (in debug mode-using eclipse) it outputs a message that 'cannot find the server' after a UnknownHostException occurs! I have tested the server with a java application and it works fine! What is the problem then with the device?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a captivate. When I compose a text message the persons number initially shows up as the ten digits. Now when I close out of the text message and try to go back and serbs something the persons number shows up as only 7 digits. When I try to send a text with only the 7 numbers I get a return error message saying
8852662 Error Invalid Number. Please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number.