Android : Rating Bar Cut Off / How To Get Back?
Jan 29, 2010I have scroll view that hosts linear layout with text view, small rating bar and another text view. The 1/3 of the bottom of the rating bar is cut off and I cannot figure out why.

I have scroll view that hosts linear layout with text view, small rating bar and another text view. The 1/3 of the bottom of the rating bar is cut off and I cannot figure out why.
The inbuilt rating bar is too big for my application . How can i reduce its height & width?
Also the color of the stars should be orange & not green . How can i achieve it ?
Also can i have the rating bar in vertical next to a image on my screen ? if yes how ?
I know Market application has Rating Bar Dialog. Is there any API to create Rating Bar Dialog in Android SDK 1.5 or 1.6.?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make an app widget, and i want to add three things in this widget 1: Text View 2: Button 3: Rating bar I have added first two things successfully but when i have start to add "Rating Bar" in the widget its not adding and showing "Problem loading widget" message where should be widget with three thigs, and in log cat it show error...
View 5 Replies View RelatedI woke up this morning to 2 new 1-star rating on my app, which made it 3 total. There were no comments and no purchase cancellations in the last couple of days, so I said to myself WTF, 2 people actually kept the app and gave it a one star? I thought it might be a competitor. But I just looked again and the 2 new 1-stars have disappeared. What is going on with the market?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a ratingbar in my app, and I would like when I pass the mouse over it, the rating changes How can I do that ? it's possible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt seems like the Market's rating system usings floor() instead of round(), so if you get 1000 FIVE-STAR ratings, and one FOUR-STAR, your app will be 4.5 star. Does this feel kind of silly?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've had a one star rating on a new theme I released and as It's the only rating it looks terrible. I would accept it if they just didn't like the theme but they say it force closes and does not work which after thorough testing, I have never been able to replicate, whats even more annoying is that in the listing we have put our email incase anyone gets problems then they can contact us to get them rectified.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to allow users to enter in a comment and or rating for my app from directly within my app and have that data posted back to the Android Market? If so, what would the code for that look like if I used an EditText view to allow user input? If not, then is my only other option directly linking to my app in the Market (i.e. the user clicks the link in my app, or a button, and the Market app launches with my app page displayed)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI made a beta-version of a game which at the beginning was a testing- version. I solved more and more errors and made it faster and faster. Now I am getting to the point that it isn't a beta-version anymore. I have customers who like my free game and I also have old bad comments that my game was not working. Should I remove my beta-version and upload a completely new application to enhance my rating? (All my last comments were good) Or is there a possibility to remove old ratings?
I think it would be much better if the google-market will not include ratings of old versions into the total rating, because apps and versions change over time! Why doesn't google do this and how can I give this advice to google?
I am currently working on a Mobile App project for Ford company, and I am a newbie in Java Android.
I am just wondering, is there any way to decrease the size of rating bar in Android 2.1?
I want to preserve more spaces for other buttons and edittexts.
I have had a free version of my app available for several months. With the new features I am about to release in the latest version, and with paid apps now possible, I intend to split the app into a free lite/trial version and a paid full version.I am aware that I must create a new app with a new signature for the full version b/c I can't change the current free app to a paid one.I don't mind this, but,is there any way I can transfer the thousands of feedback and ratings I have accumulated so far to the paid version even though it will have a totally new signature?
View 14 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know what it is?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm not familiar with this site; so I don't know what (if any) credentials they have to be making this list. Nonetheless, I was amused that the HTC Incredible came in at 8th place.
View 19 Replies View RelatedHow would you rate HTC smart phones with syncing and viewing your work MS Office Outlook email, calendar, tasks and contacts?
View 23 Replies View RelatedCan any one tell me how to have my name there when rating an app or game.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor those interested, I inquired about the EU SAR Rating of the HTC Desire and today received an official response, which as far as I know isn't available online yet.
SO I open the market (that has a billion apps in it), and I am trying to sort the results by rateing, or popularity or something. Surely there must be some way to filter them.
Am I totally missing something? Also - locale sounds cool - lots of people recommend it, but when I search for that I get like 50 results that all look like they could be the "right" one. what one do I want? it is a paid app right?
I really want to add comments and ratings to a number of applications in the free Market, but I can't see any way to do it. How are you meant to add a comment? Maybe it's because I'm in Denmark, which should get/have gotten access to paid Market apps, but even so does not seem to offer paid apps yet. If that's the case, it's kinda dumb that you can't even comment on the free stuff. So, how are you meant to add a comment? Either I'm doing it wrong, or I'm not able to I'd like to know which is the case.
View 10 Replies View RelatedThis is my first android device and i'm loving it... but one thing that irks me is the use, or lack thereof, of the back button.
As I am navigating menus and options in the Settings, I cannot simply go back one menu using the back key. For example, if I go to Settings->Battery Manager->Battery Profile Options and want to go back to the Settings screen, I cannot.
Pushing the back button does nothing and I can only go back to the Settings menu by going Home, then re-entering.
Another quirk regarding the back button is when reading emails. Using a regular email account such as Hotmail, I cannot simply read an email and go back to the inbox using the button.
It makes navigating the phone very tedious.
Great Android games to try out on your phone! Listed alphabetically in its designated category, each one has the following information: Name, developer, price, and average user rating. Feel free to suggest games, developers and reviews you would like to be added to the list(s) or any corrections you find. Code...
View 36 Replies View RelatedI call WebView.clearHistory(), but I am still able to go back after doing so. I want to reuse a WebView, but I don't want the back button to allow the user to go back further than the current "session" of using the WebView. Anybody know what is the best way to handle this? I thought for sure that clearHistory() would do it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn my android application i have a video list screen,a buffering screen and a videoplayer screen.
As soon as the user clicks an item from videolist screen ,he is navigated to buffering screen and then to videoplayer.
In the buffering screen i am using Async task and doing the loading process in on background process.
Now my issue is like the user if has selested a video then gets navigated to buffering screen.But if the user clicks back when he is in buffering screen then initially he is getting navigated to videolist screen but immediately after that again he is navigated to videoplayer screen.
What i would like to have is either the back button should be made disable in buffering or should prevent the player tostart if back is clicked.
I'm roooted. I downloaded bootstrap and the first thing i did was create a nandroid back up for my x. then i proceeded to try and install tranquility rom. it got stuck in a bootloop. so when i rebooted into recovery it now goes for some reason to the droid stock recovery and i can't revert back to my back up. what do i do?!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm finding that I'm using the back button A LOT whether browsing the web or just navigating the OS. It kind of sucks because the buttons on the droid x are well, really small, and sometimes hard to press because they are so narrow and flimsy feeling. And depending on how you are holding the phone, it could be a good bit of distance for your thumb to travel or I'm finding myself having to reposition the phone in my hands just to reach the back button, which you seem to need very frequently.
Anyone know of any kind of back 'swipe' implementation ? Like some software you can install that makes it if you swipe left to right on maybe the top bar it goes back?
Instead of trying to grab the notification bar and swiping it down, simply start ABOVE the screen and swipe down. Fast or slow makes no difference.
You can swipe it back up, or simply hit the back button.
In the last few days I am having to press the back button twice when using both the stock android browser and the latest version of chrome on my rooted S3.
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know what the red line is on the upper left back side of the evo is for? Is that how you take the back off or a slot of some kind? It looks like its directly below the power switch.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a Hero and I've installed a few apps from my computer (Yes they were paid apps for free, I'm sorry). Except when I tried to install Ashphalt 5 on my phone, it said I didn't have enough memory. Fair enough but Before installation I had 27.70 MB of memory available and after failed installation, I had 13 MB left! It seems like it tried to install as much as it could but gave up and didn't uninstall and now I'm owed 14 MB of memory and I can't seem to uninstall it! I can't see anything suspicious in manage applications and neither when I used a file manager. Please if someone can tell me how to get my 14 MB's back then please reply or E-Mail me (
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnother WebOS convert here. I was a very active member of the community over at P|C, so starting over is kind of a bummer, but I know I can learn a lot from everyone here, and hopefully contribute in a positive manner here.While I do still love the WebOS platform, this EVO is an incredible phone that I just couldn't pass up and being a SP customer, I can get a new phone every year anyway, so why not take the chance? I went to a Hero a few months back, and was not too impressed with the phone, but so far this seems to be a MUCH better experience. Faster, more fun, etc.
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