Android :: Retrieving XML Document From Web Service

Jul 30, 2010

I am trying to retrieve a XML document from web service. I am passing a soap object with a token implementing the OAuth concept and retrieving the data. But the data does not turn out to be in XML format. It contains a curly braces in the place of start tag and semicolons when it ends. Is there any way to retrieve the document in XML format as such?

Android :: Retrieving XML Document from web service

Android :: Retrieving List Type From Remote Service

Aug 15, 2009

I am having trouble passing a List type from a remote service to the UI activity. Here is a modified version of RemoteService example from the APIDemo. (only included where its modified)

PROBLEM: The call back function (for List) is called successfully, but the List returned is empty...

It works fine when the service does not run in a remote process. (w/o android:process=":remote" in the manifest file)

Why is this happening...?

Also, when I tried Map type, it didn't even successfully generate a file.... it tries to do new Map().... and complains that its an abstract class.. (FYI, List instantiates by new ArrayList())

1. in oneway interface IRemoteServiceCallback { /*** Called when the service has a new value for you. */void valueChanged(int value); void valueChangedList(out List values); void valueString(String value);}

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Android :: Retrieving Live Scores

Sep 1, 2010

How would I go about collecting the latest Live NFL/Soccer scores? Are there open API's available for this?

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Android :: OnListItemClick With Mulitple Value / Retrieving Value

May 22, 2010

I am trying to retrieve the 2nd value from a Arraylist/ArrayAdapter that I have populated. I am new to Array so please correct me if I am wrong

Q1. I created the Array Favorite. What I think what I created is an Array with two set of value call Detail | Value. example Detail="Yasmin",Value="8". Is this correct?

Q2. I have assign the Favorite Array to the mFavlist listview. During the OnItemClick I can return the label "Yasmin" by the position of the listview. What I would like to do is return the value of "8". What would be the best way to do this?

import java.util.ArrayList;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener;...................

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Android :: Retrieving Data From The Database

Jul 10, 2009

I created the following method for retrieving stored settings from the database:

public String getEntry(long rowIndex){
String value = "";

Cursor c = db.query(DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_NAME, VALUE}, KEY_NAME + "=" + rowIndex, null, null, null, null);
int columnIndex = c.getColumnIndex(VALUE);
int rowsCount = c.getCount();
if(rowsCount > 0){
String value = c.getString(columnIndex);

return value;

On debugging I can see cursor c contains two columns and one row but when it comes to line

String value = c.getString(columnIndex);

it throws the CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException although columnIndex = 1 which should point to a valid entry. Does anyone know what could be wrong here?

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Android :: Using Listpreference And Retrieving Key String

Mar 23, 2010

I have a settings menu that pops up and in it is a listpreference type menu. It is associated with a settings.xml file where there are 'array-strings' within it. It all works good but I don't know how to retrieve the users preference. As an example, let's say the user picks a color (red, green, or blue). The list that I've made within my 'array-strings' contain the text red, green, and blue. Within my code, I would like to do something if the user has choosen red, something else if they choose blue, etc., etc. Would I use a 'case' statement or an 'if' statement? And most importantly, how would I retrieve the users preference - the key? (am I checking for a boolean?)

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Android :: Way To Parse XML Org.w3c.Document

Dec 18, 2009

Can anyone point me to a explanation for or explain to me how I can easily parse the XML and get values of a w3c.Document on Android using only Android OS Libs?I tried to use a implementation of dom4j, but it is very slow

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Android :: Url To App Example On Document Is Not Valid

Apr 4, 2010

The documentation shows that you can directly link to your app on Android Market place. But every HTTP url I attempted, I am getting a page not found error. I am wondering if there is something wrong with the documentation or is there a rules change where we can directly link to apps we created. if that is the case, why is this documentation still exist pointing to incorrect information?

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Android :: Document Scanner App?

Aug 16, 2010

I have Jot Not for iPhone which does a great job of scanning documents, white boards, etc. and putting them into a multiple page PDF.

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Android :: Retrieving Data From Portrait To Landscape

Feb 18, 2010

For changing from portrait to landscape mode i have done some changes in manifest.xml and included some code in file

In manifest.xml i have included <activity_name android:configChanges="orientation"/>

i entered some data in portrait mode. but when i rotate my mobile from portrait to landscape the control goes to onConfigurationChanged() method.

public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); setContentView(R.layout.screen1_landscape);

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Android :: Retrieving Data From USSD Command

May 17, 2009

I want to call a USSD ( command and have the reply returned as a String. I can make the device automatically dial the USSD - like so

// String encodedHash = Uri.encode("#"); String ussd = "*" + encodedHash + "105" + encodedHash; startActivityForResult(new Intent("android.intent.action.CALL", Uri.parse("tel:" + ussd)), 1); //

This calls the USSD and the result is displayed in an alert menu generated by the OS dialer. There's no way that I can see to intercept the USSD reply, prevent the dialer displaying it, and then use the result as a String. Essentially, all I really want to do is (pseudo code) // String ussdReply = call("*#105#"); // I've tried creating an "onActivityResult" but it never receives anything from the startActivityForResult. So, does anyone know how I can use the reply within an application?

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Android :: AppWidget Retrieving Data From Another Application

Apr 30, 2010

I have an AppWidget which provides a summary of some data stored and controlled by my main Application. (In a similar way to a Calendar AppWidget showing the next event from the main Calendar application). I want to know the best practice for retrieving the data to update my widget. I have followed the example, and I have extended AppWidgetProvider and have a working widget, onto which I can update. I would expect to read the data from my main application and then update it via my AppWidgetProvider's onUpdate() routine.

Now, is the best practice here for my separate main application to provide the data via a ContentProvider? I assume so, as my Appwidget is not part of the same application. Is it possible to access a ContentProvider inside my onUpdate() routine? Before writing my main application content provider I started to test out retrieving some available data like Contacts information, and showing say a contact name in my widget, to show I can extract data from an existing ContentProvider. When accessing the Contacts contentprovider, the examples talk about:

1) Activity.managedQuery(), but my AppWidget is not an activity. 2) ContentResolver.query(), but I can't work out how to get a valid ContentResolver so I can access the Contacts. getContentResolver() does not appear to be defined for AppWidgetProviders. Am I approaching this the correct way?

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Android :: SQLlite Crashes After Try To Retrieving Data

Jun 6, 2010

I'm kinda new to android programming so please bear with me. I'm having some problems with retrieving records from the db. Basically, all I want to do is to store latitudes and longitudes which GPS positioning functions outputs and display them in a list using ListActivity on different tab later on. This is how the code for my DBAdapter helper class looks like:

public class DBAdapter
public static final String KEY_ROWID = "_id";
public static final String KEY_LATITUDE = "latitude";
public static final String KEY_LONGITUDE = "longitude";
private static final String TAG = "DBAdapter";....................

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Android :: Retrieving Previously Purchased Apps

Nov 28, 2009

I just bought the app Avanced Task Killer for my moto cliq, great app by the way. But I'm going to return and exchange the phone for a new cliq or a mytouch because of some touchscreen issues. I was just wondering if I get a new phone will I be able to retrieve my purchased apps even if I change my phone to a mytouch?

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Android :: Retrieving XML / Stream From HTTP (Parsing XML)

May 4, 2010

What are the best practices parsing XML from an HTTP resource in Android? I've been using HttpURLConnection to retrieve an InputStream, wrapping it with a BufferedInputStream, and then using SAX to parse the buffered stream. For the most part it works, though I do receive error reports of SocketTimeoutException: The operation timed out or general parsing error. I believe it's due to the InputStream. Would using HttpClient instead of HttpURLConnection help? If yes, why? Should the stream be output to a file, having the file parsed instead of the stream?

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Android :: Retrieving Data From Webserver Using Json?

Sep 10, 2010

Retrieving data from the webserver using json

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Android :: Mediaplayer - Retrieving After Starting A New Activity

Feb 1, 2009

I'm using a mediaplayer to play a sound file, when you leave the application the sound continues in the background, which is the desired behaviour.

However, when the app is resumed, the mediaplayer isn't retrieved, so hitting pause just starts a new player so now there are two sounds playing.

Is the mediaplayer a type of service? How can I access the original player again?

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Android :: Retrieving EditText Field From Alertdialog?

Nov 16, 2009

I am facing some not understandable error. Could anybody help to put light on it.... The variable edtTxt is returning null and encoutering nullpointer exception while I am trying to run and entered text in the txt_edit field.

Here is the code....................

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Android :: How To Retrieving Image From Sd Card In Droid

Mar 11, 2010

How can I retrieve the last image in the SDcard.

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Android :: Unexpected End Of Document Exception

Nov 21, 2010

I'm getting a "SAXParseException: Unexpected end of document" error when trying to parse an xml document on android. The document in question is from the google weather api, but it seems to throw the same error regardless of the xml file in question (as long as the xml is valid) so I suspect it's a problem with my approach, rather than the xml. This is being done as a learning exercise, so I've probably (hopefully) overlooked something obvious. I've run the xml through an online validator, and it comes back as being well formed. (Can't tell me if it's valid as I don't have a DTD, but I dont think I need the DTD to parse the xml). This is the code that I'm using to try and parse the file:

private void refreshForecast() URL url;
try { url = new URL( "");
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection)connection;
int responseCode = httpConnection.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
InputStream in = httpConnection.getInputStream();
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
// falls over here parsing the xml.Document dom = db.parse(in);
} } catch (ManyExceptions e) { ....
} A cutdown version of the xml that produces the error is:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xml_api_reply version="1">

The stacktrace is:
11-20 06:17:24.416: WARN/System.err(406): org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Unexpected end of document
11-20 06:17:24.416: WARN/System.err(406): at org.apache.harmony.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(
11-20 06:17:24.416: WARN/System.err(406): at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder.parse(
11-20 06:17:24.426: WARN/System.err(406): at com.dave.nzweather.WeatherApp.refreshForecast(
11-20 06:17:24.426: WARN/System.err(406): at com.dave.nzweather.WeatherApp.onCreate(
11-20 06:17:24.426: WARN/System.err(406): at
11-20 06:17:24.438: WARN/System.err(406): at
11-20 06:17:24.438: WARN/System.err(406): at
11-20 06:17:24.446: WARN/System.err(406): at$2300(
11-20 06:17:24.446: WARN/System.err(406): at$H.handleMessage(
11-20 06:17:24.456: WARN/System.err(406): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
11-20 06:17:24.456: WARN/System.err(406): at android.os.Looper.loop(
11-20 06:17:24.456: WARN/System.err(406): at
11-20 06:17:24.466: WARN/System.err(406): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
11-20 06:17:24.466: WARN/System.err(406): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
11-20 06:17:24.466: WARN/System.err(406): at$
11-20 06:17:24.476: WARN/System.err(406): at
11-20 06:17:24.476: WARN/System.err(406): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
11-20 06:17:24.486: WARN/ROGER(406): org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Unexpected end of document

In the interest of brevity, I've not included the original xml, but it's just the standard weather xml from googles feed. I've also tried a few completely different xml files, (including the sample from and they all give the same error. (They also all validate as well formed when I run them through an online xml validator). This makes me think that it's not a problem with the xml, but rather with how I'm trying to feed it into the parser.

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Android :: Need Parsing HTML Document

Jan 28, 2010

I am trying to parse an HTML document that is missing an end tag on one of the elements (input tag). Anyone know how to get the parser to ignore that it doesn't have an end tag and just read an attribute value?
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf Instance(); Document Builder builder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document dom = builder.parse(url.openStream()); //ERROR HERE Error: 01-28 21:34:38.384: WARN/System.err(12108):org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: expected: /input read: div (position:END_TAG </div>@21:10 in

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Android :: Document Visualization Toolkit Available?

Mar 18, 2010

Is there any document visualization toolkit available for android?

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Android :: Browser Parsing XML (KML) Document

Dec 7, 2009

Is there any way to display raw XML in an Android Browser. My XML file is being stripped of all the XML tags, and I need them for my map application to work correctly.

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Android :: Standard Help Document / Manual?

Mar 22, 2010

I am writing and publishing my apps on android and would like to provide help document (manual) to users of my apps. I've seen apps open up external web pages as their help, or use html view to open local html documents. Are these the ways we are supposed to deliver manual to our users?

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Android :: Open MSWord Document In App?

Sep 15, 2010

I am working on an Android Application where I need to open an MS_Word foramt file.How can this be possible in android? The context is the file should be viewed in the same way as if we view msword document in desktop.

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Android :: Write XML Document To File

Sep 26, 2010

This should be trivial, but for whatever reason I can't find any easy way to do this. Coming from C# where this is a 1 line call, I don't understand why Java makes this so complicated, and on top of that android leaves even that out of its libraries. Anyway all I want to do is write an


that I have populated to a xml file. It should be as easy as opening a stream and writing document.toString(). But that doesn't work. My hope is I'm just missing something.

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Android :: How To Save DOM Document Into Xml File?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm using org.w3c.dom.Document to create a document and I need now to write it into a .XML file. I saw tutorials referring the Java.XML.transform.Transformer package but this one is not available in the Android platform.

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Android :: Apps To Document Trip

Jun 15, 2010

I did a quick search and couldn't find anything similar to this thread. I am taking a four day train trip across the country (The US) in August and I was wondering what apps would be best to document this? My ideal goal would be to have my route tracked, perhaps Google Maps Integration somehow, and also have pictures/text messages from along the way put onto the map wherever they were taken/written. I would like this to be viewable by friends/family online as the trip is happening.If I can't get the route tracked, that's fine, but I would like someway to display the pictures/texts from along the trip.What App or combination of apps would you guys recommend I use to accomplish this?I am familiar with WordPress and have used the Android Wordpress App a bit, but not too in depth. Would I be able to use this? Or is there a better way?Oh, and one more thing, unrelated. I noticed some apps (Google Voice for example) listed "Services that cost you money" as one thing they have access too. What exactly does this mean?

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Android :: Word Document Viewer

Aug 19, 2010

I want to view .doc file in my application.Can any body help me out.

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Android :: Getting Document Position In WebView?

Jul 6, 2009

To put it simple: I want to bookmark the current position (probably several positions) in a html file displayed in a WebView to later restore it.

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