Android :: Selected Positions In A Listview
Aug 27, 2009How can I retrieve the positions of the selected item in a multichoice listView ? The getSelectedItemPosition method returns only the first one...
View 1 RepliesHow can I retrieve the positions of the selected item in a multichoice listView ? The getSelectedItemPosition method returns only the first one...
View 1 RepliesI have two ListViews. Is there any way to synchronize the position of ListViews when I scroll any one of the Lists
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a listview with some checkboxes. I want some of them to be prechecked when the activity starts. I have the positions of those checkboxes which needs to be pre selected.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI thought I could use the position int, but when I click on the item in the list view, nothing happens. Please help. Code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using a custom view to display items in a listview. For some reason every time the list is populated; the first item is shown as selected (ie; orange highlight). I've tried everything I can think about to solve it; any ideas?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a listview which has a bunch of selections. I want to keep the focus on the listview in touchmode and get the item selected. What is the best way to do that?
I found this blog: and
What does the community suggest?
I need to get the selected Item from a ListView in adnroid .
View 1 Replies View RelatedPlease Help me for getting the selected Item from a ListView. Items for the ListView are getting from a xml file. Elements of the ListView are filled up by the adapter(adpter contains ImageView and textView). I only need the TextView content from the ListView.By using the onItemClick i get only the index of the item.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an activity with three listviews, each having three different cursors, but all have the same ContextMenu show/resolve code and when the selection event fires, I want to get the ListView to refresh it.
I can't use menuInfo.targetView, as that holds the LinearLayout for the ListView row, and not the ListView.
in this method public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item)
How is possible?
I have a list view full of items, after the users selects an item it lights up, and then it goes normal. Is there a way to make it so after the users select an item in my ListView it stays selected, and highlighted?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a listview that shows files in a specified folder which works. But what I can't figure out is in the onListItemClick method. How can I get the name of the selected file in the ListView from the ArrayAdapter instead of the position or id?.......................
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a ListView with an edit text and a button below it. When I click on a listView item the keyboard appears and push up the edit text and the button. I want the list to scroll to the selected item.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'd like to create my ListView and make it's Views be changed while selected (or, clicked). How could I do it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a ListView which can be navigated with the dpad. It has a footer. I want to prevent navigation into the footer with the dpad. I have set focusable and focusableInTouchMode of the footer view itself to false; this makes no difference (so I deduce that it is not actually focus I am seeing, but rather selection).
How do I prevent the footer from becoming selected?
I always get an ClassCastException error... i do not what else to do...
- I'm using a data biding concept to populated the listview from a sqlite3 database.
- I just want to get the selected item text after a long press click.
This is the code of the activity:
This is the xml where a define the rows to show on the listview:
An activity has a Button and a ListView. Initially, only the Button is visible. When the button is pressed, the ListView is displayed. When displayed, is it possible for me to show one particular item as selected/focussed?
A use case could be that suppose it is a list of language settings and when the list opens, the currently selected language must be shown as highlighted. If I know the index of the item, how to set it as focused on display?
I am an Android newbie trying to learn the UI side of things and it's doing my head in. Here's what I have right now:
What I am struggling to figure out is how do I style the selected item? At the moment the selected item has a ghastly orange background which, under the rounded green rectangle, gives an orange outline effect.
I have a custom listview row that contains a number of textView components. Instead of the "standard" single text item, I have created a item where each listview row contains several bits of information. For this example, I have a record id, a name, and a description for each row in the listview. I have my listview populated via
this.mDbHelper = new RecordDBAdapter(this);;
Cursor c = this.mDbHelper.fetchAllRecords(); startManagingCursor(c);
String[] from = new String[] {RecordDBAdapter.ROW_ID, RecordDBAdapter.NAME,
int[] to = new int[] {,,};
// Now create an array adapter and set it to display using our row
SimpleCursorAdapter records = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.record_row, c, from, to); this.list.setAdapter(dives);
Now what I want is to be able to access the recordId value within each clicked item. I've tried to follow the Android tutorials to no avail. They do something like
Object o = adapter.getItemAtPosition(position);
but that still doesn't help either. What I really want is to get the value of the recordId within each selected listItem. Does anyone know how this would be accomplished? Here is my onItemClick event:
protected OnItemClickListener onListItemClick = new OnItemClickListener() {
@Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapter, View view, int position, long rowId) {
// My goal is either to grab the value of the
// recordId value from the textView, or from the adapter.
//Object o = adapter.getItemAtPosition(position);
//Tried this, no joy
Intent intent = new Intent(NeatActivity.this, SomeOtherActivity.class);
// intent.putExtra("selectedRecordId",val); //val here is a numerical record row id being passed to another activity.
startActivity(intent); } };
Android has ListView component which is quite nice. The problem is that I created my own adapter to supply viewitems for each item displayed and I don't get anymore: Background color change when i scroll the items using up/down arrows. Background color change when I select an item. How do I do that?
View 1 Replies View Related1) A ListView with many items (i.e. scrolling will occur at some point)
2) At the beginning, the selection is at the top (item #0)
3) User is scrolling down (i.e. we're not in touch mode)
4) For the first items, the selection is moving down without the list to scroll.
5) Once the selected item is reaching the middle of the list's viewport: the list starts to scroll-down.
6) Then, toward the end of the list: scrolling stops and the selection keeps moving down until the last item is reached.
It's a common feature in (keyboard-enabled) UI frameworks but I don't believe it's possible to achieve with Android, as for now... Right?
I have a ListActivity, and long-pressing on an item brings up a context menu. One item in the context menu is "delete", and that brings up a confirmation box (and AlertDialog). When the user presses OK in the confirmation dialog, I need to know the ID of the item that was originally selected, so that I can actually delete it.
The flow looks like this:
This event: Causes Android to call:
Long press an item -> onCreateContextMenu()
Select context menu item -> onContextItemSelected()
call showDialog()-> onPrepareDialog()
user clicks OK -> onClick()
In onCreateContextMenu and onContextMenuSelected, I can get at the id of the selected item from the ContextMenuInfo. In onPrepareDialog, however, I no longer have access to that information. The rub is that onPrepareDialog needs this information to set up an onClick listener on its POSITIVE button.
I know that, during onContextMenuSelected, I can stash the selected item's ID away into a field of my activity. I have done that, and it works. But it's also really ugly. The statefulness that it introduces makes me uneasy. Has anybody else seen a better way to pass such information around than to use fields in the activity?
Is there a way to show that a WebView item contained as a item in a ListView is selected? Right now the WebView does not seem to display its contents transparently like every other control so it takes up the entire view and does not show its state as selected.
Also, when the content of the WebView is selected, scrolling down with the track back does not seem to cause the WebView to loose focus. If I continue to scroll down with the track ball, all of a sudden an item in the middle of the ListView gets selected.
I have a listView of contacts that I got from the Android ContactManager sample. This list is showing up fine, but I can't figure out how to get info from the selected item, like "name" and "phone number".
I can get the selected position, but the result of the mContactList.getItemAtPosition(position) is a ContentResolver$CursorWrapperInner and that doesn't really make any sense to me. I can't get heads or tails from that.
Anyone know how I can get the name/id/phone number from the selected item in the listView?
Here is my code.
I have a single screen with a bank of buttons below a ListView. Entries on the ListView light up in orange when I scroll so I assume that are selected. When I then press the "Delete" button I want the onClickListener to remove the currently selected entry. But getSelectedItemPosition() always gives me -1. If I can't hope to use the GUI controls in this way, please give me another way of getting the same result.I have even tried setting the onClickListener of the List View to store the index before the button is pressed (in case pressing the button unselects the entry) but even that is always -1 it seems.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I get the selected items in a ListView which contains a multi selelected check boxes.?
The following code doesn't work correctly... getContacts() is being called in a Button click().
If you derive a class from ArrayAdapter for the purpose of customizing the views of listview items, and you vary the background color of those items by doing something like this in getView()...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a multiselection listview in my android app. What I need to know is how many items on that list I have selectet.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy question today relates to the android home screen and where it stores icon / widget positions. Specifically, I am interested in accessing the positions and sizes of any icons that are currently being displayed. I have, so far, been unable to find a method of retrieving the positions of other applications but i figure it must be possible in some way due to the presence of third-party home screen applications. Ideally, I am hoping to query the positions of whatever is on the screen at the moment from a live wallpaper and adjust my rendering accordingly.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to implement a screen containing a list of blocks one below the other. Each block will contain mutiple superimpose elements (Images, text) for which the relative position needs to be specified with respect to the top left corner of the block.
For creating the list of blocks i have used listview. For each block i tried to use relative layout.This works ok when the phone is in landscape mode and absolute position is specified relative to left edge of the phone. But when the phone is put in the portrait mode the layout gets distorted.
1) What layout can be used for this scenario?
2) Can relative positions be specified in terms of percentage of screen width/height instead of pixels?
Seeking help to design a layout as shown here:
The major challenge I face is aligning the components at desired positions. Please refer the three buttons(icons) and the way they are positioned.
Literally, going nuts, thinking how to position those exactly at the desired places.