Android :: Recommend A Good Tutorial With Step By Step Examples
Sep 14, 2010Can you please share a good Android tutorial with step by step basic programs.

Can you please share a good Android tutorial with step by step basic programs.
I need to support Android 1.5 (Cupcake) for my application but I don't have any 1.5 device. I currently have a Motorola Droid with 2.0.1 and the T-Mobile G1 (HTC Dream) with 1.6 (Donut).
What I want to do is to downgrade my G1 to the previous official OTA release of Cupcake. I have no experience in rooting an Android device, so I would appreciate if someone could give me a step by step guide on how to accomplish this?
there are a board (8 * 8) and a ImageView (A). for example, i want to move A from (0, 0) to (0, 1) to (1, 1) to (1, 2) step by step. i tried TranslateAnimation. but i failed. 1. it cannot be step by step. it only show the last step. 2. it cannot stay at the last point (1,2). it always translate back.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOK, here is a step by step on how I rooted and flashed my Sprint HTC Hero. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU BRICK YOUR PHONE! Basically to make it easier I'm just going to post the links to the sites where I got the procedures or downloaded the files, it's that simple. Here is the step by step guide I used to root my hero's. Worked flawlessly on both, just follow each step EXACTLY. The copy and paste idea on step 7 is a great idea so you don't get any commands wrong. [GUIDE] How To Root The Sprint CDMA Hero (Windows) - xda-developers After the root process is complete, anytime you want to get back intrecovery mode menu just turn your phone off and press and HOLD the home key as you power it back on.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOkay, I have received several PM's on this but tonight, someone asked me to give a complete step-by-step walkthrough. It's Easter and I figured I could use the good Karma I have removed the name of the user that asked for this even though they didn't care...I just prefer to keep it anonymous and if that person identifies just don't want to do it.I figured this might help someone else so here it is.
View 5 Replies View RelatedCould someone please show me or send me a link to a step by step way to get clockworkmod for my recovery screen. I have tried a few bat files and no luck at all. Is there a long way that someone know of I know how to do that. I rooted and ran a recovery on my hero, but can't figure out how to do it on my epic.
View 26 Replies View RelatedCan anyone send me to the link for the Droid.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHere is a site I found that gives step by step video converting. Tried it last night and all the movies work and are of great quality on my eris. I used any video converter instead of super as they describe. Set video to 480x320 bit rate to 512. All the movies converted to around 530mb. Hope this can help some.
View 11 Replies View RelatedIm new to this whole rooting part of Android, and I was wondering if anyone can give me a step-by-step process/walk-through on how to root it.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just recently purchased a behold 2 from t-mo it came with 1.6 loaded but i can not stand the touchwiz, i know BH_man has a custom rom for 1.6 with no TW but as much as i have looked i cant seem to find a step by step on rooting the phone and then installing the rom. i have rotted my my touch without issue several times but this Sammy phone seems to give me nothing but issues and the root guides i have found were all for the phone before the 1.6 update if anyone out there could help me out by giving me a step by step i would be really grateful. also im not really a noob i am good with computers and phones i just need some clear cut instruction if anyone can help me out please let me know or if there is a guide out there i am missing please post the link...thanks everyone
View 12 Replies View RelatedGot a lot of funky, annoying little things going on, I think it may be time to wipe my DX and start over again. No contact data to worry about, I use MS Exchange Server. Got some purchased apps including Touchdown so I definitely want to preserve those with minimal issues in reloading them without having to purchase them again. I use ADW as my launcher, it would nice to save those settings. Is there a step by step guide or instructions for doing this? I've done this 4 or 5 times over the years with PC's, can't imagine this should be that difficult with the DX.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know that there are threads telling you how to root the Samsung Moment but I dont really understand any of the directions (new to android). I was wondering if there was a video that shows how to root the Samsung Moment step by step. If not can someone PLEASE make one? Also what are ROMs?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a big xml file and i want to use the SaxParser because i've read, that this is faster than DOM and XmlPullParser. But now I want to get some information, before the parser has read the whole xml-file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <gpx...> <wpt lat="50.886021852493286" lon="6.5963780879974365"> <desc value="Friedensstraße 1"/> </wpt> OTHER WAYPOINTS ... ... <trk> <name>HUHU</name> <trkseg> <trkpt lat="50.88498115539551" lon="6.59727931022644"></trkpt> VERY MUCH TRACKPOINTS!!! </trkseg> </trk> <gpx> If all waypoints has been read, i want to work with that data. And can I told the SaxParser, that i want to read the trackpoints step by step (for example the first 20 trackpoints will be returned and then the next 20 points and so on)?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOn Youtube, there is a user named thenewboston who posts videos teaching basic computer programming that are aimed at total beginners like me. His tutorials are really easy to understand, because he goes through the process as if talking to an elementary school kid.nyway, he just started a tutorial series about developing iPhone apps. Maybe it's time someone from the Android camp did the same? Sure, there are many tutorials already available online, but they don't appeal to the common person, and the good video tutorials on Youtube are all more than one hour long. By doing something like this, more people would be attracted to try develop apps for Android.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI upgraded my Eris with the 2.1 leak about 3 weeks ago. Now, I'd like to know how to overclock the Eris. I would appreciate laymen terms, step by step. Everything I Google is always end up regarding the Motorola Droid, even though I include "eris" in my search term.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI fould this online and thought it may come in handy for some people 1. Benefits The CPU drains more power if it is running at a higher frequency. If the processor is running faster, the phone will be faster and more responsive, but the battery may drain more quickly. If the processor is running more slowly, the phone will be less responsive and take longer to complete tasks, but battery life will be increased. With SetCPU, you can set up profiles to manage the CPU speed based on certain conditions.2. Main Tab and Basic Usage To get started with SetCPU, start the app, read the introduction, and pick "autodetect frequencies." If you ever need to access this screen again, press the Menu button in SetCPU's Main tab, then choose Device Selection.If your kernel doesn't support autodetect, you won't see it choose the device that best matches your phone from the list. After you've passed the introduction screen, you may get a request from Superuser Permissions. Depending on your version of Superuser Permissions, either check the box for "remember" and press "allow" or press the "always allow" button. The sliders here allow you to manually control the CPU scaling bounds. The CPU frequency will always be between these two values. By default, the CPU should scale between the max and min frequencies based on need. The sliders also control the "main" profile as explained later. The "scaling" drop-down list is an advanced feature that allows you to control the behavior of the CPU scaling mechanism. See explanations for the different governors in the CPU Scaling Governors section.SetCPU also includes a widget for your home screen. Add SetCPU's widget like you would any other widget: long press on your home screen, select Widgets, and select the SetCPU widget. A screen will pop up so you can configure the widget's appearance. If you would like it to show current CPU speed, set the Active Refresh Interval to something other than "Passive," though a passive refresh interval is recommended to save battery.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am not able to update my htc hero rom(i don't know how to do) please help me how to do step by step.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFollowed following URL Update Samsung Galaxy I7500 to Android 1.6 Donut Firmware In hand "Odin Multi Downloader v3.95" and "i7500_XXJB6.tar" Please guide me step by step i want to upgrade my i7500 firmware b/c it do not have android market.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am a silver surfer but like to think of myself as a techie. LOL. anyway, I have just got a HTC MAGIC phone, with firmware 1.6 installed with UK Vodafone contract. I would very much like to get this rooted to make it faster to run etc etc. as i am getting annoyed with not being able to uninstall the original apps, so now I have 2 SMS apps, what is the point? note please forward me simple instructions.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSuccessfully loaded a KML file into the DDMS Emulator Tab, which shows up as a series of Latitude and Longitude coordinates in the Location Controls window. Is there a way to step through each Placemark, vs. having the entire series play automatically? There are forward and back buttons on the Location Controls window, but no documentation on what they mean. I tried them both, but no Placemark coordinates are highlighted, so I don't know which Placemark is currently the focus.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to step through code in a remote service? What I do now is install the service, then run the app that starts it and use trace output. Is there a way to perhaps automatically start the service upon installation, and have it stop at break points? Or is there another method?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm flabagasted that it has less features than 2.3.3!
For instance independent ring tone and notification volumes in 2.3.3 but not in 4.0.3
In one activity I build a cursor which is used to populate a ListView. I want a secondary activity to be able to step through the cursor entries. What's the best way to do this (bearing in mind cursor lifecycle). I don't care if the the system kills and restarts the secondary activity since in that case the stepping through entries functionality could be temporarily automatically disabled.
View 14 Replies View Relatedi just got my hero, whats the next step for modding and all that?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI missed this on Home++, and I just noticed it an update ago but you can drag an icon to the trash bin, hold it there for 3 seconds and it gives you the option to uninstall.
I don't recall it being mentioned in other ADW threads.
VERY stable with Froyo - not one single FC
I bought a generic tablet. A Boxchip A13@ 1.2Ghz, GPU Mali400,, 512Ram.. etc.
The thing is I flashed it with a compatible rom, but some configurations are wrong.I got wrong button mapping, and aI solved it, but Not the strangest thing happens... it seems the configuration of rotation is allways a step behind.
having 4 possible positons (Portrait, Upside down portrait, Landscape and Upside down landscape),When I put it n the poision of landscape, the screen rotates to upside down portrait. In upside down portrait to upside down landscape, in upside down landsacpe goes to portrait, and in portrait it goes to landscape. It's driving me nuts! haha I temporarily disabled rotation, but It's a nice thing to have enabled.. In conclusion, It seems the configuration somehow maps the position +90 degrees clockwise more than it should. Where is it maped?
My HTC aria shows up when I run adb devices. It even shows the correct serial number. However, I can't find it as a target in eclipse. I am clicking on Run/Run Configurations. It brings up my project and a "target" tab. The emulator is the only thing listed, not my HTC aria.
Is there another step in setup that I have to do?
I am trying to root using the instructions on [TUTORIAL] IDIOT-PROOF Root Guide. Thread. At step 29 the file to download the custom recovery is not working.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering why the Nexus7 doesn't allow you to slow scroll/pan down at single pixel steps. Always seems to be in 2-3 pixel jumps. I got a bad habit of scrolling web pages while reading from iOS but on my N7 I get these kinda annoying start/stop jerks.
Is this related to the virtual pixel resolution being lower than the actual screen resolution? And would changing it allow one to match the virtual pixels to the screen pixels and get smoother slow speed panning?
I just got a Vodafone 858 (Huawei U8160) and tried to connect it to my Google account. Didn't work because every time I entered my password and hit the login button it'd just empty the password field. After a while I tried disabling the 2-step verification and suddenly everything worked. Now I reactivated the 2-step verification and both my S III and U8160 report a login problem and require me to login again (which I assume is normal). The problem is that this puts me right where I started. Happened with the Stock ROM and this ROM. Didn't try any other.
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