Android :: Schedule A Repetitive Task?
Mar 25, 2010In an Activity, I need to call a web service every 30 seconds or so, and use the data to update the UI.
Is there a recommended approach on how to schedule a repetitive task?

In an Activity, I need to call a web service every 30 seconds or so, and use the data to update the UI.
Is there a recommended approach on how to schedule a repetitive task?
I am looking for an app that kills tasks that are running on a schedule. To be able to choose how often it kills the tasks, 5 or 15 or 30 minutes. So I can have the app running and know that every lets say 15 minutes it kills the tasks that I selected to always be killed I would prefer this method over screen blank apps that kill tasks.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThere seems to be a couple of ways to go about having a background task being executed. My usecase is to have my app fetch a datafeed every x minutes, regardless of my gui is running, and regardless of whether the phone is sleeping or not. I use an alarmmanager to schedule an intent matching a broadcastreceiver. in the onRecieve method i start a service (startService), which spawns an AsyncTask. The task fetches data and stores it and then stopSelf() the service.
in the onRecieve method i aquire a PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, before starting the service, and just before calling stopSelf() in the service, i release it again. Is this really the best way to do it? Do i even need the service in this scenario? I experience odd behaviour with this setup, where the setup works for hours and then suddenly stops, which makes it very hard to debug. Does anyone have a simple foolproof method to achive the same end?
I am using below code for scheduling a task in android but its not giving any results.
int delay = 5000; // delay for 5 sec.
int period = 1000; // repeat every sec.
Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
}, delay, period);
I've just made the switch from WinMo to Android (Samsung Galaxy). I was wondering if there is a good program for repetitive text entry? I used TapText by DinarSoft on WinMo and that was great for tapping and it would enter preconfigured text - date, name, address - anything you wanted! Is there anything similar for Android? I've had a search but all I can find is stuff for texting/sms but this is for use in any program that has a text field.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm writing an android program for adding task and deleting task in listview. I've add an onClickListener to the delete button so it can delete the task. However I was told I should not have the listener in the adapter violating mvc. how I can remove a task in my TaskListItem class. I got the method removeTask() in the adapter, but don't how I can use it in the TaskListItem class.
public TaskListItem(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
mContext = context;
Is there an app for choosing which apps you want to use that are already open or whatever. Or is there a button you can press to bring up a task list like you do with you blackberry when u hold the blackberry key and the list of open apps comes out.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAutomatic task killer, advanced task killer, or something else?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI've been using Task Panel X and Advanced Task manager to kill unneeded tasks and keep memory at a maximum.
Recently, every time I open Task Panel X and then revert back to Home screen I get the HTC logo and then a loading screen while the device sets itself. This happens even if I kill NO tasks.
So my solution was to uninstall Task Panel X and then use just Advanced Task Manager. All the sudden, same result.
Everytime I open either of these apps and then go back to home screen I get a BLACK SCREEN WITH HTC LOGO, THEN A BRIEF (10 SECONDS) LOADING SCREEN. THEN ALL IS NORMAL.
I know this was talked about before at different times but I still have 3 questions.
1. what is the difference between a task killer and a task manager?
2. should we be using one of these apps or not?
3. when you look at the awake time if it is like 70% or 80% and you aren't using the phone a bunch I take it that means something is running,how can you find what is running.and is the awake time that big of deal?
Looking for a guide on how to use task killer. I had task killer on and deleted it. I think I was killing tasks that were needed to keep certain functions running that I use frequently. If someone would take the time to help me understand how to use one, I think I would be much more successful with it.
example - text messaging just stopped ( werrent receiving them ) . Once I took task killer off, everything started working again.
Is there an app that will remind you of when you favorite shows are coming on and or back on tv for the season and show you a schedule of them? I would love it if there was, that's better than constantly searching on my dvr.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have the Moto Droid, and I have to enter into the calender my work hours. Is there an app (or someone should make one), where you can put in your work schedule and be reminded?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm wanting an app that I can use as a schedule book for my work schedule Kinda like the to-do lists and calanders, but made so that its just a note for the whole day "work from 1pm-10pm" as an example
View 3 Replies View Relatedon my Treo I used to have an app called "Radio" which allowed me to schedule a time to shut off my wireless connection and turn it back on. This was a useful tool for saving battery life. Anyone have experience or suggestions with a similar Android app?
View 7 Replies View RelatedAnyway, I just wanted for everyone to post their favorite Task Manager/Killer, and why, and if there are any flaws. I personally use Advanced Task Killer Free. It has a simple UI, and the when you select or unselect apps it remebers it so next time you launch the app you can only remove the apps that you usually do, and keep ones that always run. It doesn't slow down or break the system.
View 40 Replies View RelatedI need an app that changes my wallpaper depending on a specified schedule, like say one for the afternoon and one for night. Anything in the market like that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any app's out there that you can put your wifi 3g gps etc on a schedule. Mainly to turn off like 12:00 AM to save battery, and turn back on at whatever time you set? I know there are some that will turn your wifi and 3g (user set) off if your battery gets below a certain point (user set) but these are like $3.00. To me it seems like a rip off, since its such a simple app... Anyways does anyone know of an app like this, if not would anyone be interested in developing it? Seems simple for someone who knows how to create app's. The reason I think this would be better than the battery manager's that just shut your data wifi and gps off after your battery hits a certain % is because sometimes your battery will be just charged but you will go to sleep at night leaving your wifi/3g on and your battery will drain until it hits whatever %, then the manager will turn your data off. Meanwhile you just lost a whole lot of battery that you didnt need to.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that will allow me to repeat a schedule? For example, my wife has a set 8-week schedule that repeats until infinity. I can't find one that will allow me to put in each day she works for those 8 weeks, then have it repeat in order.
View 3 Replies View RelatedLooking for folks with android hardware to help beta test Buster, a nationwide location based public transportation schedule app. Must have an Android phone with Internet and GPS, and live in one of the three initial test cities: Austin, Denver, or Sacramento. Testers who submit bugs or suggestions which are fixed or implemented will get a lifetime free subscription to the service.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there an app or any way outside of rooting to schedule a daily reboot of my phone?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen is my bus? Start Buster, and you'll instantly know just when your bus will arrive at your stop. Uses your phone's location sense to find your stop and your buses, with a single click. Buster supports the metropolitan transportation networks of Austin, Boston, Denver, and Sacramento. More cities soon (including Los Angeles by the weekend with luck).
View 3 Replies View RelatedTo make some action for some time I found that there are several choices:
use AlarmManager
use ScheduledExecutorService
use Handler's method postDelayed
What is big difference of all this? What is the best practice of making schedule action?
Could someone explain how to use the Timer.schedule - that is used for scheduling tasks - in Python? Note that Python's time.sleep will not work in Android.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat is the schedule for HTML5 support in WebKit? Specifically - offline web applications and storage.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs anybody aware of an app that will sync with my calendar for my rotating schedule? I work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and every other Saturday Sunday, from 1545 to 0145. I've tried the reoccurring event, but I don't want to have to go through and delete every other Saturday Sunday. I would like to be able to set it so I can enter it, and it will set it up for a couple years.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want implement a widget to show NBA Game Schedule in Android G1, where can i find the widget interface ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust for a certain team. With my WinMo, my team's website had some outlook file that i just imported. just wondering if i can do the same with my EVO.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm currently working on an app for the android os that requires to fetch data from a remote server from time to time. as this "update" should be carried out even when the actual frontend app is not running, i implemented a remote service that is started on system boot. now i need to schedule a timer to start the update. is the "Timer"-class the right one for this job? and if "yes": what is the difference between a "normal" Timer() and one started as a "daemon" by Timer(true)?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to be able to schedule multiple Notifications at different times in the future.
I tried doing this with an AlarmManager, but that isn't suitable, for the following reason. From AlarmManager.set(): "If there is already an alarm for this Intent scheduled (with the equality of two intents being defined by filterEquals(Intent)), then it will be removed and replaced by this one."
Guess what, the sending intents are equal, apart from different Extra's (but those don't count for filterEquals).
So how can I schedule multiple notifications, which will still be shown when my application is killed (the whole reason I tried AlarmManager)?