Android :: Sqlite Exception No Such Table?

Nov 13, 2010

I have decided that I hate SQL and for that purpose I am trying to make a helper class that I can reuse over and over and never have to mess with it again but it isnt working!

Here is what i have right now:


I have included several System.out.println() statements to help me debug the code and find problems so please ignore them. PrintDB is another test that I wrote that I am using to make sure everything is working. Now this is what I have written to make sure everything is working....


Running this code everything goes great and all the System.out.println() statements have the right information in them until it gets to the databaseView.setText(db.printTable(tableName));
part and it throws an exception


This has me so confused because that same line of code is used in the getColNames() method that was called several times before this and ran with no problem. Also if the table didn't exist wouldn't it have thrown an exception when I called insertRow()? I called that method 5 times in a row with not a single exception thrown! What is happening here?

Implement onCreate() in your DBOpenHelper. Put there content of the createTable() method.

Why would it be necessary to create the table in the onCreate() method? If I were to do this would I be able to use my existing method to do so and just call it from this method?

And the second why you don't use content providers and uri >concept which is already SQLless?

Android :: Sqlite Exception no such table?

Android : SQLite Cursor Out Of Bounds Exception On SELECT Count FROM Table

Jun 22, 2010

The following function is giving me an out of bounds exception...

public void count(){
SQLiteDatabase db = table.getWritableDatabase();
String count = "SELECT count(*) FROM table";
Cursor mcursor = db.rawQuery(count, null);
int icount = mcursor.getInt(0);
System.out.println("NUMBER IN DB: " + icount);}

It's meant to return the number of rows in the database. Anybody know whats wrong? am I perhaps doing this task the wrong way?

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Android :: Sqlite Exception:java.lang.Illegal Argument Exception Column Id Does Not Exist

Jul 14, 2010

I created a sql lite database with the following columns:
static final String dbName="demoDB";
static final String tableName="Employees";
static final String colID="EmployeeID";
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
colName+" TEXT, "+colAge+" Integer);");
I want to select all the records in the database like this and display them in a gridview:SQLiteDatabase db=this.getWritableDatabase();Cursor cur= db.rawQuery("Select "+colName+", "+colAge+" from "+tableName, new String [] {});String [] from=new String []{DatabaseHelper.colName,DatabaseHelper.colAge};
int [] to=new int [] {,};
SimpleCursorAdapter sca=new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,R.layout.gridrow,c,from,to);
GridView grid=(GridView)findViewById(;
grid.setAdapter(sca);but i receive the following exception:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist.the db table does not have a column with name '_id'so what is wrong with this code

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Android :: No Such Table Exception?

Oct 30, 2010

I have next stuff:


As i see in debug mode db.execSql proceeds w/o any exceptions, but then in this code:


Is triggered by exception with message like 'There is no table with name "Preferences"'

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Android :: SQLITE Create Table Error / Fix It

Nov 23, 2010

This is my code used to create table code...

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Android :: Game - Duplicating Entire Table (SQLite)

Apr 6, 2010

In my game I am handling the loss of a character (represented programmatically with their own table) - however there are 4 such tables. I would like to know if there is a simple way to simply tell SQLite to make character 2's entire table equal character 3's? Just trying to not leave a gap in the lineup.

I was considering pulling all the data, sorting it out, putting it into the table and then deleting - I just wanted to know if there was a nifty shortcut to tell SQLite that I wanted to duplicate an entire table at another preexisting table?

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Android :: Detect If A Table Contains A Column In Droid / Sqlite

Apr 20, 2010

So I have an app on the market, and with an update I want to add some columns to the database. No problems so far. But I want to detect if the database in use is missing these columns, and add them if this is the case. I need this to be done dynamically and not just after the update to the new version, because the application is supposed to still be able to import older databases. Normally I would be able to use the PRAGMA query, but Im not sure how to do this with Android. I cant use execSQL since it is a query, and I cant figure out how to use PRAGMA with the query()-function.

Ofcourse I could just catch exceptions and then add the column, or always add the columns to each table before I start to work with it, but that is not a neat solution.

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Android :: Copy Row Data From One Table To Another In SQLite Droid?

Oct 11, 2010

How do i efficiently copy a row data from one table to another table, where both of them are the same structure. i could go the much harder way of retrieving initial values from the row in the first table and then inserting to the second table. But i feel there is a more efficient way this can be done.

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Android :: Sqlite Statement - Get Item That Contained In Box_content Table

Aug 8, 2010

I have a database with tables called box, item, and box_contents and I want to get any item that is contained in the box_content table (all items, but discard the ones that arent in the box_contents table). What would be the correct sqllite syntax for this?

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Android :: SQLite Exception - Getting Error

Nov 24, 2010

My application contains SQLite .My application some time getting the following error


I am closing the db in Destroy() using DataClass.dh.db.close(); Why this Error occured.Give me the solutions for this.

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How To Access Non-default Table Of Sqlite Database

Nov 14, 2011

i'm trying to access (read & write) from non-default (example 2nd table) table of a sqlite database which i created using sqlite database browser. but somehow, i cant seems to find the way to access it.

public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
private static String DB_PATH = "/data/data/";
private static String DB_NAME = "TestDatabase";
private SQLiteDatabase myDatabase;

select data method works, but i can only select from table 1 and not table 2

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Android :: SQLite Query Throwing Exception

Jul 29, 2010

Im trying to get an object form my SQLite database in my Android application. I know that the contact is in the database because when I add it and try finding by ID, it returns the object. When I try finding by first and last name, though, it throws an exception and Im left with a null reference.

Here is the query:


Ive also tried to find just by first name and just by last name. Same result as above.

The exception is an SQLite exception

no such column: aurelius: , while compiling: SELECT _id, last_name, first_name,
email_address, organization_name, label, label_position FROM contacts WHERE
first_name=marcus AND last_name=aurelius

And also happens when trying to select just first or last name

no such column: marcus: , while compiling: SELECT _id, last_name, first_name,
email_address, organization_name, label, label_position FROM contacts WHERE

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Android :: Insert Data On Sqlite Database Table From Word Or Excel Document?

May 22, 2010

In my project, I would like to create a database with single table. I would also like to insert data on this table from word or excel document. is it possible? if so please how can I do it? some code snippets would be of great help. I have four different activities which I would like them to interact with this single table. the first is the main activity and its purpose is just to launch the other three activities according to user choice. so it has no interaction with the DB. but the other three activities will read from the table whenever called. Can you please tell me how to call the dbhelper on these activities? I am unable to do this and I am currently creating one db per each activity which is not the optimal way.

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Sqlite Query - Record Is Being Returned If Table Is Empty?

Mar 21, 2012

I've a problem with a query in sqlite3.

The query is very simple:


When my application execute this query, and the table is empty, a record is returned. I can't understand why a record is being returned if the table is empty. It should return cero results.

I've tried to execute the query in two different ways:

cursor = db.query(true, "TABLE", new String[] {"MAX(INIT_DATE) AS INIT_DATE"}, null, null, null, null, null, null);

cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT MAX(INIT_DATE) AS INIT_DATE FROM TABLE", null);

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Android : Working With SQLite Database / Getting Cursor Out Of Bounds Exception

Jun 30, 2009

I am having some trouble working with the SQLite database. I am able to create the database, add to it, and delete from it with no problem by following the Notepad examples, but I am trying to avoid duplicates and therefore want to check to see if an entry exists already.

Below is the code I have for testing to see if a game exists. I get the correct Log message of "No Games" when there are no games, as well as the correct value for column from getColumnIndex which is proven to me by the log printout telling me that column = 1.

The error message that I receive if I don't catch the exception says "Caused by android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 requested, with a size of 1

Where is Index -1 being requested if my call to getColumnIndex is returning 1? Code...

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Android :: Sqlite Android No Such Table Exists

Nov 15, 2010

I am using sqlite database in andriod. i m not creating any database i m using created database and it has successfully opened but when i am using:

Cursor cursor= db.query(tablename, null, null, null, null, null, null);

Then it gives this table does not exists plz help me.i got frustated with this problem. i also googled this problem but didnt find exact solution.

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Android :: Debug Application - Exception Occurred - Android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException

Aug 22, 2010

I am developing an Android application where I get the exception while writing to the database: An exception occurred: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException

But it doest say anything else. In general I find it very difficult to debug the exceptions.
I am using Eclipse to develop the application. Please help me in solving this issue..

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Android :: SQLite For Android Custom Table View (SQL VIEW) Discrepancy?

Jul 16, 2010

I've created a custom view in an SQLite database for an Android application. I'm using Sqliteman on Ubuntu to test my SQL statements before I put them in my app. I'm trying to do a simple select statement on my view. The select statement works fine in SQLiteman but when I put the same statement in my code it throws an error. The statement: select * from item_view where parent_item_id = 0;........

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Android :: List View Equivalent To IPhone Table Default Table Cell

Aug 13, 2010

Is there an equivalent view structure to the iPhone default table cell? The default table cell formats an image (icon) and text in a nice looking way. Are there suggested equivalents for Android? Is there a sample somewhere?

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Android : Dynamically Load Customized Table Cells In Table?

Aug 19, 2010

I want to create say 5 different types of cells in table along with identifiers and load them appropriately as per the given data depending upon the type?

Creating TableRow inside TableLayout seems to be one of the options but how to dynamically create the tableRows depending upon the type?

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Android :: Child Views Of Particular Table Row In Table Layout?

Jul 15, 2009

Here is my screen description: It is a TableLayout and it contains multiple Rows. I have set TableRow as clickable, as I want to go to next screen on click of a tableRow. Everything I am doing through Java programming (instead of XML layout, because number of TableRows changes each time) On next screen, I wanted to display all the views of that particular clicked TableRow. Here the problem i am facing is how to capture particular tableRow on onclick() even and how do I get all the textviews of that particular Row. I tried to set id at runtime, and tried to get id of view, but it's not working, giving error resourcenotfoundexception.

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Android :: Only First Table In Create Table Statement Being Created

May 28, 2010

The table "credentials" does show up in the adb shell.

I've checked logcat and it doesn't seem to report a problem...


I've been pouring over this and I bet its some silly syntax typo! Or, at least I hope it is something trivial.

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Android :: Adding Table Row By Inflating Does Not Take Table's Settings

Nov 4, 2010

I have a table layout with a few predefined rows in it. Each row has only two columns.

Now I need to dynamically add additional rows in it.

I have two problems:

1) When programmatically inflating, I cannot set the index of the newly created row (I want it in place 'n') 2) After inflation, the inserted (actually appended) row doesn't listen to parent table's stretch column property.

So here are my questions:

q1) Can I set the place where to insert the inflated row programatically ?

q2) Why doesn't the new row inflate properly (the second column is not shown because the first column doesn't contains a TextView with fill_parent.

In the end I need the first column to occupy 80% of the screen width, and the second column remaining 20%.

q3) is that doable with programmatic row insertions ?

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Android :: Dynamically Add Table Row To Table Layout

Jul 8, 2010

When a button is clicked, the following method is run:

public void createTableRow(View v) {
TableLayout tl = (TableLayout) findViewById(;
TableRow tr = new TableRow(this);
LayoutParams lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
TextView tvLeft = new TextView(this);
tvLeft.setLayoutParams(lp);...................... is an xml TableLayout. I can see from debugging that the method is being accessed, but nothing is drawn to the screen. What gives? Do I need to reset the Content View somehow?

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Android :: Finalizing Cursor Android.database.sqlite.SQLite­Cursor

May 6, 2009

I am seeing the exception in 'adb logcat'.But I don't know if it is caused by my application or android platform.Can you please give me any idea how to troubleshoot this exception?

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Android :: Trying Use <include /> Within Table Row

May 6, 2009

I have a problem trying use <include /> within a table row. Any android:xxxx atributes applied to the widget within the include are ignored. Here's is a test I put together. The two buttons outside the table layout render correctly(adjusted width and height), the one's inside do not. Strangely, the custom TwoStateButton:xxxxx attributes are rendered correctly in both cases. ............

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Android :: Get All Table Row's In TableLayout

Jul 25, 2010

how to get all TableRow's in a TableLayout. I already know how to add and delete rows dynamically, but I need to loop over all the rows and selectively delete some of them. I think I can come up with a work around, but I'm trying to avoid crude hacks in my app.

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Android :: Two Column Table

Jul 29, 2010

I'm not big into UI programming so this may be an easy thing I overlooked. I am trying have a screen that shows 8 TextView in a 2 column x 4 row table. And, of course, I want the TextViews, that might have different lengths, to be centered. I tried this in a table layout, for obvious reasons but I feel like this is not the way to do it because it doesn't have much control where I put everything once it is in a row. Should I be using a different combinations of layouts or is there something I overlooked.

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Android :: How To Display A Table

Nov 17, 2010

I want to display a table in my application, it should contain name, phone no, email as the column names and the table has many rows. After that I want to capture each item on the onClick listener, please help
as I am new to this development. I was stopped here, I have implemented a table but unable to capture each item click. Please help with example code.

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Android :: How To Check Sql Table Exist Or Not?

Apr 16, 2009

public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper{ public DatabaseHelper(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory, int version) { super(context, name, null, version); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub init();}

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